Figure 4.
LDB1 is required for patterning the dorsal thalamus. A, B, Expression of Ldb1 mRNA in E12.5 control (A) and NesCre;Ldb1lox/lox (B) brains at three rostro-caudal levels. In the mutant, Ldb1 expression is undetectable in a broad region of the dorsal thalamus of the mutant brains (black asterisks, B). C–F, Serial sections from the same brains in A, B probed for the expression of Lhx9 and Neurog2 at three rostro-caudal levels. In the mutant, the medial domain of intense Neurog2 expression (white dashed lines, C, D) expands laterally at mid and caudal levels (white asterisks, C, D). At the same levels of sectioning, Lhx9 expression, which is normally not seen in a lateral domain (solid black lines, E), expands in the mutant to fill this domain (open arrowheads, F). Scale bars: 500 μm.