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Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences logoLink to Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences
. 2018 Sep;28(5):665–680. doi: 10.4314/ejhs.v28i5.18

Barriers, Facilitators, Process and Sources of Evidence for Evidence-Based Management among Health Care Managers: A Qualitative Systematic Review

Edris Hasanpoor 1,2, Sakineh Hajebrahimi 3, Ali Janati 2, Zahra Abedini 4, Elaheh Haghgoshayie 5,
PMCID: PMC6308777  PMID: 30607082



Evidence-based management (EBMgt) improves managerial decisions as a bridge from theory to practice. For reason that it has a critical impact on organization performance. The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting EBMgt among managers.


The following electronic databases were used: PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane, ProQuest, Embase and Scopus. In addition, we searched Google Scholar, Emerald, Academy of Management (AOM), and the website for the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa) for articles related to EBMgt. We used data sources published up to September 2017, without language restriction. We appraised the methodological quality of studies using the checklists of SRQR and MMAT. The synthesis involved interpretative analysis based on the principles of meta-synthesis.


Of 26,011 identified studies, 26 met the full inclusion criteria. Of the 26 studies assessed, the frequency of qualitative studies and mixed-methods were 20 and 6, respectively, and the quality of 3 studies was weak. A total of 23 studies from 7 countries were included: Canada (n=8), USA (n=6), Australia (n=4), UK (n=3), Iran (n=1, Brazil (n=1); none were from Africa. Meta-synthesis findings of 23 studies identified four main factors: facilitators (5 main themes), barriers (5 main themes), sources of evidence (4 main themes), and the process of decision making in EBMgt (1 main theme).


EBMgt is crucial to improve the quality of management decisions, and hence, to improve service delivery, effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, to increase the benefit and utilization of EBMgt, training organizations and research institutes must more actively involve managers in setting research plans.

Keywords: Evidence-based management, evidence-based medicine, healthcare organizations


There has been an intense effort toward developing modern models for organization and administration, especially in the last 20 years. One of these models is evidence-based management (EBMgt) for managing different organizations. Originally, the concept of EBMgt was derived from evidence-based medicine (EBM). Analogous to EBM, evidence in EBMgt serves as a tool to solve problems about the likely result of a decision (16).

EBMgt is an evolution in the practice of management and organizations. There have been debates regarding the adoption of EBMgt with criticism since 1998, when EBMgt was in its early stages. While the theory of EBMgt is fairly youthful, it has become increasingly popular over the past few years (13).

EBMgt is imports making decisions through the accurate, clear and judicious utilization of the best available evidence from multiple sources to increase the likelihood of a suitable outcome (1, 2, 7). Therefore, managers have a responsibility to make effective and efficient decisions which help the mission and vision of their organization, similar to physicians, who utilize the best available scientific evidence in clinical decisions about patients (810).

Researchers and managers have emphasized the demand for enhanced consideration and mobilization of evidence-based decision making (EBDM) to support management actions in organizations. In point of fact, we live in a period of “evidence-based” everything, and that everything-medicine, management, disaster management, nursing, organizations and hospitals have become information-based. What matters is managers makes the managerial decisions according to the best available evidence. Hence, using evidence to aid management development and practice in organizations has earned high excellence (14, 1114).

EBMgt means making decisions about managing organizations through the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of four multiplex sources. The four sources of evidence for management decision-making include the best available scientific evidence, organizational evidence, experiential evidence and stakeholders' and patient's expectations (13). The use of evidence sources in decision-making processes among healthcare administrators has the potential for a more productive, cost-effective, high quality and efficient healthcare organizations (1, 2, 15, 16).

EBMgt has been slowly adopted by healthcare managers in the USA, the UK and Canada (1618). However, a remarkable gap exists between this ideal scenario and the status quo (19, 20). The major factors were identified from the different studies. EBMgt or EBDM have been affected by several factors, including the organizational factors, facilitators, barriers, strategies plus individual and social factors (11, 21, 22). Guo (2015) identified the strongest predictors of EBMgt among 154 healthcare managers in the USA. The results showed that it was important to create a culture and receive organizational reinforcement in the practice of EBMgt (16). Alavi et al. conducted a study about managers' awareness of EBDM. The results showed that managers' awareness of EBDM in the hospitals was 3.08 ± 1.13 (score range = 0–6) (15).

