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Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare logoLink to Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
. 2018 Sep 27;11:495–510. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S155103

Does the medical literature remain inadequately described despite having reporting guidelines for 21 years? – A systematic review of reviews: an update

Yanling Jin 1,*, Nitika Sanger 2,*, Ieta Shams 3,*, Candice Luo 4,*, Hamnah Shahid 5,*, Guowei Li 1,*, Meha Bhatt 1, Laura Zielinski 6, Bianca Bantoto 7, Mei Wang 1, Luciana PF Abbade 8, Ikunna Nwosu 4, Alvin Leenus 1, Lawrence Mbuagbaw 1, Muhammad Maaz 1, Yaping Chang 1, Guangwen Sun 1, Mitchell AH Levine 1,9, Jonathan D Adachi 1,9, Lehana Thabane 1,9, Zainab Samaan 1,10,
PMCID: PMC6166749  PMID: 30310289



Reporting guidelines (eg, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials [CONSORT] statement) are intended to improve reporting standards and enhance the transparency and reproducibility of research findings. Despite accessibility of such guidelines, researchers are not required to adhere to them. Our goal was to determine the current status of reporting quality in the medical literature and examine whether adherence of reporting guidelines has improved since the inception of reporting guidelines.

Materials and methods

Eight reporting guidelines, such as CONSORT, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE), Quality of Reporting of Meta-analysis (QUOROM), STAndards for Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy (STARD), Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE), Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS), and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) were examined. Our inclusion criteria included reviews published between January 1996 to September 2016 which investigated the adherence to reporting guidelines in the literature that addressed clinical trials, systematic reviews, observational studies, meta-analysis, diagnostic accuracy, economic evaluations, and preclinical animal studies that were in English. All reviews were found on Web of Science, Excerpta Medical Database (EMBASE), MEDLINE, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL).


Among the general searching of 26,819 studies by using the designed searching method, 124 studies were included post screening. We found that 87.9% of the included studies reported suboptimal adherence to reporting guidelines. Factors associated with poor adherence included non-pharmacological interventions, year of publication, and trials concluding with significant results. Improved adherence was associated with better study designs such as allocation concealment, random sequence, large sample sizes, adequately powered studies, multiple authorships, and being published in journals endorsing guidelines.


We conclude that the level of adherence to reporting guidelines remains suboptimal. Endorsement of reporting guidelines by journals is important and recommended.

Keywords: guidelines, adherence, review, CONSORT


Medical science is an evolving and dynamic field of research that impacts health care, disease outcomes, and health care systems in general. The evidence generated from millions of medical publications is meant to inform these dynamic changes and therefore has to be presented in a clear, consistent, and transparent fashion. There are more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature in the PubMed1 database alone. To understand and evaluate the evidence presented in these citations, a harmonized method of reporting the research findings is needed to ensure clarity, consistency, and the uptake and dissemination of knowledge.2 Tremendous efforts have been made to provide guidelines for different types of research designs to assist in the process of transparent and clear reporting, eg, Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research (EQUATOR) Network website.3 However, despite the wide availability of such guidelines since the inception of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT4) statement in 1996, the uptake remains suboptimal in the face of the exponential volume of medical literature leaving the readers confused. For example, some studies show positive harmful results from eating red meat on the risk of having colorectal cancer,5 while others are showing inconsistent effect marked by substantial methodological differences, type of red meat investigated, and the population selection limitations.6 Therefore, the reader is unable to decide whether red meat has an effect on bowel cancer risk. Poor reporting without using well-designed guidelines in primary studies may lead to a bias in the treatment effects found in systematic reviews. In addition, poorly conducted systematic reviews may not be able to detect the bias effect that the studies included. In a previous study, we conducted a scoping review and examined the level of adherence to six reporting guidelines and found the level of adherence to be suboptimal in 86% of the included studies.7

The aim of this review was to conduct a systematic review of reviews to update the state of adherence to guidelines since 2012 and to identify factors associated with improved adherence. Our hypothesis was that the reporting standards have improved since our last examination in 2012 given that a longer period has passed after guideline statements were first introduced for researchers and more journals started to endorse the guidelines. Our search was looking at reviews published between January 1, 1996, and September 30, 2016.

Materials and methods

This systematic review was performed and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.8 A protocol for a series of three reviews including the current systematic review has been peer reviewed and published elsewhere.9

Study inclusion and exclusion criteria

Systematic reviews which investigated the adherence to commonly used reporting guidelines in medical literature that addressed clinical trials, systematic reviews, observational studies, meta-analysis, diagnostic accuracy, economic evaluations, and preclinical animal studies that have been reported in English were selected. Eight guidelines included in this review were as follows: CONSORT,4 PRISMA,8 STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE),10 Quality of Reporting of Meta-analysis (QUO-ROM),11 STAndards for Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy (STARD),12 Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE),13 Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS),14 and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE).15

The exclusion criteria included studies that 1) were not systematic reviews; 2) did not explore adherence to the aforementioned reporting guidelines; 3) did not provide data on guideline adherence; 4) were subsets of the included studies; 5) published abstracts, letters, editorials, or commentaries; and 6) reviews in languages other than English for feasibility and resource purposes.

