(The American Journal of Human Genetics 103, 930–947; December 6, 2018)
Reference 76 was incorrect in the original version of this paper, published online on November 29, 2018. The correct reference is Gagne, K.E., Ghazvinian, R., Yuan, D., Zon, R.L., Storm, K., Mazur-Popinska, M., Andolina, L., Bubala, H., Golebiowska, S., Higman, M.A., et al. (2014). Pearson marrow pancreas syndrome in patients suspected to have Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Blood 17, 437–440. The authors apologize for this error.
Contributor Information
Vijay G. Sankaran, Email: sankaran@broadinstitute.org.
Hanna T. Gazda, Email: hanna.gazda@childrens.harvard.edu.