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. 2019 Mar 12;10(2):e00159-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00159-19


Data collection and refinement statistics for ETX2514 complex with OXA-24/40

Data collection OXA-24/40 + ETX2514
Wavelength (Å) 0.97946
Data range (outer shell) (Å) 1.95–37.3 (1.95–2.0)
Space group P41212
Cell dimensions (Å) 102.6 102.6 87.0 90° 90° 90°
Completeness (outer shell) (%) 99.6 (99.3)
Unique reflections (outer shell) 34,248 (2,350)
Total no. of observations (outer shell) 226,430
Average multiplicity (outer shell) 6.6 (6.5)
Mean I/sd(I) (outer shell) 11.3 (2.4)
Rmerge (%) 10.5 (79.1)
Resolution (Å) 1.95–37.3
Rwork 0.187
Rfree 0.210
No. of molecules (a.s.u.) 1
Ligands 1 ETX2514, 1 Cl
No. of water molecules 192
RMSD bond length (Å) 0.012
RMSD bond angles (°) 1.51
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure