Pure-liquid properties of water as calculated from a 10 ns simulation at 298.15 K and 1 atm (This work). Reference experimental data (Expt.) are listed for the density () [14,70], heat of vaporization () [14,71], diffusion constant (corrected for box size, D) [72], static dielectric permittivity () [33], the static () [65] and averaged molecular dipole moment () [69], constant-pressure heat capacity () [73], thermal expansion coefficient () [14,70], shear viscosity () [74], and isothermal compressibility () [75]. Values for the diffusion constant under periodic boundary conditions () and the self-polarization energy () are also listed. Values for SWM4-NDP and SWM6 water models were taken from Ref. [7] and values for SPC, COS/G2 and COS/D2 were taken from Ref. [8].