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Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis logoLink to Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis
. 2018 Dec 1;25(12):1255–1273. doi: 10.5551/jat.44818

Clinical and Economic Analysis of Lipid Goal Attainments in Chinese Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Who Received Post-Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

Yun Wang 1, Bryan Ping Yen Yan 2, Brian Tomlinson 3, Michael Bruce Nichol 4, Vivian Wing Yan Lee 1,
PMCID: PMC6249357  PMID: 29962381


Aim: The recommended low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels of the guideline may be appropriate for Caucasian patients but not for other ethnic groups.

Methods: A cohort study was conducted in Hong Kong, and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients who received percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) between 2005 and 2015 were enrolled. The primary outcomes of interest were the total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost during one-year follow-up. The cost difference by lipid goal attainments was analyzed by Poisson regression with multivariate treatment effects. The clinical outcomes achieved by lipid goal attainments in terms of major adverse cardiovascular events were analyzed by multivariate Cox regression.

Results: Among the 4638 patients, 79.50%, 48.64%, and 36.14% attained the LDL-C goals of < 2.6, < 2.0, and < 1.8 mmol/L for one year, respectively. Only about 16% patients achieved the ≥ 50% reduction from baseline. None of these lipid goals was associated with a significant reduction in the total cost of care. We only identified the clinical benefits associated with the lipid goal of < 2.6 mmol/L. Other more stringent lipid goals seemed to bring a significant economic burden on cardiovascular-related cost, but their clinical benefits were uncertain.

Conclusions: Lowering LDL-C to achieve the guideline-recommended target levels for post-PCI ACS patients may lead to fewer cardiovascular events, but it may not necessarily lead to economic benefits within one year of follow-up.

Keywords: LDL-C, Cost analysis, Chinese, Cardiovascular events, Cost of care


Epidemiologic studies and clinical trials constantly suggest that lipid management could reduce the risk of recurrent cardiovascular events13). In light of existing evidence, the United States4, 5) and European6, 7) guidelines recommended the lipid goals of 2.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL) and < 1.8 mmol/L (70 mg/dL) for high-risk patients, including those with prior history of coronary heart disease (CHD). The 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines recommended a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) treatment target of ≥ 50% reduction8). However, most clinical trial data were obtained from Caucasian patients5, 812), and the concept of therapeutic LDL-C targets and proper use of lipid-lowering drugs may not be identical between Western and Asian populations13). A rapidly growing body of literature from Asian countries is challenging the “lower is better” hypothesis1419). The main finding20) from 13473 acute myocardial infarction (MI) patients in a large-scale, prospective, multicenter Korean MI registry found that patients who achieved the target LDL-C level of < 70 mg/dL did not have lower risks for cardiovascular events regardless of statin therapy than patients who did not achieve the target LDL-C. The large-scale Japanese Coronary Revascularization Demonstrating Outcome Study in Kyoto17) investigated 14866 patients who underwent coronary revascularization and found that the risk for major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs) was significantly higher in the ≥ 120 mg/dl group than in patients with lipid goal levels between 80–99 mg/dL; however, the risk for MACEs was not significantly lower in the < 80 mg/dL group. Another population-based study14) using data from 31619 ischemic heart disease patients in Israel concluded that patients with LDL-C levels of 70–100 mg/dL had lower risks of MACEs than those with LDL-C levels at 100–130 mg/dL; however, they failed to observe any additional benefit in the patient group achieving LDL-C < 70 mg/dL. According to our previous research findings21, 22), we failed to identify the clinical benefits associated with the lipid goal of < 1.8 mmol/L (70 mg/dL) in Chinese patients. There was an intense debate with regard to the Chinese guidelines on whether the recommended LDL-C reduction target for the high-risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease group should be set at LDL-C < 1.8 mmol/L (70 mg/dl) or < 2.0 mmol/L (80 mg/dl)23, 24).

In real-world clinical practice, many patients fail to achieve their lipid goals, and the contributing factors vary between individuals, such as use of low doses, limited drug effectiveness, and poor drug adherence2527). A retrospective cohort study in 29 countries across Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa on 35121 patients taking lipid-lowering drugs found that LDL-C goal attainment was suboptimal worldwide, particularly in patients with high and very high cardiovascular risks27). Treating patients on the basis of guideline-recommended cholesterol levels or even below would lead to higher economic burden28). The Return on Expenditure Achieved for LIpid Therapy (REALITY) study in Europe29) was among the first to study the association between attainment of treatment goals and lipid-lowering therapy. In Swedish patients, they found that those attaining the treatment goal of < 3.0 mmol/L during the first year had a 28% higher cost of care28) than nonachievers, but the cost of cardiovascular-related inpatient care in lipid goal achievers was 40% lower than nonachievers after 2–3 years. Compared with the ample pharmacoepidemiologic studies involving Caucasian patients, the economic burden of failure in lipid goal attainments in Asian countries30) is not well addressed in literature. The REALITY study in Asia31, 32) focused on the evaluation of the lipid goal attainment rate but left the question of economic burden unanswered.


The aim of the current research was to fill the knowledge gap regarding the following: 1) the lipid goal attainments (namely, the lipid goals of < 2.6 mmol/L, < 1.8 mmol/L, < 2.0 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% LDL-C reduction) in Hong Kong; 2) the association of lipid goal attainments and MACEs; 3) the short-(one year) and long-term (five years) costs of failure in achieving the lipid goals, including the total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost per person (among which the one-year cost was evaluated as the primary outcome, complemented with a sensitivity analysis on the five-year cost).


In an attempt to provide such data, we performed a noninterventional secondary cohort analysis of post-percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients to assess the costs and consequences of lipid goal attainments under real-life conditions in Hong Kong, China. The current study was based on electronic health records (EHRs) from the Hong Kong Hospital Authority Clinical Data Analysis and Reporting System (CDARS) database.

