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. 2018 Dec 21;24(1):30. doi: 10.3390/molecules24010030
Algorithm 1: ReprsentConcat Algorithm
Input: network_files: paths to adjacency list files, n: number of genes in input networks, d: number of output dimensions, onttype: which type of annotations to use, early_stopping_rounds: number of stopping the rounds
Output: opt_pred_results: prediction results
fori=1: length( network_files)
  A=load_network( network_files(i), n)
  Q=rwr(A, 0.5)
  U, ∑, V =svd(R)
  X=hstack(X, X_cur)
end for
Y=load_annotation(onttype) //load annotations
 //split the data into train data and test data
X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test=train_test_split(X, Y)
while 1
  if layer_id==0
   X_cur_test=zeros( X_test)
   X_cur_test= X_proba_test.copy()
  end if
  X_cur_train=hstack( X_cur_train, X_train)
  X_cur_ test =hstack( X_cur_ test, X_ test)
  for estimator in n_randomForests
   //train each forest through k-fold cross validation
   y_probas= estimator.fit_transform( X_cur_train, Y_train)
   y_train_proba_li+= y_probas
   y_test_probas= estimator.predict_proba(X_cur_ test)
   y_test_proba_li+= y_test_probas
  end for
  y_train_proba_li /=length(n_randomForests)
  y_test_proba_li /=length(n_randomForests)
  train_avg_F1=calc_F1(Y_train, y_train_proba_li) // calculate the F1 value
  test_avg_F1=calc_F1(Y_test, y_test_proba_li)
  test_F1_list.append( test_avg_F1)
  opt_layer_id=get_opt_layer_id( test_F1_list)
  if opt_layer_id = layer_id
   opt_pred_results=[ y_train_proba_li, y_test_proba_li]
  end if
  if layer_id - opt_layer_id >= early_stopping_rounds
   return opt_pred_results
  end if
end while