Figure 4.
Suppressive effects of IL-33-induced-intracellular signaling molecules by 15-min treatment with GA in KU812 cells. (A) phosopho (p) p38 MAPK pretreated with IL-33 (30 min); (B) pIκBα_pretreated with IL-33 (1 h); (C) pJNK pre-treated with IL-33 (30 min) and (D) pJNK pretreated with IL-33 (1 h). Results are shown as the mean plus SEM of MFI and normalized by subtracting appropriate isotypic control of three independent experiments in bar charts. Representative histograms of intracellular expression of phosphor-signaling molecules in KU812 cells were also shown. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.005, *** p < 0.001. P100-1000: PHF 100–1,000 μg/mL, DP100-1000: DP 100–1,000 μg/mL, GA10-100: GA10–100 μg/mL.