Our study population consisted of all Chinese ACS patients (identified by the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9 CM) diagnosis codes of 411 and 410) aged above 21 years old who received a first documented PCI in the inclusion period between January 1, 2005, and November 30, 2015 from an acute public hospital, the PCI-capable hospital in the New Territories East Cluster of Hong Kong. The study population was continuously enrolled in CDARS for at least one year after their index PCI procedure and had at least one cholesterol measurement within the first-year follow-up. We defined MACEs in the current study as all-cause death, MI, unstable angina (UA), stroke, and revascularization33, 34) from 30 days post-PCI to the one-year endpoint and identified MACEs by death records and ICD-9 CM codes of 410.x (MI); 411.x (UA); 433.01, 433.11, 433.21, 433.31, 433.81, 433.91, 434.01, 434.11, and 434.91 (stroke); 36.01, 36.02, 36.05, 36.06, and 36.09 (PCI); and 36.1 (coronary artery bypass graft). If the patient died within one month after the PCI, he/she was excluded from the analysis regarding the association of MACEs and the latest LDL-C goal before MACE because recurrent events that occurred within the first month might be largely related to the index PCI procedure3540). The lipid goals under investigation were < 1.8 mmol/L (70 mg/dL), 2.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL), < 2.0 mmol/L (80 mg/dl), and ≥ 50% reduction from baseline. The endpoint lipid goal at the one-year follow-up and the latest lipid goal before the first MACE were studied separately. The latest LDL-C measurement before the MACE was taken from the most recent laboratory results prior to the first MACE day, but it might not be necessarily the endpoint lipid measurement at the one-year follow-up. Considering that the measurement of LDL-C levels at the index ACS event was not a routine clinical practice in Hong Kong, the baseline LDL-C measurements were extracted from the laboratory results nearest to the index PCI procedure (within the period between 180 days prior to the index PCI day and 365 days after the index day). For patients who only had one laboratory result during the index day and after 365 days but had no prior LDL-C measurement between −180 and 0 days, their baseline LDL-C levels could be missing. The patients' prior disease history, including comorbidities of diabetes and hypertension, and prior cardiovascular disease (CVD) history were obtained from the ICD-9 CM codes in the system in the past six months prior to the index PCI procedure day.

The economic evaluation of interest was the total (direct) cost of care and the cardiovascular-related (inpatient and outpatient) cost from the provider perspective. The total cost of care included the costs for inpatient care, outpatient visits, revascularization procedures, lipid-lowering drugs, and laboratory tests (lipid tests) in the public sectors of Hong Kong. The cardiovascular-related cost in this evaluation was defined as the sum of all the costs of the first-year management of the patient for any cardiovascular-related events (identified by ICD-9 CM code 390. xx-459.xx), including inpatient hospitalization, accident and emergency department admission, and outpatient visits for cardiovascular conditions. The cost for inpatient care was estimated using the length of stay in the hospital from the CDARS and standardized daily cost. The estimation of in-hospital care cost by length of stay and cost per hospital bed day was a common practice by the World Health Organization42), and the unit cost (cost per hospital bed day) was found in the Hong Kong Government Gazette.

Cost items were also available on all contacts with outpatient hospital services and each attendance at a general clinic would cost HKD 385 (USD 49.4) locally. The unit costs of all direct medical items were based on the 2013 Hong Kong Government Gazette (an official source for medical charges in local public hospitals43)). All costs were estimated in Hong Kong dollars and were converted to US dollars by using the conversion rate USD 1=HKD 7.8 as of March 9, 201844), when applicable.

Statistical Methods

Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the demographic data, baseline characteristics, and lipid profile parameters (Table 1). In Supplementary Table 1, the crude cost items of interest are presented. To identify the influential contributors to the total cost of care, Supplementary Table 1 presents the rundown listing of all the target cost items per person, which include the following: the total cost of care, cardiovascular-related inpatient cost, cardiovascular-related outpatient cost, cardiovascular-related cost (including inpatient and outpatient costs), cost of lipid-lowering therapy (statins and other lipid-lowering drugs), and other management cost (deducting the cardiovascular-related cost from total cost of care). The differences in the abovementioned detailed costs between lipid goal achievers and nonachievers were examined using the treatment effect estimation of multivalued treatment effects45, 46) by adjusting for available potential confounders such as age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior CVD history (Tables 2 and 3 for “analyzed sample,” Supplementary Table 2 and Supplementary Table 3 for the “full sample,” Supplementary Table 4 for cardiovascular-related inpatient cost and cardiovascular-related outpatient cost). Considering that the costs were all positive and were not necessarily following the normality, we used the Poisson option inside the outcome model specification47). Multivariable Cox regression analyses (Table 4) were performed to assess the associations of MACEs with the LDL-C goal attainments before MACE after adjusting for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior CVD history.

Table 1. Descriptive of the subjects.

n (Column %)
Total 4638
Mean age (SD) 70.23 (10.99)
Sex: Male 3571 (76.99)
Previous CVD% (with respective ICD-9 CM code) 2223 (47.93)
    Hypertensive disease (401–405) 451 (9.72)
    Ischemic heart disease (410–414) 1278 (27.55)
    Coronary Artery Disease (414) 36 (0.78)
    CVA, stroke (434.91) 13 (0.28)
    Atrial fibrillation (427.31) 46 (0.99)
    Heart failure (428) 147 (3.17)
    Carotid artery stenosis/occlusion (433) 3 (0.06)
    Cerebral atherosclerosis/ischemic cerebrovascular disease (437) 6 (0.13)
    Others 243 (5.24)
Comorbidity: Hypertension 901 (19.43)
Comorbidity: Diabetes 795 (17.14)
Baseline cholesterol 4182
    Mean Total (SD) 4.65 (1.18)
    Mean LDL-C (SD) 2.77 (1.05)
    Mean HDL-C (SD) 1.16 (0.32)
    Mean triglycerides (SD) 1.6 (0.97)
Baseline LDL-C category 4182
    < 1.8mmol/L 675 (16.14)
    1.8–2.6mmol/L 1328 (31.76)
    > 2.6mmol/L 2179 (52.10)
LDL-C reduction ≥ 50% before MACE 633 (15.14)
LDL-C reduction ≥ 50% at one-year 667 (15.95)
Endpoint LDL-C goal attainments
    1.8 mmol/L 1676 (36.14)
    2.0 mmol/L 2256 (48.64)
    2.6 mmol/L 3687 (79.50)
Endpoint LDL-C 4638
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1676 (36.14)
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2011 (43.36)
    > 2.6 mmol/L 951 (20.5)
Latest LDL-C goal attainments before MACE
    1.8 mmol/L 1642 (35.50)
    2.0 mmol/L 2214 (47.87)
    2.6 mmol/L 3644 (78.79)
Latest LDL-C category before MACE 4625
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1642 (35.50)
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2002 (43.29)
    > 2.6 mmol/L 981 (21.21)
MACE 528 (11.38)
    Recurrent PCI between 30 and 365 days 254 (5.56)
    Recurrent ACS between 30 and 365 days 176 (3.75)
    Stroke 31 (0.69)
    Death between 30 and 365 days 54 (1.08)
    Death within the first 30 days after index PCI 13 (0.30)

MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; CDARS, clinical data analysis and reporting system; ICD-9 CM, International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification; CVD, cardiovascular diseases; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; SD, standard deviation.

