Figure 6.
WNT6 influences the activation status of WNT, SFK, and STAT pathways in GBM. Phospho-kinase arrays were performed to evaluate the phosphorylation status of cancer-related kinases in U373 (A) and SNB19 (B). Each array includes 2 technical replicates; 2 and 1 biological replicates were used for U373 and SNB19, respectively. Fold changes between phosphorylation levels of proteins in shWNT6 vs. shCtrl cells are shown (mean ± SD). HSP60 was used as reference protein. Similar alterations in the phosphorylation of particular proteins for U373 and SNB19 cells are highlighted in red. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.005; ****, p < 0.0001; two-sided unpaired t-test. (C-D) The phosphorylation status of STAT3, β-catenin, and AKT, and their respective total forms were assessed in U373 (C) and SNB19 (D) shCtrl and shWNT6 cells by WB (images are representative of 3 independent assays; α-tubulin was used as reference protein for normalization; relative expression levels are shown above each band). (E) GSEA analyses identifying signatures of genes significantly associated (ES > 0.3, and FDR < 0.3) with WNT6 in GBM patients from TCGA. ES: enrichment score; FDR: false discovery rate.