Figure 9. IRF9 and STAT2 expression significantly correlated with the expression of PBRM1, SETD2, or BAP1 in ccRCC tumors.
(A) 20x IHC images of representative ccRCC foci stained with indicated antibodies. (B) Spearman correlation coefficient, rho, and p-value of nuclear (nuc) IRF9 or cytoplasmic (cyto) IHC signals with those of PBRM1, SETD2 or BAP1. The analysis was performed with either all the foci or the foci within each tumor stage or tumor grade. (C) Kaplan-Meier curves of patient overall survival based on the positive or negative IHC signal of nuclear IRF9 and (D) cytoplasmic STAT2. Statistical significance calculated using the log-rank test. (E) A schematic diagram showing how HIF and secondary tumor suppressors converge on ISGF3 to regulate tumor growth in ccRCC. HIF activates ISGF3 that suppresses tumor growth. PBRM1, KDM5C, SETD2 and BAP1 all support the function of ISGF3. Mutations in any of them relieve the tumor suppressive function of HIF2α.