Supplementary Table 1. Crude cost items by lipid goal attainments.

Lipid goal attainments N All management cost
All management cost excluding all the cardio-related cost
Cardiovascular-related inpatient cost
Cardiovascular-related outpatient cost
Cardiovascular-related inpatient and outpatient cost
Lipid-lowering therapy (statins and other lipid-lowering drugs)
Full sample (n = 4638) 4638 84021.88 (10772.04) 37598.98 (4820.38) 34294.78 (4396.77) 12010.26 (1539.78) 45954.70 (5891.63) 764.78 (98.05)
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L
    Not at goal 950 85979.66 (11023.03) 44935.63 (5760.98) 29061.01 (3725.77) 11835.23 (1517.34) 40731.76 (5222.02) 675.92 (86.66)
    At goal 3688 83516.90 (10707.30) 35706.62 (4577.77) 35644.75 (4569.84) 12055.40 (1545.56) 47301.87 (6064.34) 787.70 (100.99)
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 4638
    Not at goal 2962 82682.57 (10600.33) 38365.84 (4918.70) 32431.62 (4157.90) 11701.03 (1500.13) 43767.36 (5611.20) 640.65 (82.14)
    At goal 1676 86388.86 (11075.49) 36243.71 (4646.63) 37587.55 (4818.92) 12556.75 (1609.84) 49820.39 (6387.23) 984.14 (126.17)
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4638
    Not at goal 2382 83143.60 (10659.44) 39861.10 (5110.40) 31382.20 (4023.36) 11679.77 (1497.41) 42828.18 (5490.79) 635.40 (81.46)
    At goal 2256 84949.21 (10890.92) 35210.52 (4514.17) 37370.04 (4791.03) 12359.20 (1584.51) 49255.83 (6314.85) 901.39 (115.56)
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 4182
    Not at goal 3549 85297.01 (10935.51) 38541.63 (4941.24) 34225.65 (4387.90) 12504.82 (1603.18) 46712.21 (5988.74) 638.31 (81.83)
    At goal 633 82223.61 (10541.49) 33773.27 (4329.91) 37244.65 (4774.95) 11205.70 (1436.63) 48450.35 (6211.58) 1484.50 (190.32)
Endpoint LDL-C category 4638
    > 2.6 mmol/L 950 85979.66 (11023.03) 44935.63 (5760.98) 29061.01 (3725.77) 11835.23 (1517.34) 40731.76 (5222.02) 675.92 (86.66)
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2012 81123.37 (10400.43) 35258.99 (4520.38) 34025.58 (4362.25) 11637.57 (1492.00) 45202.89 (5795.24) 623.98 (80.00)
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1676 86388.86 (11075.49) 36243.71 (4646.63) 37587.55 (4818.92) 12556.75 (1609.84) 49820.39 (6387.23) 984.14 (126.17)

Analyzed sample (n = 4625)
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 4625 83927.13 (10759.89) 37691.60 (4832.26) 34133.48 (4376.09) 12040.65 (1543.67) 46010.37 (5898.76) 766.83 (98.31)
    Not at goal 981 89092.49 (11422.11) 46677.64 (5984.31) 30467.26 (3906.06) 11909.24 (1526.83) 42298.15 (5422.84) 714.08 (91.55)
    At goal 3644 82536.57 (10581.61) 35272.47 (4522.11) 35120.47 (4502.62) 12076.03 (1548.21) 47009.73 (6026.89) 781.03 (100.13)
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2983 83178.75 (10663.94) 38433.26 (4927.34) 32886.29 (4216.19) 11764.48 (1508.27) 44578.84 (5715.24) 667.50 (85.58)
    At goal 1642 85286.70 (10934.19) 36344.23 (4659.52) 36399.25 (4666.57) 12542.37 (1608.00) 48611.00 (6232.18) 947.28 (121.45)
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2411 84468.93 (10829.35) 40280.41 (5164.16) 32329.59 (4144.82) 11749.64 (1506.36) 43994.11 (5640.27) 658.84 (84.47)
    At goal 2214 83337.12 (10684.25) 34872.44 (4470.83) 36097.89 (4627.93) 12357.57 (1584.30) 48206.02 (6180.26) 884.43 (113.39)
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 4180
    Not at goal 3547 85314.22 (10937.72) 38563.37 (4944.02) 34233.07 (4388.86) 12511.87 (1604.09) 46738.55 (5992.12) 652.17 (83.61)
    At goal 633 82223.61 (10541.49) 33773.27 (4329.91) 37244.65 (4774.95) 11205.70 (1436.63) 48450.35 (6211.58) 1454.30 (186.45)
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 4625
    > 2.6 mmol/L 981 89092.49 (11422.11) 46677.64 (5984.31) 30467.26 (3906.06) 11909.24 (1526.83) 42298.15 (5422.84) 714.08 (91.55)
    1.8–mmol/L 2002 80280.96 (10292.43) 34393.44 (4409.41) 34071.63 (4368.16) 11693.55 (1499.17) 45696.40 (5858.51) 644.68 (82.65)
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1642 85286.70 (10934.19) 36344.23 (4659.52) 36399.25 (4666.57) 12542.37 (1608.00) 48611.00 (6232.18) 947.28 (121.45)

MACE indicates major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong Dollars; USD, United States Dollars.

Table 2. Adjusted cost difference in the total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost by lipid goal attainments.

