Understanding transcription factor navigation through the nucleus remains critical for developing targeted therapeutics. The GLI1 transcription factor must maintain maximal Hedgehog pathway output in basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), and we have previously shown that resistant BCCs increase GLI1 deacetylation through atypical protein kinase Cι/λ (aPKC) and HDAC1. Here we identify a Lamin-Associated Polypeptide 2 (LAP2) isoform-dependent nuclear chaperoning system that regulates GLI1 movement between the nuclear lamina and nucleoplasm to achieve maximal activation. LAP2β forms a two-site interaction with the GLI1 zinc-finger domain and acetylation site, stabilizing an acetylation-dependent reserve on the inner nuclear membrane (INM). By contrast, the nucleoplasmic LAP2α competes with LAP2β for GLI1 while scaffolding HDAC1 to deacetylate the secondary binding site. aPKC functions to promote GLI1 association with LAP2α, promoting egress off the INM. GLI1 intranuclear trafficking by LAP2 isoforms represents a powerful signal amplifier in BCCs with implications for zinc-finger based signal transduction and therapeutics.
Keywords: GLI, hedgehog signaling, nuclear lamina, LEM-domain, LAP2, aPKC, HDAC1, basal cell carcinoma, nucleoskeleton
Graphical Abstract
eTOC blurb/In Brief
A nuclear chaperoning system regulates movement of the transcription factor GLI1 between the nuclear lamina and nucleoplasm to achieve maximal activation.
While transcription factors have been intensely studied for gene regulation, an open question remains how they efficiently navigate the dense three-dimensional organization of the eukaryotic nucleus. Rather than a disorganized nucleoplasmic milieu, the nucleus employs a variety of non-membranous compartmentalization mechanisms including phase separation (Strom et al., 2017), chromatin architecture (Stevens et al., 2017), and spatial segregation to the nuclear lamina (Kind et al., 2015) to precisely control the kinetics of gene regulation.
Collectively termed the nuclear lamina, the inner nuclear membrane (INM) environment harbors heterochromatinized lamina-associated domains, the nuclear pore complex, structural elements such as lamins, and the LEM-domain proteins (Chow et al., 2012). The LEM-domain proteins, named after the founding members LAP2, Emerin, and MAN1, coordinate the peripheral immobilization and repression of genomic elements and transcription factors directly or indirectly through their canonical interaction partner BANF1 (Brachner and Foisner, 2011; Guilluy et al., 2014; Ho et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2017; Nili et al., 2001; Pan et al., 2005). Amongst the LEM-domain proteins, the Lamina-Associated Polypeptide 2 (LAP2) family contains six splice variants that share an amino-terminal LEM-like domain which confers DNA-binding activity, and a LEM-domain which confers BANF1-binding activity (Cai et al., 2001). LAP2β, the best characterized INM-bound LAP2 isoform, also contains an HDAC3 interaction domain near its transmembrane region, conferring peripheral silencing activity (Poleshko et al., 2017; Somech et al., 2005). LAP2α diverges significantly from other LAP2 isoforms as a nucleoplasmic protein which replaces the transmembrane domain with a unique coiled-coil domain, conferring nucleoplasmic A-type lamin binding activity. LAP2α canonically stabilizes pRb in the nucleoplasm by anchoring it to nucleoplasmic lamins, and LAP2α has been speculated to scaffold HDAC complexes as well (Brachner and Foisner, 2014; Gotic and Foisner, 2010; Naetar et al., 2008).
The GLI family of zinc-finger transcription factors controls transcriptional events downstream of the G-protein coupled receptor Smoothened in the Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway, and maximal transcriptional output is associated with tumors like basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) (Oro et al., 1997). GLI1 is a pure transcriptional activator and functions in a positive automaintenance loop to sustain the high level activity needed for tumorigenesis (Hui and Angers, 2011). Accordingly, GLI1 activity is tightly controlled through the regulation of nuclear import and the modulation of protein stability (Gulino et al., 2012). Despite these studies the mechanism of intranuclear GLI trafficking and regulation remains poorly understood.
A key insight into intranuclear GLI regulation came from the observation that nuclear GLI1 is acetylated at position K518 (AcGLI1) by p300/CBP, rendering it temporarily inactive. Deacetylation by HDAC1/2 allows GLI1 to associate with chromatin and initiate transcription (Canettieri et al., 2010; Coni et al., 2013). Concordantly, we recently showed from a drug-repositioning screen that BCCs resistant to the Smoothened inhibitor vismodegib harbor a transcriptional signature dominated by HDAC1 activity (Mirza et al., 2017). In addition, we found that the polarity kinase atypical protein kinase C (aPKC), which is frequently hyperactivated in Smoothened inhibitor-resistant BCCs (Atwood et al., 2013), acts predominantly through promoting GLI1:HDAC1 association (Mirza et al., 2017). The convergence of these Smoothened inhibitor resistance mechanisms on the acetylation dynamics of GLI1 necessitates a more refined understanding of the process.
Here we report a LAP2 isoform-dependent nuclear chaperoning system that regulates GLI1 movement between the nuclear lamina and nucleoplasm to achieve maximal activation. Staining with AcGLI1-specific antibodies, we identify a LAP2β-dependent pool of AcGLI1 on the INM which is necessary for nuclear GLI1 accumulation. Utilizing vicinal proteomics, we identify competing LAP2α complexes which promote the deacetylation of GLI1 to control its activation. The BCC drug-resistance kinase aPKC functions to shift GLI1 association from LAP2β to LAP2α, promoting egress off of the INM. These LAP2 splice variants utilize a common LEM-like domain to bind the zinc-fingers of GLI1, and disruption of this interface represses Hh signaling by interfering with GLI1 intranuclear transport. Further, we identify similar C2H2 zinc-finger proteins which utilize this LEM-like domain interface, suggesting a general zinc-finger scaffolding function for LAP2 proteins.
Acetylated GLI1 accumulates on the Inner Nuclear Membrane
Motivated by the convergence of aPKC and HDAC1 on the deacetylation of GLI1 at residue 518, we raised anti-acetyl K518 GLI1 (AcGLI1) antibodies. AcGLI1 antibody demonstrated specificity for acetylated GLI1 peptide and full-length protein but not an acetyl-deficient GLI1 mutant (GLI1K518R) by immunoblot (Figure S1A-C). The AcGLI1 signal dropped following genetic depletion of GLI1 (Figure S1D and S1E). Similarly, the immunofluorescence signal of AcGLI1 decreased in response to p300/CBP inhibition (ABT) and increased in response to HDAC (vorinostat and entinostat) or aPKC (CRT0329868) inhibition in BCC cells (Figure 1A and S1F). Finally, we confirmed similar increases in immunoreactivity in primary human BCC surgical specimens treated with vorinostat ex vivo (Figure 1B), demonstrating the specificity of the antibody.
Figure 1: Acetylated GLI1 accumulates on the Inner Nuclear Membrane.
(A) Quantification of immunostain of AcGLI1 (normalized to LAP2β) in ASZ cultured with vorinostat or ABT (n=276(control), 329(ABT), 293(vorinostat) nuclei, ANOVA). Corresponds with Figure 2E, additional treatments Figure S1C.
(B) 1º human BCC cultured ex vivo +/− vorinostat (20μM, 3hrs) immunostained for GLI1 and AcGLI1 (scale bar=133μm, n=10 fields, 2-tailed t-test).
(C) Immunofluorescence of total GLI1, AcGLI1, and DAPI in ASZ cultured with vorinostat (6hr, 20μM)(scale bar=20μm, n=50).
(D) 3D Structured Illumination Microscopy (3D SIM) of ASZ cultured with vorinostat (5hr, 20μM) (scale bar=10μm, AcGLI1 (black) and LAP2 β (INM marker, red overlay).
(E) Immunofluorescence staining primary human BCC frozen sections with affinity-purified AcGLI1 antibody and LAP2β (scale bar=40µm(left), 14µm(right)). Radial distribution quantitated in Figure S1I.
(F) Confocal live cell microscopy and Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) of ASZ expressing GFP-GLI1WT and GFP-GLI1K518Q (middle panels quantify radial distribution of GFP, n=24 (WT) and 28 (K518Q))(right panels quantify FRAP recovery profile following photobleaching (vertical line), x-axis: seconds) (GFP-GLI1WT: t1/2= 6 seconds (4.3–8.7, 95%CI) ; mobile fraction=78% (76–80, 95%CI), n=24) (GFP-GLI1K518Q: t1/2 and mobile fraction incalculable due to lack of recovery, n=28). Corresponding to Movie S3 and 4. Confirmation of GFP induction in Figure S1F.
(G) Timelapse confocal live cell microscopy of GFP-GLI1WT expressing ASZ treated with CRT0329868. Quantification of radial distribution of GFP-GLI1WT after 1hr of treatment below (n=27). Corresponding to Movie S1 and 2.
(H) Immunoblot of indicated fractions for GLI1 and fraction markers following subnuclear fractionation of ASZ cells cultured ± vorinostat (20μM, 2hr).
(I) Immunoblot of sedimented nuclear envelopes (output) and supernatant (lift off) following in vitro deacetylation of purified ASZ nuclear envelopes by cobB deacetylase. All error bars represent standard error, **p<0.01 ****p<0.0001. Radial distributions: vertical line indicates nuclear envelope, x-axis represents arbitrary units.
See also Figure S1.
Surprisingly, immunofluorescence staining of AcGLI1 revealed a distinctive subnuclear gradient of AcGLI1 accumulating on the INM, with lower levels in the nucleoplasm and absent in the cytoplasm, following treatment with HDAC or aPKC inhibitors (Figure 1C, S1F-H). By contrast, total GLI1 protein existed in both nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments and uniformly filled the nucleus (Figure 1C). Super-resolution imaging by three-dimensional structured illumination microscopy confirmed the presence of a gradient of AcGLI1 emanating from the INM into the nucleoplasm, which differed from the sharp INM boundary of the INM-anchored LAP2β (Figure 1D). Further, we confirmed the existence of the subnuclear distribution of AcGLI1 in primary human BCCs (Figure 1E and S1I).
