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. 2018 Dec 3;13(12):e0207646. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207646

Factors associated with healthcare utilization among community-dwelling elderly in Shanghai, China

Man Jiang 1, Guang Yang 2, Lvying Fang 1, Jin Wan 3, Yinghua Yang 4, Ying Wang 5,*
Editor: Marcel Yotebieng6
PMCID: PMC6277110  PMID: 30507929



The objective of this study was to evaluate the factors associated with the health status of older Chinese people living in the community, in order to inform strategies to expand access to healthcare.


Two-phase stratified cluster sampling was applied; 2000 older people participated in this study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted in Shanghai between June and August, 2011. Descriptive analysis was used to examine the respondents’ characteristics. Based on Andersen’s healthcare utilization model, a chi-squared test and multiple logistic regression were performed to examine the influences of predisposing, enabling, need, and contextual factors on healthcare utilization.


We found that 44.5% of the older people in the sample had good self-reported health status, while 12.8% were poor, 14.5% had visited hospitals or clinics as outpatients in the previous two weeks, and 16.5% had been hospitalized in the previous year. Logistic regression analysis revealed that outpatient health services were more likely to be used by women and those whose income was from friends or social relief, who had poor to good self-reported health status, who were experiencing declining health, who engaged in volunteer activities, and who had chronic diseases. Meanwhile, hospitalization was more likely among those in the older age groups, those with pension income, living in outer suburbs, with poor self-reported health status, experiencing difficulty with activities of daily living and outdoor activities, or having a chronic disease.


The results showed the impact of economic status, health status, demographic and social characteristics, and other factors on the health service utilization of elderly people living in the community in Shanghai. Need variables were the strongest predictors of health service use, although contextual factors also contributed.


An aging society is one where more than 10% of the population is over 60 years old and/or 7% are over 65 [1]. According to statistics published by the WHO, the percentage of the global population aged 60 and over was 11% by the end of 2011, while that in China was 13% [2]. China is a therefore recognized as an aging society, with Shanghai showing a more extreme position. According to the Shanghai Bureau of Statistics, the city had a population of 14.50 million people registered as living in households by the end of 2016, of whom 31.59% were aged 60 and over, with this percentage increasing annually [3].

This rapidly aging population poses significant challenges for healthcare [4]. With their declining physical function and increasing morbidity from various diseases, the demand for healthcare services from older people is far higher than from other age groups [5]. For instance, 33% of healthcare expenditure in the United States is spent on older people [6]. There is growing recognition globally of the need to evaluate how healthcare services are utilized, and how healthcare systems might best be enhanced to meet the health needs of an aging population [7].

Healthcare utilization means obtaining healthcare from health service providers [8]. Many theoretical models of healthcare utilization have been formulated, interpreting it from various perspectives (such as economic, psychosocial, behavioral, and epidemiological) and exploring which variables influence it and to what degree [9]. For example, the Andersen–Newman model [10] explains healthcare utilization in terms of relationships among predisposing, enabling, need, and contextual factors found in the general population, while Berki and Kobashigawa [11] emphasized the importance of services, socioeconomic factors, and individual characteristics. Other studies focused on vulnerable populations, for example, minority groups or immigrants. Mutchler and Burr [12] examined racial differences in health service utilization, and Aroian et al. [13] focused on elderly immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Factors associated with healthcare utilization can be divided into three types [14]: physiological (e.g., sex, age, race, health status), social (e.g., income, education, social status), and subjective (e.g., self-reported health status).

China is the developing country with the largest elderly population, partly as a result of the implementation of its “One Child” policy in the 1970s [15]. Along with the aging trend, China is experiencing a significant health transition, with older people generally living longer generally but also with increasing years in suboptimal perceived health accompanied by chronic diseases [16]. The problem of healthcare utilization has been studied by some investigators in China, but these studies have not properly considered influencing factors, contextual factors, or disease status. Andersen’s model is a useful framework for studying health service use and for grouping the factors shown to affect health service utilization in older Chinese people [17]. Uncovering factors associated with health service use is important, particularly when used concurrently with conventional care, as this could help avoid potential problems.

Shanghai was used as the study area, because it has the most severe aging situation in China [18].We examined how predisposing, enabling, need, and contextual factors were related to healthcare utilization. Outpatient service usage rates in the previous two weeks and hospital inpatient services in the previous year were set as dependent variables [19]. The objective of the study was to evaluate factors influencing health status and healthcare utilization among older Chinese people, gathering reference data for policies to improve the healthcare accessibility for the elderly and for the development of health management and healthy aging programs for older people in China and other developing countries with similarly aging populations.

Theoretical framework

First developed in the late 1960s, Andersen’s healthcare utilization model was originally used to measure equitable access to health services and assist in developing policies to promote such access. It aimed to integrate several ideas about how and why health services were used [20], and has been widely used to explore relationships between predisposing, enabling, and need factors and healthcare utilization [21] in a wide variety of contexts, for example predicting emergency room use [22, 23] and patient satisfaction [24].

Predisposing factors are those increasing individuals’ propensity to use services; they include demographic and social characteristics such as sex, age, marital status, race, education level, children, and living conditions. Enabling factors increase individual ability to access services, and includes family and social resources, health insurance, pension or other income, and living location. Need factors reflect illness level and factors affecting it, including self-reported health status, sensory damage, loneliness, ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs), changes in health status, smoking and alcohol-drinking status, and presence of a certain chronic disease. The need component involves both health professionals’ and individuals’ perceptions of whether clinical factors require use of healthcare services.

Previous studies have shown that the strongest predictors of healthcare utilization are need factors, followed by enabling and predisposing factors [25]. Some studies have also shown that contextual factors play key roles; for example, geographic variations influence length of hospital stay [26, 27]. Neighborhood [28], characteristics of providers [29] and social capital–related factors such as social trust, civic engagement, and social relations [30] all affect health service utilization. Unlike other age groups, the high incidence of chronic diseases among older people will lead to changes in their health service utilization. Many elderly people have multiple concurrent prevalent diseases at the same time, while most previous studies only considered if people had any chronic diseases or not (yes/no), rather than explore the impact of each disease [17, 31]. It has therefore been necessary to evaluate healthcare utilization using a specialized version of Andersen’s model.

