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. 2019 Feb 25;132(5):jcs222018. doi: 10.1242/jcs.222018

Recruitment of Jub by α-catenin promotes Yki activity and Drosophila wing growth

Herve Alégot 1,*, Christopher Markosian 1, Cordelia Rauskolb 1, Janice Yang 1, Elmira Kirichenko 1, Yu-Chiun Wang 2,3, Kenneth D Irvine 1,
PMCID: PMC6432719  PMID: 30659113


The Hippo signaling network controls organ growth through YAP family transcription factors, including the Drosophila Yorkie protein. YAP activity is responsive to both biochemical and biomechanical cues, with one key input being tension within the F-actin cytoskeleton. Several potential mechanisms for the biomechanical regulation of YAP proteins have been described, including tension-dependent recruitment of Ajuba family proteins, which inhibit kinases that inactivate YAP proteins, to adherens junctions. Here, we investigate the mechanism by which the Drosophila Ajuba family protein Jub is recruited to adherens junctions, and the contribution of this recruitment to the regulation of Yorkie. We identify α-catenin as the mechanotransducer responsible for tension-dependent recruitment of Jub by identifying a region of α-catenin that associates with Jub, and by identifying a region, which when deleted, allows constitutive, tension-independent recruitment of Jub. We also show that increased Jub recruitment to α-catenin is associated with increased Yorkie activity and wing growth, even in the absence of increased cytoskeletal tension. Our observations establish α-catenin as a multi-functional mechanotransducer and confirm Jub recruitment to α-catenin as a key contributor to biomechanical regulation of Hippo signaling.

KEY WORDS: Mechanotransduction, Tension, Hippo, Growth, Ajuba

Highlighted Article: Identification of α-catenin as the mechanotransducer that recruits Jub to junctions under tension; this recruitment of Jub is sufficient to increase Yorkie activity.


Mechanical forces can influence cell behavior and organ growth (Eder et al., 2017; Irvine and Shraiman, 2017). Yes-associated protein (YAP) transcription factors, including YAP1 and WWTR1 in mammals, and Yorkie (Yki) in flies, are key effectors of biomechanical signaling (Panciera et al., 2017). YAP proteins are transcription factors of the Hippo pathway, which has emerged as one of the most important growth regulatory pathways in animals, and is responsive to a range of biochemical and physical cues (Meng et al., 2016; Misra and Irvine, 2018). YAP proteins are negatively regulated by members of the large tumor suppressor kinase (LATS) family, including LATS1 and LATS2 in mammals, and Warts in flies. Phosphorylation of YAP proteins by LATS kinases promotes their exclusion from the nucleus and, in vertebrates, also their degradation. Multiple mechanisms contribute to biomechanical regulation of YAP proteins (Misra and Irvine, 2018; Sun and Irvine, 2016). One involves the tension-dependent recruitment of an Ajuba family protein (Jub in Drosophila, LIMD1 in mammals) to adherens junctions (AJs), and the Jub/LIMD1-dependent recruitment and inhibition of LATS kinases (Dutta et al., 2017; Ibar et al., 2018; Rauskolb et al., 2014). However, the mechanism by which Jub is recruited to AJs has neither been identified, nor has the contribution of this mechanism – as compared to other potential links between cytoskeletal tension and YAP activity – been defined.

AJs physically connect cell–cell junctions to the actin cytoskeleton. This connection is mediated through α-catenin, which binds to both β-catenin and F-actin, and acts as a mechanotransducer by converting mechanical stress experienced at junctions into a biochemical response (Lecuit and Yap, 2015; Yap et al., 2017). This can occur through a tension-dependent conformational change. α-catenin mechanotransduction has been studied in the context of Vinculin recruitment, which occurs through a conformational change that exposes a Vinculin-binding site (Barrick et al., 2018; Ishiyama et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2015; Yao et al., 2014; Yonemura et al., 2010). Key initial evidence in support of this was the observation that deletion of an ‘inhibitory’ region of α-catenin leads to Vinculin binding even under low tension (Yonemura et al., 2010).