To study the redistribution kinetics of GLI1 upon acetylation, we generated doxycycline-inducible GFP-GLI1 in BCC cells for live cell imaging (Figure S1J and S1K). GFP-GLI1WT in our experiments demonstrated similar subcellular distribution in living cells as in stained sections (Figure 1F). Remarkably, inhibition of aPKC or HDAC1, which controls the deacetylation of GLI1 (Mirza et al., 2017), resulted in the redistribution of GFP-GLI1 from the nucleoplasm to the INM after one hour of treatment (Figure 1G, S1L, and Movie S1&2). Congruently, acetyl-mimetic GFP-GLI1K518Q accumulated on the INM without drug treatment (Figure 1F). Using Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP), we studied the nuclear mobility of GLI1 in the INM and nucleoplasm. FRAP analysis of nucleoplasmic GFP-GLI1WT indicated a highly mobile population with a t1/2 of 6 seconds and a mobile phase of 78%. In contrast, INM-localized GFP-GLI1K518Q demonstrated highly restricted mobility with very little recovery in the timescale tested (Figure 1F and Movie S3&4).
We performed subnuclear biochemical fractionation to test acetylation-dependent GLI1 INM association. Previous studies have shown that successive DNAse digestions of isolated nuclei liberate fractions corresponding to nucleoplasm (nucleoplasmic A-type lamins) followed by peripheral chromatin (non-integral membrane components such as BANF1)(Kay et al., 1972). In BCC cells we found the majority of GLI1 in the nucleoplasmic fraction, and a minority of GLI1 in the peripheral chromatin fraction, with HDAC inhibition enriching GLI1 in the peripheral chromatin fraction (Figure 1H). To test for acetylation-dependent binding of GLI1 to the INM, we subjected isolated nuclear envelopes to deacetylation in vitro by cobB, a non-specific bacterial deacetylase. Crude nuclear envelopes, enriched with GLI1 following HDAC inhibition, released GLI1 in a deacetylation-dependent manner (Figure 1I). Taken together, these data demonstrate a dynamic acetylation-dependent interaction between GLI1 and the INM.
GLI1 acetylation promotes nuclear accumulation
High resolution imaging and fractionation indicated that AcGLI1 localizes exclusively in the nucleus. Previous studies have shown that GLI1 nuclear occupancy depends on its interaction with the CRM1 nuclear export machinery (Kogerman et al., 1999). Due to the proximity of the GLI1 acetylation site (K518) to its CRM1-dependent nuclear export sequence (495–503), we hypothesized that acetylation of GLI1 prevents nuclear export (Figure 2A). Indeed, co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) of GLI1K518Q reflected impaired CRM1-binding compared to GLI1K518R/WT (Figure 2B and S2A). In addition, Proximity Ligation Assays (PLA) between endogenous GLI1 and CRM1 in BCC cells demonstrated an interaction enhanced by p300/CBP inhibition (ABT and C646), and depressed by HDAC inhibition (vorinostat and entinostat), aPKC inhibition (CRT0329868), or CRM1 inhibition (leptomycin B). Congruently, PLA between AcGLI1 and CRM1 demonstrated weak interaction (Figure 2C). We conclude GLI1 acetylation disrupts CRM1-binding.
Figure 2: GLI1 acetylation promotes nuclear accumulation.
(A) Schematic of the CRM1-mediated nuclear export sequence (NES, purple) and acetylation site (blue) on GLI1 (ZF=zinc finger).
(B) Co-IP of transfected FLAG-GLI1K518R/Q in HEK293T and immunoblot for FLAG and endogenous CRM1.
(C) Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA) between endogenous GLI1 and CRM1 in ASZ cultured with indicated inhibitors, and PLA between AcGLI1 and CRM1. Quantification of puncta per field normalized to vehicle control (n=10 fields, ANOVA).
(D) Nuclear-cytoplasmic fractionation of ASZ transfected with FLAG-GLI1K518R/Q and treated with MG132 to visualize cytoplasmic GLI1 ± leptomycin B.
(E) Immunofluorescence of total GLI1, AcGLI1, DAPI, and LAP2β (inner nuclear membrane marker) in ASZ treated with vorinostat (20µM, 3hr) or ABT (20μM, 3hr) (scale bar=20μm; radial distribution quantified on right, n=50). Quantification of AcGLI1 in Figure 1B.
(F) Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) of GLI1 normalized to GAPDH in ASZ treated with ABT (16hr treatment, n=9, ANOVA).
(G) qRT-PCR of murine GLI1 normalized to GAPDH over an induction timecourse of GFP-GLI1WT/K518R (n=9, 2-way ANOVA). Expression data in Figure S2B.
(H) Confocal live cell microscopy of GFP-GLI1K518R inducible ASZ (scale bar=20µm) with quantitation of GFP radial distribution (n=18) and FRAP (K518R: n=10, t1/2= 9.7 seconds (8.4–11.3, 95%CI) ; mobile fraction=72% (70–74, 95%CI); WT: n=10, t1/2=11.0 sec (9.6–12.8, 95%CI), mobile fraction=63.9% (62.3–65.2, 95%CI), 2-way ANOVA).
All error bars represent standard error, error bars omitted when smaller than the width of associated data point symbol, ns=not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001. Radial distributions: vertical line indicates nuclear envelope, x-axis represents arbitrary units.
See also Figure S2.
To determine if CRM1-binding disruption correlates with impairment of GLI1 nuclear export, we performed subcellular fractionation of GLI1K518Q and GLI1K518R. In BCC cells GLI1K518R demonstrated a minor cytoplasmic fraction which is sensitive to leptomycin B treatment, indicating dependence on nuclear export. This export-dependent fraction was absent in GLI1K518Q, a result consistent in NIH3T3 cells as well (Figure 2D and S2B). Furthermore, inhibition of endogenous GLI1 acetylation by ABT redistributed GLI1 into the cytoplasm while inhibition of deacetylation by vorinostat retained GLI1 in the nucleus by immunofluorescence (Figure 2E).
To determine the transcriptional effects of GLI1 acetylation, we measured autotranscription of GLI1, a well-established endogenous pathway target gene. Inhibition of p300/CBP impaired GLI1 transcriptional output (Figure 2F), consistent with the lack of nuclear accumulation. Careful titration of GLI1WT and GLI1K518R protein by doxycycline induction over time indicated that GLI1WT demonstrates greater transcriptional potency than GLI1K518R at lower protein levels (Figure 2G and S2C). GLI1K518R required high levels of protein to overcome its nuclear export disadvantage before the effects of removing the inhibitory effect of GLI1 acetylation dominated (Figure S2D). Correspondingly, GFP-GLI1K518R failed to accumulate in the nucleus appropriately in living cells and displayed enhanced mobility by FRAP in BCC cells (Figure 2H). Taken together, GLI1 acetylation acts as a signal amplifier for maximal activity by promoting nuclear accumulation through the creation of a dynamic yet inactive reserve of protein on the INM.
LAP2β anchors AcGLI1 to the Inner Nuclear Membrane
To identify candidate INM components that bind GLI1, we initially compared changes in expression of the LEM-domain proteins, LINC complex, and Nuclear Pore Complex by RNA sequencing of human BCC-normal skin pairs and found specific overexpression of the LEM-domain protein LAP2/TMPO (Figure S3A). Through examination of the Human Protein Atlas Database, we compared BCCs with squamous cell carcinomas and observed similar overexpression of LAP2 (Figure S3B). In addition, we performed a candidate vicinal proteomics screen employing three protein-protein interaction technologies with GLI1 (Figure 3A) and in each case identified LAP2. Bacillus subtilis adapted biotin ligase (BASU) (Ramanathan et al., 2018) GLI1K518Q fusions specifically labelled the INM LAP2 isoform LAP2β, to the exclusion of INM proteins Man1, Emerin, and the non-INM LAP2 isoform LAP2α (Figure 3B). Using an orthogonal vicinal labeling scheme, APEX2-GLI1WT fusions also labelled LAP2β upon GLI1 acetylation by HDAC inhibition (Figure S3C and S3D).
Figure 3: LAP2β anchors AcGLI1 to the Inner Nuclear Membrane.
(A) Schematic of the three orthogonal protein-protein interaction techniques used (“B” represents biotin).
(B) Streptavidin pulldown and immunoblot with indicated antibodies of lysates in HEK293T following vicinal labeling with stably expressing HA-BASU (20kDa) or HA-BASU-GLI1K518Q (170kDa).
(C) Co-IP of in vitro translated FLAG-GLI1 following incubation in HEK293T whole cell extract (WCE).
(D) PLA between AcGLI1 and LAP2β in ASZ, following indicated drug treatments (scale bar=20µm, yellow puncta indicate interaction). Quantification in Figure S3E.
(E) PLA between AcGLI1 and LAP2β in 1° human BCCs, cultured ex vivo with vorinostat (scale bar=80μm, yellow signal indicates interaction, n=10 fields, 2-tailed t-test).
(F) Immunofluorescence of GLI1 and LAP2β in ASZ following LAP2β overexpression (OE) (scale bar=20μm). Radial distribution quantified (vertical line indicates nuclear envelope, n=30, x-axis: arbitrary units).
(G) Quantitation of dot blot of supernatant from GFP-GLI1 inducible ASZ transfected with a gradient of LAP2β followed by 1% Triton X-100 extraction (n=9). Western blot of initial triton extraction and subsequent RIPA extraction included for LAP2β. Exogenous (exo, R. norvegicus) and endogenous (endo) LAP2β indicated by arrow.
(H) GFP-GLI1 inducible ASZ transfected with a gradient of LAP2β followed by nuclear envelope fractionation and immunoblot.
(I) FRAP profile of GFP-GLI1 and RFP-LAP2β co-transfected in HEK293T (n=16 (GFP-GLI1), 15 (RFP- LAP2β), or 7 (both)) (GFP-GLI1: t1/2= 8.5 seconds (7–10, 95%CI); mobile fraction= 65% (64–67, 95%CI)) (RFP- LAP2β: t1/2= 11.9 seconds (5–48, 95%CI); mobile fraction= 36% (33–47, 95%CI)) (RFP- LAP2β and GFP-GLI1: t1/2= 18.9 seconds (13–32, 95%CI); mobile fraction= 39% (36–46, 95%CI)).