Our study extends Andersen’s model to include the most prevalent diseases in this population as special need factors as well as contextual factors, and aims to determine whether these special variables add predictability to health service utilization. The most prevalent diseases, which can be analyzed as a separate part of the need factors, include hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cataracts, cerebrovascular disease, bronchitis, and gastroenteritis. Contextual factors considered here include regional economic development, participation in outdoor and community activities, and participation in volunteer work.

Materials and methods

Design and procedures

The phrase “older people” in China generally applies to those who are 60 years old and over; we therefore focused on people aged above 60 living in communities served by the sample community institutions.

We decided on a stratified random sample, and the effect size was estimated as two, meaning that the sample size required was doubled. We estimated a 15% loss to follow-up, so a sample of 1756 older people was needed. We eventually received 2000 valid questionnaires. Ethical approval was received from the Fudan University Research Ethics Committee. Respondents were assured that participation in the study was voluntary, with the return of completed questionnaires being taken as consent; the study data of respondents were collected anonymously.

A cross-sectional design was used to investigate these community-dwelling older Shanghainese adults, in August 2011. The 18 districts (counties) of Shanghai were divided into three levels stratified by socioeconomic status: high, medium, and low. Random sampling was conducted for two districts from each level, with samples collected on the basis of population size. High-SES districts were Pudong (sample of 832) and Changning (199); medium-SES ones were Hongkou (291) and Putuo (274); low-SES ones were Jinshan (157) and Chongming (248). We then randomly selected one street or town (local center) in the medium-SES districts, arranged all their residents in alphabetical order by name, and surveyed them one by one until we had a large enough sample.

The study design and questionnaire were created by the School of Public Health at Fudan University and piloted in 200 elderly people, and then revised. Face-to-face interviews were conducted in June and August 2011. The sampled communities were responsible for coordination with the interviewees and training the investigators. All the interviewers, who included research assistants and experienced peer fieldworkers, had received extensive training on research ethics and assessment methodology prior to data collection. A small gift equivalent in value to US$3, was given to the participants as a token of appreciation for their participation.

Variable content

Adequate operationalization and selection of variables representing the Andersen model was ensured by considering Andersen’s own suggestions [20] as well as known information on the relationships between various factors and health service utilization among the middle-aged and elderly in China, an approach again largely based on the framework of Andersen’s behavioral model [31, 32]. In this study, healthcare utilization was quantified by assessing (1) level of use of outpatient care in the previous two weeks, including family doctor, nursing or specialist visits, and (2) hospitalization(s) in the last year.

Predisposing factors

Socio-demographic data gathered included age, gender, education, marital status, nationality, number of children, living situation, and healthy lifestyle. Age was divided into five groups: 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79, and ≥80. Three marital statuses were used: married, separated/divorced, widowed. Education had four categories: (1) illiterate, including semi-literate, less than primary education, or home study; (2) primary education; (3) secondary education, including middle and high school as well as vocational education; and (4) higher education, including associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Living situation was divided into three types: living alone, living with spouse, and living with children. Healthy lifestyles, which serve as a proxy for health beliefs, were measured by two variables: (1) never smoke, smoke at times, smoke often, or had quit smoking; (2) never drink, drink at times, often drink, or had quit drinking alcohol.

Enabling factors

The enabling factors in the model include healthcare insurance, pension income, source of income, and location. China’s basic medical insurance system can be divided into three types: medical insurance for urban employees, medical insurance for urban and town residents, and “new-type rural cooperative medical scheme” (NRCMS). In addition to these three basic types, we also investigated the proportion of elderly whose healthcare expenses are self-paid or publicly funded. Pension income and source of income can also help capture the accessibility of health services from an economic perspective. In addition, people living in different locations—city center, inner suburbs, and outer suburbs—have different degrees of access to transportation and medical facilities.

Need factors

The need factors in the model include self-reported health, sensation disorders, feeling lonely or nervous, activity of daily living (ADL) limitations, and chronic diseases. Self-reported health is based on the respondents’ answer to the questions “Would you say your health is good, normal, or poor?” and “Compared with last year, what changes have you made in your health?” Three questions related to mental health, “Do you have sensation disorders?” (yes/no) and “Do you feel lonely or nervous?” (never/sometimes/always), were also included in the questionnaire. Functional ability was assessed using the Barthel Index, which has been regarded as the best tool for this purpose in terms of sensitivity, simplicity, communicability, scalability, and ease of scoring [33]. First published in 1965, its ten items cover eating, dressing and undressing, making up, walking, getting into and out of bed, washing and bathing, going up and down stairs, and toileting and controlling bladder and bowel movements [34]. Comorbidity was measured as the self-reported number of chronic diseases that had been diagnosed by a physician, coded into categories of hypertension, diabetes, cataract, cerebrovascular disease, bronchitis, gastroenteritis, intervertebral disc disease, cardiovascular disease, and asthma.

Data analysis

SPSS Statistics for Windows (version 20.0; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) was used to analyze the data. Mean and standard deviation were used in the descriptive statistics. The chi-squared test was used to determine the differences between socio-demographic characteristics. The significance threshold was P < 0.05.