There are many theories regarding EBMgt. These theories have been inspired by researchers and experts of management and organization. Axelsson, Konver, Walshe and Rundall, Pfeffer and Sutton, Rousseau, Briner, Barends, Edris and Wright have all reviewed the concept, application and components of EBMgt in their studies in recent years (10, 2329).

The purpose of this review was to identify factors and components of the EBMgt based on a systematic review. Therefore, we wish to provide a practical framework for EBMgt, based on recent evidence. This framework is appropriate for managing health sectors, hospitals, industries and every organization. Therefore, we wish to provide a practical framework for EBMgt, based on recent evidence. Identifying factors affecting EBMgt and designing the final framework of EBMgt is a new perspective for managing organizations and can be a new skill, practices and behavior.


Search strategy and selection criteria

The search was formulated using the following broad parameters:

Types of participants: In this review, studies were included that healthcare managers (men and women) worked at healthcare institutions or organizations who had used experiences of evidence-based management. The entire healthcare managers at all levels of management (operational, middle and senior) in healthcare organizations were included.

Phenomena of interest: The studies were included that focus on the experiences and perceptions of healthcare managers who had experienced evidence-based management approach. Studies focusing on healthcare managers' experiences and perceptions of non-evidence-based management were excluded.

Type of context: The context of the review was healthcare institutions or organizations (any type of institution/organization) including all levels of management from any setting globally.

Types of studies: The inclusion criteria were as follows:

  • Primary studies (English) were included

  • Qualitative studies, including (but not limited to), phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic, case studies and thematic analysis studies of healthcare managers' experiences and perceptions of evidence-based management were included.

Studies that were not related to manager, administrator, director and other managerial posts were excluded. Also, quantitative studies were excluded. The systematic review and metasynthesis were performed and reported according to the standards set out in Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) (30). The following electronic databases were searched: PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane, ProQuest, Embase and Scopus. In addition, we searched Google Scholar, Emerald, Academy of Management (AOM) and the website for the Center for Evidence-Based Management (CEBMa) for articles related to EBMgt. On the other hand, references of relevant articles were checked that were not found in searching databases.

We used data sources up to September 2017, without language restriction. In addition, we updated searches through Google Scholar and alert system of databases up to December 2017. The search strategies for the databases combined subject terms: Evidence based management [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed management [Title/Abstract], Evidence based decision making [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed decision making [Title/Abstract], Evidence based policy making [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed policy making [Title/Abstract], Evidence based administration [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed administration [Title/Abstract], Evidence based health [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed health [Title/Abstract], Evidence based organization [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed organization [Title/Abstract], Evidence based hospital [Title/Abstract], Evidence informed hospital [Title/Abstract], Organization [Title/Abstract], Administration[Title/Abstract], Hospitals[MeSH Terms] and Evidence based practice [MeSH Terms].

Quality assessment and data extraction: We appraised the quality of qualitative and mixed-method studies using the SRQR (Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research) (31) and MMAT (Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research) (32), respectively. All of the phases, including searching, screening, quality assessment, and data extraction, were reviewed by two independent researchers (EH and EHG), and the discrepancies were resolved by a third researcher (MAZ). We extracted data per country, aim, design, method of data collection, analysis, participants, context, main outcome and rating quality scores of quality assessments. The quality of studies was categorized into the following levels: strong, moderate and weak.

Data synthesis: The synthesis involved interpretative analysis following the principles of meta-synthesis. Articles were read, re-read, and details of the studies were recorded. Data extraction forms were used to record details of results coded as first and second order bodies (3335). First order constructs are study participants' explanations of their experience (direct quotes from participants); second order constructs are studied authors' interpretations of the participants' accounts. Data extraction forms were used by thematic coding according to key articles and continued through all 23 articles. Also, the synthesis was a cyclical process; when a new theme was identified, we returned to the other articles to survey the theme event.


