SsC6TF1 (Sscle04g036970) regulates sclerotial development and virulence on pea. (A) Relative expression (RE) levels of Sscle04g036970 in wild-type strain Scl02-05, two control mutants [Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-9 and Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-13], and two SsC6TF1 knockdown mutants [Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-1 and Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-2] grown in PDB for 48 hpi. The mean values followed by different letters on the same graph are significantly different according to Fisher’s least-significant-difference test at P = 0.05. (B) The wild-type strain and four mutants were grown on PDA for 6 days and on PDA amended with bromophenol blue (50 mg liter−1) for 2 days. (C) Radial growth of the wild-type strain and four mutants on PDA. (D) Pathogenicity assays of wild-type strain and four mutants on the detached leaves of Lifter. The photos were taken at 22 hpi. Lesion sizes caused by the wild-type strain and four mutants on the detached leaves of pea lines Lifter and PI240515. Mean values followed by different letters on the same graph are significantly different according to Fisher’s least-significant-difference test at P = 0.05. (E) Relative expression of Sscle04g036970 in the Scl02-05 wild-type strain and two SsC6TF1 knockdown mutants [Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-1 and Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-2] on Lifter at 48 hpi. (***, P < 0.001). (F) Pathogenicity assays of the wild-type strain and SsC6TF1 knockdown mutant on the stems of two pea lines. The photos were taken at 48 hpi. (G) Lesion sizes caused by the wild-type strain and two SsC6TF1 knockdown mutants on the stems of pea lines Lifter and PI240515 [Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-1/Scl02-05(KD-Sscle04g036970)-2] (n.s., not significant; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01).