The relationships among socio-demographic characteristics, living habits, social support, mental and physical status, and self-reported health status were tested by the chi-squared test. A series of logistic regression models were performed to establish the independent associations between health service utilization and its determinants. The predictors in Model 1 were based on Andersen’s model; Model 2 tested whether the addition of contextual factors adds incremental predictive power; and Model 3 tested whether the addition of disease status adds incremental predictive power. The index of -2Log Likelihood was used to compare model fit of different models [35]. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


Socio-demographic characteristics

The total sample size comprised 2000 older people. The response rate was 100%, with 57.8% being women. The mean age was 71.61 years, and the proportions in each age group (aged 60–64, 65–69, 70–74, 75–79 and ≥80) were around 2:1:1:1:1. The predominant nationality of most was Han (98.9%), with 1.1% being ethnic minorities; 75.8% were married, 21.6% were widowed, and 2.6% were divorced or single. In all, 28.7% had received no formal education. Most lived with a spouse (86.0%), although 35.0% lived with children, and 14.0% lived alone. Medical insurance coverage was good, with 31.5% being part of a medical insurance system for urban and town residents, 45.5% one for urban employees, and 14.7% an NRCMS. Finally, 41.6% lived in the inner suburbs, 38.2% in the city center, and 20.2% in the outer suburbs.

Health status and healthcare utilization

During the previous two weeks, 380 had been ill and 1620 had not. The two-week prevalence of illness was 19.0%, and the two-week visit rate to outpatient services was 14.5%. The rate of not seeking medical care by patients who had been ill in the previous two weeks was 23.9%, while the hospitalization rate in the previous year was 16.5%. Overall, 44.5% reported good health status, 42.8% normal, and 12.8% poor health status. Most, 83.0%, reported that they did not feel lonely, and 89.2% were not nervous; 54.7% felt satisfied with life, and 5.1% were not. Finally, 77.2% had at least one chronic disease.

Univariate analysis of outpatients’ health service utilization

Table 1 shows the chi-squared test results for each Andersen model predictor of two-week visit rate. Of the predisposing predictors, only gender and previously having smoked had any relationship to outpatient health service utilization: men were less likely to use outpatient health services than women. Three of the enabling predictors were found related to outpatient health service use: pension income level, source of income, and location. Respondents with pension income of 1000–2000 RMB monthly, whose income source was a pension, and who lived in the outer suburbs were more likely to use outpatient health services. Need predictor characteristics related to outpatient health service use were poor self-reported health status, sensation disorders, feeling lonely and/or nervous, poor satisfaction with life, limitation to activities of daily living (ADLs), health status changing for the worse, and having a chronic disease. Respondents with chronic diseases such as heart disease, cataracts, cerebrovascular disease, and gastroenteritis were particularly more likely to use outpatient health services. Living in a poorer region and having more contact with friends and neighbors were also related to outpatient health service use.

Table 1. Univariate analysis of outpatient health service utilization.