Total cost of care (HKD)
Cardiovascular-related cost (HKD)
N Adjusted Coefficient* (95% Confidence Interval) p-value Adjusted Coefficient* (95% Confidence Interval) p-value
Analyzed sample
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 947 Ref Ref
    At goal 3678 −4994.14 (−13597.38, 3609.10) 0.255 4846.70 (1355.73, 8337.66) 0.007
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2950 Ref Ref
    At goal 1675 1385.40 (−5911.87, 8682.68) 0.710 3414.99 (−487.42, 7317.40) 0.086
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2374 Ref Ref
    At goal 2251 −1893.70 (−8656.95, 4869.55) 0.583 3565.83 (−25.09, 7156.76) 0.052
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 4180
    Not at goal 3547 Ref Ref
    At goal 633 7485.89 (−5483.54, 20455.32) 0.258 5861.97 (−1088.23, 12812.17) 0.098
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 4625
    > 2.6 mmol/L 947 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2003 −6770.82 (−15760.27, 2218.63) 0.140 3918.44 (−26.17, 7863.05) 0.052
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1675 −2937.15 (−12802.03, 6927.73) 0.560 6005.66 (1690.23, 10321.08) 0.006

Among those baseline LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L 2177
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 585 Ref Ref
    At goal 1592 −9274.95 (−20211.78, 1661.87) 0.096 3009.52 (−1782.19, 7801.23) 0.218
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1535 Ref Ref
    At goal 642 −960.01 (−11895.72, 9975.70) 0.863 3486.48 (−2322.27, 9295.23) 0.239
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1275 Ref Ref
    At goal 903 −2112.09 (−11778.81, 7554.62) 0.668 5159.30 (−309.52, 10628.12) 0.064
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 2177
    Not at goal 1603 Ref Ref
    At goal 574 7611.84 (−4473.77, 19697.46) 0.217 6751.11 (−297.54, 13799.76) 0.060
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 2177
    > 2.6 mmol/L 585 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 950 −10335.72 (−21762.04, 1090.59) 0.076 2157.93 (−3304.57, 7620.44) 0.439
    < 1.8 mmol/L 642 −7167.12 (−20738.06, 6403.83) 0.301 4521.06 (−1791.19, 10833.30) 0.160

MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong dollars; Ref, reference.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Table 3. Adjusted cost difference in other management cost and the cost of lipid-lowering therapy by lipid goal attainments.

Other management cost (defined as total cost of care excluding the cardiovascular-related (inpatient and outpatient) cost) (HKD)
Cost of lipid-lowering therapy (statin and other lipid-lowering drugs) (HKD)
N Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value
Analyzed sample
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 947 Ref Ref
    At goal 3678 −9937.53 −17166.93 −2708.14 0.007 66.43 −35.63 168.50 0.202
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2950 Ref Ref
    At goal 1675 −2252.01 −7796.22 3292.19 0.426 272.35 183.19 361.51 < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2374 Ref Ref
    At goal 2251 −5538.07 −10675.99 −400.16 0.035 222.30 139.32 305.29 < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 4180
    Not at goal 3547 Ref Ref
    At goal 633 1578.91 −8297.82 11455.64 0.754 667.28 508.35 826.21 < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 4625
    > 2.6 mmol/L 947 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2003 −10721.37 −18081.72 −3361.01 0.004 −65.52 −173.06 42.03 0.232
< 1.8 mmol/L 1675 −9176.30 −17309.22 −1043.37 0.027 227.61 109.81 345.41 < 0.001

Among those baseline LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 585 Ref Ref
    At goal 1592 −12256.63 −21228.51 −3284.75 0.007 27.61 −123.97 179.20 0.721
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1535 Ref Ref
    At goal 642 −4403.03 −12882.10 4076.04 0.309 325.712 167.917 483.507 < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1275 Ref Ref
    At goal 903 −7310.54 −14527.17 −93.91 0.047 275.38 135.93 414.82 < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 2177
    Not at goal 1603 Ref Ref
    At goal 574 835.75 −7993.07 9664.57 0.853 757.21 582.19 932.24 < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 2177
    > 2.6 mmol/L 585 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 950 −12471.43 −21536.32 −3406.54 0.007 −116.61 −276.62 43.41 0.153
    < 1.8 mmol/L 642 −11605.88 −22613.40 −598.36 0.039 250.92 60.07 441.77 0.010

MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong dollars; Ref, reference; CI, confidence interval.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Supplementary Table 2. Adjusted cost difference in total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost by lipid goal attainments.

Total cost of care (HKD)
Cardiovascular-related inpatient and outpatient cost (HKD)
N Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value
Full sample
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 4638
    Not at goal 950 Ref Ref
    At goal 3688 −759.60 −9253.72 7734.53 0.861 6739.87 3337.06 10142.69 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 1.8 4638
    Not at goal 2962 Ref Ref
    At goal 1676 2891.58 −4362.46 10145.62 0.435 5358.43 1418.34 9298.53 0.008
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4638
    Not at goal 2382 Ref Ref
    At goal 2256 1162.69 −5568.53 7893.90 0.735 5765.66 2188.53 9342.79 0.002
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 4182
    Not at goal 3549 Ref Ref
    At goal 633 10673.08 −2193.27 23539.42 0.104 7790.72 949.94 14631.51 0.026
Endpoint LDL-C category 4638
    > 2.6 mmol/L 950 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2012 −2594.92 −11501.67 6311.83 0.568 5078.77 1283.27 8874.28 0.009
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1676 1232.23 −8507.65 10972.12 0.804 8751.29 4436.00 13066.58 < 0.001

Among those with baseline LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L (n = 2179)
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2179
    Not at goal 549 Ref Ref
    At goal 1630 −916.76 −11958.09 10124.56 0.871 6964.52 2373.71 11555.33 0.003
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 1.8 2179
    Not at goal 1512 Ref Ref
    At goal 833.85 −9921.49 11589.19 0.879 5357.43 −323.41 11038.27 0.065
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.0 2179
    Not at goal 1250 Ref Ref
    At goal 929 314.59 −9539.14 10168.31 0.950 6407.34 994.74 11819.93 0.020
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 2179
    Not at goal 1577 Ref Ref
    At goal 602 11674.81 −296.01 23645.63 0.056 8915.78 2036.57 15794.99 0.011
Endpoint LDL-C category 2179
    > 2.6 mmol/L 549 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 963 −1296.78 −12985.19 10391.63 0.828 5735.21 485.86 10984.55 0.032
    < 1.8 mmol/L 660 −229.20 −13649.60 13191.20 0.973 8709.78 2657.14 14762.41 0.005

MACE indicates major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong Dollars; Ref, reference; CI, confidence interval.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Supplementary Table 3. Adjusted cost difference in other management cost and cardiovascular-related cost al by lipid goal attainments.