Whether α-catenin mechanotransduction has other consequences has not yet been established, but we have hypothesized that tension-dependent recruitment of Jub to AJs can also occur by a conformational change in α-catenin (Ibar et al., 2018; Rauskolb et al., 2014). Here, we provide experimental support for this through a structure–function analysis of Drosophila α-catenin, which reveals that deletion of a helical bundle in the middle of α-catenin results in increased association with Jub, even under low tension. Our results also provide further support for the importance of Jub recruitment to junctions for promoting Yki activity, and enhance our understanding of α-catenin mechanotransduction.


Deletions within the central region of α-catenin increase Jub recruitment to AJs

To evaluate the role of α-catenin in the recruitment of Jub to AJs, we examined Jub localization in wing discs isolated from Drosophila melanogaster expressing truncated forms of α-catenin. This was achieved by using RNAi to knock down the expression of endogenous α-catenin and by expressing RNAi-insensitive Venus- or V5-tagged α-catenin transgenes under the control of UAS-Gal4. Transgenes were expressed in posterior cells by using an en-Gal4 driver, so that anterior cells could serve as a control for Jub localization. Full-length α-catenin expressed under UAS-Gal4 control rescued both the lethality associated with knockdown of α-catenin and localization of Jub (Fig. 1C).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Influence of α-catenin deletions on Jub. (A) Schematics of α-catenin and constructs, with VH regions colored at top and helical bundles colored below. Black bars indicate deletions in constructs, named at right. Amino acids deleted in each construct are indicated within parentheses. (B) Predicted structure of Drosophila α-catenin. Helical bundles are colored as in A. (C-H) Images of wing discs showing localization of E-cadherin (E-cad), Jub and a marker for posterior cells as indicated. UAS-RNAi α-catenin and a Venus-tagged UAS-α-catenin rescue construct were co-expressed under en-Gal4 control. Yellow dashed line indicates the boundary of en-Gal4 expression; boxed area in each third image indicates higher magnification images shown at the far right (inset). (C) Full-length α-catenin. (D) ΔVH1 and tub-Gal80ts, shifted to 29°C for 30 h. (E) ΔVH3 and tub-Gal80ts, shifted to 29°C for 30 h. (F) ΔVH2. (G) ΔVH2-N. (H) ΔVH2-C.

α-Catenin has similarity to Vinculin in N-terminal, middle and C-terminal regions termed VH1, VH2, and VH3. An initial series of constructs deleted regions of α-catenin, which are centered around these Vinculin-homology regions, as well as separate deletions of either the N-terminal or C-terminal half of VH2 (Fig. 1A). Constructs lacking either the N- or C-terminus of α-catenin (ΔVH1 or ΔVH3, respectively) could not rescue the lethality associated with α-catenin knockdown. Thus, to enable visualization of the consequences of these deletions on Jub, conditional knockdown and expression of α-catenin was achieved using a temperature-sensitive allele of Gal80 (Gal80ts) that represses Gal4-driven expression at 18°C but not at 29°C. After a 30 hour shift to the higher temperature, Jub was mostly lost from apical cell junctions (Fig. 1D,E). However, E-cadherin was also mostly lost, indicating that these regions of α-catenin are required to maintain AJs. This is consistent with the roles of F-actin and α-catenin in stabilizing AJs, as the VH1 region is required for association with β-catenin and, thus, localization to AJs, and the VH3 region is required for association with F-actin (Yap et al., 2015). Moreover, the ΔVH1 and ΔVH3 constructs did not localize to junctions (Fig. 1D,E). The loss of Jub from cell junctions under these conditions is consistent with results that have indicated an association of Jub with AJs (Rauskolb et al., 2014), but it does not provide specific information about its interactions with α-catenin.