(J) qRT-PCR of murine GLI1 transcript normalized to GAPDH following LAP2β overexpression (OE) and GFP-GLI1 (Homo sapien) induction in ASZ (n=9, ANOVA). Western blot with quantitation of LAP2β normalized to LAP2α.
(K) MB55 cells transfected with indicated plasmids assayed for viability by Cell Titer Blue (n=10, ANOVA).
(L) Heterogeneous depletion of LAP2β by CRISPR:Cas9 targeting exon 6 of TMPO in ASZ followed by immunofluorescence (scale bar= 20μm)(n=398 nuclei, Pierson correlation coefficients). Supportive quantitation in Figure S4D. Cells with varying levels of LAP2β included as internal control.
(M) siRNA knockdown of LEM-domain proteins using three unique siRNAs per target in ASZ followed by qRT-PCR of GLI1 and GAPDH (n=9, ANOVA). Supportive qRT-PCR and immunoblots in Figure S4E and S4F.
(N) Vorinostat pulse-chase in ASZ transfected with empty vector or LAP2β followed by dot blot of AcGLI1, GLI1, and total acetylated lysine (n=9, 2-way ANOVA). Supportive quantification of LAP2β in Figure S4G.
(O) qRT-PCR of GLI1 transcript following vorinostat treatment for 3 hours with LAP2β overexpression (left, n=9, 2-tailed t-test) and kinetics of transcriptional recovery following vorinostat withdrawal (right, n=9, 2-way ANOVA, each condition normalized to t=0). Associated immunoblot in Figure S4H.
Error bars represent standard error, error bars omitted when smaller than the width of associated data point symbol, ns=not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
See also Figure S3 and S4
Co-IP of FLAG-GLI1WT demonstrated physical interaction between GLI1 and LAP2β, in addition to Emerin, LAP2α (discussed in the following section), and the canonical GLI1 interactor Suppressor of Fused (SUFU) (Figure 3C). Among the INM interactors, only LAP2β displayed GLI1 acetylation-dependent binding affinity. Co-IP of in vitro translated FLAG-GLI1 after incubation with HEK293T whole cell extract demonstrated a robust physical interaction with LAP2β that weakened with acetyl-deficient GLI1K518R (Figure S3E). Importantly, Emerin failed to demonstrate similar acetylation-dependent binding (Figure S3F). Similarly, the PLA signal between endogenous AcGLI1 and LAP2β amplified in response to HDAC (vorinostat) or aPKC (PSI) inhibition in BCC cells, localizing appropriately to the INM (Figure 3D, S3G). The acetylation-dependent interaction could also be detected in primary human BCCs, as tumors treated with vorinostat ex vivo demonstrated robust AcGLI1:LAP2β PLA signal (Figure 3E). We conclude that AcGLI1 interacts with LAP2β on the INM.
Next, we assayed for LAP2β-dependent peripheral sequestration of GLI1 using gain of function assays. LAP2β overexpression redistributed GLI1 protein to the INM by immunofluorescence (Figure 3F and S3H) while Emerin overexpression did not (Figure S3I). Correspondingly, Triton X-100 extractable GLI1 decreased linearly with LAP2β overexpression (Figure 3G) and GLI1 abundance in the nuclear envelope fraction increased linearly with LAP2β overexpression (Figure 3H). Finally, FRAP analysis of INM-localized GLI1 upon LAP2β overexpression demonstrated a greatly reduced mobile fraction compared to nucleoplasmic GLI1, mirroring the mobility of LAP2β alone (Figure 3I and S3J). These data indicate that LAP2β overexpression is sufficient to sequester GLI1 to the nuclear lamina. Further, LAP2β overexpression was associated with inhibition of Hh pathway output which could be rescued by exogenous GLI1 expression (Figure 3J and S3K). As a control, Emerin overexpression had no effect on GLI1 activity (Figure S3L). Concordantly, LAP2β overexpression inhibited viability of an Hh-dependent cell line which could be reversed by GLI1 overexpression (Figure 3K). We conclude that LAP2β sequesters GLI1 to the INM which inhibits transcriptional output.
While LAP2β overexpression reveals a repressive function on GLI1, genetic depletion of LAP2β demonstrated an additional positive role it plays in GLI1 activity. siRNA-mediated LAP2β knockdown resulted in a loss of AcGLI1 (Figure S3M). Similarly, LAP2β isoform deletion by CRISPR:Cas9-mediated disruption of TMPO (exon 6) also resulted in loss of AcGLI1 in addition to total GLI1 protein in ASZ and NIH3T3 (Figure 3L, S3N, and S4A, Data Table S1). To decouple GLI1 abundance from Hh-pathway output, we depleted LAP2β by CRIPSR:Cas9 in the doxycycline-inducible GFP-GLI1 stable line. LAP2β depletion again correlated with loss of AcGLI1 and GFP-GLI1, indicating GLI1 protein stability decreased following LAP2β depletion (Figure S4B). Immunoblot indicated this loss of GFP-GLI1 stability could be reversed by exogenous LAP2β expression, proteasome inhibition, or nuclear export inhibition (Figure S4C). Notably, proteasome inhibition resulted in cytoplasmic accumulation of GFP-GLI1, and nuclear export inhibition alone was sufficient to rescue nuclear GFP-GLI1 accumulation (Figure S4D). These data indicate that LAP2β is necessary for the nuclear accumulation of GLI1, revealing that the lamina compartment antagonizes nuclear export and subsequent degradation of GLI1. Congruently, knockdown of LAP2β but not Man1 or Emerin resulted in decreased hedgehog-target gene transcription (Figure 3M, S4E, and S4F).
Since AcGLI1 accumulated on the INM through an interaction with LAP2β and LAP2β knockdown decreased AcGLI1 abundance, we hypothesized that LAP2β overexpression should increase the ratio of AcGLI1/GLI1. LAP2β overexpression produced a greater AcGLI1/GLI1 resting ratio without effecting global lysine deacetylation or the rate of GLI1 deacetylation (t1/2) in a vorinostat pulse-chase experiment (Figure 3N, S4G). Assaying the functional significance of this LAP2β-generated AcGLI1 buffer, we perform qPCR of GLI1 transcript during a vorinostat pulse-chase in the context of LAP2β overexpression. While LAP2β overexpression inhibited GLI1 activity at steady-state, LAP2β overexpression resulted in faster recovery from HDAC inhibitor release (Figure 3O and S4H). The synthesis of these results indicates that LAP2β plays a dual role on GLI1 activity. LAP2β sequesters GLI1 to the nuclear periphery in an inactive complex, but this complex facilitates the subsequent activation of GLI1 by antagonizing nuclear export and facilitating rapid transcriptional recovery.
Because LAP2β has been implicated in the peripheral positioning of genomic loci during development (Poleshko et al., 2017), we investigated whether GLI-binding loci localize to the lamina upon GLI1 acetylation. Because of the technical challenges of chromatin immunoprecipitation with the nuclear lamina, we leveraged the vicinal genomic labeling technology of DNA adenine methyltransferase identification (DamID) (Kind et al., 2015). Dam-LAP2β genomic labeling indicated that GLI1-binding loci do not enrich on the nuclear envelope either at steady state or upon GLI1 hyperacetylation following HDAC or aPKC inhibitor treatment (Figure S4I-J). This data indicates that lamina-associated AcGLI1 does not bind DNA.
GLI1 switches between LAP2 isoforms upon acetylation
During the course of investigating GLI1’s association with LAP2β, we observed that GLI1 also associated with LAP2α, a nucleoplasmic LAP2 isoform, in a deacetylation/activation-dependent manner. While also a product of the TMPO gene, LAP2α replaces its transmembrane domain with a unique coiled-coil domain allowing nucleoplasmic positioning. Using a pan-LAP2 antibody to observe both isoforms, BASU-GLI1WT robustly labelled both isoforms during maximal Hh pathway activation. By contrast, with aPKC inhibition and the resulting GLI1 acetylation, BASU-GLI1WT primarily labeled LAP2β (Figure 4A). Similar results were seen using the APEX2-GLI1WT labeling approach (Figure 4B). Finally, co-IP of FLAG-GLI1WT and subsequent blotting for LAP2 isoforms revealed the LAP2α to LAP2β isoform switch upon aPKC inhibition and HDAC1 dissociation (Figure 4C).
Figure 4: GLI1 switches between LAP2 isoforms upon acetylation.
(A) BASU-GLI1 vicinal labeling in ASZ followed by streptavidin pulldown ± CRT0329868 (CRT) (+biotin, +CRT, 5hr).
(B) APEX2-GLI1 vicinal labeling in ASZ followed by streptavidin pulldown ± PSI.
(C) Co-IP of FLAG-GLI1 in ASZ ± PSI followed by immunoblot.
(D) PLA between total GLI1 and LAP2α (top) or LAP2β (bottom) in ASZ treated with indicated inhibitors for 2hr (scale bar=20μm, n=10 fields, ANOVA).
(E) PLA between total GLI1 and LAP2α (left) or LAP2β (right) in 1º human BCCs treated with vorinostat ex vivo (scale bar= 66μm, n=10 fields, ANOVA).
(F) Co-IP of in vitro translated HA-GLI1 zinc-finger domain (HA-GLI1ZF) from WCE. Inputs in Figure S5B.
(G) LAP2-binding mutants mapped onto GLI1:DNA crystal structure (pdb:2GLI). Mutations which inhibit (red) or are permissive of (grey) LAP2 binding are illustrated as spheres. Co-IP in Figure S5C.
(H) Co-IP of HA-GLI1WT/T296E transfected into HEK293T followed by immunoblot of endogenous LAP2. Inputs in Figure S5D.