Variable Yes No Sum Two-week visit rate
# % # % # % χ2 p
Predisposing factors
Gender 9.55 0.002
male 98 11.6 745 88.4 843 42.2
female 191 16.6 963 83.4 1154 57.8
Age group (years) 3.456 0.485
60–64 88 13.7 555 86.3 643 32.2
65–69 46 13.6 293 86.4 339 17.0
70–74 54 17.2 260 82.8 314 15.7
75–79 59 15.6 319 84.4 378 18.9
≥80 42 12.9 283 87.1 325 16.3
Marital status 0.231 0.891
widowed 59 13.7 372 86.3 431 21.6
divorced/single 8 15.7 43 84.3 51 2.6
married 218 14.4 1293 85.6 1511 75.8
Nationality 1.618 0.203
Han nationality 288 14.6 1687 85.4 1975 98.9
ethnic minority 1 4.8 20 95.2 21 1.1
Education level 1.645 0.649
illiterate 80 14.0 492 86.0 572 28.7
primary education 96 15.1 540 84.9 636 31.9
secondary education 91 13.5 581 86.5 672 33.7
higher education 20 17.5 94 82.5 114 5.7
Number of children 1.026 0.795
0 3 11.5 23 88.5 26 1.3
1 or 2 153 14.5 904 85.5 1057 53.1
3 or 4 106 14.0 652 86.0 758 38.1
5 or more 25 16.9 123 83.1 148 7.4
Living situation 0.608 0.738
living alone 44 15.9 233 84.1 277 14.0
living with spouse 142 14.1 868 85.9 1010 51.0
living with children 102 14.7 591 85.3 693 35.0
Healthy lifestyle
Smoking 8.491 0.037
never 237 15.2 1321 84.8 1558 77.9
at times 5 6.0 79 94.0 84 4.2
often 28 11.2 221 88.8 249 12.5
quit 19 17.4 90 82.6 109 5.5
Drinking 3.638 0.303
never 238 15.2 1329 84.8 1567 78.4
at times 17 11.3 133 88.7 150 7.5
often 5 9.3 49 9.7 54 2.7
quit 29 12.7 200 87.3 229 11.5
Enabling factors
Healthcare insurance 1.783 0.776
for urban employees 87 14.0 533 86.0 620 31.5
for urban and town residents 132 14.8 762 85.2 894 45.5
NRCMS 44 15.2 245 84.8 289 14.7
at own expenses 2 7.7 24 92.3 26 1.3
at public expense 23 16.8 114 83.2 137 7.0
Pension income level (RMB) 6.723 0.035
0–999 147 14.8 847 85.2 994 49.9
1000–1999 73 17.5 344 82.5 417 20.9
2000+ 68 11.7 512 88.3 580 29.1
Source of income 52.925 0.000
pension 230 13.6 1464 86.4 1694 86.1
work or savings 17 11.8 127 88.2 144 7.3
family 5 8.9 51 91.1 56 2.8
others 32 43.2 42 56.8 74 3.8
Location 9.646 0.008
city center 114 14.9 650 85.1 764 38.2
inner suburbs 100 12.0 732 88.0 832 41.6
outer suburbs 75 18.6 329 81.4 404 20.2
Need factors
Self-reported health status 92.8 0.000
good 76 8.6 812 91.4 888 44.5
normal 130 15.2 724 84.8 854 42.8
poor 83 32.5 172 67.5 255 12.8
Sensation disorders 7.010 0.008
no 140 12.6 972 87.4 1112 55.6
yes 149 16.8 739 83.2 888 44.4
Feeling lonely 12.403 0.002
never 220 13.3 1439 86.7 1659 83.0
sometimes 57 21.3 210 78.7 267 13.4
always 12 16.4 61 83.6 73 3.7
Feeling nervous 8.175 0.017
never 244 13.7 1539 86.3 1783 89.2
sometimes 37 21.1 138 78.9 175 8.8
always 8 20.0 32 80.0 40 2.0
Life satisfaction 32.98 0.000
good 121 11.1 971 88.9 1092 54.7
fair 137 17.1 666 82.9 803 40.2
poor 30 29.4 72 70.6 102 5.1
ADLs 7.120 0.008
independent 278 14.2 1685 85.8 1963 98.2
dependent for ≥1 activity 11 29.7 26 70.3 37 1.8
Physical health change 81.439 0.000
better 8 8.1 91 91.9 99 5.0
unchanged 124 9.7 1153 9.3 1277 64.0
worse 145 24.9 437 75.1 582 29.2
unstable 9 24.3 28 75.7 37 1.9
With chronic disease 21.929 0.000
no 35 7.7 421 92.3 456 22.8
yes 254 16.5 1290 83.5 1544 77.2
Number of chronic diseases/person 81.046 0.000
0 35 7.7 421 92.3 456 22.8
1 79 11.7 596 88.3 675 33.8
2 67 15.4 369 84.6 436 21.8
3 46 18.3 205 81.7 251 12.6
4 or more 62 34.1 120 65.9 182 9.1
Disease status
Hypertension 2.457 0.117
yes 160 15.7 862 84.3 1022 51.1
no 129 13.2 849 86.8 978 48.9
Heart diseases 34.256 0.000
yes 101 23.2 335 76.8 436 21.8
no 188 12.0 1376 88.0 1564 78.2
Diabetes 2.699 0.100
yes 51 17.6 239 82.4 290 14.5
no 238 13.9 1472 86.1 1710 85.5
Cataract 11.24 0.001
yes 40 23.0 134 77.0 174 8.7
no 249 13.6 1577 86.4 1826 91.3
Cerebrovascular disease 5.26 0.022
yes 31 20.8 118 79.2 149 7.4
no 258 13.9 1593 86.1 1851 92.6
Bronchitis 2.297 0.130
yes 23 19.2 97 80.8 120 6.0
no 266 14.1 1614 85.9 1880 94.0
Gastroenteritis 38.999 0.000
yes 39 34.5 74 65.5 113 5.65
no 250 13.2 1637 86.8 1887 94.35
Contextual factors
Regional economic level 11.987 0.002
good 123 11.9 907 88.1 1030 51.5
middle 91 16.1 475 83.9 566 28.3
poor 75 18.6 329 81.4 404 20.2
Outdoor activities 0.166 0.683
yes 165 14.2 1001 85.8 1166 58.4
no 123 14.8 708 85.2 831 41.6
Seeing children 3.050 0.550
every day 174 13.6 1109 86.4 1283 65.2
every week 64 15.6 346 84.4 410 20.8
every month 32 16.5 162 83.5 194 9.9
every year 11 16.7 55 83.3 66 3.4
<1 time/year 1 6.2 15 93.8 16 0.8
Neighbor contact 0.317 0.957
every week 259 14.4 1537 85.6 1796 89.8
every month 11 14.5 65 85.5 76 3.8
every year 3 18.8 13 81.2 16 .8
almost never 15 13.5 96 86.5 111 5.6
Gathering with relatives 5.034 0.169
every week 59 13.2 389 86.8 448 22.4
every month 50 16.0 262 84.0 312 15.6
every year 137 15.7 735 84.3 872 43.6
almost never 42 11.4 325 88.6 367 18.4
Community activities 19.496 0.000
every week 67 22.2 235 77.8 302 15.2
every month 15 9.7 140 9.3 155 7.8
every year 24 11.5 184 88.5 208 10.4
almost never 182 13.7 1146 86.3 1328 66.6
Volunteer activities 1.951 0.162
yes 45 17.4 214 82.6 259 13.0
no 244 14.1 1487 85.9 1731 87.0

Logistic regression analysis of outpatient healthcare services utilization

The inclusion level was set to p < 0.05 and the exclusion criterion to p > 0.1. Then, all the variables were included in stepwise regression; only the variables in the final results are shown. Table 2 shows the logistic regression analysis results of each Andersen model predictor of outpatient visit rate in the previous two weeks, as the dependent variable. In all three models, gender (model 1: OR 1.344; 95% 0.994–1.818, p = 0.064) was not statistically significant. Compared to those whose income was from a pension, those who had income from other sources (model 1: OR 6.497; 95% 3.599–11.727, p = 0.000) were more likely to use outpatient healthcare services. The statistically significant need predictors were poor self-reported health status (model 1: OR 6.497; 95% 3.599–11.727, p = 0.000), normal satisfaction with life (model 1: OR 1.472; 95% 1.088–1.992, p = 0.012), and a change for the worse in physical health (model 1: OR 3.301; 95% 1.502–7.258, p = 0.003). As for contextual factors, elderly who engaged in volunteering (no vs. yes) (model 3: OR 0.619; 95% 0.415–0.924, p = 0.019) were more likely to use health services. Of the newly added disease factors in Model 3, both heart diseases (model 3: OR 1.693; 95% 1.234–2.324, p = 0.001) and gastroenteritis (model 3: OR 2.181; 95% 1.315–3.616, p = 0.003) were associated with the utilization of health services.

