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. 2018 Jul 18;30:218. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.30.218.11718

Ethnobotanical survey of herbs used in the management of diabetes mellitus in Southern Katanga Area/DR Congo

Bakari Amuri 1,2,&, Mwamba Maseho 1, Lumbu Simbi 3, Pierre Duez 2, Kahumba Byanga 1
PMCID: PMC6294981  PMID: 30574237



Diabetes is becoming a public health burden for sub-Saharan countries due to its prevalence which is growing rapidly. Traditional medicine is more and more used to treat diabetes in RD Congo as well as in other African countries. This study was undertaken in order to list plants used in the management of diabetes by traditional healers in four agglomerations of southern area of Katanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


Forty-nine traditional healers were randomly met and interviewed about diabetes treatment in traditional medicine. The survey concerned the plant identification, their part used, method of preparation and the route of administration. The inquest concerned also traditional medicine users.


Ninety-five plants from 47 families were indicated as antidiabetic. Fabaceae (24.2%), Euphorbiaceae (7.4%), Apocynaceae and Strychnaceae (4.2 each) are the more representative families. This inventory showed that the root is the most used part of the cited plants, the decoction with water as the main preparation method and the oral administration as the principal way to give antidiabetic traditional formulations.


In Lubumbashi region, many plant species are used to treat diabetes either through traditional praticians or by anyone from well-known ancestral knowledge.

Keywords: Diabetes, medicinal plants, Ethnopharmacology, Katanga


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic syndrome characterized by chronic high-blood glucose concentrations resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both and having consequences on lipids and proteins metabolism [1,2]. According to the International Federation of Diabetes (IDF) there were 415 million people in the world with diabetes in 2015 and this is projected to increase to 642 million by 2040 [3]. In the Democratic Republic of Congo the prevalence of diabetes mellitus is rapidly growing up [4,5]. From 2003 to 2013 the number of diabetic patients has increased alarmingly from 552 thousands to 1.6 million; and the proportion of people with undiagnosed diabetes may reach 75% due to resource-limited health care [6,7]. On one side the limited access to conventional drugs and health care system, the faith on ancestral culture healing practices on the other hand, bring more people to traditional medicine where herbal drugs are widely used. Traditional medicine is still the mainstay of millions Congolese as well as other Africans [8]. In light of that, we decided to collect information about the plants used traditionally in the treatment of diabetes mellitus in southern Katanga area, DRC.


This ethnobotanical survey was realized by interviews conducted with the help of a guide-questionnaire in the town of Lubumbashi, and in the cities of Kasumbalesa, Kipushi and Likasi, in the southern area of Katanga province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo from September 2005 to July 2007, according to principles stated by the Declaration of Helsinki on personal data [9]. To be sure of the information veracity, each traditional healer was met at least three times to answer the same questions at different moments. From the collected sample, the plants pointed out as providing antidiabetic properties had been identified by their scientific name at the herbarium of Kipopo (30km far from Lubumbashi town to the North), by Professor Jean Lejoly of the Free University of Brussels.