By contrast, deletions within the central region of α-catenin increased Jub recruitment to AJs (Fig. 1F,G). Deletion of the entire VH2 region increased Jub recruitment but was also associated with abnormal cell morphology and E-cadherin localization (Fig. 1F). However, two smaller deletions comprising the N- and C-terminal halves of the VH2 region (ΔVH2-N and ΔVH2-C, respectively) rescued knockdown of α-catenin, resulting in cells that appear to have normal localization of E-cadherin and α-catenin. The ΔVH2-C deletion also appears to have normal Jub localization (Fig. 1H). In contrast, the ΔVH2-N deletion is associated with increased Jub localization at AJs (Fig. 1G). Moreover, in cells with the ΔVH2-N deletion, Jub is distributed relatively uniformly around cell junctions, whereas in cells with wild-type α-catenin Jub localization to junctions is often punctate (Fig. 1C,G). The ΔVH2-N deletion was not only associated with increased Jub recruitment when expressed in place of endogenous α-catenin; it could also promote Jub recruitment even when expressed in the presence of endogenous α-catenin (Fig. S1A,B). Thus, expression of this isoform dominantly increases recruitment of Jub to AJs.

To further investigate the influence of α-catenin on Jub, we created smaller deletion constructs. To aid in the design of these additional constructs, we used the protein structure prediction server Phyre2 (Kelley et al., 2015) to predict the structure of Drosophila α-catenin, based on its sequence similarity to mammalian α-catenin proteins with experimentally determined structures. Mammalian α-catenin consists largely of a series of α-helical bundles: two N-terminal 4-helix bundles (N1 and N2) that share one long α-helix, three central 4-helix bundles (M1, M2 and M3), and a C-terminal 5-helix bundle (Ishiyama et al., 2013; Pokutta et al., 2014; Rangarajan and Izard, 2013); these structural features are also predicted for Drosophila α-catenin (Fig. 1B).

The ΔVH2-N deletion that increases Jub recruitment to AJs deletes both the M1 and M2 helical bundles. Thus, we created separate deletions of either the M1 or M2 bundle (Fig. 1A). Deletion of the M2 bundle (ΔM2) slightly increased Jub localization to AJs (Fig. 2C), but a much stronger increase in Jub binding was detected when the M1 bundle was deleted (ΔM1a or ΔM1b) (Fig. 2B,F; Fig. S1C). Recruitment of Jub to AJs is normally promoted by cytoskeletal tension (Rauskolb et al., 2014). To examine the possibility that M1 deletions increase Jub recruitment by increasing tension, we examined levels of junctional myosin by using a GFP-tagged myosin light chain, which correlate with junctional tension, but no difference was observed (Fig. S2A-D). F-actin levels were similarly unaffected (Fig. S2E-H). We also stained specifically for the phosphorylated (activated) form of myosin regulatory light chain (pMLC) in discs expressing Jub:GFP. This revealed similar levels of pMLC in control cells and cells expressing α-catenin ΔM1b, whereas RNA interference (RNAi) of Rho-associated protein kinase (Rok) or expression of an activated form of Rok visibly decreased or increased, respectively, junctional levels of both pMLC and Jub (Fig. S2I-L). Since Jub associates with α-catenin (Rauskolb et al., 2014), the observation that deletion of the M1 bundle increases Jub localization to AJs without increasing tension suggests that deletion of this region alters the structure of α-catenin in a way that makes a Jub-binding region more accessible. The M1 bundle might thus act as an ‘inhibitory’ region that prevents Jub binding, with this inhibition normally alleviated in wild-type α-catenin by a conformational change induced by high tension. Alternatively, deletion of the M1 bundle might destabilize a non-Jub binding conformation of α-catenin and, thereby, indirectly increase accessibility of a Jub-binding region.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

M1 deletions allow Jub recruitment to AJs under low tension. (A-E) Images of wing discs showing localization of E-cadherin, Jub, and V5-tagged α-catenin. UAS-RNAi α-catenin and UAS-α-catenin constructs were co-expressed under en-Gal4 control. (A) Full-length α-catenin. (B) ΔM1b. (C) ΔM2. (D) Full-length α-catenin and UAS-RNAi-rok. (E) ΔM1b and UAS-RNAi-rok. Yellow dashed line indicates the boundary of en-Gal4 expression; boxed area in each third image indicates higher magnification images shown at the far right (inset). (F) Quantification of Jub (normalized to E-cadherin) in posterior cells as compared to anterior cells, in discs expressing the indicated constructs, displayed as a Tukey box plot, with × marking the mean. n=15 (full length), 20 (ΔM1b), 14 (ΔM1a), 18 (ΔM2), 11 (wt). (G) Quantification of Jub (normalized to E-cadherin) in posterior cells expressing UAS-RNAi-rok as compared to anterior cells, in discs expressing the indicated constructs, displayed as a Tukey box plot, with × marking the mean. n=24 (full length), 31 (ΔM1b), 30 (ΔM1a), 12 (wt).

