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. 2019 Mar 19;4(2):e00213-18. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00213-18

FIG 3.


Links between meta-holobiont and meta-community. Clonal network comprises ramets connected by horizontal modified stems. Each ramet is under the influence of a local abiotic environment. Metacommunities are defined as a set of local communities linked by dispersal of multiple potentially interacting species (40). The figure presents the four main processes driving the assemblages at the metacommunity scale (local habitat patch conditions, patch disturbance, dispersal, and random processes) and the corresponding paradigms as defined by Leibold et al. (40). This is a simplified view of the metacommunity assembly rules, as all four processes interplay in each of the paradigms. Their transposition of the meta-holobiont scale is described on the right. Gray gradient indicates the habitat patch environmental conditions, and black arrows indicate the dispersal fluxes between a given habitat patch pair.