About fifty traditional healers were visited and interviewed on their knowledge and on diabetes treatment after their assent. The data obtained from different traditional healers on their knowledge and on vegetable species used in the management of diabetes are given in Table 1 and Annex 1. Table 1 gives information about traditional practitioners (tribe, age, sex and how he or she became healer). Annex 1 gives information about plant species: local name, plant parts used, methods of preparation, administration and different diseases treated. Scientific names were given after botanical identification of harvested samples and listed in the table in alphabetical order. As indicated in the Table 1, 49 traditional healers allotted between twelve tribes, whose 16 women (32.65 %) and 33 men (67.34 %) were interviewed. Without accurate sociological information on these different tribes, it is not easy to explain clearly why there are more men traditional healers than women. However, we think that three reasons would explain that: (i) the will of advertising (use of poster, streamer, cartoon) that is more remarkable to men than to women; (ii) the fact that during the inquest time, more women than men are absent for field work would explain why there are more men traditional healers known than women; and (iii) it is possible that the practice of traditional medecine is guided by socio-cultural characteristics such as kinship system (patriarchy or matriarchy) as observed in the Mafa tribe of Cameroun [10]. As it can be observed the main source of traditional medicine knowledge remains the ancestral transmission way from old people to young ones (39/49). This may be explained by the fact that, traditional medicine is a cultural component which spread through generations from ascendants to descendants and based on oral transmission in Africa [8,11,12]. We notify that the Luba and Bemba tribes are the most representative tribes among the traditional practitioners respectively with 28.57% and 16.32%, only because they are the most numerous in the areas of inquiry [13] Annex 1. The information about the plants used in managing diabetes collected from different traditional medical practitioners is gathered in the following table. In this study, the data show that, 95 plants from 47 families were indicated as traditionally used to treat diabetes. Fabaceae (24.2%), Euphorbiaceae (7.4%), Apocynaceae and Loganiaceae (4.2 each) are the most representative botanical families. The ethnobotanical survey revealed that the root (41.3% of citation) is the most used organ of plant followed by the leaves (28.6%) and the stem bark (20.6%). The decoction found to be the main way to prepare recipes (62.2%) and the oral administration (92%) as the principal way to give antidiabetic traditional formulations. The present study showed that, apart from diabetes, the 95 plants mentioned by traditional healers are also used in the treatment of others several diseases or symptoms (more than forty) such as diarrhea, rheumatism, infections and abdominal pain. Each of the 95 plants cited was mentioned at least by one respond. Some species such as: Albizia adianthifolia (Schum.) WF Wight, Antidesma venosum Meyer, Cassia occidentalis L, Jatropha curcas L and Strychnos spinosa Lam, were known as antidiabetic by two or more traditional healers (Annex 1).

Table 1.

Information about the 49 traditional healers’ identity and source of knowledge

Site N.A Tribe and Sex Age (year) Source of knowledge
Kasumbalesa 6 Bemba 1F 49 Ancestral
Kabinda 1F 52 Initiation of another tribe
Luba 1M 70 Dreams
Round 1F 49 Ancestral
Tshokwe 1F; 1M (71, 103) Initiation of another tribe; Ancestral
Kipushi 16 Bemba 3M (63, 63, 50) Ancestral
Kabinda 2M (52, 70) Ancestral
Luba 2F; 2M (68,48, 50, 36) Ancestral; dreams
Luba- Kasaï 3F; 2M (59, 60, 49, 53, 69) Ancestral; initiation of another tribe
Rega 1M 51 Ancestral
Tshokwe 1M 40 Ancestral
Likasi 5 Bemba 1F 41 Ancestral
Luba 2M 71, 75 Ancestral; spirits
Lunda 1F 75 Ancestral
Tshokwe 1F 57 Spirits
Lubumbashi 22 Bemba 3M 53, 66, 50 Ancestral; spirits
Bembe 2M 47, 40 Ancestral
Hemba 1F; 3M 51, 88, 46, 50f Ancestral
Lélé 1M 27 Ancestral
Luba 1F, 7M 42, 35, 45, 39, 55, 70, 55, 47 Ancestral; spirits; dreams
Luba- Kasaï 1F; 1M 45, 60 Ancestral
Sanga 1M 51 Ancestral
Tshokwe 1F 41 Ancestral

N.A: Number of Answers (respond); M= male; F=female

Annex 1.