While both Jub and Vinculin exhibit tension-dependent association with α-catenin, our results suggest that their interactions are distinct. A region initially identified as inhibitory for Vinculin binding (Yonemura et al., 2010) corresponds to the M3 helical bundle and the linker between VH2 and VH3. Moreover, the M1 helical bundle includes the mammalian Vinculin-binding interface (Choi et al., 2012; Yonemura et al., 2010). To directly compare the influence of α-catenin deletions on Jub and Vinculin binding, we took advantage of a Drosophila genomic GFP-tagged Vinculin (Vinc:GFP) (Klapholz et al., 2015). Both of the M1 deletions substantially reduced, but did not eliminate, Vinculin localization to AJs (Fig. S3), which fits with observations that Vinculin interacts with sequences in the M1 bundle, but implies that additional mechanisms also contribute to Vinculin localization. Deletion of the M2 bundle increased Vinculin localization to AJs, consistent with observations that M2 participates in interactions that stabilize a conformation of α-catenin that is ‘closed’ with respect to Vinculin binding (Barrick et al., 2018; Ishiyama et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2015; Yao et al., 2014).

Deletions of the M1 bundle allow Jub recruitment to AJs – even under low tension

If deletion of the M1 bundle mimics the influence of cytoskeletal tension on the ability of α-catenin to bind to Jub, the increased recruitment of Jub in M1 deletion isoforms could occur even in the absence of tension. To test this, we examined Jub localization in flies expressing α-catenin constructs and with cytoskeletal tension decreased in response to RNAi of rok, a promoter of myosin activity (Amano et al., 1996; Rauskolb et al., 2014). In the presence of full-length α-catenin, rok RNAi decreases Jub recruitment to junctions (Fig. 2D, Fig. S1D) (Rauskolb et al., 2014). Conversely, in the presence of deletions that include the M1 bundle, Jub recruitment to junctions remains elevated (Fig. 2E,G; Fig. S1E,F). Quantification of Jub at junctions, normalized to E-cadherin, revealed a decrease in Jub recruitment when tension is lowered even in cells expressing the M1 deletion mutants ΔM1a or ΔM1b, but Jub recruitment nonetheless remains above that in control cells (Fig. 2G). Thus, these deletions recruit Jub even under low-tension conditions, which implicates α-catenin as the key mechanotransducer responsible for tension-dependent recruitment of Jub.

Deletions of the M1 region increase Yki activity

Cytoskeletal tension promotes Yki activity, and Yki activity is suppressed by knockdown of Jub (Rauskolb et al., 2014). However, other mechanisms by which tension might increase Yki activity have also been suggested, such as an influence on spectrins (Deng et al., 2015; Fletcher et al., 2015). Our observation that deletions of the M1 bundle lead to increased Jub levels at AJs without increasing myosin identified a condition under which we could determine whether recruitment of Jub to junctions is sufficient to increase Yki activity and, thus, distinguish the contribution of Jub from other potential influences of cytoskeletal tension.

