Figure 9.
Interplay between differentiation, integration and entropy. (i) AABB has <Φ > =0.119, <ETCΦC > =0.318, <LZΦC > =1.020, (ii) AABC has <Φ > =0.325, <ETCΦC > =0.720, <LZΦC > =2.444, (iii) AACC has <Φ > =2.083, <LZΦC > =0.730, <ETCΦC > =2.683. The complexity of the simulated network AABB is lower than that of AABC, which is lesser than the complexity of AACC. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it is not, since the entropy of C (XOR gate) is higher than the entropies of both B (AND gate) and A (OR) gate. Thus, heterogeneity alone is insufficient to increase the value of integrated information of the network; the entropy of the individual nodes and their number in the network also matter.