Effects of the transplanted induced pluripotent SC-derived cardiomycocytes (iPS-CM), skeletal myoblast (SM), and mesnchymal stem cell sheets on regional cardiac function. A, B, Quantitative assessment of wall thickening and myocardial wall stress in the IZ by cardiac MRI. A, Regional wall thickening in the IZ increased to a greater degree relative to that of the control animals by the iPS-CM therapy when compared with that of the SM and MSC therapies (*P < 0.05). B, Regional myocardial wall stress in the IZ was alleviated by the iPS-CM therapy as compared with that of the other cell therapy groups and controls (*P < 0.05). C, D, Two-dimensional speckle tracking of the transverse strain in the IZ (C) and radial dyssynchrony between the IZ and RZ (D). The transverse strain was improved by the iPS-CM therapy (n = 7) but was aggravated in the SM (n = 7), MSC (n = 7), and control (n = 8) groups ($P < 0.05 vs SM group; #P < 0.05 vs MSC group; *P < 0.05 vs control group). Dyssynchrony was defined as a time difference between the anterolateral IZ and posterior RZ segmental peak strain (#P < 0.05 vs MSC group; *P < 0.05 vs control group).