Fig. 12. VSVΔG-CHIKV targets mouse melanoma in immunocompetent mouse brain.
A. VSVΔG-CHIKV shows strong green infection of mouse B16F1 melanoma in vitro. Scale, 100 μm. B. Phase contrast image of melanoma cells from A. C. VSVΔG-CHIKV makes plaques (3 dpi) in cultured mouse melanoma. Scale 130 μm. D. Mouse melanoma B16F1 cells were implanted into the brain (n = 3); 7 days later VSVΔG-CHIKV was injected intracranially after the tumor expanded. At 4 dpi mice were euthanized. Immunostained green VSVΔG-CHIKV selectively infected the region where the dark (E) melanoma cells were found, with little infection of the normal brain on the right side of the micrograph. D and E show the same microscope field, with (D) showing virus immunofluorescence and (E) showing the dark melanoma on the left side of micrograph. The lighter color in (E) is normal brain tissue. Scale, 30 μm.