Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-25306-x, published online 03 May 2018
The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete.
“We thank Prof. N.D. Paria, University of Calcutta (CU) for help in plant identification. We thank Dr. Hans-Martin Fischer (ETH, Zurich) for the pRJPaph-LacZYA plasmid. We also thank Dr. Senjuti Sinha-Roy (NIPGR, India), Dr. Geetanjali Sundaram (CU), Dr. Krishna Ray (WB State University), Dr. Sourabh Ghosh (ISI, India) and Dr. Soumen Manna (SINP, India) for insightful discussions and Monica Ghosh for assisting in microbe labeling. We thank Jini Shirlaw-Seal for editing the manuscript. We acknowledge Prof. I.B. Chatterjee, Dr. Maitrayee DasGupta and DBT-IPLS, CU for infrastructural help. Lastly, we acknowledge DBT, Govt. of India, project No. BT/PR15410/BCE/08/861/2011 for funding. The ICPOES work was carried out at SINP-DAE, Govt. of India 12 five-year plan project Trace, Ultratrace Analysis, and Isotope production.”
should read:
“We thank Prof. N.D. Paria, University of Calcutta (CU) for help in plant identification. We thank Dr. Hans-Martin Fischer (ETH, Zurich) for the pRJPaph-LacZYA plasmid. We also thank Dr. Senjuti Sinha-Roy (NIPGR, India), Dr. Geetanjali Sundaram (CU), Dr. Krishna Ray (WB State University), Dr. Sourabh Ghosh (ISI, India) and Dr. Soumen Manna (SINP, India) for insightful discussions and Monica Ghosh for assisting in microbe labeling. We thank Jini Shirlaw-Seal for editing the manuscript. We acknowledge Prof. I.B. Chatterjee, Dr. Maitrayee DasGupta and DBT-IPLS, CU for infrastructural help. We acknowledge DBT, Govt. of India, project No. BT/PR15410/BCE/08/861/2011 and UGC-UPE II grant of CU for funding. The ICPOES work was funded by Govt. of India 12 five-year plan project Trace, Ultratrace Analysis, and Isotope production, SINP-DAE.”