Search strategy

The search strategy was based on the previously published review7 and was updated for this systematic review. We searched four databases (Excerpta Medical Database [EMBASE], MEDLINE, Cumulative Index to Nursing, and Allied Health Literature [CINAHL], and Web of Science) from 1996 (CONSORT inception – first created guideline among all eight included guidelines) to September 30, 2016.

We used the following search terms for each of the four databases: (Systematic reviews OR reviews OR quality of reporting OR completeness of reporting) AND (CONSORT OR STROBE OR QUOROM OR PRISMA OR MOOSE OR STARD OR ARRIVE OR CHEERS) OR adherence. Detailed search terms have been reported in the published protocol.9 All stages of search, inclusion, exclusion, and data abstraction were performed independently in duplicate, and agreement was reached through team discussion and consensus.

Outcome measures

The primary outcome was the level of adherence to reporting guidelines and their checklists as reported in the systematic reviews. The secondary outcome included the factors that were associated with improved adherence to guidelines.

Data extraction

A specific data abstraction form was designed to include the following data: 1) general characteristics of the included studies (first author, publication year, country, journal, study field, search time frame, data sources, numbers of included primary studies, and study design), 2) main findings from the included studies, 3) authors’ summaries and conclusions, and 4) factors reported to be related to improved guideline reporting adherence. Each assessment of the systematic reviews was conducted in duplicate. Calibration was performed on the data extraction form. If the pair of evaluators was unable to come to a conclusion, a third-party reviewer would have settled the dispute.

Quality evaluation

We used the modified Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews/Overview of Quality Assessment Questionnaire (Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews [AMSTAR]/Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire [OQAQ]), a 10-item scale,7 to assess the quality of the systematic reviews included in this review. We assigned a number out of a maximum of 20 points for each included study. The higher the number assigned, the better the quality of the systematic review.

Data synthesis

We provided a qualitative summary and characteristics of the included studies. We summarized the factors associated with adherence based on the included study results; no quantitative analysis was possible in this review. We also reported the percentage of studies in which the level of adherence to reporting each guideline was suboptimal. This was calculated by dividing the number of studies with this finding by the total number of studies evaluating the guideline.


Our search resulted in a total of 9,123 publications, of which 124 systematic reviews that included 26,819 primary studies were included in this systematic review of reviews. Figure 1 shows the PRISMA flowchart for the included studies.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

PRISMA flow diagram.

Abbreviation: PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.

The characteristics of the included studies are described in Table 1. The majority of the studies (65% of the total 124 included studies) investigated the adherence to the CONSORT statement as expected since it is the first and oldest guideline. The second most commonly investigated guideline is the PRISMA with 19 studies (15%; Table 1).

