Figure 9. Surprises in class II regulation by CRP.
(A) Regulation by CRP centered at −41.5 bp was assayed using an allelic series of RNAP binding sites that have variant −10 elements (gradient). (B) The observed allelic manifold plateaus at the value of a.u. (dashed lines) determined for Figure 5B, thus indicating no detectable acceleration by CRP. This lack of acceleration is at odds with prior in vitro studies (Niu et al., 1996; Rhodius et al., 1997). (C) Regulation by CRP centered at −40.5 bp was assayed in an analogous manner. (D) Unexpectedly, data from the promoters in panel C do not collapse to a 1D allelic manifold. This finding falsifies the biophysical models in Figures 4A and 7B and indicates that CRP can either activate or repress transcription from this position, depending on as-yet-unidentified features of the RNAP binding site. Error bars in panel D indicate 95% confidence intervals estimated from replicate experiments.