Figure 6. Members of a lineage-specific expansion of Ependymin-related proteins are subject to circalunar regulation on RNA and protein level.
(a) Unrooted maximum likelihood phyolgenetic tree of Ependymin-related proteins based on the analysis published by Suárez-Castillo and García-Arrarás, 2007 including eleven of 15 Platynereis Ependymin-related proteins (ERP4.1–4.10; ERP3; blue boxes) and various additional invertebrate Ependymin sequences. The phylogeny reveals four distinct groups of Ependymin-related proteins (ERP) that are termed ERP1, ERP2, ERP3/4 and fish-specific ERPs; group-specific expansions of ERPs is observed at several places in the phylogeny. All identified Platynereis Ependymins (blue) fall into the ERP3/4 clade. A full tree with un-collapsed nodes, the alignment, NCBI accession numbers and the Platynereis sequence identifiers are provided in Figure 6—figure supplement 1 and Figure 6—source datas 1 and 2. (b,b’) Protein and RNA-Seq expression profiles validate Platynereis ERP4.9 as a new target of circalunar phase on RNA and protein level. (b) Normalised protein expression profile; (b’) DESeq2 normalised RNA expression profile. The graphs show the arithmetic mean with standard deviation, together with individual data points. (c–e) RNA expression pattern of erp4.9 in immature adult Platynereis heads. a.e.: anterior eye; p.e.: posterior eye; n.o.: nuchal organ. (c) Dorsal view, anterior to the top. Characteristic expression is observed around the dorsal blood vessel (central arrow), anterior of the nuchal organ (arrowheads) and next to the anterior eyes (arrows). Scale bar: 250 µm. (d) Dorsal view of the base of a prostomial cirrus, scale bar: 50 µm. (e) Ventral view, anterior to the top. Expression is observed in a plate-like structure at the bottom of the head, as well as around the mouth opening (arrows) and the palps (arrow heads). Scale bar: 250 µm. For additional circalunar-regulated ERPs see Figure 6—figure supplement 2 and Figure 5—source datas 16 and 17.