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies

Study Year Journal Country Statement assessed Number of studies
Adie28 2013 Annals of Surgery Australia CONSORT 150
Adie et al29 2015 Annals of Surgery Australia PRISMA 150
Agha et al30 2015 Annals of Plastic Surgery UK STROBE 94
Agha et al31 2016 International Journal of Surgery UK CONSORT PRISMA STROBE 193
Aguiar et al32 2014 Annals of Pharmacotherapy Brazil PRISMA 7
Aguiar et al33 2016 Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics Brazil CHEERS 8
Al Faleh and Al-Omran34 2009 BMC Pediatrics Saudi Arabia QUOROM 61
Al-Namankany et al35 2009 International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry UK CONSORT 173
Alvarez et al36 2009 British Journal of Dermatology France CONSORT 98
Anttila et al37 2006 Pediatrics Finland CONSORT 15
Areia et al38 2010 Endoscopy Portugal CONSORT 120
Augestad et al39 2012 Journal of the American Medical informatics Association Norway CONSORT 32
Balasubramanian et al40 2006 Annals of Surgery UK CONSORT 69
Bath and Bath41 2000 Stroke UK CONSORT 114
Bereza et al42 2008 Annals of Pharmacotherapy Canada QUOROM 16
Bian et al43 2006 Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine People’s Republic of China CONSORT 66
Biondi-Zoccai et al44 2006 BMJ Italy QUOROM 10
Borg Debano et al45 2012 BMC Anesthesiology Canada CONSORT 23
Bousquet et al46 2011 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology France CONSORT 94
Bramhall et al47 2015 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases UK ARRIVE 58
Cairo et al48 2012 Journal of Clinical Periodontology Spain CONSORT 276
Capili et al49 2010 Clinical Journal of Pain USA CONSORT 10
Cavadas et al50 2011 International Urogyn J Portugal CONSORT 41
Choi et al51 2014 Trials South Korea CONSORT 29
Chowers et al52 2009 Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Israel CONSORT 49
Cook et al53 2011 Medical Education USA STROBE 130
Daitch et al54 2016 Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Israel CONSORT 51
Dasi et al55 2012 Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Spain CONSORT 40
Delaney et al56 2010 Transfusion USA STROBE, CONSORT 47
DeMauro et al57 2011 Pediatrics USA CONSORT 179
de Vries and van Roon58 2010 Archives of Diseases in Childhood The Netherlands CONSORT 107
Dias et al59 2006 Human Reproduction UK CONSORT 164
Ethgen et al60 2009 BMC Medical Research Methodology France CONSORT 132
Eyawo et al61 2008 Trials Canada CONSORT 47
Fan et al62 2014 PLoS One China CONSORT 21
Farrokhyar et al63 2007 Canadian Journal of Surgery Canada CONSORT 50
Fidalgo et al64 2015 Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics UK STARD 58
Fleming et al65 2013 Angle Orthodontist UK PRISMA 109
Fontela et al66 2009 PLoS One Canada STARD 90
Freeman et al67 2009 European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology UK STARD 27
Froud et al68 2012 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology UK CONSORT 23
Fung et al69 2009 Ophthalmology USA CONSORT, STROBE 36
Gagnier et al70 2006 American Journal of Medicine Canada CONSORT 206
Gao et al71 2015 Trials China CONSORT 98
Gianola et al72 2013 Physical Therapy Italy PRISMA 88
Gohari et al73 2016 Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders Iran CONSORT 185
Gulin et al74 2015 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Argentina ARRIVE 83
Halpern et al75 2004 International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia Canada CONSORT 99
Hemels et al76 2004 Current Medical Research and Opinion France QUOROM 32
Herdan et al77 2011 Gynecological Surgery Germany CONSORT 37
Huang et al78 2015 Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy China CONSORT 40
Hui et al79 2012 Support Care Cancer USA CONSORT 44
Junhua et al80 2007 The Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine China QUOROM 107
Karpouzis and Bonello81 2016 Chiropractic and Manual Therapies Australia CONSORT 35
Kiehna et al82 2010 Journal of Neurosurgery USA CONSORT 27
Kim et al83 2014 BMJ Open South Korea CONSORT 146
Kober et al84 2006 Journal of the National Cancer Institute Australia CONSORT 142
Ladd et al85 2010 Addictive Behaviors USA CONSORT 127
Lee et al86 2013 Trauma Acute Care Surgery UK CONSORT 83
Lee et al87 2016 JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery UK PRISMA 79
Li et al88 2011 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine USA CONSORT 42
Li et al89 2014 Systematic Reviews China PRISMA 487
Li et al90 2014 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine China CONSORT 6994
Liu et al91 2015 PLoS One China PRISMA 72
Liu et al92 2013 Transplant International UK CONSORT 290
Liu et al93 2015 Journal of Evidence-based Medicine China CONSORT 76
Liu et al94 2014 PLoS One China PRISMA 476
Liu et al95 2016 PLoS One China ARRIVE 396
Lu et al96 2015 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation USA CONSORT 105
Lu et al97 2011 Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy China CONSORT 46
Ma et al98 2011 PLoS One China PRISMA 369
Ma et al99 2012 The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine China PRISMA 88
Marshman and Farid100 2010 Community Dental Health UK CONSORT 48
McCormick et al101 2013 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery USA CONSORT 54
Miller et al102 2009 Academic Radiology Canada STARD 18
Moberg-Mogren and Nelson103 2006 American Journal of Occupational Therapy USA CONSORT 14
Moher et al104 2002 BMC Pediatrics Canada CONSORT 251
Montané et al105 2010 BMC Clinical Pharmacology Spain CONSORT 92
Montgomery et al106 2011 Trials UK CONSORT 76
Nicolau et al107 2013 The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Canada PRISMA 137
Norton-Mabus and Nelson108 2008 OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health USA CONSORT 30
Ntala et al109 2013 Primary Care Respiratory Journal Greece CONSORT 35
Panic et al110 2013 PLoS One Italy PRISMA 90
Parsons et al111 2011 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, British Volume UK CONSORT STROBE 100
Patel et al112 2014 Psychological Medicine UK CONSORT 31
Piggott et al113 2004 Palliative Medicine UK CONSORT 93
Péron et al114 2012 Journal of the National Cancer Institute France CONSORT 357
Peters et al115 2015 PLoS One The Netherlands PRISMA 80
Plint et al116 2006 Medical Journal of Australia Canada CONSORT 8
Prady et al117 2008 PLoS One UK CONSORT 90
Pratoomsoot et al118 2015 PLoS One Thailand CONSORT 71
Rao et al119 2016 PLoS One UK STROBE 37
Rice et al120 2016 Journal of Psychosomatic Research Canada PRISMA 21
Rios et al121 2008 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism Canada CONSORT 89
Rikos et al122 2016 Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Greece CONSORT 102
Schwarz et al123 2012 Journal of Clinical Periodontology Germany ARRIVE 75
Scott et al124 2012 The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal Switzerland CONSORT 70
Shawyer et al125 2015 Journal of Pediatric Surgery Canada STROBE 48
Shea et al126 2006 BMC Medical Research Methodology Canada QUOROM 53
Shea et al127 2006 The Journal of Rheumatology The Netherlands QUOROM 57
Stevely et al128 2015 PLoS One UK CONSORT 68
Strech et al129 2011 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Germany CONSORT 105
Tan et al130 2014 International Journal of Surgery UK PRISMA 37
Thabane et al131 2007 International Journal of Obesity Canada CONSORT 63
Tunis et al132 2013 Radiology Canada PRISMA 130
Turner et al133 2012 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Canada CONSORT 45
Vigna-Taglianti et al134 2006 Annals of Oncology Italy QUOROM 80
Walleser et al135 2011 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Switzerland CONSORT 106
Wang et al136 2007 Clinical Therapeutics China CONSORT 7422
Wang et al137 2013 PLoS One China CONSORT 27
Wangge et al138 2010 PLoS One The Netherlands CONSORT 232
Weingärtner et al139 2016 Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology Germany CONSORT 117
Weir et al140 2012 International Journal of Medical Informatics USA PRISMA QUOROM 13
Wen et al141 2008 Journal of Clinical Epidemiology China QUOROM 161
Willis and Quigley142 2011 BMC Medical Research Methodology UK PRISMA 236
Yao et al143 2014 Eye UK CONSORT 65
Zafar et al144 2008 Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Pakistan STARD 76
Zhang145 2015 BMJ Open China MOOSE 607
Zhao et al146 2016 Medicine China CONSORT 68
Zheng et al147 2016 Open Heart UK CONSORT 33
Zhong et al148 2011 European Journal of Integrated Medicine China CONSORT 153
Zintzaras et al149 2010 Clinical Therapeutics Greece CONSORT 18
Zintzaras et al150 2012 BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Greece STARD 103
Ziogas and Zintzaras151 2009 Annals of Epidemiology Greece CONSORT 261