Other management cost (defined as total cost of care excluding the cardiovascular-related (inpatient and outpatient) cost) (HKD)
Cost of lipid-lowering therapy (statins and other lipid-lowering drugs) (HKD)
N Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value
Full sample
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.6 4638
    Not at goal 950 Ref Ref
    At goal 3688 −7649.69 −14780.03 −519.35 0.035 111.84 11.39 212.30 0.029
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 1.8 4638
    Not at goal 2962 Ref Ref
    At goal 1676 −2295.23 −7762.20 3171.74 0.411 336.07 247.01 425.12 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.0 4638
    Not at goal 2382 Ref
    At goal 2256 −4634.13 −9738.11 469.84 0.075 265.48 183.11 347.84 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 4182
    Not at goal 3549 Ref Ref
    At goal 633 2870.41 −6875.75 12616.56 0.564 721.86 565.70 878.02 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C category 4638
    > 2.6 mmol/L 950 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2012 −7974.68 −15298.58 −650.78 0.033 −50.31 −155.59 54.96 0.349
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1676 −7555.90 −15534.01 422.20 0.063 300.77 184.00 417.54 < 0.001

Among those baseline LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.6 2179
    Not at goal 549 Ref Ref
    At goal 1630 −7662.03 −16812.44 1488.38 0.101 93.92 −56.79 244.63 0.222
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 1.8 2179
    Not at goal 1512 Ref Ref
    At goal −4392.23 −12755.67 3971.20 0.303 402.64 246.53 558.76 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.0 2179
    Not at goal 1250 Ref Ref
    At goal 929 −6035.74 −13535.69 1464.20 0.115 329.98 191.73 468.22 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of ≥ 50% 2179
    Not at goal 1577 Ref Ref
    At goal 602 2805.23 −5949.90 11560.35 0.530 813.85 642.16 985.54 < 0.001
Endpoint LDL-C category 2179
    > 2.6 mmol/L 549 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 963 −6818.40 −16262.66 2625.86 0.157 −83.74 −241.19 73.71 0.297
    < 1.8 mmol/L 660 −8657.79 −19624.15 2308.57 0.122 347.44 157.97 536.90 < 0.001

MACE indicates major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong Dollars; Ref, reference; CI, confidence interval.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Supplementary Table 4. Adjusted cost difference in cardiovascular-related inpatient and outpatient costs al by lipid goal attainments.

Cardiovascular-related inpatient cost (HKD)
Cardiovascular-related outpatient cost (HKD)
N Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value
Full sample
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.6 4638
    Not at goal 950 Ref Ref
    At goal 3688 6563.44 3567.08 9559.81 < 0.001 404.88 −764.31 1574.07 0.497
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 1.8 4638
    Not at goal 2962 Ref Ref
    At goal 1676 4583.37 921.54 8245.20 0.01 784.66 −106.42 1675.74 0.084
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of mmol/L 2.0 4638
    Not at goal 2382 Ref Ref
    At goal 2256 5343.24 2032.67 8653.81 0.002 674.53 −174.16 1523.21 0.119
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of 50% 4182
    Not at goal 3549 Ref Ref
    At goal 633 7821.31 1379.81 14262.81 0.02 −48.28 −1176.01 1079.44 0.933
Endpoint LDL-C category 4638
    > 2.6 mmol/L 950 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2012 −2815.61 −6868.01 1236.78 0.173 −780.33 −1694.82 134.16 0.094
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1676 −8168.68 −12054.67 −4282.69 0.00 −797.55 −2091.59 496.49 0.227

Analyzed sample
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 947 Ref Ref
    At goal 3678 4640.73 1550.45 7731.00 0.003 310.31 −854.52 1475.14 0.602
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2950 Ref Ref
    At goal 1675 3026.64 −574.43 6627.71 0.10 698.51 −205.20 1602.23 0.130
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2374 Ref Ref
    At goal 2251 3177.62 −121.41 6476.64 0.059 569.77 −286.25 1425.79 0.192
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of 50% 4180
    Not at goal 3547 Ref Ref
    At goal 633 6407.96 −189.79 13005.72 0.06 −556.08 −1639.01 526.85 0.314
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 4625
    > 2.6 mmol/L 947 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2003 3939.56 402.93 7476.19 0.029 −34.05 −1246.45 1178.34 0.956
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1675 5625.88 1740.87 9510.88 < 0.001 679.57 −617.86 1977.01 0.305
Among those baseline LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2179
    Not at goal 549 Ref Ref
    At goal 1630 7425.07 3397.85 11452.29 < 0.001 −522.06 −2070.39 1026.28 0.509
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 2179
    Not at goal 1512 Ref Ref
    At goal 5010.12 −258.74 10278.98 0.062 317.90 −860.70 1496.49 0.597
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 2179
    Not at goal 1250 Ref Ref
    At goal 929 6119.90 1068.21 11171.58 0.02 251.80 −853.84 1357.44 0.655
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of 50% 2179
    Not at goal 1577 Ref Ref
    At goal 602 8597.60 2094.39 15100.81 0.01 288.93 −923.39 1501.25 0.640
Endpoint LDL-C category 2179
    > 2.6 mmol/L 549 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 963 −2348.39 −8314.18 3617.40 0.44 −616.14 −1796.81 564.54 0.306
    < 1.8 mmol/L 660 −8779.03 −14217.25 −3340.82 0.002 131.12 −1569.10 1831.34 0.880
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 585 Ref Ref
    At goal 1592 3885.39 −384.12 8154.91 0.074 −878.64 −2371.55 614.28 0.249
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1535 Ref Ref
    At goal 642 3319.74 −2132.71 8772.18 0.23 161.66 −1008.74 1332.06 0.787
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1275 Ref Ref
    At goal 903 4957.06 −163.92 10078.04 0.058 193.57 −915.19 1302.34 0.732
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the reduction of 50% 2177
    Not at goal 1603 Ref Ref
    At goal 574 6942.93 231.22 13654.65 0.04 −202.58 −1382.28 977.12 0.736
Latest LDL-C before MACE category 2177
    > 2.6 mmol/L 585 Ref Ref
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 950 3250.41 −1686.73 8187.55 0.197 −1086.36 −2671.65 498.94 0.179
    < 1.8 mmol/L 642 5005.76 −774.48 10786.01 0.09 −485.87 −2131.76 1160.02 0.563