Table 2. Logistic regression analysis of outpatient healthcare services utilization.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Sig. OR (95%CI) Sig. OR (95%CI) Sig. OR (95%CI)
Predisposing factors
Gender (female vs. male) 0.055 1.344 (0.994–1.818) 0.064 1.33 (0.983–1.8) 0.135 1.263 (0.93–1.715)
Enabling factors
Pension income level (RMB)
0–999 ref ref ref
1000–1999 0.104 1.346 (0.941–1.924) 0.147 1.305 (0.911–1.869) 0.092 1.367 (0.95–1.967)
2000+ 0.280 0.812 (0.557–1.185) 0.222 0.79 (0.541–1.153) 0.232 0.791 (0.539–1.161)
Source of income
pension ref ref ref
work or savings 0.315 0.731 (0.397–1.347) 0.355 0.75 (0.408–1.38) 0.333 0.74 (0.402–1.362)
family 0.087* 0.422 (0.157–1.135) 0.100 0.437 (0.163–1.173) 0.182 0.508 (0.188–1.372)
others 0.000* 6.497 (3.599–11.727) 0.000* 6.644 (3.669–12.03) 0.000* 7.322 (4.031–13.3)
Need factors
Self-reported health status
good ref ref ref
normal 0.116 1.311 (0.935–1.837) 0.079 1.356 (0.966–1.904) 0.179 1.265 (0.898–1.782)
poor 0.000* 2.747 (1.78–4.24) 0.000* 2.923 (1.886–4.53) 0.000* 2.469 (1.572–3.877)
Life satisfaction
good ref ref ref
normal 0.012* 1.472 (1.088–1.992) 0.010* 1.492 (1.101–2.021) 0.014* 1.47 (1.083–1.997)
poor 0.146 1.525 (0.864–2.693) 0.144 1.53 (0.865–2.705) 0.340 1.333 (0.739–2.403)
Physical health change
better ref ref ref
unchanged 0.415 1.385 (0.633–3.027) 0.404 1.395 (0.639–3.049) 0.321 1.496 (0.675–3.313)
worse 0.003 3.301 (1.502–7.258) 0.003* 3.351 (1.524–7.367) 0.003* 3.344 (1.5–7.453)
unstable 0.005* 4.797 (1.587–14.49) 0.006* 4.719 (1.559–14.284) 0.008* 4.576 (1.494–14.011)
Disease status
Heart diseases
(yes vs. no)
0.001* 1.693 (1.234–2.324)
Gastroenteritis (yes vs. no) 0.003* 2.181 (1.315–3.616)
Contextual Factors
Volunteer activities (no vs. yes) 0.012 * 0.603 (0.407–0.894) 0.019* 0.619 (0.415–0.924)
Chi-squared 166.366 172.327 192.011
df 13 14 16
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
-2Log Likelihood 1339.348 1333.388 1313.703

*p < 0.05;

CI: confidence interval.

The index of -2Log Likelihood was 1339.348 for model 1. After including contextual factors, in model 2, this index dropped to 1333.388. This was further reduced to 1313.703 when disease status was added. Therefore, model 3 was the optimal model.

Univariate analysis of hospitalization

Table 3 shows the chi-squared test results for each Andersen model predictor of hospitalization rate. Four predisposing factors were related to hospitalization service use: age group, marital status, education and number of children. Older, less educated, and widowed people with more children were more likely to use hospital services. The enabling predictors source of income and region were also related to hospitalization service. Respondents whose income was from work or savings were less likely to have been hospitalized than those whose income was provided by their family. Those living in the outer suburbs were more likely to have been hospitalized. Need predictors related to hospitalization were poor self-reported health status, sensation disorders, feeling lonely or nervous, having poor satisfaction with life, limitation in one or more activities of daily living (ADLs), change for the worse in physical health, previously having smoked, and having one or more chronic diseases.

Table 3. Univariate analysis of hospitalization.

