COLLOQUIUM Correction for “Changing demographics of scientific careers: The rise of the temporary workforce,” by Staša Milojević, Filippo Radicchi, and John P. Walsh, which was first published December 11, 2018; 10.1073/pnas.1800478115 (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115:12616–12623).
The authors note that a reference was omitted from the article. The complete reference appears below. The reference should be cited in a new sentence, to be added on page 12618, right column, at the end of the first paragraph, following “in that discipline”: “Comparing our astronomy results to similar findings from astronomy by Yoachim (43), we can see that even making different methodological choices about the population at risk, the journal lists, and the disambiguation methods, the results are robust. This gives us additional confidence in the findings.”
The authors note that the following statement should be added to the Acknowledgments: “We thank Peter Yoachim for sharing his results on the declining career lengths in astronomy.”
The online version has been corrected.
43. Yoachim P (2016) Publishing Lifetimes of American Astronomy PhDs: A Post-2008 Collapse. Available at Accessed December 15, 2018.