MACE indicates major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong Dollars; Ref, reference; CI, confidence interval.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Table 4. Association of MACEs and lipid goal attainments.

n Adjusted Hazard Ratio* (95% Confidence Interval) p-value
Analyzed sample
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 981 1
    At goal 3644 0.76 (0.62, 0.93) 0.007
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2983 1
    At goal 1642 0.97 (0.81, 1.17) 0.779
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 4625
    Not at goal 2411 1
    At goal 2214 0.93 (0.78, 1.10) 0.385
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of ≥ 50% reduction 4180
    Not at goal 3547 1
    At goal 633 0.77 (0.58, 1.03) 0.074
Latest LDL-C category before MACE 4625
    < 1.8 mmol/L 1642 1
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 2003 0.92 (0.75, 1.12) 0.396
    > 2.6 mmol/L 981 1.25 (1.00, 1.57) 0.051

Among those with baseline LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 585 1
    At goal 1592 0.56 (0.42, 0.74) < 0.001
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1535 1
    At goal 642 0.78 (0.57, 1.06) 0.108
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 2177
    Not at goal 1275 1
    At goal 903 0.83 (0.63, 1.10) 0.186
Latest LDL-C before MACE achieving the goal of ≥ 50% reduction 2177
    Not at goal 1603 1
    At goal 574 0.72 (0.52, 1.00) 0.051
Latest LDL-C category before MACE 2177
    < 1.8 mmol/L 642 1
    1.8–2.6 mmol/L 950 1.00 (0.71, 1.41) 0.983
    > 2.6 mmol/L 585 1.79 (1.26, 2.55) 0.001

MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Sensitivity Analysis

Two sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of our results. As noticed in the early literature28), patients that reached the lipid goals showed a trend of cost reductions over time. To explore if the costs significantly decreased after one year after the index day, we also examined the average five-year total cost of care among the patients who underwent the index PCI between January 1, 2005, and November 30, 2010, and completed the five-year follow-up. The adjusted differences in the total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost for this patient group could be found in Table 5 and Supplementary Table 5. In absolute terms, the baseline LDL-C levels seemed to largely influence the economic and clinical outcomes in terms of their initial effect on physicians' judgments. Therefore, a sensitivity analysis was conducted among patients with baseline LDL-C beyond 2.6 mmol/L to test the robustness of our results (Tables 2, 3, and 4).

Table 5. Adjusted cost difference of the total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost by lipid goal attainments among 2686 patients with complete five-year follow-up.

Total cost of care (HKD)
Cardiovascular-related cost (HKD)
N Adjusted Coefficient* (95% Confidence Interval) p-value Adjusted Coefficient* (95% Confidence Interval) p-value
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.6 mmol/L 2686
    1st year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 6548.52 (−3441.94, 16538.97) 0.20 10495.13 (5846.36, 15143.89) < 0.001
    2nd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 1433.02 (−6835.65, 9701.69) 0.73 −1637.26 (−5892.56, 2618.05) 0.45
    3rd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 1404.19 (−6251.35, 9059.74) 0.72 −7.59 (−3437.71, 3422.53) 1.00
    4th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 −4251.30 (−11714.31, 3211.71) 0.26 −1776.81 (−5662.26, 2108.64) 0.37
    5th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 −748.84 (−7558.02, 6060.34) 0.83 −1529.18 (−5146.36, 2088.00) 0.41
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 1.8 mmol/L 2686
    1st year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 12764.70 (1199.33, 24330.08) 0.03 8367.48 (1343.69, 15391.27) 0.02
    2nd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 10694.72 (1936.13, 19453.32) 0.02 739.51 (−2118.36, 3597.39) 0.61
    3rd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 4185.83 (−3570.15, 11941.81) 0.29 2323.03 (−1117.32, 5763.37) 0.19
    4th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 −2747.02 (−9003.42, 3509.38) 0.39 −1263.53 (−4107.77, 1580.71) 0.38
    5th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 367.42 (−6025.01, 6759.85) 0.91 21.21 (−2939.33, 2981.74) 0.99
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the goal of 2.0 mmol/L 2686
    1st year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 8031.90 (−2052.35, 18116.14) 0.12 7683.58 (1678.83, 13688.32) 0.01
    2nd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 6080.24 (−1372.17, 13532.65) 0.11 −167.99 (−2973.12, 2637.14) 0.91
    3rd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 1853.03 (−5091.22, 8797.29) 0.60 1056.23 (−1890.38, 4002.83) 0.48
    4th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 −6025.85 (−11884.44, −167.25) 0.04 −2474.41 (−5301.74, 352.93) 0.09
    5th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2686 −405.39 (−6530.61, 5719.83) 0.90 −1076.21 (−3926.35, 1773.94) 0.46
Endpoint LDL-C achieving the reduction of 50% 2412
    1st year: At goal vs Not at goal 2412 16472.69 (−2613.22, 35558.59) 0.09 10607.64 (297.47, 20917.80) 0.04
    2nd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2412 −3062.50 (−11721.47, 5596.48) 0.49 −1222.43 (−4448.06, 2003.20) 0.46
    3rd year: At goal vs Not at goal 2412 −1969.65 (−13188.12, 9248.82) 0.73 −182.27 (−5121.42, 4756.89) 0.94
    4th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2412 −4115.05 (−13228.67, 4998.58) 0.38 −2179.64 (−5794.71, 1435.42) 0.24
    5th year: At goal vs Not at goal 2412 2065.28 (−10846.31, 14976.88) 0.75 −1675.69 (−5453.84, 2102.45) 0.38

MACE, major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong dollars; Ref, reference.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

Supplementary Table 5. Adjusted cost difference by lipid goal attainments among 2686 patients with complete five-year follow-up.