Plants used traditionally in the management of diabetes at Kasumbalesa, Kipushi, Likasi and Lubumbashi

Scientific name Local names Family U.P Treated diseases Preparation and administration Site References
Acacia karroo Hayne Munga (Luba), Mutonge (Sanga)
Mugunga (Hemba) Fabaceae Leave, Stem bark Diabetes, vaginal infections, jaundice Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T41
Adansonia digitata L. Mululu punga (Bemba) Bombaceae Stem bark Diabetes Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T37
Adenia gummifera (Harv.) Harms Komboponoke (Lamba), Kimboyi (Lala) Passifloraceae Stem bark Diabetes, birth troubles, infections Infusion/per os Lubumbashi T35
Adenia venenata Forssk. Mafula (Luba) Passifloraceae Root, Leave, Diabetes Decoction/per os Likasi T4
Afromosia angolensis Harms. Mubanga (Bemba), Mubanga kyulu (Luba) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, abdominal pain Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T40
Albizia adiantifolia (Schum.) W. F. Wight Kasikeaze (Tshokwe), Kapeta nzovu (Bemba), kapeta nzovu (Luba), Kampetanzevu(Tshiluba) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, syphilis, diarrhoea, blennorroea, indigestion Decoction/per os Likasi, Kipushi, Lubumbashi T7; T37; T42; T44;
Allium cepa L Matungulu sumu (Swahili) Alliaceae Seed Diabetes, High blood pressure Maceration/per os Kipushi T36
Allium sativum L Ail (Français) Alliaceae Bulb Diabetes, abdominal pain As a meal/per os Lubumbashi T2
Aloe vera L Chigaka (Mashi) Asphodelaceae Leaves Diabetes, dye, cancer Maceration /per os Lubumbashi T19
Ananas Comisus Schult. F. Nanasi (Swahili), Ananas (Français) Bromeliaceae Fruit Diabetes, indigestion Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T7
Anisophyllea boehmii Engl. Fungo (Sanga), Lufunga (Tabwa) Rhizophoraceae Root Diabetes, abdominal pain Decoction/per os Kipushi T6
Antidesma venosum (Tul.) E. Mey. Kifubia (Luba), Musambafwa (Lamba) Euphorbiaceae Stem bark Diabetes, gastrite, blennorroea Decoction/per os Lubumbashi, Kasumbalesa T18 ; T50
Arachis hypogaea Lam. Mbaa (Bemba), mwema (Bembe) Fabaceae Leaves Diabetes, infections Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T5
Aristolochia hockii De Wild. Kapanganganga (Bemba), Kazaz misang (Rund) Aristolochiace ae Root Diabetes, measles, syphilis, dysmenorrhoea Decoction/per os Likasi T8
Asparagus africanus Lam. Mukoma wa kanyengelele (luba) Aspagaraceae Leaves
Diabetes, syphilis, haemorrhoid Decoction/per os Likasi, Kasumbalesa T18 ; T33
Azanza garckeana (F. Hoffman) Excell & Hillc. Muti ya makamashi (Swahili) Malvaceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, œdema of the lower extremities, epilepsy Decoction/per os Infusion/per os Kasumbalesa T40
Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile Mubamba ngoma (Swahili), Mbamba ngoma (Luba) Balanitaceae Root Diabetes, sexual impotence, diarrhoea Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T37
Bidens pilosa L. Mpota ya mbwa (Luba), Asisa (Bembe) Asteraceae Leaves Diabetes, hemostatic, urinary infections Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T19
Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd Bougainvillé (Français) Nyctagynaceae Flowers Diabetes Maceration/per os Lubumbashi T3
Brassica oleracea L. Choux (Français) Brassicaceae Leaves Diabetes, skin diseases Infusion/per os Kasumbalesa, Kipushi T15 ; T36
Brillantaisia patula T. Anderson Muleta (Zela) Acanthaceae Stem bark Diabetes, gastrite Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T45
Canarium schweinfurthii Engl. Mpashi (Bemba), Mpafu (Luba) Burseraceae Leaves Diabetes, haemorrhoid Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T5