Yki activity was evaluated by examining ex-lacZ expression, which is a reporter for the Yki target gene expanded (ex) (Maitra et al., 2006). Expression of α-catenin with deletions of the M1 bundle increased ex-lacZ, whereas expression of full-length α-catenin did not (Fig. 3A-C,G, Fig. S4A). Increased Yki activity is associated with increased accumulation of Yki in the nucleus (Dong et al., 2007; Oh and Irvine, 2008), and nuclear levels of Yki were slightly increased in wing disc cells expressing deletions of the M1 region (Fig. 3E,F; Fig. S4D,E). To further examine the influence of the M1 deletions, we examined adult wing size, as wing growth is promoted by Yki activity (Misra and Irvine, 2018). Expression of M1 deletion isoforms throughout the developing wing under nub-Gal4 control increased wing size as compared to wings expressing wild-type α-catenin (Fig. 3H-L,R). The increased Yki activity and wing growth in M1 deletion mutants are Jub-dependent, because they are reversed by RNAi of jub (Fig. 3G-R, Fig. S4F,G). As mutation or knockdown of Vinculin has only minor phenotypic consequences in Drosophila (Klapholz et al., 2015; Maartens et al., 2016), the effects of M1 deletions on Yki activity and wing growth cannot be attributed to loss of Vinculin. Altogether, these observations establish that increased Jub recruitment to junctions can be sufficient to elevate Yki activity. This strongly supports the conclusion that Jub recruitment to AJs is a key component of the biomechanical response linking cytoskeletal tension to Yki activity.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Influence of α-catenin deletions on Yki activity. (A-D) Images of wing discs stained for DNA, ex-lacZ, and a marker for posterior cells. UAS-RNAi α-catenin and UAS-α-catenin rescue constructs were co-expressed under en-Gal4 control. (A) UAS-RFP control. (B) Full-length α-catenin. (C) ΔM1b. (D) ΔM2. (E,F) Images of wing discs stained for DNA, Yki and a marker for posterior cells. UAS-RNAi α-catenin and a UAS-α-catenin rescue construct were co-expressed under en-Gal4 control. Thin panels above each image show vertical sections. (E) Full-length α-catenin. (F) ΔM1b. (G) Quantification of ex-lacZ in posterior cells as compared to anterior cells, displayed as a Tukey box plot, with × marking the mean. n=19 (V5-tagged full length), 18 (ΔM1b), 31 (ΔM1a), 12 (ΔM2), 26 (wt), 30 (Venus-tagged full length), 13 (ΔVH2-N), 10 (jub RNAi), 10 (ΔM1b with jub RNAi). (H-Q) Adult wings from flies expressing UAS-α-catenin constructs under nub-Gal4 control. (H) control. (I) Full-length V5-tagged α-catenin. (J) ΔM1b. (K) ΔM1a. (L) ΔM2. (M) Full-length Venus-tagged α-catenin. (N) ΔVH2-N. (O) Full-length V5-tagged α-catenin plus UAS-RNAi-jub. (P) ΔM1b plus UAS-RNAi-jub. (Q) ΔM1a plus UAS-RNAi-jub. (R) Quantification of relative wing areas, displayed as a Tukey box plot, with × marking the mean. n=21 (control), 30 (V5-tagged full length), 12 (ΔM1b), 19 (ΔM1a, ΔM2), 14 (Venus-tagged full length), 20 (ΔVH2-N), 11(jub RNAi), 11 (ΔM1a with jub RNAi), 14 (ΔM1b with jub RNAi).

Analysis of the larger ΔVH2N deletion, however, suggests that the role of α-catenin in promoting Yki activity is more complex. Although expression of ΔVH2N α-catenin increased Jub recruitment at AJs (Fig. 1G), it did not detectably increase ex-lacZ expression or wing size (Fig. 3G,M,N,R, Fig. S4C). Similarly, even though deletion of the M2 helical bundle modestly increased Jub recruitment to AJs, it did not detectably increase ex-lacZ expression or wing size (Fig. 3D,G,M,N,R). Thus, we infer that additional features of α-catenin may contribute to Yki regulation.