Among the 26,011 records identified from database searches, 17,278 remained after we removed duplicates, and 197 articles remained for full-text assessment. Overall, 26 studies were selected (11, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 29, 3665). However, 174 studies were excluded. Of the 26 studies assessed, the frequency of qualitative studies and mixed-methods were 20 and 6, respectively; the quality of 3 studies was weak. Finally, 23 studies were included in the Metasynthesis.

A total of 23 studies from 7 countries were included: Canada (n=8), USA (n=6), Australia (n=4), UK (n=3), Iran (n=1) and Brazil (n=1); none were from Africa. The period of included studies ranged from 2003 to 2016. Most studies were conducted in the context of healthcare sector. Of 174 articles excluded, 106 were review and opinion articles.

The quality levels of studies were designated as strong, moderate and weak. The results of quality assessment showed that 20(53.84%) articles were of high quality, and 9(34.62%) were of moderate quality. The quality level of 3 studies was low (11.54%).

Included studies were 23, of which 20 were qualitative studies and 6 were mixed-methods (Table 1). The main themes and outcomes presented are evidence research in EBMgt, facilitating factors, EBMgt training, barriers and facilitators to implementing supports for EBMgt, role of evidence in the decision-making of EBMgt, components of EBMgt, EBMgt decision process, and implications for designing EBMgt and factors of evidence-based decision making (EBDM). Meta-synthesis was conducted as per four main outcomes and was categorized into the following factors: facilitators (5 main themes), barriers (5 main themes), and sources of evidence (4 main themes) and the process of EBDM (one main theme). The results of synthesis are shown in Table 2.

Table 1.

Included Studies Characteristics (n=23)

Author/year Country Aim Design Method of
data collection
Analysis Participants (n) Context (n) Quality of
Alexander et
al., 2007
USA To identify the relevance of
research tohealth care managers
Qualitative study Semi-structured
CEOs (n=8) Public, profit and non-profit
Hospitals (n=8)
Amodeo et al.,
USA To identify Facilitating Factors
in implementing evidence based
Qualitative study Semi-structured
Staff and administrators (n=
Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services
Bullock et al.,
UK To evaluate Collaboration
between health services
managers and researchers
Qualitative study
(case study)
Health services managers
NHS Strong
Champagne et
al., 2014
Canada to assess
whether and how the training of
mid- and senior-level healthcare
managers could lead to
organizational change
Qualitative study
(case studies)
Interviews Thematic
Healthcare leaders
health systems of
Alberta, Saskatchewan,
Quebec and Nova
M. E. Ellen et
al., 2013
Canada What supports do health system
organizations have in place to
facilitate evidence informed
decision making
Qualitative study semi-structured
Senior managers, team
member, library manager
and knowledge broker
organizations (n=25)
Moriah E.
Ellen et al.,
Canada To identify barriers and
facilitators to implementing
supports for EBDM
Qualitative study semi-structured
Senior management and
knowledge broker (n=57)
Health care
organizations (n=42)
Smythe et al.,
UK The role of evidence in general
managers' decision-making
Qualitative study Semi-structured
Senior managers (n=29) Public and private
organizations (n=5)
Majdzadeh et
al., 2012
Iran To identify barriers to EBDM in
Iran's health system
Qualitative study in-depth
(n=13), FGDs
Policy-makers, managers of
the Ministry of Health and
Medical Education
(MOHME) (n=13)
Ministry of Health and
Medical Education
McBride, 2015 USA To provide a framework for
EBDM based on the
experiences of the research
Qualitative study
Office managers (n=15) Financial services and
Health care
Peirson et al.,
Canada To explore factors and
dynamics for building
evidence informed decision
making capacity
Qualitative study
(case study)
interviews (n=6) and
FGDs (n=21)
Library personnel, directors,
managers, supervisors and
specialist (n=70)
Public health unit Strong