Yes No Sum Hospitalization rate
Variable # % # % # % χ2 p
Predisposing factors
Gender 0 0.988
male 139 16.5 704 83.5 843 42.2
female 190 16.5 964 83.5 1154 57.8
Age group (years) 45.695 0.000
60–64 65 10.1 578 89.9 643 32.2
65–69 43 12.7 296 87.3 339 17.0
70–74 62 19.7 252 80.3 314 15.7
75–79 82 21.7 296 78.3 378 18.9
≥80 78 24.0 247 76.0 325 16.3
Marital status 6.929 0.031
widowed 88 20.4 343 79.6 431 21.6
divorced/single 6 11.8 45 88.2 51 2.6
married 233 15.4 1278 84.6 1511 75.8
Nationality 0.101 0.750
Han nationality 325 16.5 1650 83.5 1975 98.9
ethnic minority 4 19.0 17 81.0 21 1.1
Education level 6.761 0.080
illiterate 113 19.8 459 80.2 572 28.7
primary education 100 15.7 536 84.3 636 31.9
secondary education 97 14.4 575 85.6 672 33.7
higher education 19 16.7 95 83.3 114 5.7
Number of children 23.287 0.000
0 2 7.7 24 92.3 26 1.3
1 or 2 138 13.1 919 86.9 1057 53.1
3 or 4 156 20.6 602 79.4 758 38.1
5 or more 33 22.3 115 77.7 148 7.4
Living situation 4.021 0.134
living alone 39 14.1 238 85.9 277 14.0
living with spouse 160 15.8 850 84.2 1010 51.0
living with children 130 18.8 563 81.2 693 35.0
Healthy lifestyle
Smoking 18.085 0.000
never 264 16.9 1294 83.1 1558 77.9
at times 11 13.1 73 86.9 84 4.2
often 25 10.0 224 90.0 249 12.5
quit 30 27.5 79 72.5 109 5.5
Drinking 0.695 0.874
never 262 16.7 1305 83.3 1567 78.4
at times 23 15.3 127 84.7 150 7.5
often 7 13.0 47 87.0 54 2.7
quit 38 16.6 191 83.4 229 11.5
Enabling factors
Healthcare insurance 9.201 0.056
for urban employees 85 13.7 535 86.3 620 31.5
for urban and
town residents
147 16.4 747 83.6 894 45.5
NRCMS 58 20.1 231 79.9 289 14.7
at own expenses 5 19.2 21 80.8 26 1.3
at public expense 30 21.9 107 78.1 137 7.0
Pension income level (RMB) 4.773 0.092
0–999 175 17.6 819 82.4 994 49.9
1000–1999 54 12.9 363 87.1 417 20.9
2000+ 98 16.9 482 83.1 580 29.1
Source of income 8.111 0.044
pension 278 16.4 1416 83.6 1694 86.1
work or savings 18 12.5 126 87.5 144 7.3
family 16 28.6 40 71.4 56 2.8
others 10 13.5 64 86.5 74 3.8
Location 13.186 0.001
city center 122 16.0 642 84.0 764 38.2
inner suburbs 118 14.2 714 85.8 832 41.6
outer suburbs 90 22.3 314 77.7 404 20.2
Need factors
Self-reported health status 116.472 0.000
good 83 9.3 805 90.7 888 44.5
normal 151 17.7 703 82.3 854 42.8
poor 96 37.6 159 62.4 255 12.8
Sensation disorders 33.141 0.000
no 136 12.2 976 87.8 1112 55.6
yes 194 21.8 694 78.2 888 44.4
Feeling lonely 25.467 0.000
never 244 14.7 1415 85.3 1659 83.0
sometimes 72 27.0 195 73.0 267 13.4
always 14 19.2 59 80.8 73 3.7
Feeling nervous 28.928 0.000
never 267 15.0 1516 85.0 1783 89.2
sometimes 50 28.6 125 71.4 175 8.8
always 13 32.5 27 67.5 40 2.0
Life satisfaction 23.205 0.000
good 162 14.8 930 85.2 1092 54.7
fair 133 16.6 670 83.4 803 40.2
poor 34 33.3 68 66.7 102 5.1
independent 308 15.7 1655 84.3 1963 98.2 50.496 0.000
dependent for > = 1 activity 22 59.5 15 40.5 37 1.8
Physical health change 105.729 0.000
better 33 33.3 66 66.7 99 5.0
unchanged 130 10.2 1147 89.8 1277 64.0
worse 158 27.1 424 72.9 582 29.2
unstable 7 18.9 30 81.1 37 1.9
With chronic disease 42.198 0.000
no 30 6.6 426 93.4 456 22.8
yes 300 19.4 1244 80.6 1544 77.2
Disease states
Hypertension 7.932 0.005
yes 192 18.8 830 81.2 1022 51.1
no 138 14.1 840 85.9 978 48.9
Heart diseases 41.326 0.000
yes 116 26.6 320 73.4 436 21.8
no 214 13.7 1350 86.3 1564 78.2
Diabetes 4.321 0.038
yes 60 20.7 230 79.3 290 14.5
no 270 15.8 1440 84.2 1710 85.5
Cataracts 9.33 0.002
yes 43 24.7 131 75.3 174 8.7
no 287 15.7 1539 84.3 1826 91.3
Cerebrovascular disease 155.849 0.000
yes 79 53.0 70 47.0 149 7.4
no 251 13.6 1600 86.4 1851 92.6
Bronchitis 34.634 0.000
yes 43 35.8 77 64.2 120 6.0
no 287 15.3 1593 84.7 1880 94.0
Gastroenteritis 5.958 0.015
yes 28 24.8 85 75.2 113 5.65
no 302 16.0 1585 84.0 1887 94.35
Number of chronic diseases/person 124.714 0.000
0 30 6.6 426 93.4 456 22.8
1 78 11.6 597 88.4 675 33.8
2 89 20.4 347 79.6 436 21.8
3 64 25.5 187 74.5 251 12.6
4 or more 69 37.9 113 62.1 182 9.1
Two-week outpatient visit 29.384 0.000
yes 98 25.8 282 74.2 380 19.0
no 232 14.3 1388 85.7 1620 81.0
Contextual factors
Regional economic level 20.933 0.000
good 134 13.0 896 87.0 1030 51.5
middle 106 18.7 460 81.3 566 28.3
poor 90 22.3 314 77.7 404 20.2
Outdoor activities 12.205 0.000
with 163 14.0 1003 86.0 1166 58.4
without 165 19.9 666 80.1 831 41.6
Seeing children 3.386 0.495
every day 208 16.2 1075 83.8 1283 65.2
every week 72 17.6 338 82.4 410 20.8
every month 29 14.9 165 85.1 194 9.9
every year 15 22.7 51 77.3 66 3.4
<1 time/year 4 25.0 12 75.0 16 0.8
Contact with neighbors 7.564 0.056
every week 286 15.9 1510 84.1 1796 89.8
every month 15 19.7 61 80.3 76 3.8
every year 6 37.5 10 62.5 16 0.8
almost never 23 20.7 88 79.3 111 5.6
Gathering w/relatives 12.649 0.005
every week 61 13.6 387 86.4 448 22.4
every month 43 13.8 269 86.2 312 15.6
every year 145 16.6 727 83.4 872 43.6
almost never 81 22.1 286 77.9 367 18.4
Community activities 6.254 0.100
every week 40 13.2 262 86.8 302 15.2
every month 24 15.5 131 84.5 155 7.8
every year 27 13.0 181 87.0 208 10.4
almost never 238 17.9 1090 82.1 1328 66.6
Volunteer activities 1.967 0.161
yes 35 13.5 224 86.5 259 13.0
no 294 17.0 1437 83.0 1731 87.0

Coming from a poorer area, doing fewer outdoor activities, and taking part in fewer family gatherings were found to have significant positive relationships with hospitalization. Respondents with hypertension (χ2 = 7.932, p < 0.05), heart disease (χ2 = 41.326, p < 0.05), diabetes (χ2 = 4.321, p < 0.05), cataracts (χ2 = 9.33, p < 0.05), cerebrovascular disease (χ2 = 155.849, p < 0.05), bronchitis (χ2 = 34.634, p < 0.05), and gastroenteritis (χ2 = 5.958, p < 0.05) were significantly more likely to have been hospitalized in the previous year.