(I) qRT-PCR of GLI1 and GAPDH following transfection of GLI1WT/T296E into NIH3T3 (n=9, ANOVA). Associated immunoblot in Figure S5E.
(J) Co-IP of full length GLI1 (GLI1 FL) or zinc-finger domain GLI1 (GLI1 ZF) with recombinant LAP2 constant region (−/+ indicate the addition of LAP2 peptide). Input in Figure S5F.
(K) Co-IP of wheat germ cell extract in vitro translated HA-GLI1 with chemically synthesized biotin-LEM-like (residues 5–48), biotin-LEM (residues 109–153), or biotin-scrambled LEM-like domains. Associated inputs and saturation binding experiment in Figure S5G and S5H.
(L) Co-IP of FLAG-GLI1 co-transfected into HEK293T with a gradient of LAP2α, followed by immunoblot for total LAP2 (n=3). Input and reciprocal IP in Figures S5I and S5J.
(M) GLI1 transfected in HEK293T (top, cellular IP) or in vitro translated and incubated in WCE (bottom three, in vitro IP) with indicated mutations/truncations co-IP with associated epitope tag. IP washed over a gradient of high salt conditions prior to immunoblot.
Error bars represent standard error, error bars omitted when smaller than the width of associated data point symbol, ns=not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
See also Figure S5.
We confirmed LAP2α to LAP2β isoform switching with endogenous proteins by PLA, using multiple drugs to induce GLI1 acetylation. In BCC cells the GLI1-LAP2α PLA signal can be eliminated by HDAC (vorinostat and entinostat) or aPKC (CRT0329868) inhibition. Concurrently, these same perturbations enhanced the GLI1-LAP2β PLA signal (Figure 4D). To confirm the switching in primary tissues, we interrogated primary human BCCs upon HDAC inhibition and observe similar LAP2α to LAP2β PLA signal switching (Figure 4E). We conclude that acetylation regulates GLI1 binding between LAP2 isoforms, with active deacetylated GLI1 associating with LAP2α in the nucleoplasm and inactivated AcGLI1 associating with LAP2β on the INM.
LAP2 proteins compete to bind the zinc-fingers of GLI1
To identify the interaction surface for the GLI1:LAP2 interaction, we performed co-IP experiments with a series of GLI1 and LAP2 mutants. In vitro translated LAP2α pulled down recombinant fragments of GLI1 which correspond with the zinc-finger domain (Figure S5A). Co-IP of in vitro translated GLI1 zinc-finger domain from whole cell extract demonstrated an interaction with both LAP2 isoforms (Figure 4F and S5B). Scanning mutagenesis of the GLI1 zinc-finger domain identified two mutants, GLI1T296E and GLI1S248E, which failed to interact with both LAP2 isoforms in a cell-free system (Figure 4G and S5C). Co-IP of GLI1T296E from HEK293T also lacked robust LAP2 binding (Figure 4H and S5D). Finally, GLI1T296E lacked the ability to induce Hh-target gene transcription (Figure 4I and S5E). We conclude that LAP2 proteins share a common binding site between the 1st and 2nd zinc-finger of GLI1.
Since the LAP2 isoforms contain a common amino-terminal LAP2 constant region, we hypothesized it mediates the pan-LAP2:GLI1 interaction. Co-IP of the recombinant LAP2 constant region with in vitro translated full length and zinc-finger domain GLI1 recapitulated the strong interaction (Figure 4J and S5F). The LAP2 constant region consists of a LEM and LEM-like domain. Purified LEM-like domain strongly associated with GLI1 compared to the LEM domain or a scrambled LEM-like domain (Figure 4K and S5G). A saturation binding experiment by co-IP of wheat germ cell extract in vitro translated GLI1 over a gradient of chemically synthesized LEM-like domain indicated an interaction with an apparent KD of 8μM (Figure S5H). If both LAP2 isoforms bind to a common region on GLI1, then one would expect competitive binding between LAP2α and β on GLI1. Indeed, co-IP of GLI1 in HEK293T overexpressing LAP2α showed that LAP2α competed off LAP2β (Figure 4L and S5I). Conversely, LAP2β overexpression similarly competed off LAP2α (Figure S5J), supporting direct competition between the two isoforms for GLI1.
Given a common binding domain, we investigated how acetylation of GLI1 affects isoform selection using a gradient of high salt washes. Co-IP of GLI1 from HEK293T indicated LAP2β forms a more robust interaction with GLI1 than LAP2α (Figure 4M, top panel). Similarly, co-IP of in vitro translated GLI1 from HEK293T whole cell extract yielded a more robust LAP2β complex (Figure 4M, second panel). By contrast, in vitro translated GLI1 zinc-finger domain formed LAP2 complexes of similar strength, revealing a secondary binding site outside the zinc-finger domain that determines the LAP2β preference (Figure 4M, third panel). Highlighting the importance of GLI1 acetylation, in vitro translated, full-length acetyl-deficient GLI1K518R bound LAP2 complexes with similar strength (Figure 4M, bottom panel). Taken together, LAP2 proteins share an interaction surface between their LEM-like domain and the 1st and 2nd zinc-fingers of GLI1. LAP2β forms a second site interaction with GLI1 at its acetylation site, conferring acetylation-dependent binding strength (Figure S5K). Notably, LAP2β no longer associates with GLI1 in an acetylation-dependent manner when the proteins were generated in a wheat germ cell extract in vitro translation system, indicating the requirement of other molecular factors for full binding (Figure S5L).
LAP2α forms a nucleoplasmic activating complex that protects deacetylated GLI1
Pathway activation and GLI1 deacetylation increased GLI1 association with LAP2α, suggesting that LAP2α forms an activating complex with GLI1. Indeed, in vitro translated GLI1 and LAP2α interacted reciprocally by co-IP, forming a complex that withstood stringent high salt conditions (Figure 5A and S6A). Furthermore, transfected LAP2α formed a specific complex with GLI1 but not with three abundant nuclear transcription factors E2F-1, Fos, and HNF1α (Figure S6B). Consistent with an activating role, overexpression of LAP2α resulted in Hh pathway hyperactivation (Figure 5B and S6C), while knockdown depressed Hh output (Figure 5C and S6D).
Figure 5: LAP2α forms a nucleoplasmic activating complex that protects deacetylated GLI1.
(A) Reciprocal co-IP of in vitro translated FLAG-GLI1 and HA-LAP2α.
(B-C) qRT-PCR of GLI1 and GAPDH following LAP2α transfection (B) or siRNA knockdown with two unique targeting sequences (C) in ASZ (n=9, ANOVA). Associated immunoblots in Figure S6C and S6D.
(D) Co-IP of in vitro translated HA-LAP2α following incubation in WCE from HEK293T.
(E) Co-IP of in vitro translated FLAG-GLI1 from HEK293T WCE or WCE depleted of LAP2α (LAP2αKD WCE) by siRNA. Rescue performed with in vitro translated LAP2α. Input in Figure S6F.
(F) Vorinostat pulse-chase in ASZ transfected with empty vector or LAP2α followed by dot blot of AcGLI1 and GLI1 (n=9, 2-way ANOVA). Supportive quantification of HA-LAP2α in Figure S6G.
(G) Immunofluorescence staining of AcGLI1 in ASZ during “chase” of a vorinostat pulse-chase. Quantification (above) of nuclear AcGLI1 distribution (n=30) and representative images (below, scale bar=20µm).
(H) Co-IP of FLAG-GLI1 with HA-LAP2α or HA-LAP2α1–414 co-transfected into HEK293T. For clarity, a single representative FLAG immunoblot included. Quantification included on right (n=2). Inputs for associated immunoblots included in Figure S6H.
(I) FRAP profile of GFP, GFP-GLI1, or GFP-GLI1 + LAP2α1–414 co-transfected in HEK293T (n=13 (GFP), 10 (GFP-GLI1), and 12 (GFP-GLI1 + LAP2α1–414), error bars represent standard error) (GFP: t1/2= 2.3 seconds (1.5–3.5, 95%CI); mobile fraction= 78% (76–79, 95%CI)) (GFP-GLI1: t1/2= 9.6 seconds (4.8–26, 95%CI); mobile fraction= 46% (42–55, 95%CI)) (GFP-GLI1 + LAP2α1–414: t1/2= 10.5 seconds (7.5–15, 95%CI); mobile fraction= 63% (60–67, 95%CI)). Associated immunoblots in Figure S6J.
(J) Co-IP of HA-GLI1WT/T296E transfected into HEK293T.
(K) Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) of recombinant GST-GLI1 zinc-finger domain with the addition of wheat germ cell extract in vitro translated LAP2α or BSA. Supershifting quantified on right (n=7, dotted lines indicate standard error). Associated quantitation of total signal in Figure S6K.
(L) Vicinal genomic labeling in NIH3T3 by DamID, DamID-GLI1, and DamID-LAP2α followed by isolation of labeled regions and qPCR of canonical GLI1 binding sites and non-GLI sites (n=9, ANOVA). Associated DamID validation data in Figures S6L and S6M.
Error bars represent standard error, error bars omitted when smaller than the width of associated data point symbol, ns=not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
See also Figure S6.