Plath, 2013 Australia To illustrate the
implementation of evidence-based
practice as an
organizational change process
Qualitative study
(case study)
interviews (n=24) and
Focus Group
Discussions (n=5)
Senior executives, Senior
staff, State and area
managers, Team leaders and
Clinical specialists (n=24)
(n= 2)
Plath, 2014 Australia To illustrate the model of
evidence based practice in
Qualitative study
(case study)
interviews (n=24) and
FGDs (n=5)
Senior executives, Senior
staff, State and area
managers, Team leaders and
Clinical specialists (n=24)
Richer et al.,
Canada To examine the notions of
evidence in decision-making
processes in health care
Qualitative study Individual semi-structured
Decision makers and
managers (n=11)
University Health
Scheller, 2014 USA To analyze the
implementation of an
organizational change
initiative (EBL)
Qualitative study
(comparative case
in-depth qualitative
Leaders and managers of
hospital and short health
system (n=30)
Long hospitals
and short health
Sosnowy et
al., 2013
USA To determine use of decision
making processes by
leaders and identify
facilitators and barriers to the
use of evidence based
decision making
Qualitative study Individual interviews
(n=20), FGDs (n=2)
and small-group
interviews (n=5)
Decision makers (Upper-level
staff) of Local health
Local health
Spiri and
Brazil To understand the meaning of
EBMgt to Brazilian senior
nurse leaders
Qualitative study
Individual semi-structured
Senior nurse leaders (n=10) Public hospitals
Zammuto, et
al., 2016
Australia To fill the gap in knowledge
about the process and
particularities of EBMgt
Qualitative study
(case study)
interviews (n=29)
and registrars (n=24),
CEOs (n=4) and nurse
Hospitals Strong
Ferlie et al.,
UK To consider implications for
designing a more modest
project for EBMgt in health
care organizations
Qualitative study
(case study
Individual interviews Paired analysis General and clinical
managers Phase 1:
(n=45) Phase 2:
Health care

Kohn, 2013 Canada To explores how evidence is
conceptualized by public
Qualitative study
(A grounded
theory approach)
Individual interviews Content analysis CEOs,
healthcare leaders,
decision makers
Public hospitals (n=4),
academic health sciences
centers (n=2) and teaching
hospitals (n=2)
Jack et al.,
Canada To describe the
types and sources of
information used to inform
practice related
Qualitative study
In-depth semi-structured
Content analysis Executive
directors (n=8),
Program managers
(n=12), and service
providers (n=6)
Canadian agencies (n=24) Strong
et al., 2014
Australia Describes how evidence is
used to inform local
government (LG) public
health decisions
Mixed -method
survey and
(n= 13)
statistics and
content analysis
CEOs (n= 135) Local government (n=45) Moderate
USA To support the construct of
knowledge variety of
evidence-based management
for organizations.
survey and
Questionnaire and
and content
CNO, CHO (n=103)
Hospitals (n=42) Moderate
Yost et al.,
Canada To evaluate the impact of an
intensive education
workshop on Evidence
informed decision making
An explanatory
mixed- methods
Individual semi-structured
(n=8), Questionnaire
statistics and
content analysis
Associate medical
officer of health,
program manager and
care provider (n=42)
University and health care


CEOs: Chief Executive Officers, COOs: Chief Operating Officers, CAOs: Chief Administrative Officers, CFOs: Chief Financial Officers, CIO/CTOs: Chief Information/Technology Officers, CMOs: Chief Medical Officers, CNOs: Chief Nursing Officers, HNs: Head Nurses, HDDs: Health Departments Directors

Table 2.

Meta- Synthesis of Studies (n= 23)

