The goal of this work was to establish a reasonable baseline for research in patient cohort retrieval from clinical free text. Much recent work has used Lucene for this purpose. Our approach was to use MetaMap alone. We found that although many TREC 2011 Electronic Medical Records track participants found it difficult to beat a Lucene baseline, our MetaMap-based baseline did outperform a number of Lucene runs. We propose that MetaMap is a more valid baseline than Lucene, providing essential concept extraction, and that failure to make use of this industry-standard tool results in an unfairly low baseline for evaluation of system outputs.
1. Introduction
The TREC 2011 Electronic Medical Records track involved the task of retrieving records of patients belonging to a particular cohort for comparative effectiveness research, given a set of natural language queries and a large collection of free-text clinical documents (Voorhees and Tong, 2011). Many teams used Lucene as a baseline for evaluating their systems, and found that even out-of-the-box, it could be difficult to beat.
MetaMap (Aronson, 2001) is the primary tool for detecting mentions of clinical concepts in text, and is very widely used for that purpose. We felt that in the light of the task appropriateness and free availability of this resource, it is the most reasonable baseline for efforts like the TREC 2011 Electronic Medical Records task. Therefore, we built a patient record retrieval system based entirely on this tool.
2. Methods
We used MetaMap in its default configuration to index the collection of clinical records. We used Perl to create simple hashs that mapped the CUIs that are output by MetaMap (“Concept Unique Identifiers,” each belonging to a specific biomedical concept in the UMLS Metathesaurus) to patient records. Only CUIs with 1.000 certainty were included. We repeated the process with MetaMap’s NegEx (Chapman et al., 2001a; Chapman et al., 2001b) option enabled. This simple approach resulted in two hashes—one for non-negated concepts in clinical records, and one for negated concepts in patient records.
At run time, we ran MetaMap on the queries, with the NegEx option enabled. For each set of CUIs output by MetaMap from the queries, we used the hashes to retrieve any patient records that contained mentions of the full set of CUIs from that query.
Like the majority of runs, our single run was unscored.
3. Results
Although many teams found it difficult to outperform Lucene-based baselines as measured with the bpref metric, the MetaMap-based approach did outperform a number of Lucene-based runs.
4. Discussion
We conclude that MetaMap provides a more stringent baseline for patient cohort retrieval from free text than does Lucene. Although Lucene is an obvious and easily implementable baseline approach, MetaMap is freely available, easy to implement, and the most widely accepted tool for the task of finding clinical concepts, and therefore it is not valid to ignore it as a baseline. Its performance in a very simple application like ours does not produce high results (although the highest-performing team did use MetaMap as an integral part of their system (Demner-Fushman et al., 2011)), but its output provides results sufficiently better than Lucene to make it a more stringent, and therefore more indicative and scientifically appropriate, baseline.
We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Lan Aronson and his team at the National Library of Medicine for assistance with running MetaMap. This research was funded by grants 2 R01 LM009254–06 and 5 R01 LM008111–07 from the National Institutes of Health to Lawrence E. Hunter.
Contributor Information
K. Bretonnel Cohen, Computatinal Bioscience Program, U. Colorado School of Medicine and Department of Linguistics, U. of Colorado at Boulder.
Tom Christiansen, Comput. Bioscience Prog., U. Colorado Sch. of Medicine.
Lawrence E. Hunter, Computational Bioscience Program, U. Colorado School of Medicine
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