Logistic regression analysis of hospitalization

The inclusion level was set to p < 0.05 and the exclusion criterion to p > 0.1. Based on these thresholds, all the variables were included in stepwise regression. Table 4 shows the final logistic regression analysis results of each Andersen model predictor of hospitalization rate in the previous year. Older age groups were more likely to have been hospitalized. Those with income from work or savings (model 1: OR 0.511; 95%CI 0.279–0.938, p = 0.030) were less likely to have been hospitalized than those with income from a pension, contrary to the case with outpatient service use. Those living in the outer suburbs were more likely to have been hospitalized (model 1: OR 1.316; 95%CI 0.962–1.8028, p = 0.001). Poor self-reported health status (model 1: OR 3.377; 95%CI 2.234–5.104, p = 0.000), being limited in one or more activity of daily living (ADL) (model 1: OR 2.954; 95%CI 1.388–6.29, p = 0.005), having three types of chronic diseases, and poor regional economic level (model 3: OR 3.429; 95%CI 1.782–6.596, p = 0.000) were positively associated with having been hospitalized.

Table 4. Logistic regression analysis of hospitalization.

Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Sig. OR (95%CI) Sig. OR (95%CI) Sig. OR (95%CI)
Predisposing factors
Age group (years)
60–64 ref ref ref
65–69 0.134 1.406 (0.9–2.196) 0.123 1.423 (0.909–2.226) 0.302 1.274 (0.804–2.019)
70–74 0.002* 1.964 (1.286–2.998) 0.001* 2.012 (1.315–3.079) 0.022* 1.676 (1.076–2.611)
75–79 0.000* 2.233 (1.498–3.33) 0.000* 2.22 (1.487–3.316) 0.002 * 1.954 (1.29–2.958)
≥80 0.000* 2.308 (1.529–3.484) 0.000* 2.218 (1.464–3.362) 0.003* 1.925 (1.253–2.957)
Enabling factors
Source of income
pension ref ref ref
work or savings 0.030* 0.511 (0.279–0.938) 0.026* 0.501 (0.272–0.922) 0.041* 0.521 (0.279–0.974)
family 0.473 0.763 (0.365–1.597) 0.479 0.766 (0.365–1.604) 0.445 0.732 (0.329–1.629)
others 0.026* 0.382 (0.164–0.892) 0.028* 0.387 (0.166–0.902) 0.191 0.566 (0.241–1.329)
city center ref ref ref
inner suburbs 0.086 1.316 (0.962–1.802) 0.001* 2.774 (1.515–5.08) 0.000* 3.527 (1.852–6.719)
outer suburbs 0.000* 2.582 (1.751–3.808) 0.000* 5.665 (2.95–10.877) 0.000* 6.024 (3.013–12.045)
Need factors
Self-reported health status
good ref ref ref
normal 0.000* 1.76 (1.282–2.416) 0.001* 1.752 (1.273–2.412) 0.006* 1.583 (1.138–2.202)
poor 0.000* 3.377 (2.234–5.104) 0.000* 3.211 (2.116–4.873) 0.000* 2.456 (1.578–3.822)
Feeling lonely
never ref ref ref
sometimes 0.071 1.389 (0.973–1.982) 0.111 1.339 (0.935–1.918) 0.336 1.201 (0.827–1.746)
always 0.162 0.585 (0.276–1.241) 0.121 0.55 (0.258–1.171) 0.133 0.549 (0.251–1.2)
(no vs. yes)
0.005* 2.954 (1.388–6.29) 0.006* 2.94 (1.364–6.34) 0.071 2.143 (0.937–4.901)
Physical health change
better ref ref ref
unchanged 0.000 * 0.21 (0.128–0.344) 0.000* 0.213 (0.129–0.349) 0.000* 0.22 (0.133–0.365)
worse 0.002* 0.457 (0.275–0.758) 0.002* 0.451 (0.27–0.752) 0.001* 0.423 (0.251–0.712)
unstable 0.143 0.479 (0.179–1.284) 0.165 0.493 (0.181–1.338) 0.117 0.441 (0.158–1.227)
Disease status
(yes vs. no)
0.692 0.926 (0.633–1.355)
Heart diseases
(yes vs. no)
0.008* 1.535 (1.12–2.104)
Cerebrovascular disease
(yes vs. no)
0.000* 4.572 (3.029–6.901)
(yes vs. no)
0.009* 1.886 (1.173–3.031)
Contextual Factors
Regional economic level
good ref ref
poor 0.003* 2.539 (1.374–4.694) 0.000* 3.429 (1.782–6.596)
Outdoor activities
(no vs. yes)
0.065 1.306 (0.983–1.736) 0.107 1.273 (0.949–1.708)
Chi-squared 207.205 219.544 287.463
df 17 19 23
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
-2Log Likelihood 1421.322 1408.983 1341.064

*p < 0.05;

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval

Next, the -2Log Likelihood (Model 1) was 1421.322. After adjusting for the predictors in Model 1, adding the contextual factors, the -2Log Likelihood for Model 2 was 1408.983. After adjusting for the predictors in Model 2, having diseases predicted hospitalization, and the -2 Log Likelihood for Model 3 was 1341.064.


This study improves our understanding of factors that influence use of healthcare services by older people in Shanghai and other Chinese cities, especially factors related to disease status and contextual factors, which have only rarely been considered previously.

Predisposing factors

We observed that predisposing factors including age, gender, pension income level, source of income, and marital status were statistically associated with utilization of health services in univariate analysis. Meanwhile, age contributed significantly to variance in utilization of hospitalization in logistic regression analysis.

There are some controversies around findings related to gender. Some studies have suggested that women are more likely to have used outpatient services in the previous two weeks than men [36] and that this might be related to women’s physical and psychological characteristics, since they more often belong to vulnerable groups [37]. Some studies have found that men are more likely to delay treatment than women because of social and behavioral factors [26]; however, other studies suggested the opposite [38]. This study found that the female outpatient visit rate in the previous two weeks was higher than that of men.