Jub associates with α-catenin through the N2 bundle

Jub requires α-catenin to localize to junctions (Rauskolb et al., 2014). To map regions of α-catenin that mediate association with Jub, we performed co-immunoprecipitation experiments in Drosophila S2 cells expressing transfected constructs. Initially, we compared co-immunoprecipitation of Jub with α-catenin full-length, VH1, VH2 and VH3 region constructs (Fig. 4A). Significant association of Jub with a VH1 region construct was detected. By contrast, association of Jub with full-length, VH2 or VH3 constructs was weaker, and close to the non-specific background. The association of Jub with the VH1 region of α-catenin was less strong than the binding of Jub to Warts, which we included as a positive control. Association of Jub with the VH1 region is consistent with reports that the mammalian Ajuba protein can associate with an N-terminal fragment of α-catenin, corresponding roughly to VH1 (Marie et al., 2003). The stronger association of Jub with a VH1 fragment, as compared to full-length α-catenin, is consistent with normal binding depending upon junctional tension as S2 cells are not epithelial, so we would expect the transfected α-catenin to be in a low-tension conformation. Moreover, co-immunoprecipitation experiments comparing M1 bundle deletion constructs to full-length α-catenin revealed that M1 deletions significantly increased association of Jub with α-catenin (Fig. 4C).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Jub associates with the N2 bundle of α-catenin. (A-C) Western blots showing results of co-immunoprecipitation experiments between FLAG-tagged Jub and V5-tagged α-catenin constructs. Representative blots are shown. The top two blots show proteins in cell lysates, the bottom two blots show proteins immunoprecipitated by V5 beads. Jub:FLAG was expressed in all cells, α-catenin constructs expressed are indicated at top. Numbers left of blots indicate the molecular mass (in kDa). Quantification of multiple blots is shown at the bottom of each panel. Binding was measured as the intensity of the co-immunoprecipitated Jub band compared to the immunoprecipitated α-catenin or Wts band, and normalized to the ratio in the positive control (Warts:V5 for A,B; VH1:V5 for C). Error bars indicate +s.d. n=5 replicates for A, 3 for B, and 4 for C. (D) Schematic of α-catenin and Jub interactions, illustrating the hypothesis that only under high tension, or when the M1 region is deleted, is the region that recruits Jub accessible.

To further refine the Jub-binding region, we used the predicted Drosophila α-catenin structure (Fig. 1B) to design constructs corresponding to the N1 or N2 helical bundles. No significant co-immunoprecipitation with the N1 bundle was detected, whereas co-immunoprecipitation with N2 was comparable to that for the VH1 region construct (Fig. 4B). Thus, we infer that the primary site of association of Jub with α-catenin is within N2. Although the simplest model would be that Jub directly binds to this region of α-catenin, it remains possible that their association is mediated through other proteins. The N2 bundle is near the M1 bundle, but they do not directly contact each other in the predicted structure. Thus, the effect of M1 deletion on Jub binding might be an indirect consequence of a conformational change in α-catenin when this region is deleted, or reduced stability of a more closed conformation, rather than the M1 bundle directly obscuring a binding site within N2. We also attempted to examine the consequences of loss of Jub recruitment to junctions by expressing α-catenin with N2 deleted in vivo. However, this protein failed to rescue the viability of wing disc cells in which α-catenin was depleted using RNAi, so this could not be examined. Moreover, when expressed in wild-type cells, the ΔN2 construct failed to localize to AJs (Fig. S1G,H).


Our results establish key features of α-catenin mechanotransduction and tension-dependent regulation of Yki activity. They implicate α-catenin as a multi-functional mechanotransducer that associates with both Vinculin and Jub upon a tension-induced conformational change in α-catenin, but through distinct sites. The complete structure of the open conformation of α-catenin has not been determined, but we infer that it makes Jub-associating regions accessible (Fig. 4C). M1 deletions also make the Jub-associating region more accessible, but it is unclear whether they do so in a manner similar to or distinct from the effect of tension. The observation that M1 deletions increase Yki activity also supports the crucial role of Jub recruitment to AJs in promoting Yki activity. This does not exclude the possibility that other consequences of cytoskeletal tension contribute to Yki regulation, but clearly implicates recruitment of Jub as a key factor.


Drosophila genetics

Unless otherwise indicated, crosses were performed at 25°C. Flies expressing ΔVH1 or ΔVH3 constructs were raised at 18°C, and then shifted to 29°C 30 h before dissection. Protein localization and gene expression were monitored using previously described tagged transgenes: ex-lacZ (Hamaratoglu et al., 2006), Jub:GFP (Sabino et al., 2011), Vinc:GFP (Klapholz et al., 2015) and sqh:GFP (Royou et al., 2004). Expression of UAS lines was driven using the described Gal4 lines en-Gal4 or nub-Gal4, in combination with tub-Gal80ts when necessary. α-catenin expression was knocked down using the TRiP RNAi line HMS00317[attP2]. Immunostaining confirmed the loss of detectable endogenous protein. Rok was knocked down using UAS-Rok-RNAi (vdrc104675), and activated by expressing UAS-rok.CA (Winter et al., 2001).