Factors affecting EBMgt Main themes Sub-themes
Facilitators of EBMgt (n=13)
Amodeo et al., 2013;
Armstrong et al., 2014;
Champagne et al., 2014;
M. E. Ellen et al., 2013;
Moriah E. Ellen et al.,
2014; Jack et al., 2011;
Peirson et al., 2012;
Plath, 2013; Richer et
al., 2013; Schuller et al.,
2015; Sosnowy et al.,
2013; Spiri and
MacPhee, 2013; Wright,
Zammuto, et al., 2016.
Compensation and reward system, organizational and administrative support, clear vision, workforce
development, organizational structure, a receptive organizational culture, create a knowledge translation
culture, developing and implementing an infrastructure, organizations programs of EBMgt, promotion of
staff development opportunities, time frame for making decisions, recognize in recruitment and retention
strategies, emphasize the value of research use, build awareness of clear points of contact, place value on
accreditation components, knowledge intelligence service, publish and disseminate local research results,
institute communications and marketing efforts related to research evidence, quality and safety standards,
organizational processes and local connections. (21 factors)
characteristics and
individual factors
Knowledge and motivation, recognition of problem, not having doubts, collaborative work style, positive
attitude, strong leadership, knowledge management, effective communication, genuine interest, access to
research evidence, focus on change management, training and continuing education of EBMgt, ensure
decision-making processes, participatory decision-making, responsibilities, previous exposure to research,
self-belief, rationality, determination and expertise in tailoring communication, recognized need (for change),
insider trust and art of judgment. (22 factors)
Factors related to
Participate in the production of primary research, reviews and research-derived products, funding for priority
projects, priority-setting processes, ensure research commissioning capacity and use dedicated staff to pull
research, summarize or conduct primary research and presentation of evidence and interactive workshops. (7
External or
Grant and regulatory requirements, buy-in from local government, availability of evidence-based
programming suitable to local conditions, regulations and policies, community, councilors, council size and
structure and statutory focus. (8 factors)
Social /
Integrated team, group norms/socialization, stimulus, interest from the management, collaboration between
managers and researchers, personal commitment to EBMgt, participatory decision-making, magnitude of the
decisions, building trust between researchers and managers, use of opinion leaders to promote practice, hold
regular meetings, establish formal and informal ties to researchers and brokers, evaluation efforts to link
research to action and training of skills development of EBMgt. (14 factors)
Barrier to EBMgt (n= 6)
Armstrong et al., 2014;
Moriah E. Ellen et al.,
2014; Ferlie et al., 2012;
Reza Majdzadeh et al.,
2012; Plath, 2013; Spiri
and MacPhee, 2013.
Lack of criteria for selecting decision-makers, lack of reward and incentive mechanism, Insufficient
knowledge and negative attitude toward EBMgt, lack of trust in domestic evidence, lack of awareness of
researchers' ability, excuse of lack of time to make true evidence based decisions. (7 factors)
EBMgt is not an organizational value, limited outlook in decisions, influence of non-technical issues,
capacity of policy implementation environment, lack of EBDM's influence on budget allocation, resistance
to innovation, lack of co-ordination between decision-making organization sectors and concern of public
perception supersedes evidence. (8 factors)
Training and
research system
Not having systematic health research prioritization, resource constraints, lack of communication between
knowledge producers and decision-makers, time to look for evidence, uncertainty of the evidence base
confidence in using research, lack of development of skills in finding, accessing and using, lack of research
and evaluation skills, lack of accessibility of management research, lack of transference of knowledge and
lack of EBMgt education. (11 factors)

bureaucracy and power dynamics within traditional organizational hierarchies, social and historical trends
that impede innovation uptake and utilization, Organizational culture opposed to EBMgt, limited resources,
lack of time, workloads, lace of competing priorities, lack of leadership commitment, lace of regulations and
policies and lack of understanding by leadership. (10 factors)
Team barriers Resistance to change, resistance to the source of evidence, presence of inexperienced leaders and negative
attitude toward change. (4 factors)
Sources of evidence
( n= 9)
Ellen et al., 2013;
Francis-Smythe et al.,
2013; Jack et al., 2011;
Kohn, 2013; Oliver,
2013; Richer et al., 2013;
Sosnowy et al., 2013;
Spiri and MacPhee,
2013; Wright,
Zammuto, et al., 2016.
Organizational data, internal data, facts, extensive personal networks inside, social or political mandates,
agency mandate and resources, agency service providers and agency clients. (8 factors)
External evidence Scientific evidence from the professional literature, reports from other organizations to benchmark or
compare with their own, Research evidence, tools, frameworks, and models to use with their data, extensive
personal networks beyond, webinars, seminars and conference. (10 factors)
Evidence related
to managers
Trial and error, personal values, leaders' knowledge of the organization, its employees, and patient
population; formal education, previous experience, instinct and common sense. (7 factors)
Types of evidence Research evidence, best practice guidelines, perceived best practices, local program evaluations, client needs
assessments, expert opinion, personal professional experiences and an individual's personal experiences of
addiction and recovery. (8 factors)
EBMgt Process (n= 3)
McBride, 2015; Plath,
2014; Wright,
Zammuto, et al., 2016.
EBMgt decision
1. Define and redefine practice questions, 2. Gather evidence, 3. Critically appraise evidence, 4. Engaging
stakeholders and generating evidence based alternatives, 5. Committing to an evidence-based solution and
implementation, 6. Evaluate EBMgt process and client outcomes. (6 factors)