Older individuals tend to have more need for healthcare because they usually have more comorbid conditions [39, 40] and suffer from more adverse effects of treatment [41]. This study also found that with increasing age, the annual admission rate increased, which is consistent with prior research [42].

Previous investigations of living conditions and education have shown conflicting results. Some studies have indicated that older people living alone are more likely to be admitted to hospital than those living with an informal caregiver [43]. Education was positively and significantly related to use of outpatient services in some previous research [3, 44, 45]; however, other studies [46, 47] showed that older people with a lower educational level are more likely to visit their general practitioner. The present study reported no links between healthcare use and either living conditions or education. Women and/or in older people should be a key target groups for health interventions.

Enabling factors

The observations that source of income [4851] and regional economic development were significantly related to health service utilization among older people are consistent with earlier research [52, 53]. Compared with those whose income came from pensions, work, or family, those whose income came from friends or social relief had visited healthcare services more in the previous two weeks but been hospitalized less in the previous year. This is probably because those relying on friends or social relief cannot afford expensive hospital care and are therefore more likely to use outpatient services.

Higher health service utilization was seen among those living further away from the city center. In general, older people living nearer to the city center tend to live in nursing or residential homes because they have less access to family care and more of this support infrastructure because of greater local economic development. This finding may be the result of the stratified cluster sampling used in this study, because those living in such institutions, who usually need more healthcare, were excluded from our sample. To promote equitable healthcare utilization among older people living in the community, relevant departments and agencies should provide sufficient care for those living in outer suburbs and those whose incomes comes from friends or social relief, as these groups tend to use health services more.

Need factors

Previous research has generally found that health service use is mainly associated with need variables [36, 54]. This study similarly observed that self-reported health status, general level of life satisfaction, physical health change, feelings of loneliness, and limitations in ADLs were significantly, positively related to health service utilization.

Self-reported health status reflects the feelings, ideas, and beliefs of individuals about their health [55, 56]. An individual’s decision to use health services is the result of a complex interaction of factors relating to their health or self-perceived health status and to the availability of healthcare [36]. Consistent with other research, we found that older people with poor self-reported health had significantly higher odds of using both outpatient and inpatient services (2.469 and 2.456 times that of healthier individuals, respectively). Older people whose health status worsens tend to use more outpatient services but to be hospitalized less. Meanwhile, older people who are limited in ADLs have higher odds of being hospitalized than those without any such limitations. Elderly people with higher anxiety, depression, and/or concerns about their health and life have less capacity to resist disease and so also tend to use more healthcare services. However, healthcare utilization was not associated with sensation disorders, again consistent with previous studies [36].

Disease status

We also looked at the effect of special need factors—various chronic diseases on healthcare service utilization. The seven most prevalent diseases—hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cataracts, cerebrovascular disease, bronchitis, and gastroenteritis—were added into the model. The study found that older people with heart disease and gastroenteritis use more outpatient services, while those with heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and bronchitis tend to be hospitalized more. Those with hypertension or diabetes use fewer healthcare services, probably because these diseases are more stable and can be controlled through medication and other self-treatments.

Diseases such as heart disease, cataracts, and cerebrovascular disease have a longer course, and easily lead to complications and morbidity. Health education on age-related diseases, especially chronic diseases, should be carried out in the community to help people prevent and control these diseases, maintain a stable state of health, and improve their quality of life.

Contextual factors

Contextual factors are another important, although often neglected group of factors affecting healthcare utilization [21, 23, 24]. We found that older people who engage in volunteering tend to use more outpatient services. This might be because the government has developed many community health services and promoted their utilization. Living in a poorer region and participating fewer outdoor activities were also positively related to higher healthcare use. However, compared with the poorer medical conditions in outer suburbs, richer areas often have better medical services and more skilled personnel, which may improve disease prevention, management, and prognosis. More attention should also be paid to older people’s psychological needs, such as for psychological guidance and comfort, especially among those in poor physical condition and/or those who do not spend time in outdoor activities. The key to improving healthcare utilization is to improve older people’s social environment, through increased social support and availability of activities near home. A wider range of healthy activities could be arranged within the community to promote older people’s mental and physical health and strengthen their psychological self-adjustment.


The results showed the impact of economic status, health status, demographic and social characteristics, and other factors on the health service utilization of elderly people living in the community in Shanghai. Need variables in the Andersen model, including self-reported health status, life satisfaction, physical health change, and disease status, were the strongest factors influencing health service use, consistent with previous research [14, 20]. Contextual factors, especially regional economic level and volunteer activities, also contributed to it.


This study has several limitations. The first is its cross-sectional design. The method of investigation was a self-reported household survey, which may have led to recall bias and affected the accuracy of the survey results. A longitudinal study would be helpful in the future, to collect data through long-term continuous tracking and provide time-series data to improve understanding. Additionally, while healthcare services include primary care [57], preventive health services [58], outpatient services [59], ambulatory care [60] and hospital inpatient services [61], we focused only on use of outpatient and inpatient services. In addition, only people aged above 60 living in the community in Shanghai were sampled, while those living in nursing homes or pension agencies were excluded even though they may have more need for healthcare services. Their situation should be explored in a further study.

Supporting information

S1 File. Outpatient database.

Database used for univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis of outpatient health service utilization.


S2 File. Inpatient database.

Database used for univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis of hospitalization.



The authors are grateful to the members of the Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission and to the individuals of the School of Public Health at Fudan University who participated in the study. The authors also thank anonymous reviewers who have given us constructive comments and suggestions to improve this article.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

This work is partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71673055) (, Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research, Ministry of Education, China (15JZD029), and Key Lab of Health Technology Assessment, National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China, Fudan University.


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

S1 File. Outpatient database.

Database used for univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis of outpatient health service utilization.


S2 File. Inpatient database.

Database used for univariate analysis and logistic regression analysis of hospitalization.


Data Availability Statement

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

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