Carica papaya L. Cimuti cha popo (Bemba), Kipawo (Sanga), Papai (Swahili) Caricaceae Leaves
Diabetes, worms, infections Decoction/enema Lubumbashi T3 ; T9
Cassia occidentalis (L.) Link Lukunda bajanyi (Tshiluba), Mbaw-mbaw (Kikongo) Fabaceae Seed
Diabetes, worms, constipation Decoction,/per os Maceration/enema Lubumbashi, Kipushi T3 ;T27
Cassia petersiana Bolle. Kafunga nashya (Bemba) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, sexual impotence Maceration/per os Lubumbashi T11
Cassia sieberiana DC. Kandungandunga (Tshiluba), Mugunga (Hemba) Mununga nunsi (Bemba, Lamba). Fabaceae Leaves Diabetes, worms Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T31
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don Pervanche de Madagascar (Français) Apocynaceae Leaves
Diabetes, High blood pressure, worms, cough, malaria, cancer Decoction/per os
Kasumbalesa, Kipushi, Lubumbashi T22 ; T23 ; T29
Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F. Citronier (français) Rutaceae Root Diabetes, cough, fever Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T15
Citrus sinensis Osbeck. Ndimu (Swahili) Rutaceae Root Diabetes, fever Decoction/per os
Lubumbashi T11
Coleus kilimandschari Guerke. Mcubya (Bembe), Mutozo (Shi), Mulavumba (Swahili) Lamiaceae Leaves
Diabetes, haemorrhoid, malaria, abdominal pain, malaria, cough, angine, diabetes Decoction/per os
Infusion/per os
Maceration/per os
Kipushi T23 ; T27
Combretum celastroides Sensu Exell &Garcia Lukondambo (Luba), Mwina kyulu (Sanga) Combretaceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, skin diseases Decoction/per os Kipushi T16
Crossopteryx febrifuga (G.Don)Benth. Mutoshi (Tshiluba), Konsekonse (Lamba, Bemba) Rubiaceae Leaves
Diabetes, abdominal pain Maceration/per os Lubumbashi T39
Crotalaria spinosa (Benth) Hutch. Kabalala (Sanga) Fabaceae Stem bark
Diabetes, venereal diseases Decoction/per os Kipushi T21
Croton macrostachyus (Delile) Hochst. Mutara mutshi (Bemba) Euphorbiaceae Leaves Diabetes, blennorroea, dysmenorrhoea Decoction/enema Likasi T4
Cucumis sativus L. Concombre (Français) Cucurbitaceae Fruit Diabetes As a meal/per os Lubumbashi T12
Cyperus alternifolius L. Ndao (Luba) Cyperaceae Stem bark Diabetes, asthma, abdominal pain Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T35
Dalbergia boehmii Taub. Katembo mutshi (Luba-kassai), Katembo (Zela, sanga) Fabaceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, abdominal pain, rheumatism, diarrhoea, carie dentaire, abortion threat Decoction/per os Lubumbashi Kipushi T 30 ; T48
Diplorhynchus condylocarpon (Muell.Arg) Pichon. Mwenge (Swahili) Apocynaceae Root Diabetes, blennorroea Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T37
Droogmansia munamensis De Wild. Mununganunga (Bemba), Mulundeni (Lala) Fabaceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, dysentery Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T38
Elaeis guineensis Jacq. Ekaci (Bembe) Arecaceae Root Diabetes, sterility Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T31
Entada abyssinica Steud.ex A.Rich) Gilbert Kipungu (Sanga) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, haemorrhoid Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T7
Erythrina abyssinica Lam. Kisongwa (Hemba) ; Kisungwa (Bemba Fabaceae Root Diabetes Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa Lubumbashi T22 ; T45
Erythrophleum africanum (Benth.) Harms Kayimbi (Tshiluba) Fabaceae Leaves
Stem bark
diabetes, cancer, rheumatism Decoction/per os
Maceration/per os
Kipushi T20
Faurea saligna Harv. Mulemu (Sanga) Proteaceae Root diabetes Decoction/per os Kipushi T21
Ficus sycomorus L. Mukunyu (Swahili), Tshikuyi (Luba) Moraceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, Diarrhoea Decoction/per os Kipushi Lubumbashi T25 ; T39
