Fig. 3.
Kaplan–Meier plots showing overall survival (OS) estimates for the STAT5B N642H mutated cases who had eosinophilia at diagnosis and had follow up data available (n = 23). a Comparison of the 3 molecular groups shows that cases in group 3 (those with additional mutated genes that do not include SF3B1) have an inferior OS compared to all other cases (median 14 months vs. 65 months; P < 0.0004). b OS for cases with mutations in 2 or more additional genes (excluding DNMT3A and TET2) was significantly worse than that for cases with 0 or 1 additional mutations (median 18 months vs. 50 months; P = 0.001). Of the 9 cases with mutations in ≥2 additional genes, 8 were in group 3