Abbreviations: ARRIVE, Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments; BMC, BioMed central; BMJ, British Medical Journal; CHEERS, Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards; CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; International Urogyn J, International Urogynecology Journal; JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association; MOOSE, Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology; OTJR, Occupational Therapy Journal of Research; PLoS, Public Library of Science; PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses; QUOROM, Quality of Reporting of Meta-analysis; STARD, Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy; STROBE, Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology.

The majority of studies used the guideline checklist to evaluate the level of adherence and generated a mean score as summarized in Table S1. Table S1 summarizes the studies’ findings by guideline with authors’ conclusions for each study. Most studies described the adherence to the different guidelines using the following qualitative descriptors:

deficient, not adequately reported, generally poor, suboptimal, poor, medium, low, poor to moderate, lack of CONSORT adherence, bad, far from satisfactory, lack of standard reporting, improvement over the years has been minor, weak, quality of the articles varied substantially, insufficient, missed reporting some important factors, deficiencies in reporting, inconsistent, needs to be improved, inadequate, there is a need for improvement in quality of reporting, overall adherence is low.

A summary of the quantitative assessment of adherence to guidelines is presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Summary of the included studies’ conclusions

Type of guideline Total number of studies Studies reporting inadequate adherencea
CONSORT 81 (three combined studies with both CONSORT and STROBE; one combined study with STROBE, CONSORT, and PRISMA) 71 (88%)
PRISMA 19 (one combined study with both PRISMA and QUOROM; one combined study with STROBE, CONSORT, and PRISMA) 16 (84%)
STROBE 8 (three combined studies with both CONSORT and STROBE; one combined study with STROBE, CONSORT, and PRISMA) 7 (88%)
QUOROM 10 (one combined study with both PRISMA and QUOROM) 5 (50%)
STARD 6 5 (83%)
ARRIVE 4 4 (100%)
CHEERS 1 1 (100%)
MOOSE 1 1 (100%)
All guidelines 124 (distinct studies) 109 (87.9%)



The number of studies concluding that “some improvements are needed, reporting inadequate, poor, medium, suboptimal, etc.”