Garcinia huillensis (Oliv.)Welw. Mungindu (Tchokwe) Clusiaceae Root Diabetes, rheumatism, gastro-intestinal troubles Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T34
Gladiolus klattianus Hook. Kitala (Bemba), Kitokatoka (Luba) Iridaceae Bulb Diabetes, blennorroea, fever Maceration/per os Lubumbashi T38
Glycine max (L.) Merr. Soja (swahili) Fabaceae Leaves Diabetes Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T31
Grewia flava DC. Bungwe (Luba) Tiliaceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, hernia Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T18
Harungana madagascariensis Lam.ex Poir. Mukuta (Tshiluba) Hypericaceae Stem bark
Diabetes, rheumatism,
High blood pressure
Decoction/per os,
Kipushi T13
Hymenocardia acida Tul. Kapembe (Bemba), Ambalanga (Hemba), Lupep (Tshokwe) Hymenocardiaceae Root Diabetes, haemorrhoid Decoction/per os Lubumbashi, Kasumbalesa T37 ; T16
Ipomoea spathulata Hallier.f. Mulapa (Sanga) Convolvulaceae Leaves Diabetes, worms Chewing/per os Lubumbashi
Jatropha curcas L. Mbono (Swahili), Ntondondimba (Bemba), Kilembelembe (Luba) Euphorbiaceae Leaves
Diabetes, gastrite, fricanae, urinary infections Pression/per os Lubumbashi , Kipushi, T32; T50; T46; T17; T2
Justicia flava (Forssk.) Vahl Luhe (Luba) Acanthaceae Stem bark Diabetes, dysmenorrhoea, amibiase Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T48
Kigelia africana (Lam) Benth. Kivungu (Luba) Bignoniaceae Stem bark Diabetes, sexual impotence,
Vaginal diseases
Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T48
Lantana camara L. Mavi ya kuku (Swahili) Verbenaceae Leaves Diabetes, fever, cough, cephalgia Decoction/per os
Infusion/per os
Likasi T8
Lonchocarpus katangensis De Wild. Chuya (Bemba) Fabaceae Stem bark Diabetes, syphilis, dental carie Maceration/per os Kasumbalesa T41
Maesopsis eminii Engl. Ndunga (Luba) Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, eye troubles, urinary infections Decoction/per os Kipushi T27
Maprounea africana Müll .Arg. Kafula ndime (Luba) Euphorbiaceae Root Diabetes, vaginal pain Decoction/per os Kipushi T17
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell Tshingala mutshi (Luba) Celastraceae Leaves
Diabetes, diarrhoea Decoction/enema Lubumbashi T9
Mucuna poggei Taub. Mpesa (Tshiluba) Fabaceae Root Diabetes Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T51
Musa sapientum L. Bananier (français) Musaceae Bulb Diabetes, rheumatism Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T31
Olax obtusifolia De Wild . Kulokumo (Bemba) Olacaceae Root Diabetes, paralysis Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T37
Opuntia ficus-indica (L.)Mill. Cactus (Français) Cactaceae Leaves Diabetes, haemorrhage Chewing/per os Lubumbashi T50
Persea americana Mill. Ikipapai (Lamba), Avocatier (Français) Lauraceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, fever, anemia Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa, Kipushi T17 ; T40
Phaseolus lunatus L. Haricot (Français), Maharagi (swahili) Fabaceae Leaves
Diabetes, abdominal pain Décoction/per os
Infusion/per os
Kipushi, Lubumbashi T11 ; T14
Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.)Milne-Redh. Kifumbe (Bemba, Luba) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, cough, anemia Maceration/per os Kasumbalesa T22 ; T45
Protea obtusifolia Oliv. Mwinkala nikata (Tabwa) Proteaceae Root
Stem bark
Diabetes Decoction/per os,
Lubumbashi T43
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pax. Musangati (Swahili), Musangali (Bemba), Musaria (Tchokwe) Euphorbiaceae Leaves
Diabetes, gastrite, digestion troubles, cough, diarrhoea, dysméenorrhoea Decoction/per os
Chewing/per os
Lubumbashi, Kasumbalesa T34
