Figure 4.
Expression of ERG, total TNIK and TNIK (pS764) in localized prostate cancer. (A) Panels represent IHC for ERG, TNIK and TNIK (pS764) in 3 sequential sections of the same prostate cancer specimen: i) Nuclear and cytoplasmic expression of ERG. ii) Cytoplasmic expression of total TNIK. iii). Nuclear and cytoplasmic expression of TNIK (pS764). Panels iv-vi) demonstrate lack of ERG, TNIK and TNIK (pS764) expression in 3 sequential sections of the same prostate cancer specimen. (B) Expression of total TNIK (cytoplasmic) in ERG-negative and -positive prostate cancers. (C) Expression of TNIK (pS764) (nuclear) in ERG-negative and -positive prostate cancers.