Abbreviations: ARRIVE, Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments; CHEERS, Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards; CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; MOOSE, Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology; PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; QUOROM, Quality of Reporting of Meta-analysis; STARD, Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy; STROBE, Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology.

The level of adherence to all included reporting guidelines was 87.9% of all guidelines combined showing a need for improvement in reporting. Factors associated with poor adherence to CONSORT guideline included trials with significantly positive results, trials with the categorical outcome, trials conducted in North America compared to Europe, and trials funded by nonindustry source. A summary of factors associated with adherence standards is summarized in Table 3. Several factors were associated with better reporting standards relating to authors, study design, outcome specifications, year of publication (recent years of publications are associated with better reporting standards), journal, funding source, and study/author country.

Table 3.

Factors associated with reporting quality of articles using the CONSORT guideline

Study Year Sample size Factors associated with adherence (↑↓)
Adie23 2013 150 Outcome specification (↑)a
At least one author with a degree in epidemiology (↑)a
Length of article in words (↑)a
Allocation concealment (↑)a
Random sequence (↑)a
Power calculation (↑)
Agha et al31 2016 193 Greater details on study design (↑)
Detailed outcome definitions and measurements (↑)
Indication of how quantitative variables were handled during analyses (↑)
Discussion of limits and potential sources of bias (↑)
Al-Namankany et al35 2009 173 Year of publication (↑)
Alvarez et al36 2006 98 Pharmaceutical industry funding (↑)a
Year of publication (↑)a
Sample size (↑)a
Areia et al38 2010 120 Publication in CONSORT-endorsing journals (↑)
Year of publication (↑)
Balasubramanian et al40 2006 69 Number of authors (↑)a
Multicenter studies (↑)a
Declared funding sources (↑)a
Reporting in medical journals (↑)a
Bath and Bath41 2000 114 Trial quality (↑)a
Trials with positive outcome (↓)a
Year of publication (↑)a
Borg Debano et al45 2012 23 Impact factor (↑)
Funding reported (↑)
Journal adopted CONSORT statement at the time of data collection (↑)
Sample size (↑)
Cairo et al48 2012 64 Year of publication (↑)a
Statistically significant clinical outcomes – positive study results (↓)a
Capili et al49 2010 10 Journal requiring the use of CONSORT (↑)
Chowers et al52 2009 49 Industry-sponsored trials (industry-sponsored vs. nonindustry-sponsored trial) (↑)
Year of publication (↑)a
de Vries and van Roon58 2010 107 Sponsoring (↑)
DeMauro et al57 2011 179 Time trend (↑)a
Journal type – general medical journals vs. pediatric journals (↑)a
Ethgen et al60 2009 132 Impact factor (↑)a
Publication in CONSORT-endorsing journals (↑)a
Farrokhyar et al63 2007 50 Sample size (↑)a
Year of publication (↑)a
Location of the study (↑)a
Source of funding (↓)
Type of primary outcome in the study (categorical) (↓)
Gao et al71 2015 98 Supported by funding (↑)a
Herdan et al77 2011 37 Year of publication (↑)a
Karpouzis and Bonello81 2016 35 Year of publication (↑)a
Larger sample size (↑)a
Kiehna et al82 2010 27 Publication in CONSORT-endorsing journals (↑)a
Kim et al83 2014 146 Year of publication (↑)a
Ladd et al85 2010 127 Year of publication (↑)a
Lee et al86 2013 83 Higher impact factor of journal (↑)a
Journals requiring submission of CONSORT checklist (↑)a
Liu et al92 2013 290 Reporting of funding (↑)
Journal endorses CONSORT (↑)a
Good-quality RCTs (high Jadad scores) (↑)a
Allocation concealment (↑)a
Data analysis by randomized group (↑)a
Sample size>100 (↑)a
Liu et al93 2015 76 Journal adopting CONSORT guidelines (↑)a
Later publication year (↑)a
Lu et al96 2015 105 Year of publication (1976–2001, 2002–2010, 2011–2013) (↑)a
McCormick et al101 2013 54 High Jadad score (↑)a
Moberg-Mogren and Nelson103 2006 14 Year of publication (↑)a
Montané et al105 2010 92 Impact factor (↑)a
Year of publication (↑)a
Montgomery et al106 2011 76 Year of publication (↑)a
Ntala et al109 2013 35 Impact factor (↑)
Country with high income (↑)a
Péron et al114 2012 357 Trials with positive results (↓)
Year of publication (↑)a
Impact factor (↑)a
Geographic region – North American compared to European trials (↓)a
Sample size (↑)
Plint et al116 2006 8 Overall consort items (↑)
Reporting method of sequence generation (↑)a
Allocation concealment (↑)a
Prady et al117 2008 90 Standardized page length (↑)
Year of publication (↑)a
Pratoomsoot et al118 2015 71 Country of publication (ASEANb vs. plus six) (↑ for some factors for ASEAN; ↑ for some factors for plus six)
Rikos et al122 2016 102 After the publication of CONSORT (↑)
Impact factor (↑)a
Year of publication (↑)a
Rios et al121 2008 89 Sample size (↑)a
Industrial funding (↑)a
Journal of publication (publication in JCEM) (↑)a
Scott et al124 2012 70 Trial registration (↑)
Year of publication (↑)
Trial size (↑)
Thabane et al131 2007 63 Type of intervention (pharmacological intervention vs. non-pharmacological intervention) (↑)a
Sample sizes (↑)a
Year of publication (↑)a
Turner et al133 2012 45 Time trend (↑)a
Yao et al143 2014 65 Number of authors (↑)
Impact factor (↑)
Zhao et al146 2016 68 Year of publication (↑)
Reporting of funding (↑)
Reporting of informed consent form (↑)
Reporting of ethical approval (↑)
Zheng et al147 2016 33 Number of authors (↑)a
Number of patients (↑)a
Impact factor (↑)a
Time trend (↑)a
Number of participants (↑)
Treatment duration (↑)
Reporting of funding (↑)
Zhong et al148 2011 153 Non-Chinese reports (compared to those published in mainland China) (↑)a
Publication in CONSORT-endorsing journals (↑)a
Ziogas and Zintzaras151 2009 261 Year of publication (↑)a
Impact factor (↑)a