We next investigated LAP2α-associated factors that promote GLI1 binding and activation. Interestingly, previous studies have speculated that LAP2α can scaffold HDAC proteins (Gotic and Foisner, 2010; Zastrow et al., 2004), so we assessed if LAP2α recruits HDAC1 to GLI1. Co-IP of LAP2α in HEK293T, in the presence of transfected GLI1, demonstrated robust HDAC1 association (Figure S6B). Further, in vitro translated LAP2α still bound to HDAC1 even in wildtype HEK293T whole cell extract which lacks endogenous GLI1 protein (Figure 5D). The interaction could be observed reciprocally, as co-IP of in vitro translated HDAC1 pulls down LAP2α, but the full HDAC1:LAP2α:GLI1 complex failed to form in vitro, indicating the requirement of additional factors (Figure S6E). To confirm that LAP2α scaffolds HDAC1 to GLI1, we generated whole cell extract depleted of LAP2α by siRNA silencing (Figure S6F). While co-IP of in vitro translated GLI1 mixed with wild type whole cell extract revealed interactions with both LAP2α and HDAC1, co-IP from LAP2α-depleted whole cell extract lacked the presence of either LAP2α or HDAC1, and the reintroduction of exogenous in vitro translated LAP2α rescued HDAC1 binding to GLI1 (Figure 5E and S6F). To assess the impact of LAP2α:HDAC1 on GLI1 acetylation, a vorinostat pulse-chase experiment was performed in the context of LAP2α overexpression. In contrast to LAP2β overexpression (Figure 3N), LAP2α overexpression correlated with accelerated GLI1 deacetylation and a lower AcGLI1/GLI1 resting ratio (Figure 5F and S6G). Immunofluorescence imaging of AcGLI1 during a vorinostat pulse-chase yielded central nuclear clearing of AcGLI1 over time, consistent with LAP2α acting on AcGLI1 in the nucleoplasm (Figure 5G). These data indicate that LAP2α physically interacts with HDAC1 and scaffolds a complex with GLI1.
The effect of LAP2α and HDAC1 on GLI1 nuclear export presents a conundrum because deacetylation should promote GLI1 nuclear export (Figure 2) while LAP2α’s canonical anchorage to the nucleoskeleton should protect GLI1 nuclear positioning (Naetar et al., 2008). To address this, we interrogated the effect of LAP2α overexpression on CRM1 binding to GLI1. Co-IP of GLI1 from HEK293T overexpressing increasing amounts of LAP2α demonstrated an inverse correlation between LAP2α and CRM1 binding to GLI1 (Figure 5H and S6H). In contrast, exogenous in vitro translated LAP2α failed to compete CRM1 off of GLI1 (Figure S6I). Together this supports the idea that LAP2α antagonizes CRM1-binding to GLI1 in a cellular context. To interrogate how LAP2α exerts this effect, we performed co-IP of GLI1 from HEK293T overexpressing LAP2α1–414, a truncation which removes the lamin-binding domain (Naetar et al., 2008) but retains the GLI1-binding domain. Remarkably, disruption of the lamin-binding domain of LAP2α eliminated its ability to interfere with GLI1:CRM1 binding in cells (Figure 5H). Further, FRAP analysis of GFP-GLI1 in the context of LAP2α1–414 demonstrated a larger nuclear mobile fraction compared to control, approaching diffusion-limited GFP (Figure 5I, S3J, and S6J). Finally, co-IP of a mutant GLI1 that disrupts LAP2α-binding, GLI1T296E, also failed to associate with lamin A (Figure 5J). These data indicate that LAP2α antagonizes GLI1 nuclear export via it’s lamin-binding, however the mechanism by which this effect is exerted is not yet clear.
Next, we investigated whether the LAP2α:GLI1 complex forms on DNA and chromatin. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) of GLI1 demonstrated supershifting of the GLI1:DNA complex upon addition of wheat germ cell extract in vitro translated LAP2α, but not a BSA control (Figure 5K and S6K). As an additional control, we observed no LAP2α binding alone to the GLI binding site oligonucleotide, indicating the LAP2α LEM-like domain does not harbor intrinsic affinity for this site. Furthermore, we observed no increase in GLI1 affinity for DNA with LAP2α addition, arguing that LAP2α tethers but does not alter GLI1 binding to DNA (Figure S6K). Finally, we sought to determine the genomic localization of both LAP2α and GLI1, utilizing DamID. If GLI1 and LAP2α co-occupy sites on chromatin, then GLI1-Dam and LAP2α-Dam fusion proteins should methylate similar DNA sequences. Indeed, qPCR of DamID-labeled chromatin from GLI1-Dam or LAP2α-Dam expressing cells demonstrated enrichment at canonical GLI1 loci compared to a Dam-only control but not at non-GLI binding loci (Figure 5L, S6L, and S6M). Together these data indicate that LAP2α forms an activating complex with deacetylated GLI1 on chromatin.
Disruption of the LAP2 chaperoning system inhibits GLI1 activity
To assay the functional significance of the LAP2 chaperoning system, we disrupted the association of GLI1 with LAP2 by the introduction of competing LEM-like domains. Overexpression of LAP2α1–414, which retains the ability to bind to GLI1 but disrupts many of the endogenous functions of LAP2α (Figure 5H and5I) (Bradley et al., 2007; Naetar et al., 2008), should act as a dominant negative by saturating LAP2 binding sites on GLI1. LAP2α1–414 overexpression significantly reduced GLI1 transcriptional activity in BCC cells (Figure 6A). Consistent with loss of GLI1 activity, LAP2α1–414 overexpression also caused a loss of cell viability in Hh-dependent cells (Figure 6B). We sought to refine the LAP2 segment interacting with the GLI1 zinc finger domain and designed a 44-amino acid peptide based on the LAP2 LEM-like domain NMR structure (Cai et al., 2001). We initially generated a doxycycline-inducible BCC cell line which produced exogenous LEM-like domains fused to a nuclear localization signal. Induction of these interfering LEM-like domains caused hyperacetylation of GLI1 (Figure 6C), correlated with a 50% reduction in Hh pathway output (Figure 6D), and decreased BCC cell viability (Figure 6E). We tested this in an additional BCC cell line and observed similar results (Figure 6F-G). To deliver this interfering peptide in vivo, we fused it to a cell penetrant TAT-domain peptide (44LLD)(Xia et al., 2001). We confirmed cellular entry and the induction of GLI1 hyperacetylation by immunoblot of cultured cells treated with 44LLD compared to a scrambled control (Figure 6H). Treatment of an established murine genetic model of BCC (Eberl et al., 2018)(Gli1-CreERT2, Ptchfl/fl, Trp53fl/fl, Figure 6I) resulted in decreased Hh target expression and tumor burden (Figure 6J-L). Treatment of primary human BCCs ex vivo with 44LLD peptide resulted in a 50% reduction of Hh pathway output (Figure 6M) and GLI1 hyperacetylation (Figure 6N). We conclude that disruption of the LAP2 chaperoning system inhibits GLI1 transcriptional output in BCC.
Figure 6: Disruption of the LAP2 chaperoning system inhibits GLI1 activity.
(A) qRT-PCR of GLI1 normalized to GAPDH following transfection of LAP2α1–414 in ASZ (n=9, ANOVA, x-axis: µg of transfected DNA). Associated immunoblot below.
(B) Cell viability measured by cell titer blue of MB21 electroporated with empty vector or LAP2α1–414 (n=6, 2-tailed t-test). Associated immunoblot below.
(C) Immunofluorescence staining of ASZ stableline with inducible expression of HA-tagged LEM-like domain fused to an NLS (HA-LL, scale bar=20μm). Quantification of induction of HA-LL and associated AcGLI1, GLI1, and DAPI (n=1232 nuclei).
(D) qRT-PCR of GLI1 and GAPDH during induction of LEM-like domain NLS fusion (n=9, 2-way ANOVA).
(E) ASZ viability following LEM-like domain induction (n=12, 2-way ANOVA).
(F) qRT-PCR of GLI1 transcript normalized to GAPDH in BSZ following 24 hour LEM-like domain induction (n=9, t-test 2-tailed).
(G) BSZ cell viability assayed by Cell Titer Blue after 24 hour of LEM-like domain induction (n=12, t-test 2-tailed).
(H) Immunoblot of streptavidin (Strep) and AcGLI1/GLI1 (quantified) from ASZ treated with biotinylated TAT-LEM-like domain (44LLD) or TAT-scramble.
(I) H&E stained tumor section from Gli1-CreERT2, Ptchfl/fl, Trp53fl/fl mouse.
(J) Volume change of mBCC over treatment timecourse (n=4, 2-way ANOVA).
(K) Quantitation of nuclear streptavidin normalized to DAPI from immunofluorescence staining of tumors following treatment with biotinylated cell-penetrant peptides (n=15(parental), 11(44LLD), and 12(scramble) high power fields, ANOVA).
(L) Confocal image and quantitation of nuclear GLI1 from immunofluorescence staining of tumors following treatment with peptides (n=12 high power fields, ANOVA).
(M-N) qRT-PCR of GLI1 transcript normalized to GAPDH of primary human BCCs treated ex vivo with 44LLD or scramble (M, n=3, ANOVA), and quantitation of nuclear AcGLI1 immunostaining (N, n=10 fields, ANOVA).
(O-R) Co-IP of biotinylated LEM-domain, scramble, or unbound beads with whole cell extract followed. Immunoblot with streptavidin, GFP (in ASZ), and pan-C2H2 zinc-finger (C2H2 ZF) antibodies. Molecular weights of C2H2 ZF bands enriched in LEM-like indicated.
(S) Immunoblot from BASU labeling with indicated LAP2 isoforms for HA and pan-C2H2 zinc-finger. Molecular weights of C2H2 ZF enriched in LAP2α/β over BASU indicated.
(T) LC-MS/MS of gel slices from BASU-LAP2 labeling experiment. Proteins ranked by SAINT-score (BASU-LAP2 vs BASU) and coded for non-zinc finger (grey), zinc-finger (blue), C2H2 zinc-finger (red), or LAP2 (green). Dotted line indicates SAINT-score of 0.9. C2H2 zinc-finger proteins and LAP2 emphasized with larger circles.
(U) Immunoblot of BASU-LAP2 labeling experiment with indicated antibodies. Quantitation are normalized to BASU-only control.
Error bars represent standard error, error bars omitted when smaller than the width of associated data point symbol, ns=not significant, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
LAP2 proteins interact broadly with zinc-finger proteins
Because LAP2 proteins use their LEM-like domain to interact with the zinc-finger domain of GLI1, we investigated the generalizability of this interaction. Leveraging a pan-C2H2 zinc-finger antibody, which recognizes a highly conserved linker region shared amongst most C2H2 zinc-finger proteins(Addison et al., 2015), we assessed if any zinc-finger proteins co-IP with the LEM-like domain. Co-IP of biotinylated LEM-like domains from whole cell extract of ASZ cells expressing GFP-GLI1 revealed at least 4 zinc-finger proteins which enriched on the LEM-like domain 2-fold over the beads-only and scramble control. As expected, the dominant band observed at 177kDa corresponded with GFP-GLI1 (Figure 6O). To determine if zinc-finger proteins outside of GLI1 participate in LEM-like domain interaction, we repeated the experiment in three disparate cell lines which lack GLI1. In each cell line we observed an array of zinc-finger proteins which interacted robustly with the LEM-like domain (Figure 6P-R). This indicates that the LEM-like domain is capable of interacting with diverse zinc-finger proteins, which may vary by cell type.