The evidence shows that organizational managers have a positive attitude towards EBMgt (36, 39). On the other hand, managers' use of evidence sources showed that 94 percent of managers utilized from personal experience (36). The major constraint of EBMgt was a lack of time(11, 39, 40, 43). Alavi et al. conducted a study in Iran and showed that training influence on the level of manager's awareness.(P< 0. 01) (15). Predictors of administrative evidence-based practices in the local health departments in the US were categorized into the following areas: factors of workforce development, factors of leadership, organizational climate and culture, relationships and partnerships, and financial processes that 50 percent of directors agreed with it (37).

Levels of access to evidence to a range of resources, levels of confidence in searching, assessing the quality and synthesizing the sources of evidence, and organizational culture are essential to support the EBMgt.(63) EBMgt is essential in progressing the quality of manager's decisions, and hence, improved service delivery, effectiveness, and efficiency in health care organizations (2, 3, 43).

Everything in organizations has become evidence-based (2, 3). This is a claim of EBMgt. Thus, the practical framework of EBMgt should be designed based on the best available evidence. In this study, the factors affecting EBMgt were identified among organizational managers that factors were categorized into the following domains: facilitators, barriers, sources of evidence, and process of EBMgt decision making. The practical framework of EBMgt was designed based on the exploratory factors of different studies. The framework will guide managers of various organizations that they make the best decisions.

The evidence-based organization is a system that its management uses the practical framework of EBMgt. As shown in Figure 2, initially the barriers and facilitators must be identified per sources of evidence (best evidence) for implementing EBMgt. Therefore, facilitators must be supported, and barriers must be converted to facilitators or should be eliminated. When the infrastructure of the organization and management is provided, organizational and managerial decisions will be made using cycle of EBDM during six steps (6A). In the cycle of EBDM, the pyramid of evidence must be considered to make best decisions based on available best evidence. In the beginning, practical issues or problems must be translated into an answerable question and then systematically searched and retrieved. The third step is critically judging trustworthiness while the fourth step is weighing and pulling the evidence. Finally, evidence must be applied to the decision-making process. Then, outcome of the decision evaluated. The pyramid of evidence show levels of evidence that help to make the best decisions.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

The practical framework of EBMgt

It must be noted that the practical framework of evidence-based management should be based on the best resources from identifying barriers and facilitators. To date, meta-analyses and meta-syntheses (meta-meta), based on RCTs studies, were included the highest level. A question mark (?) will be stronger evidence than meta-meta in future studies.

It must be noted that EBMgt is not related to a specific period, but always looking for the best evidence. EBMgt should be taught by professional coaches and then used by managers and leaders. EBMgt is the art of using the best for achieving the best. Several factors have played different roles in affecting the practice of EBMgt among healthcare managers. The interaction between these factors is complex. Thus, the framework developed in this study may guide the development of strategies to encourage and improve the utilization of evidence in management decision-making process. Furthermore, to increase the benefit and utilization of EBMgt, training organizations, universities, healthcare centers and research institutes must more actively involve hospital managers in setting research plans. Also, it is essential that appropriate presentation of research evidence should be fully considered to facilitate the interpretation of research evidence created to improved management practice in the health care organizations.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flow diagram of selected studies


This study was based on an evaluation approved by the Deputy of Research Affairs at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. We are grateful to Research Center for Evidence Based Medicine at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.


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