Figure 2. Dynamin shape changes and membrane response.
(a) Top and (b) Side-view of dynamin dimers assembled into an unconstricted helical filament. (c) CG representation of a constricted filament. (d) Constricted and elongated filament. (e) Constricted and rotated filament. (f) Radius of gyration of the membrane neck (see Materials and methods section) as a function of filament radius under four protocols: constriction only (blue) constrictionrotation (cyan), constrictionrotationelongation (dark cyan), constrictionelongation (dark blue). (g) An unconstricted filament resting on a membrane of matching radius (left) creates a Darboux-torque once the (red) adhesion strip is rotated (right), inducing the membrane to asymmetrically bulge; the two arrows indicate the torque couple. (h) Cross-sectional view of a 1- and 1.5-turn helical scaffold at and a 3.5-turn scaffold at . The filament was constricted and rotated, only the adhesion strip is shown. Hemifission seeds are small pores, visible as breaks in bilayer continuity (arrows). (i) Cross-cut illustration of membrane shape changes triggered by a simultaneous filament constriction, rotation, and gradual disassembly (Video 5), leading to hemifission. (j) Continuation of the previous sequence from hemifission to complete fission.