To investigate these putative interactions further, we generated inducible BASU, BASU-LAP2α, and BASU-LAP2β cell lines in HEK293T. Vicinal labeling revealed multiple zinc-finger proteins which interacted with both LAP2 isoforms more robustly than the BASU control (Figure 6S) and appeared to correspond with bands observed with the LEM-like domain co-IP (Figure 6P). To identify these interactors we performed high coverage mass spectrometry on three gel regions which harbored C2H2 zinc-fingers that interacted robustly with LAP2α/β (Figure 6T, Data Table S2–4). LC-MS/MS yielded 40,000–30,000 spectra which mapped to forward peptides and 25,000–18,000 spectra which mapped uniquely per gel region, and we analyzed 3 equivalent gel regions for each BASU construct. LAP2α/β-associated spectra were compared to BASU control independently for each region and scored via CRAPome to generate SAINT scores. BASU-LAP2α selectively labeled LAP2α, and BASU-LAP2β labeled LAP2β, reinforcing the distinct nature of the two LAP2-isoform complexes. Focusing on only the strongest hits, we identified five C2H2 zinc-finger proteins which enriched on both LAP2α and LAP2β with SAINT scores ≥0.9 and >3 spectra: ZNF512, ZBTB40, ZNF574, TRMT1L, and ZNF24. We reassessed these interactions by immunoblot and observed labeling above BASU-control for ZBTB40, ZNF574, and ZNF24 (Figure 6U). These data indicate that LAP2 proteins interact with diverse zinc-finger proteins, suggesting a general nuclear scaffolding function.
Recent human and murine genetic studies revealing the central role of the primary cilium in regulating GLI activation in the cytoplasm stand in stark contrast to the relatively poor understanding of nuclear GLI regulation. Guided by two BCC resistance mechanisms epistatic to ciliary Hedgehog inhibition (Mirza et al., 2017), our work identifies a nuclear chaperoning system which regulates GLI1 activation. In this study we demonstrate how nuclear lamina and nucleoplasmic splice variants of LAP2 modulate GLI1 acetylation/deacetylation to promote nuclear accumulation and subsequent activation to maintain high level Hh pathway output during tumorigenesis. Disruption of the LAP2 chaperoning system appears promising for inhibition of hedgehog signaling in drug-resistant BCCs.
Our study identifies a LAP2β-dependent INM-bound pool of inactive AcGLI1 which is positioned for subsequent activation. Highlighting the importance of this inactive pool, its ablation reduces pathway output and its overexpression is observed in human tumors. Furthermore, the generation of additional INM binding-sites for GLI1 allows for more rapid transcriptional recovery following transient HDAC inhibition without perturbing deacetylation kinetics, suggesting that this INM-complex facilitates a nuclear GLI1 activation pathway. Investigating the composition and function of the INM-AcGLI1 complex remains a major focus of future work.
We further identify a nucleoplasmic LAP2α complex that competes with LAP2β to stabilize GLI1 on chromatin. Differing from previous reports of transcription factors diffusing off of the nuclear lamina, our data support a model where LAP2α acts as a chaperone that scaffolds an interaction with HDAC1 and antagonizes LAP2β binding. The BCC tumor resistance kinase aPKC promotes Smoothened inhibitor resistance through driving the accumulation of the LAP2α:HDAC1:GLI1 activation complex. Understanding the sequence of the GLI1 activation complex on chromatin (Whitson et al., 2018) represents an exciting avenue for study.
A major surprise of our work is the identification of a key functional interaction between the GLI1’s non-DNA-binding zinc fingers and the LAP2 LEM-like domain. Indeed, many zinc-fingers, the most common fold in biology, appear to lack DNA-binding activity (Cassandri et al., 2017). We find putative interactions between the LEM-like domain of the LAP2 proteins and diverse C2H2 zinc-finger proteins. Determining the generalizability of the LEM-like domain interaction to other zinc-finger transcription factors provides an exciting avenue for future investigation.
Contact for Reagent and Resource Sharing
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Anthony Oro (
Experimental Model and Subject Details
Cell Culture
ASZ001 (ASZ, gender: female) BCC cells were cultured in 154CF media (Life Technologies) supplemented with 2% chelated fetal bovine serum, Human Kerytinocyte Growth Supplement (Thermo Fisher), Penn-strep, and 0.05mM CaCl2. Experiments assaying hedgehog signaling carried out in serum-free conditions.
NIH-3T3 (gender: male) and HEK-293T (gender: female) cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Experiments assaying hedgehog signaling were carried out in 0–0.2% FBS supplemented with Smoothened Agonist (SAG, Sigma).
Mammalian cell transfection performed using FuGENE® 6 Transfection Reagent (Promega), Lipofectamine® LTX with Plus™ Reagent (Thermo Fisher), and MEF 1 Nucleofector® Kit (Lonza) per manufacturer protocol. Transient transfection mammalian expression vectors are included below. Stable expression produced by piggybac transposition.
Primary Patient BCC Explants
This study was approved by the Stanford University Institutional Review Board #18325, with a waiver of consent from participants. Since the samples are de-identified for privacy reasons, gender identity of the specimens cannot be reported. Central biopsies of clinically diagnosed BCC tumor specimens from Mohs Surgery patients at the Stanford Dermatology Clinic were quatered and cultured in EpiLife Media (Life Technologies) +CaCl2 with or without 20µM vorinostat for 3 hours. Specimen were flash frozen in OCT freezing media for subseqent assays.
Ptchfl/fl Gli1-CreERT2 Trp53fl/fl mice
All mice were housed under standard conditions, and animal care was in compliance with the protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Stanford University. Ptchfl/fl, Gli1-CreERT2, Trp53fl/fl mice were generated and used to generate BCC tumors as described previously (Eberl et al., 2018). For these studies we used only female mice due to the ability to house multiple per cage. Female mice aged 7.5 weeks were induced with .25mg of 4-hydroxytamoxifen per day for three consecutive days and exposed to 4 GY irradiation using an X-Ray irradiator on the fourth day. After an average of 3–5 months post-irradiation, tumors were passaged into NOD SCID gamma mice. 44LLD or scramble (50µg) was administered to passaged tumors by intra-tumoral injection once daily for eight consecutive days. Tumor volumes were measured by calipers, and hedgehog pathway output was asssesed by immunostaining for GLI1.
Method Details
To prepare nuclear extracts, cells were resuspended in hypotonic lysis buffer (10mM HEPES pH7.9, 1.5mM MgCl2, and 10mM KCl) and dounce homogenized. Isolated nuclei were pelleted and resuspended in RIPA buffer. Proteasome inhibitor (MG132, 10µM) was added to observe GLI1 export due to the short half-life of GLI1 in the cytoplasm.
The protocol for nuclear envelope fractionation was adapted from previous reports(Kay et al., 1972). Isolated nuclei were resuspended in Nuclear Envelope Buffer 1 (10mM Tris 8.5, 0.MgCl2, 5mM β-ME, 10% sucrose, DNAse I) and incubated at room temperature for 10 minutes to lyse the nuclear membrane and gently remove the nucleoplasmic fraction, characterized by the initial release of lamin A. The crude nuclear envelope, containing non-intergral membrane bound inner nuclear membrane components, was pelleted at 38k rcf, resuspended in Nuclear Envelope Buffer 2 (10mM Tris 7.4, 0.MgCl2, 5mM β-ME, 10% sucrose, DNAse I), and allowed to incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes. This allowed for the release of peripheral chromatin and non-intergral membrane inner nuclear membrane proteins, characterized by the release of BANF1. Purified nuclear envelopes were resuspended in RIPA to solubilize the remaining peptides.
Nuclear Envelope Lift Off Assay
ASZ cells were serum starved for 24hrs to induce the hedgehog pathway, then treated with 20μM vorinostat to hyperacetylate GLI1 and drive it onto the nuclear envelope. Crude nuclear envelopes were isolated (see Nuclear Envelope Fractionation protocol above; crude nuclear envelopes correspond to pelleted sample after Nuclear Envelope Buffer 1 lysis) and resuspended in PBS (supplemented with 0.5mM DTT, 5 μM ZnCl2, 5 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM NAD+) or PBS + recombinant CobB deacetylase (a generous gift from the lab of Dr. Peter Jackson) (supplemented with 0.5mM DTT, 5 μM ZnCl2, 5 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM NAD+). CobB is a E. coli derived non-specific deacetylase. The deacetylation reaction was allowed to proceed for 30mins. Nuclear envelopes were pelleted by centrifugation (15k rpm). Supernatant, containing protiens release following deacetylation, was collected in Laemmli sample buffer corresponding to the “Lift off” sample. The pelleted nuclear envelopes were resuspended in RIPA, corresponding to the “output” sample.
Triton Extraction Assay
ASZ cells were washed with PBS prior to incubation in 1% Triton X-100 in PBS supplemented with protease inhibitor cocktail for 10 minutes. Supernatant was collected and analyzed by dot blot with three technical replicates per experiment. Each condition was assayed independently three times as well.
BASU Vicinal Labeling
BASU fusions were stably expressed via piggybac transposition. 50μM d-biotin supplemented media was added to cells for 5 hours to allow labeling of proximal interactors. Cells were collected in RIPA lysis buffer supplemented with protease inhibitor and Pierce Universal Nuclease. Whole cell extract was homogenized by sonication and clarified by centrifugation. Free biotin was removed by iterative spin concentrate-dilution steps using spin concentration units (Millipore, MWCO:3kDa) to lower free biotin concentration by 125 fold. Purified lysate bound-biotin was quantied by dot blot and input bound-biotin was normalized prior to streptavidin pulldown (Dynabeads® MyOne™ Streptavidin C1). Following stringent washing (3X 10mins RIPA, 2X 5min 2%SDS in PBS, 1X 1min RIPA), biotinylated proteins were eluted by boiling (95°C, 800rpm) in Laemmli sample buffer supplemented with 10mM biotin.