Statistically significant increase/decrease, p≤0.05; (↑), positively associated with adherence; (↓), negatively associated with adherence. The number of studies concluding that “some improvements are needed, reporting inadequate, poor, medium, suboptimal, etc”.


Association of Southeast Asian nations, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plus six groups, which composed of the members of the ASEAN plus Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea.

Abbreviations: CONSORT, Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; JCEM, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism; RCT, randomized control trial.

Factors associated with improved adherence to reporting guidelines

Author factors

The included studies reported that the expertise of the author team, for example, an epidemiologist, improved the quality of reporting the study. In addition, having multiple authors also improved reporting quality.

Study factors

Study design with detailed methods including allocation concealment, randomization, specific outcome measures, sample size and power calculations, acknowledgment of limitations and sources of bias, larger sample size, registration of clinical trials, pharmacological interventions, and detailed statistical analysis plan were associated with better reporting and adherence to reporting guidelines. Year of publication was also associated with adherence in which the more recently published articles had increased adherence.

Journal factor

Publications in journals endorsing reporting guidelines have better adherence to these guidelines than articles published in journals that do not endorse such guidelines. In addition, journals’ impact factor, medical journals, and journals with restriction on the number of words per article also had articles with better reporting standards. Publication in a general medical journal was associated with better reporting quality than a specialty journal.

Ethics and funding factors

Articles that reported ethical approval, participants’ consent, and the source of funding were associated with improved adherence to reporting guidelines.

Country of study factors

Geographic location of the study has an impact on the quality of reporting and adherence to reporting guidelines, for example, studies reported from Europe had better reporting standards compared to studies from North America. Studies reported from China had lower adherence to guidelines than elsewhere indicating geographical variations may directly or indirectly impact the level of adherence to reporting guidelines in the medical literature.

Quality assessment of included studies

For each included systematic review, we performed a quality assessment using the modified AMSTAR/OQAQ score. Table 4 provides the total score out of 20 for each study. The scores varied from 9 to 20. The average score for all the included studies is 16.14. The lowest scores were related to items 5 and 6 of the quality assessment related to the availability of the primary studies’ characteristics similar to a previously reported study.7 Items 5 and 6 were evaluated if there was information on included and excluded studies provided and if the characteristics of included studies provided, respectively.

Table 4.

Reporting quality of the 124 included systematic reviews, assessed by the modified AMSTAR/OQAQ (10 items, score out of 20)