Psidium guajava L. Lipela (Swahili) Myrtaceae Leaves
Diabetes, dysenterie Decoction/per os
Maceration/per os
Lubumbashi T51
Pterocarpus angolensis DC. Mukundambazu (Tabwa), Muyanga (Bemba) Fabaceae Stem bark Diabetes, haemorrhoid Decoction /per os Likasi T4
Pterocarpus tinctorius Welw. Mukula (Chokwe) Fabaceae Root Diabetes Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T34
Rauwolfia caffra Sond. Mutalala (Bemba) Apocynaceae Leaves
Stem bark
Diabetes, malaria, snake’s bites Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa T23
Rauwolfia vomitoria Afzel. Pandanganga (Luba) Apocynaceae Root Diabetes, purgative Decoction/per os Kipushi T17
Rhynchosia insignis (O.Hoffm.) R.E.Fr. . Munkoyo (swahili) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, jaundice Maceration/per os Kasumbalesa T22
Ricinus communis L. Lundimba ndimba (Luba), Mubalika (Bemba) Euphorbiaceae Root Diabetes Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T46
Sesamum angolense Welw. Kipalabwengo (Bemba) Pedaliaceae Root Diabetes Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T37
Solanum seretii De Wild. Impwa (Bemba) Solanaceae Root Diabetes, abdominal pain Decoction/per os
Lubumbashi T47
Solanum subsessile De Wild. Mutete (Luba) Solanaceae Leaves
Diabetes, abdominal pain As meal/per os Lubumbashi T32
Solanum tuberosum L. Pomme de terre (français) solanaceae Tubercule Diabetes, anti acid As a meal /per os Lubumbashi T2
Strychnos cocculoides Baker. Katongatonga (Luba), Bukoke (Hemba), Kisongole (Bemba) Loganiaceae Root Diabetes, abdominal pain, dysentery Decoction/per os
Infusion/per os
Kasumbalesa, Lubumbashi T41; T32; T35
Strychnos innocua Delile. Kakomekone (Swahili) Loganiaceae Root Diabetes, blennorroea Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T32
Strychnos spinosa Lam. Kisongole (Bemba), Nsansa (Swahili) Loganiaceae Stem bark
Diabetes, blennorroea Decoction/per os Lubumbashi, Kipushi, T1; T24; T37; T44; T50
Strychnos stuhlmannii Gilg. Mubanga Kyilu (Bemba), Nkanga kyulu (Zela) Loganiaceae Root Diabetes, Gangrene, syphilis Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T12 ; T24
Swartzia madagascariensis Desv. Munienze (Luba), Mpampi (Tshiluba) Fabaceae Root Diabetes, Touthache Decoction/per os Kipushi, Lubumbashi T26 ; T50
Syzygium guineense (Willd) DC. Musanfwa (Bemba) Myrtaceae Stem bark Diabetes Decoction/per os Likasi T42; T43
Terminalia mollis M.A. Lawson. Kianga (Hemba), Tshibangu Mutshi (Tshiluba) Combretaceae Leaves
Diabetes, diarrhoea, syphilis Decoction/per os Lubumbashi, Kasumbalesa T40
Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley.) A.Gray. Bilombalomba (Lélé) Asteraceae Leaves Diabetes, abdominal pain Chewing/per os
Maceration/per os
Lubumbashi T32
Uapaka kirkiana Müll. Arg. Masuku (Bemba, Luba) Euphorbiaceae Stem bark Diabetes, diarrhoea, sterility, Headache Decoction/per os LIkasi T8
Vernonia shirensis Oliv. & Hiern. Kilulukunja (Swahili), Muvurumen (Rund) Asteraceae Leaves
Diabetes, haemorrhoid, worms Decoction/per os Kasumbalesa Lubumbashi T23
T2 ; T1
Vigna sinensis A.Rich Lukunde (kikabinda) Fabaceae Leaves
Diabetes, headache Decoction/per os
Maceration/per os
Kipushi T36
Vitex madiensis Oliv. Mufutu (Luba) Verbenaceae Leaves
Diabetes Decoction/per os Kipushi T34 ; T37
Vitis vinifera L. Raisin (Français) Ampelidaceae Leaves Diabetes Decoction/per os Lubumbashi T50
Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. Mpupwe kiulu (Luba), Pupwe (Bemba) Rutaceae Leaves
Diabetes, gastrite, cough, otitis, hip pain, sterility Decoction/per os Lubumbashi Kipushi,
T10 ; T24 ; T49
Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Kankona (Luba, Bemba, sanga) Rhamnaceae Stem bark
Diabetes, dysentery, abdominal pain Decoction/per os Likasi T33


