Multiple alignments of the amino acid sequences of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and coat protein of BcPV2 with other selected members in Alphapartitivirus. (A) Amino acid sequences of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp); and (B) amino acid sequences of coat protein (CP). “*”, identical amino acids, “:” and “.” high and low chemically similar amino acids, respectively. Note the five conserved motifs (Motif-III to Motif-VIII) in RdRp and diversified CP sequences among the compared viruses. Abbreviations: BCV1, Beet cryptic virus 1; BcPV2, Botrytis cinerea partitivirus 2; CCV, carrot cryptic virus; CPV, Ceratobasidium partitivirus; DCV1, Dill cryptic virus 1; DpCV, Diuris pendunculata cryptic virus; PmAPV, Powdery mildew-associated partitivirus; RsPV2, Rhizoctonia solani partitivirus 2; SLAPV2, Soybean leaf-associated partitivirus 2; VCV, Vicia cryptic virus; WCCV1, white clover cryptic virus 1. The GenBank accession numbers for RdRp and CP of the above-mentioned viruses are listed in Table S2.