Study Global score
Adie28 17
Adie et al29 18
Agha et al30 15
Agha et al31 14
Aguiar et al32 14
Aguiar et al33 19
Al Faleh and Al-Omran34 16
Al-Namankany et al35 15
Alvarez et al36 10
Anttila et al37 15
Areia et al38 18
Augestad et al39 20
Balasubramanian et al40 16
Bath and Bath41 16
Bereza et al42 20
Bian et al43 15
Biondi-Zoccai et al44 15
Borg Debano et al45 9
Bousquet et al46 18
Bramhall et al47 10
Cairo et al48 19
Capili et al49 15
Cavadas et al50 17
Choi et al51 17
Chowers et al52 12
Cook et al53 18
Daitch et al54 17
Dasi et al55 19
Delaney et al56 14
DeMauro et al57 17
de Vries and van Roon58 18
Dias et al59 17
Ethgen et al60 13
Eyawo et al61 18
Fan et al62 18
Farrokhyar et al63 19
Fidalgo et al64 18
Fleming et al65 15
Fontela et al66 17
Freeman et al67 11
Froud et al68 16
Fung et al69 17
Gagnier et al70 16
Gao et al71 13
Gianola et al72 12
Gohari et al73 15
Gulin et al74 14
Halpern et al75 14
Hemels et al76 19
Herdan et al77 15
Huang et al78 12
Hui et al79 18
Junhua et al80 13
Karpouzis and Bonello81 16
Kiehna et al82 16
Kim et al83 16
Kober et al84 17
Ladd et al85 19
Lee et al86 16
Lee et al87 17
Li et al88 18
Li et al89 15
Li et al90 14
Liu et al91 19
Liu et al92 16
Liu et al93 14
Liu et al94 17
Liu et al95 19
Lu et al96 18
Lu et al97 18
Ma et al98 19
Ma et al99 16
Marshman and Farid100 14
McCormick et al101 16
Miller et al102 17
Moberg-Mogren and Nelson103 16
Moher et al104 14
Montané et al105 15
Montgomery et al106 17
Nicolau et al107 16
Norton-Mabus and Nelson108 10
Ntala et al109 18
Panic et al110 11
Parsons et al111 17
Patel et al112 13
Piggott et al113 14
Péron et al114 15
Peters et al115 17
Plint et al116 18
Prady et al117 19
Pratoomsoot et al118 15
Rao et al119 18
Rice et al120 19
Rios et al121 20
Rikos et al122 17
Schwarz et al123 10
Scott et al124 16
Shawyer et al125 15
Shea et al126 13
Shea et al127 19
Stevely et al128 18
Strech et al129 18
Tan et al130 14
Thabane et al131 19
Tunis et al132 18
Turner et al133 20
Vigna-Taglianti et al134 15
Walleser et al135 19
Wang et al136 15
Wang et al137 17
Wangge et al138 12
Weingärtner et al139 17
Weir et al140 20
Wen et al141 18
Willis and Quigley142 20
Yao et al143 16
Zafar et al144 16
Zhang145 18
Zhao et al146 17
Zheng et al147 18
Zhong et al148 17
Zintzaras et al149 18
Zintzaras et al150 14
Ziogas and Zintzaras151 15

Abbreviations: AMSTAR, Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews; OQAQ, Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire.


The medical literature is paramount to the progression of the understanding of health and disease and the establishment of priorities and recommendations for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and measurement of outcomes. To implement research findings, transparent and consistent reporting standards are needed to help make informed decisions. Such standards have been set by the CONSORT working group and others for the past 2 decades with the aim of improving the reporting standards in biomedical research. It is expected that the introduction of new change to the current practice will take time to adopt and disseminate. However, the uptake of the widely available guidelines has been less than ideal. We define suboptimal and less than ideal as <100%. The whole idea of a systematic review is to have completely transparent methods reported, so everyone can follow and reproduce the results. Inherently, systematic reviews are meant to be a more rigorous study design. This allows them to produce meaningful results than individual studies. Thus, when reviews fail to adhere to reporting guidelines, it calls into question the consistency of their results. Given the weight that systematic reviews have in the scientific community, it is imperative that we hold reviews to a high standard.

Five years ago, we investigated the level of adherence to reporting standards in the medical literature, and we identified 86% of the systematic reviews conducted on the level of adherence to reporting guidelines of the medical literature to be less than ideal.7 Since our previous scoping review, many new revisions and updates to reporting guidelines have been introduced. Currently, there are 358 reporting guidelines on the EQUATOR Network website16 for many study types that are freely available. However, endorsement of reporting guidelines by journals still remains low.

Among all the factors that can improve the reporting quality, such as author factors, study factors, journal factors, ethics and funding factors, and country of study factors, author factors as well as their limitations have been studied in other researches. The author factors were the number of the authors of the publication and the level of expertise in the different research methods. Multiple authorships were shown to be an important determinant of the impact of the research being produced and its likelihood of being cited.17 The complexity and cost of medical research today requires multiple levels of expertise in various disciplines as well as accountability and oversight by study team members, institutions, and funding bodies. It is known that the number of authors per article has increased over the past few decades18,19 with a concern posed to question the roles of multiple authors and the most senior academics holding senior authorship at the expense of others in the team.20 Other studies have reported that the research produced by teams rather than single authors was impactful and more frequently cited, at least in certain fields.21 It is likely that multiple authorships arising from collaborative efforts have advantages of producing good quality impactful research; however, multiple authorships also have limitations and may not be feasible at every setting due to geographical limitations or strict timeline to follow as bringing more authors is time-consuming.22 In this review, we found that having multiple authorships is important to have publications with better adherence to reporting guidelines. However, the role of each author and the hierarchy of authorship should be clarified for successful collaborations and research impact as discussed earlier.