Total cost of care (HKD)
Cardiovascular-related cost (HKD)
Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value Adjusted Coefficient* Lower limit for 95% CI Lower limit for 95% CI p-value
Endpoint LDL-C category
    1st year:
        > 2.6 mmol/L Ref Ref
        1.8–2.6 mmol/L 1510.38 −9054.15 12074.92 0.78 8280.74 3097.21 13464.26 < 0.001
        < 1.8 mmol/L 13910.13 710.44 27109.82 0.04 13887.91 6831.99 20943.83 < 0.001
    2nd year:
        > 2.6 mmol/L Ref Ref
        1.8–2.6 mmol/L −3520.93 −11949.96 4908.09 0.41 −2387.03 −6707.04 1932.98 0.28
        < 1.8 mmol/L 8408.82 −2255.99 19073.64 0.12 −753.36 −5383.72 3876.99 0.75
    3rd year:
        > 2.6 mmol/L Ref Ref
        1.8–2.6 mmol/L −211.90 −8450.38 8026.58 0.96 −1234.08 −4663.44 2195.28 0.48
        < 1.8 mmol/L 4022.09 −5283.34 13327.51 0.40 1649.37 −2653.99 5952.72 0.45
    4th year:
        > 2.6 mmol/L Ref Ref
        1.8–2.6 mmol/L −3680.62 −11771.91 4410.68 0.37 −1411.23 −5648.60 2826.13 0.51
        < 1.8 mmol/L −5277.79 −13619.73 3064.16 0.21 −2267.74 −6382.58 1847.10 0.28
    5th year:
        > 2.6 mmol/L Ref Ref
        1.8–2.6 mmol/L −1029.39 −8780.01 6721.23 0.79 −1541.59 −5687.27 2604.09 0.47
        < 1.8 mmol/L −342.22 −8003.73 7319.29 0.93 −1061.03 −4991.50 2869.43 0.60

MACE indicates major adverse cardiovascular events; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HKD, Hong Kong Dollars; Ref, reference; CI, confidence interval.


Adjusted for age, sex, diabetes, hypertension, and prior cardiovascular history

All analyses were performed using Stata 14 (Stata Corporation Lp, College Station, TX). All the patients' information was de-identified in the database. The study was approved by the Joint Clinical Research Ethics Committee of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and New Territories East Cluster of Hong Kong, and the protocol was compliant with the Declaration of Helsinki.


Our analysis involves 4638 patients (mean age ± standard deviation (SD): 70.23 ± 10.99 years) who have at least one LDL-C measurement via one-year follow-up (Table 1); these patients are referred to as the “full sample” in Supplementary Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. There were 76.99% males, 19.43% of which were hypertensive, 17.14% were diabetic patients, and 47.93% had previous CVD. At the one-year endpoint, approximately 80% and 50% of patient reached the LDL-C goals of 2.6 and 2.0 mmol/L, respectively, and 36.14% were well controlled under 1.8 mmol/L. Among the 4182 patients who had available baseline LDL-C levels, 52.10% had their initial LDL-C levels above 2.6 mmol/L, and only 15.95% achieved ≥ 50% reduction. Among all patients, 515 (11.10%) had at least one incidence of MACE between 30 and 365 days after the index procedure. Thirteen patients died within the first month, and these patients were excluded when we analyzed the latest lipid goal attainment before MACE. After the exclusion, 4625 patients comprised the “analyzed sample” (Tables 2, 3, and 4).

Supplementary Table 1 reports the crude costs by lipid goal attainments at the one-year endpoint and before their first MACE between the 30th and 365th day, respectively. From the observed crude numbers of Supplementary Table 1, the lipid goal achievers of < 1.8 mmol/L carry the highest total cost of care compared with the nonachievers, and the lipid category of 1.8–2.6 mmol/L seems to be more desirable in terms of costs. The adjusted cost differences in the total cost of care and cardiovascular-related cost are presented in Tables 2 and 3 (Supplementary Tables 2 and 3 for the results of the “full sample”) and were controlled for baseline characteristics. After this adjustment, none of the lipid goal attainments of < 2.6 mmol/L, < 2.0 mmol/L, < 1.8 mmol/L, or ≥ 50% reduction was associated with any reduction in the total cost of care during the one-year follow-up. After excluding the cardiovascular-related management costs (in Table 3), the lipid goal attainment of 2.6 mmol/L either at the one-year endpoint or before MACE seems to be a cost-saving strategy, particularly the category of 1.8–2.6 mmol/L. This finding could imply that among all the detailed cost items, the cardiovascular-related management cost, particularly the cardiovascular-related inpatient cost (shown in Supplementary Table 4), is the most affected by the lipid goal attainments. Assuming that patients who could attain the lipid goals remarkably differed in baseline characteristics from those who could not, we adjusted for all the available covariates and performed a sensitivity analysis among high-risk patients with LDL-C > 2.6 mmol/L at baseline. We constantly find that lowering patients' LDL-C levels to a more stringent goal leads to an increase in cardiovascular-related cost (Table 2). Upon realizing that the endpoint lipid goal attainment (at the one-year endpoint) was not necessarily the latest lipid goal before the MACE, we evaluated the cost difference by using the latest lipid goal attainments before MACE (Table 2) and the cost difference by lipid goal attainment at the one-year endpoint (Supplementary Table 2). It was still noted that the patients attaining more stringent lipid goals had higher costs in cardiovascular-related management. After excluding the cardiovascular-related (inpatient and outpatient) costs, both LDL-C goal attainment groups of < 2.6 and < 2.0 mmol/L could substantially increase the cost savings (Table 3). We expected that those having LDL-C levels below each lipid goal would be on more intensive lipid treatments than those above the goal, and this situation would contribute to the increased cost of reaching a lower level of LDL-C. However, from this current observation, the cardiovascular-related inpatient cost (Supplementary Table 4) is a more influential contributor to the total cost of care than the intensive lipid treatment cost (Table 3). In Table 5, among 2686 patients with a complete 5-year follow-up, no significant differences in any cost items between lipid goal achievers and nonachievers were observed starting from the second year.

