Figure 4. Intracellular characteristics of semi-isolated pyloric neurons, PD and LP.
Several characteristics of the PD and LP neurons in the presence of picrotoxin (PTX) were measured for the last minute of each pH condition. (A) Example intracellular recordings of PD and LP neurons prior to PTX application and in the presence of PTX across pH conditions. Horizontal lines indicate a reference membrane potential of −40 mV; the vertical line indicates a scale of 10 mV. (B,C) Minimum membrane potential and (D,E) spike amplitude are plotted for LP and PD as a function of pH. (F) PD burst frequency and (G) LP firing rate are also plotted at each pH. Violin plots show the KDE distribution, mean, median, IQR, and 95% CI for each measure across pH conditions. Recoveries from acid and base are displayed in the shaded gray regions on the far ends of each plot. Asterisks denote statistical significance revealed by paired samples t-tests with Bonferroni correction (*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001).