APEX2 Vicinal Labeling
An APEX2-GLI1 fusion was stably expressed in ASZ by lentiviral transduction. APEX labeling was performed as previously described(Lam et al., 2014). Briefly, biotin-phenol supplemented media was introduced 30 minutes prior to labeling. H2O2 was added to induce labeling and was quenched following 1 minute of labeling. Biotinylated species were purified as described above for BASU and immunoblotted.
All immunoprecipitation were in the absence of crosslinking. For the majority of experiments cell lysates were prepared in 1% Triton X-100 in TBS supplemented with protease and phosphatase inhibitors (Roche). Immunoblot of whole cell extract under these conditions confirmed solubilization of inner nuclear membrane proteins. Anti-FLAG® M2 Sepharose Beads (Sigma) and Pierce™ Anti-HA Magnetic Beads (Thermo Fisher) were pre-blocked in 5% BSA prior to incubation overnight. Washes were carried out at room temperature using lysis buffer (3X 3mins). Samples were eluted by boiling in Laemmli sample buffer.
For graded high salt washes, large scale co-IP experiments were carried out and subsequently aliquoted and washed seperately. For in vitro translated protein IP’s, the indicated components were mixed and allowed to bind at 4°C for 1 hour prior to the addition of beads. Whole cell extracts for these experiments were generated by the lysis of HEK293T pellets in 1% Triton X-100 in TBS supplemneted with protease inhibitor. For experiments comparing LAP2 isoforms, the pan-LAP2 antibody was used thereby reducing error associated with different antibodies.
In vitro translation
Proteins of interest were generated in vitro using Promega’s TnT® Quick Coupled Rabbit Reticulocyte or Wheat Germ Cell Lysate Transcription/Translation System according to manufacturer’s protocol. For in vitro translation, pCS2 vectors harboring SP6 promoters were utilized. In general, all in vitro translations utilized the rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. Where specifically indicated, wheat germ cell lysate was used to test for “direct” binding in a context without endogenous mammalian cofactors.
Vorinostat Pulse-Chase
ASZ cells were serum starved for 24hrs and vorinostat (20µM) treated for 1hr. Vorinostat media was replaced with fresh prewarmed media to allow deacetylation to take place. Cells were collected in RIPA buffer supplemented with protease inhibitor and 1mM Sodium Butyrate to hault deacetyation. Cell extracts were spotted onto nitrocellulose and immunoblotted. Each timepoint represents three biological replicates with three technical replicates each.
Fluoresence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) and Live Cell Imaging
Live cell imaging and FRAP experiments were carried out in cells plated onto Nunc™ Lab-Tek™ Chambered Coverglass coated with poly-D lysine. Prior to imaging, cells were placed in Flourobright media supplemented with Hoescht HCl. Live floresence imaging on Leica SP8 White Light Confocal (100x objective) equiped with Hybrid detectors housed in a temperature, humidity, and CO2 regulated imaging chamber. Bleaching area (5μm in diameter) were constant and bleaching intensity was determined empirically to produce even bleach points. Recovery was observed in 2 second intervals using Leica LAX software and analyzed in Prism.
Immunofluorescence and Fluorescence Imaging
Cells were fixed in 4% formaldehyde in phosphate buffered saline and prepared per a general immunofluorescence protocol (abcam). Primary antibodies were used at the manufacturers’ recommended concentration. Fluorescent-labeled secondary antibodies utilized: Alexa Fluor 488, Alexa Fluor 555, Alexa Fluor 594, and Alexa Fluor 647 (1:500, Life Technologies). Confocal imaging was carried out using a Leica SP8 microscope equipped with adjustable white light laser and hybrid detectors.
Images were quantified using ImageJ or ICY image analysis software, and when making comparisons between images laser intensities and imaging settings were held constant. Occasionally an imaging control, such as LAP2β, whose expression is independent of the experimental variable was utilized to normalize for staining variability across a specimen. To draw scale bars, Lieca LAX software was used.
Radial GLI1/AcGLI1 distributions were calculated by line averaging on unique nuclei with the line starting in the nucleoplasm, ending in the cytoplasm, and centering on the edge of the DAPI signal. The 90% reduction point of the DAPI signal was indicated as the nuclear envelope and marked with a dotted line. Standard error is displayed as thin dotted radial tracings.
Proximity Ligation Assay
Proximity Ligation Assays were conducted per manufacturer’s protocol (Duolink®/ Sigma) to detect interaction between endogenous proteins in a cellular context. Notably, PLA experiments all involve the change in signal between an antibody pairs under experimental perturbation. In our experience, it is inappropriate to compare different antibody pairs and single antibody controls inadequately assess specificy. PLA signal was measured using constant imaging setting and averaged across fields. Puncta were quantified for cell line PLA experiments while total PLA floresence signal was quantified for tissues due to the lack of clear puncta separation.
3D Structure Illumination Microcopy
ASZ cells were cultured on poly-D lysine coated high performance 0.17mm coverglass (Zeiss). OMX BLAZE 3D-Structured Illumination Super Resolution Microscope (Stanford University Cell Sciences Imaging Facility). System specifications: OMX V4 microscope platform with X, Y, Z Nanomotion stage movers with 25 mm travel; OMX BLAZE SI patterns generated using an electro-optical high-speed SI diffraction grating engine; Piezo controlled Fast Z-axis system - 100 micron range; 60X, N.A. 1.30silicon immersion objective for matching of refractive indexes during live cell imaging; Off-line workstation with SoftWoRx software for generating SI image reconstructions.
Acetyl-GLI1 Antibody Generation
Antibodies and peptides were generated by 21st Century Biochemicals. Animals were injected with both human (Acetyl-IGTRGL[K-ac]LPPLPHT-Ahx-C-amide) and mouse (Acetyl-IGSRGL[K-ac]LPSLTHA-Ahx-C-amide) HPLC-purified immunogenic Acetyl-K518 GLI1 peptides. Affinity purified antibodies were generated by the column purification.
Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)
Recombinant zinc-finger GLI1-GST fusion protein and wheat germ cell in vitro translated LAP2α was incubated with a LICOR IR-dye labeled oligonucleotide harboring GLI1 binding motif (Genescript, ACGTGGACCACCCAAGACGAA) were run on a 6% DNA Retardation Gel (ThermoFischer), and imaged using Odyssey® CLx (Licor). Mock lane is empty GST vector transfected bacterial lysate. We note that LAP2α did not induce a clean supershifted band, but a supershifted smear. This is indicative of a micromolar interaction which would struggle to remain stable during an EMSA which requires interactions in the nanomolar range.
The DamID technique was performed following the original protocol discussed well in the van Steensel lab website ( Briefly, GLI1 and LAP2α were inserted amino-terminal to DamID in an inducible vector obtained from the van steen lab (via Addgene), or carboxy-terminal to LAP2β in a piggybac transposition vector. Stable lines were generated by stable chemostransfection (Lipofectamine LTX) of linearized vectors in NIH3T3 cells and geneticin selected as recommended, or by piggybac transposition followed by hygromycin selection. Integration was determined by PCR of genomic DNA. Cells were serum starved and Smoothened Agonist (SAG) treated to activate hedgehog signaling. Genomic DNA was isolated and subjected to DpnI digestion which cuts DNA at the DamID-specific methylation of GATC motifs. Bioanalyzer tracings confirm that DamID is labeling and the spacing between the cut GATC motif produces the expected 200–500bp fragment peak. DamID adaptors were ligated followed by DpnII digestion to eliminate innapropriately ligated fragments. Next a methyl-PCR was performed to amplify DamID labeled DNA, followed by purification and analysis by qPCR. qPCR Primers:
Step-Target | Forward | Reverse |
2-ptch1 | acagggtggtggatagtgcg | tacgaggcgttgttccctgc |
2-GLI1 | cgccggcttcctaagggtta | Cggacagacgtctccgactc |
Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR
RNA isolated using Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit according to manufacturer protocol. TaqMan® RNA-to-CT™ 1-Step Kit used for reverse transcription and quantitative PCR. TaqMan® Gene Expression Assay Probes Life Technologies: GLI1 (FAM-MGB probe Mm00494654_m1); GAPDH (Mm99999915_g1); Hprt (Mm01545399_m1) used in an assay dependent concentration.
Whole cell extracts were harvested using radioimmunoprecipitation (RIPA) buffer supplemented with protease and phosphatase inhibitors (Roche) and run on gradient SDS-PAGE gels (Life Technologies) followed by wet transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes (0.45microns, BioRad). Primary antibodies used in an assay dependent concentration in 5% Bovine Serum Albumin in TBST. Fluorescent secondary antibodies compatible with Odyssey® CLx (Licor) used for 2-color imaging of membranes.
Cloning and Vectors
pCS2FLAG (Addgene Plasmid #16331) and pCS2HA (Addgene Plasmid #16330) used to express epitope tagged protein in in vitro translation and mammalian cell culture. pGex and pQE-80L used to generate recombinant peptides. Piggybac transposition entry vector pbCAG (modifed from Addgene Plasmid #40973) and lentiviral transfecer vector pLex (modified from Addgene Plasmid #41390) utilized to generate stable lines. pEGFP-N3 used to generate GFP fusions for mammalian expression. To generate vicinal labeling constructs the follow plasmid were used: BASU (a generous gift from Dr. Paul Khavari), APEX2 (Addgene Plasmid #79056), DamID (Addgene #59201).
GLI1 source cDNA was derived from our lab’s previous projects on GLI1. HDAC1 (Addgene Plasmid #13820), p300 (Addgene Plasmid #23252), HDAC3 (Addgene Plasmid #13819), LAP2α (synthesized by Genecopia) and LAP2β (Addgene Plasmid #21047).