Table 4 shows the results from the multivariate Cox regression analysis of the first occurrence of MACE. Separate regressions were performed for lipid goal attainments before MACEs in the analyzed sample and in the patient group with baseline LDL-C above 2.6 mmol/L. The LDL-C goal of < 2.6 mmol/L was associated with a reduction in MACE but not the goals of 1.8 mmol/L, 2.0 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction. Lowering the LDL-C level attainment from 2.6 mmol/L to 1.8 mmol/L did not improve the clinical outcomes.


To our knowledge, this study was the first to investigate the economic burden of failure in achieving the lipid goals in an Asian/Chinese population. Our findings suggested that any LDL-C goal attainments of < 2.6 mmol/L, < 2.0 mmol/L, < 1.8 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction did not necessarily bring any reduction in the total cost of care during a one-year follow-up; this finding was in line with the prior cost analysis in Sweden28). This was possible because the higher cardiovascular-related cost targeting for more stringent lipid goals offset the savings in other management cost and boosted the total cost of care. In the current analysis, the latest lipid goal attainments before MACEs might not be the same as the lipid goal at the one-year endpoint because lipids changed acutely after MACE48, 49). Therefore, we also tested the cost difference by the latest lipid goal attainments before MACE. The results seemed to be robust to what was found before. Owing to the limitations of the observational study, we could not clarify the causes of the additional cardiovascular-related cost in the “treat-to-target” approaches for the LDL-C goals of < 2.0 mmol/L, < 1.8 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction compared with the less intensive LDL-C goal of < 2.6 mmol/L. One possible reason could be that physicians aggressively treated patients who were at higher risk at baseline to reach a more stringent lipid goal, thus causing additional economic burden. Bearing this potential explanation in mind, we looked at the cost differences in high-risk patients with baseline LDL-C beyond 2.6 mmol/L and still found that lipid categories of 1.8 mmol/L, 2.0 mmol/L, 2.6 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction denoted higher cardiovascular-related costs. The other possible explanation could be that the cost of higher intensive lipid treatment may have been substantially greater because of the use of branded atorvastatin and rosuvastatin rather than generic simvastatin. However, as shown in Table 3, the cost of lipid-lowering drugs alone was perceived to have little effect on the total cost of care. Normally the future costs were less than the immediate costs, although the future clinical benefits of a longer follow-up were generally less significant than the immediate benefits50). As a consequence, we took a closer look at the time series changes among patients with five-year follow-up because one Swedish study found that the cardiovascular-related costs for goal-attaining patients decreased significantly 2–3 years after the treatment started28). However, our results did not show the same “cost reduction” trend in lipid goal achievers. Starting from the second year, there were no significant cost differences between the lipid goal achievers and nonachievof ers.

Taken together, if attainment of a more stringent lipid goal accompanied a higher cardiovascular-related cost, it would be important to determine if the attainment of the lower lipid goal could also lead to improved clinical outcomes. Therefore, we examined if the lipid goal attainments of 1.8 mmol/L, 2.0 mmol/L, 2.6 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction could lead to significant reduction in MACEs after controlling for known baseline variables. Our results suggested that only the lipid goal of 2.6 mmol/L was associated with a reduction in MACEs during the one-year follow-up. Patients attaining the lipid goals of 1.8 mmol/L, 2.0 mmol/L, or ≥ 50% reduction were not having fewer MACEs, and lowering the patient's LDL-C from 1.8–2.6 mmol/L further to < 1.8 mmol/L did not seem to be associated with any significant clinical benefits. On the basis of our exploration on the clinical benefits and costs of lipid goal attainments in Hong Kong Chinese patients, our study questioned if the lipid goal of 2.6 mmol/L could be a better fit for Chinese patients, with significant clinical benefits and lower cardiovascular-related management costs, and raised the question of the most cost-effective lipid goal, which would need to be addressed by a prospective clinical trial. Despite the sensitivity analysis, our study has a limitation associated with real-world data (RWD). It may provide a large sample size and can be more representative of the general population, but we were unable to adjust for the confounders that were not captured in real-world clinical practice. The following could be a more cautious interpretation of our results: the reason for aiming for a more stringent lipid goal (for example, < 1.8 mmol/L) was due to the fact that patients had multiple risk factors such as obesity, smoking, and comorbidities. This possibility was beyond our scope, and our findings were limited to the nature of the type of RWD generated from EHRs.

Given its retrospective nature, the study was limited to the following aspects. First, the main problem with the basic data was that it was retrospective and observational and had very limited power to challenge the evidence of a randomized controlled trial. The groups of patients above and below the various lipid goals during follow-up were not matched at the start when they were first identified as a CVD patient and probably differed in terms of true and original baseline lipids. Therefore, it is important to be very cautious when comparing these groups. Second, several risk factors, such as body mass index and smoking status, which might be relevant to lipid goal attainments and MACEs, were not available for the current analysis. Therefore, patients who attained the respective lipid goal could differ from those who did not attain the goal. Although we adopted the estimation of multivalued treatment effects, adjusted for the confounders at baseline, and performed sensitivity analysis, it should be still viewed as a potential violation to our results because we lacked an evaluation of the patients' full risk profile at baseline. Third, we observed the higher cardiovascular-related costs associated with lower lipid goals but failed to identify the reason leading to the difference.


In this first examination of the clinical outcomes and economic burden of lipid goal attainments in post-PCI Chinese patients with ACS, we found that none of the LDL-C goals of < 2.6 mmol/L, < 2.0 mmol/L, < 1.8 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction could lead to the reduction of the total costs of care within one-year follow-up. Furthermore, we found that any further lipid decrease could bring a remarkable economic burden on cardiovascular-related management. However, we failed to identify the clinical benefits associated with lipid goals of < 1.8 mmol/L, 2.0 mmol/L, and ≥ 50% reduction despite of the higher cardiovascular-related costs related to these groups of patients.


This study was not funded by any organizations or sponsors.


We do not have conflicts of interest to disclose.


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