Figure 6 |. Mutational screen of Tyr residues present in BAK1 cytoplasmic domain.
a,Total ROS production following treatment of bak1–4 mesophyll protoplasts with 100 nM elf18 over 30 min. The total relative luminescence unit (RLU) values from n=4 independent biological experiments are normalized relative to protoplasts expressing wild-type (WT) BAK1 and expressed as aligned dot blots showing mean ± SE. b, Total ROS production following treatment with 100 nM elf18 over 60 min of n=8 biologically independent suspensions of bak1–4 mesophyll protoplasts transiently expressing the indicated BAK1 mutants,. Measurements are plotted as boxplots displaying the first and third quartiles, split by the median; whiskers extend to a maximum of 1.5 × interquartile range beyond the box. Circles indicate individual data points. c, Western blot analysis with α-BAK1 antibodies. For blot source data, see Supplementary Figure 1. a-b, Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s post-hoc test compared to the WT control. b,c, Experiments were repeated twice with similar results.