Figure 4. | Temperature-induced HDX changes.
(a-b) Changes in deuterium incorporation induced by pre-pulses at nearly the T50-SEC of EAAT1CO (50°C) (a), and EAAT1COCO (40°C) (b), respectively, measured after 1 hr at 20°C. The changes are mapped into the structure of the EAAT1CRYST (PDB 5LLM) trimer viewed from the extracellular medium (upper panel), as well as the scaffold (ScaD) and the transport (TranD) domains viewed from the membrane (lower panel), respectively. These domains are depicted separately for clarity of display, and black lines indicate the approximate position of some peptides in the structure, and the substrate (Asp). In the trimeric depiction, arrows point to the interface between protomers. The color code representing the change in deuterium incorporation is depicted in a scale bar (a). Positive values represent increase in deuterium uptake at 50°C (EAAT1CO) and 40°C (EAAT1COCO) over the reference temperature (20°C), respectively.