NEB Q5 PCR mix used per manufacturers protocol to generate PCR inserts with primers synthesized by Elim BioPharm (Hayward, CA). In-Fusion (Clontech) recombination based cloning performed according to manufacturers protocol.
Mass Spectrometry
Mass spectrometry was performed by the Stanford University Mass Spectrometry Core. Samples were run on a 4–12% SDS-PAGE gel and resolved by Coomassie staining. Gel bands were excised out in a 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes and then cut in 1×1 mm squares. The excised gel pieces were then reduced with 5 mM DTT, 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate at 55°C for 30 min. Residual solvent was removed and alkylation was performed using 10 mM acrylamide in 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate for 30 min at room temperature. The gel pieces were rinsed 2 times with 50% acetonitrile, 50 mM ammonium bicarbonate and placed in a speed vac for 5 min. Digestion was performed with Trypsin/LysC (Promega) in the presence of 0.02% protease max (Promega) in a standard overnight digest at 37°C. Samples were then centrifuged and the solvent including peptides were collected and further peptide extraction was performed by the addition of 60% acetonitrile, 39.9% water, 0.1% formic acid and incubation for 10–15 min. The peptide pools were dried in a speed vac. Samples were reconstituted in 12.5μl reconstitution buffer (2% acetonitrile with 0.1% Formic acid) and 3μl (100ng) of it was injected on the instrument.
Mass spectrometry experiments were performed using an Orbitrap Q-Exactive HFX mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, San Jose, CA) with liquid chromatography using a Nanoacquity UPLC (Waters Corporation, Milford, MA). For each LCMS experiment a flow rate of 250 nL/min was used, where mobile phase A was 0.2% formic acid in water and mobile phase B was 0.2% formic acid in acetonitrile. EASY-spray nanoLC analytical columns (Thermo Scientific) were used, measuring 50 cm in length and heated to 50 C. Peptides were directly injected onto the analytical column using a gradient (3–45% B, followed by a high-B wash) of 80min. The mass spectrometer was operated in a data dependent fashion using HCD fragmentation for MS/MS spectra generation.
For data analysis, the .RAW data files were processed using Byonic v 2.14.27 (Protein Metrics, San Carlos, CA) to identify peptides and infer proteins. Proteolysis was assumed to be tryptic allowing for N-ragged cleavage with up to two missed cleavage sites. Precursor and fragment mass accuracies were held within 12 ppm. Proteins were held to a false discovery rate of 1%, using standard approaches.
Sigma pre-designed siRNA were used for knockdown assays. Emerin: SASI_Mm01_00089246, SASI_Mm01_00089247, SASI_Mm01_00089248. Man1: SASI_Mm02_00296101, SASI_Mm02_00296102, SASI_Mm02_00296103. LAP2α: SASI_Mm02_00293323, SASI_Mm02_00293324, SASI_Mm02_00293325. LAP2β siRNA’s were custom designed to avoid disrupting LAP2α.
Quantification and Statistical Analysis
Statistical test used in each experiment as well as information on replicates is indicated in the Figure Legends. In general three technical replicates were performed for each independent experiment. Significance values were generated using GraphPad PRISM 6 and denoted by asterisks as indicated in Figure Legends. Curve fitting for FRAP analysis and saturation binding was also performed in GraphPad PRISM 6. Western blot and EMSA quantitation were performed in LICOR Image Studio. Radial distribution was calculated using FIJI software. Scale bars were measured by Lieca LAS X software. Quantitation of immunofluorescence including automated nuclear quantitation and puncta counting were performed in ICY. Mass spectrometry data was computed first by Byonic v 2.14.27 and then CRAPome (please refer to specific section for further detail).
Key Resources Table
Supplementary Material
Antibodies | ||
AcGLI1 | This paper | N/A |
GLI1 (V812) | Cell signaling | Cat # 2534 |
GLI1 | R&D Systems | Cat # AF3455 |
CRM1 | Santa Cruz | Cat # sc-74454 |
pan-LAP2 | Abcam | Cat # ab185718 |
LAP2α | Abcam | Cat # ab5162 |
LAP2β | BD Biosciences | Cat # 611000 |
Emerin | Abcam | Cat # ab156871 |
Man1 | Abcam | Cat # ab124148 |
LEMD1 | Origene | Cat # TA320077 |
Sun1 | Abcam | Cat # ab103021 |
Sun2 | Abcam | Cat # ab124916 |
Lamin B1 | Abcam | Cat # ab90169 |
Lamin A+C | Abcam | Cat # ab8984 |
BANF1 | Abcam | Cat # ab88464 |
Acetyl-lysine | Cell Signaling | Cat # 9441S |
SuFu | Abcam | Cat # ab28083 |
Tubulin | DSHB | Cat # E7-c |
Biotin (streptavidin) | Licor | Cat # 926–32230 |
HDAC1 | Santa Cruz | Cat # sc-7872 |
HDAC3 | Cell Signaling | Cat # 3949S |
FLAG-tag | Sigma | Cat # F1804 |
HA-tag | Abcam | Cat # ab9134 |
Myc-tag | Abcam | Cat # ab9132 |
GAPDH | Santa Cruz | Cat # sc-32233 |
HNF1 | Santa Cruz | Cat # sc-135939 |
C2H2 Zinc-finger | Millipore | Cat # ABE1941 |
Bacterial and Virus Strains | ||
Stellar™ Competent Cells | Takara | Cat # 636766 |
Biological Samples | ||
Patient BCC Mohs Biopsies | Stanford Dermatology | N/A |
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins | ||
Recombinant Human CRM1 protein | Abcam | Cat # ab125980 |
Recombinant Human LAP2 protein | Abcam | Cat # ab151936 |
Biotin-LEM-like domain peptide | ElimBio | custom synthesis |
Biotin-scramble peptide | ElimBio | custom synthesis |
44LLD | Genescript | custom synthesis |
Vorinostat | Selleckchem | Cat # S1047 |
Entinostat | Selleckchem | Cat # S1053 |
CRT0329868 | (Mirza et al., 2017) | N/A |
PSI (ZIP) | Tocris | Cat # 2549 |
Fugene 6 | Promega | Cat # E2692 |
Lipofectamine™ RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent | ThermoFisher | Cat # 13778075 |
Critical Commercial Assays | ||
RealTime-Glo™ MT Cell Viability Assay | Promega | Cat # G9711 |
CellTiter-Blue® Cell Viability Assay | Promega | Cat # G8080 |
Duolink® In Situ Red Starter Kit | Sigma | Cat # DUO92101 |
Rabbit Reticulocyte In vitro translation kit | Promega | Cat # L2080 |
Wheat Germ In vitro translation kit | Promega | Cat # L4130 |
Deposited Data | ||
Mass Spectrometry BASU-labeling | This paper | Table S2–4 |
Experimental Models: Cell Lines | ||
Mouse: ASZ001 | (So et al., 2006) | N/A |
Mouse: BSZ | (So et al., 2006) | N/A |
Human: UW-BCC | (Noubissi et al., 2014) | N/A |
Mouse: NIH3T3 | ATCC | Cat # CRL-1658 |
Human: HEK293T | ATCC | Cat # CRL-3216 |
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains | ||
Ptchfl/fl, Gli1-CreERT2, Trp53fl/fl | (Eberl et al., 2018) | N/A |
NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ | Jackson Lab | Cat # 005557 |
Oligonucleotides | ||
Emerin siRNA 1 | Sigma | SASI_Mm01_00089246 |
Emerin siRNA 2 | Sigma | SASI_Mm01_00089247 |
Emerin siRNA 3 | Sigma | SASI_Mm01_00089248 |
Man1 siRNA 1 | Sigma | SASI_Mm02_00296101 |
Man1 siRNA 2 | Sigma | SASI_Mm02_00296102 |
Man1 siRNA 3 | Sigma | SASI_Mm02_00296103 |
LAP2α siRNA 1 | Sigma | SASI_Mm02_00293323 |
LAP2α siRNA 2 | Sigma | SASI_Mm02_00293324 |
LAP2α siRNA 3 | Sigma | SASI_Mm02_00293325 |
Sigma | custom synthesis |
Sigma | custom synthesis |
Sigma | custom synthesis |
sgRNA LAP2β | Table S1 | N/A |
Genescript | N/A |
DamID qPCR primers | see DamID methods | N/A |
GLI1 (FAM-MGB probe Mm00494654_m1) | Life Technologies | Cat. # 4351370 |
GAPDH (Mm99999915_g1) | Life Technologies | Cat # 4352339E |
Hprt (Mm01545399_m1) | Life Technologies | Cat # 4448485 |
Recombinant DNA | ||
pCS2FLAG | Addgene | Plasmid #16331 |
pCS2HA | Addgene | Plasmid #16330 |
pLex | Addgene | Plasmid #41390 |
APEX2 | Addgene | Plasmid #79056 |
BASU | Addgene | Plasmid #107250 |
DamID | Addgene | Plasmid #59201 |
HDAC1 | Addgene | Plasmid #13820 |
LAP2β | Addgene | Plasmid #21047 |
LAP2α | Genecopia synthesis | N/A |
Acetylated GLI1 accumulates on the lamina via LAP2β to facilitate nuclear retention
LAP2 isoforms compete to bind GLI1 through a shared LEM-like:zinc-finger interaction
LAP2α forms an activating complex with HDAC1 to deacetylate/activate GLI1
GLI1:LAP2 interference disrupts hedgehog signaling in basal cell carcinoma
The authors wish to thank Paul Khavari and Muthukumar Ramanathan for lending expertise to the vicinal proteomics experiments. This work was funded by NIAMS (R01AR04786 and 5ARO54780), the Stanford Medical Scientist Training Program, and a Cancer Research Technology Fellowship (A.M), and a Stanford Cancer Institute grant. The Stanford Cell Sciences Imaging Facility provided instrumentation and technical assistance (NCRR grant 1S10OD010580).
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Competing financial interests
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.