A. Volcano plot of gene expression in Th9 cells. Fold change in gene expression (RA vs. vehicle control) vs. FDR is shown for the transcriptomes of Th9 cells (n=2). Selected RAregulated genes (FC>2 or <−2, FDR<0.05) are highlighted: canonical RA-regulated genes (orange); and Th9-high genes (blue). B. Th9-high genes and RA effect on these genes. Heatmap depicts log2 normalized average fold change in gene expression (RA vs. vehicle control, n=2) for Th9-high genes, which were selectively expressed in Th9 cells more than in Th1, Th2, Th17, and iTreg cells (n=30) C-F. Flow cytometric analysis of Th9 cells cultured in the presence of RA vs. vehicle control. C. Representative plots of IL-9 and Foxp3 expression in Th9 cells cultured with vehicle control or 1000 nM RA. D. Bar graph summarizing IL-9 and Foxp3 expression in Th9 cells cultured with vehicle control or escalating doses of RA (n=6). E. Representative plots of IL-9 expression in Th9 cells exposed to 1000nM RA at different time points. F. Bar graph summarizing IL-9 expression (n=3) (data shown as mean ± SEM; *p<0.05,**p<0.01,***p<0.005, ****p<0.001, paired t-test). See also Figure S1.