Study factors that improved adherence to reporting guidelines included well-designed, detailed study methods and adequately powered studies. Study results could be altered regarding trial designs, qualities, and methods.23 Therefore, guidelines such as CONSORT statement that is designed for randomized control trials (RCTs), STROBE guideline for observational studies, and PRISMA guideline for systematic reviews were invented accordingly based on different study designs. RCTs are also considered as the highest level of primary evidence in the clinical practice, and therefore it is vital that these trials are reported according to the expected standards.24

Other factors reported that might improve the level of adherence to reporting guidelines included journals endorsing these guidelines. The Internal Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJEs) recognized the importance of reporting guidelines in ensuring study details that are described adequately to be evaluated appropriately and encouraged journals to request these reporting standards from authors.25 The EQUATOR Network has valuable resources and tool kits to assist authors and journal editors to adopt the reporting guidelines and provide case studies of journals endorsing the guidelines. Since journals that endorsed reporting guidelines often ask authors to submit a completed checklist regarding the guidelines, it improves the quality of reporting for those journals endorsing these guidelines. Yet, not all journals currently endorse the guidelines. According to the CONSORT website, there are 585 journals that endorse CONSORT,26 while there are about 30,000 journals indexed in PubMed.27 While not all of these indexed journals publish RCTs, many of them do publish them, but do not adhere to CONSORT guidelines.27

The EQUATOR Network also has tool kits for ethics boards and study sponsors to ensure that the reporting guidelines are considered when these agencies review research submissions for ethical approval or funding requests. It is therefore important that all stakeholders take part in the use and dissemination of the reporting guidelines to enhance the quality of medical research and biomedical literature.


The included studies are limited to only eight of the reporting guidelines, and therefore the current study lacks the generalizability to other guidelines that may have a better adherence standard. In addition, there was no comparison between studies to ensure that they are using qualitative descriptors such as “inadequate” or “suboptimal” with the same operational definition. The studies do not provide sufficient information regarding the operationalization of qualitative descriptors to allow us to adequately compare descriptors across studies.

In addition, the study was limited to systematic reviews that present with its own set of limitations. The most notable limitation is the low mean score on the quality assessment since each systematic review follows different reporting guidelines or does not follow guidelines at all and the lack of detailed data on the included studies’ characteristics. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis was not conducted, as not all included studies provided relevant data. Strict inclusion criteria may have allowed a quantitative analysis. However, for the sake of a more representative sample, such criteria were not implemented.

The inclusion of studies in English only is also a limitation to a selected section of the medical literature and did not include other reporting guidelines that may be in use in other languages.

Despite the limited scope of inclusion criteria and quality limitation of the included studies, this review provides an insight into the limited uptake of reporting guidelines and calls for exploring barriers to such uptake. Future studies may include broad surveys of authors, journal editors, funding agencies, ethics boards, and readers to solicit opinions and understanding of the role of reporting guidelines in the medical research and literature.


Current adherence to reporting guidelines in the medical literature is suboptimal. However, there are factors associated with better reporting upon which we can develop strategies for better reporting. Reporting guidelines are an imperative tool in the endeavor to improve the consistency of reporting in the medical literature. However, the suboptimal uptake and correct usage of reporting guidelines demonstrate the need for further emphasis in the scientific community to encourage the use of reporting guidelines. The responsibility for improving the transparency, quality, and reproducibility of medical literature lies with all stakeholders from the research participants to regulatory authorities and everyone in between including authors, readers, educators, funders, academic and health care institutions, editors, peer reviewers, and guideline developers. Future studies may include broad surveys of authors, journal editors, funding agencies, ethics boards, and readers to solicit opinions and understanding of the role of reporting guidelines in the medical research and literature.

Data sharing statement

Unpublished study data are available upon request.


Author contributions

Contributed to the conception and design of the study, development of data extraction forms, search strategy, analysis of results, manuscript writing, and final review of the manuscript: YJ, NS, IS, CL, HS, and GL. Contributed to the methodological design, critical revision, and final review of the manuscript: MB, LZ, BB, MW, LPFA, IN, AL, LM, MM, YC, GS, MAHL, JDA, and LT. Substantially contributed to the conception and design of the study, critical revision, and final approval of the manuscript: ZS. All the authors read and approved the final manuscript. All the authors consented and approved the manuscript for publication. All authors contributed toward data analysis, drafting and revising the paper and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.


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