This is a first report of an ethnobotanical survey of species used as antidiabetic in the study area. The predominance of Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae as major botanical families comprising more species used in traditional medicine was also mentioned in a similar study in the same area [14,15]. This study has shown that the root is the most widely used organ for the preparation of recipes. Cheikhyoussef et al [16] as well as Tabuti et al [17], found also in their studies that root and leaves have been more used than other plant organ. The large use of decoction and oral administration respectively as the main preparation mode and the principal route to give traditional herbal drugs are a generally observed in other African communities. The use of the different plants in the management of diabetes and other ailments demonstrates the importance of traditional medicine that is known to be a component of everyday life in many areas of the world and particularly in Africa [8,18]. When comparing this study with others, some resemblance can be pointed out: among 306 vegetables species cited as antidiabetic plants used in the treatment of diabetes in Mexico [19], 11 plants are identified in our study: Allium cepa L, Aloe vera L, Ananas comosus L, Arachis hypogeal L, Bidens pilosa L, Carica papaya L, Catharanthus roseus L, Persea Americana Mill, Psidium guajava L, Ricinus cominus L, Senna occidentalis L as used by traditional healers in the magament of diabetes. In the ethnobotanical investigation conducted by Abo, Fred-Jaiyesimi and Jaiyesimin in the South Western Nigeria area [20], 31 plants had been reported to be used traditionally as antidiabetic agents and Carica papaya cited in our study is revealed in that study. Allium cepa, Allium sativum, Bidens pilosa, Catharanthus roseus, Lantana camara, Musa sapientum and Psidium guajavaidentified in this investigation are documented as antidiabetic used traditionnaly in other studies [21,22]. The antidiabetic properties of some species identified in this investigation have been experimentally demonstrated in the in vivo and in vitro diabetic models: Allium cepa, Allium sativum [23], Aloe vera, Bidens pilosa [19,24]; Catharanthus roseus [25-27], Lantana camara [23,28], Musa sapientum [29,30]. Compared to another ethnobotanical survey of plants used as antidiabetic in Kisangani, Eastern province of DRC, 10 species cited in this study are also mentioned by Katemo et al [31].


In this study tradipraticians cited both medicinal herbs already known for their antidiabetic effect (34 plants, 35.8% of citations) and so far uncited herbs that must be evaluated for hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic and other diabetic related symptoms; so that they may possibly be used in the management of diabetes.

What is known about this topic

  • For this topic, it is known that the population of Lubumbashi and its surroundings uses traditional medicine to treat various diseases. It is also known that in most cases, this traditional medicine exploits plant resources as a source of medicines. Some of these plants are used in the treatment of diabetes.

What this study adds

  • The novelty of this study is summarized in that: (i) this study lists for the first time the plants used against diabetes in Lubumbashi and its surroundings; (ii) Among the inventoried species, some have not yet been studied in this field and are probably a particularity of Congolese traditional medicine; (iii) For the first time, the profile of providers of traditional diabetes care in Lubumbashi is given.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

All the authors have read and agreed to the final manuscript.


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