UAS lines created for this study include UASp-αCatFLmut-Venus[attP40]L1, UASp-αCatΔ273-509-Venus[attP40] (ΔVH2-N), UASp-αCatΔ273-672-Venus[attP40] (ΔVH2), UASp-αCatΔ510-672mut-Venus[attP40]L1 (ΔVH2-C), UASp-αCatΔ673-917mut-Venus[attP40]L1 (ΔVH3), UASp-αCatΔ8-272mut-Venus[attP40]L1 (ΔVH1), UAST-αCatFLmut-V5[attP40], UAST-αCatΔ273-398mut-V5[attP40] (ΔM1b), UAST-αCatΔ265-397mut-V5[attP40] (ΔM1a), UAST-αCatΔ152-272mut-V5[attP40] (ΔN2), and UAST-αCatΔ397-509mut-V5[attP40] (ΔM2). For constructs that contain the target sequence of the HMS00317 RNAi line, synonymous mutations were introduced (original sequence: 5′-GCAGCATCGATATTGACTGTTAGA-3′; mutated sequence: 5′-GCCGCCAGCATCCTGACCGTGCGC-3′) to render the constructs insensitive to the short hairpin RNA produced by the HMS00317 RNAi line.

Histology and imaging

Immunostaining was performed as described by Rauskolb and Irvine (2019). In brief, wing discs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 12–15 min at room temperature. Primary antibodies were mouse anti-β-galactosidase (1:200, DSHB), rat anti-E-cadherin (1:400 DCAD2; DSHB), rabbit anti-pMLC2 (1:10, 3671S, Cell Signaling Technology), mouse anti-V5 (1:400, R960-25, Invitrogen) and rabbit anti-Yki (1:400) (Oh and Irvine, 2008). Secondary antibodies were purchased from Jackson ImmunoResearch Laboratories and Invitrogen. DNA was stained using Hoechst 33342 (Invitrogen). Confocal images were captured on a Leica SP8 confocal microscope.

Quantifications were performed on the wing pouch by using a custom MatLab script to remove peripodial cell signals, which is available upon request. Quantification of Jub, Vinc, Sqh and F-actin levels was performed using E-cadherin segmentation to provide a junctional reference to define the volumes to be quantified, and the relative Jub:GFP to E-cadherin intensities were compared between the entire posterior and anterior compartments of the wing pouch. Quantification of ex-lacZ and Yki was performed using DNA staining to define nuclear volumes to be compared. Quantifications are expressed as posterior to anterior ratio (P/A ratio). The posterior and anterior compartments were separated manually by a straight line, and the mean intensity per pixel within the segmented volumes (junctions or nuclei) calculated on each side. The Jub, Vinc, Sqh, and F-actin P/A ratios were divided by the E-cadherin P/A ratio to give a normalized P/A ratio.

Statistical comparisons were performed using GraphPad Prism software. Multiple comparisons were made using one-way Anova, and performed on the log transform of ratios examined. ns indicates P>0.05, *P≤0.05, **P≤0.01, ***P≤0.001, ****P≤0.0001.

Co-immunoprecipitation assays

S2 cells were cultured in Schneider's Drosophila Medium (Gibco), supplemented with 10% FBS and antibiotics at 25°C. Constructs were expressed under control of UAS sequences by co-transfection of an actin-Gal4 plasmid. The pUAST-Jub:FLAG construct has been described previously (Rauskolb et al. 2011). α-Catenin constructs were cloned into a pUAST-V5:His6 vector. Inserts were generated by PCR from full-length α-catenin by using PrimeStar HS DNA polymerase, inserted into the vector via Gibson assembly and confirmed by DNA sequencing. α-catenin amino acid residues included in constructs examined were full length: 1-917, VH1: 1-272, VH2: 373-672, VH3: 660-917, N1: 1-151, N2: 148-272.

Cells were incubated for 36–48 h at 25°C after transfection using Effectene, and lysed in RIPA buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 0.25% sodium deoxycholate, 1% Triton X-100 and 0.1% SDS in water) with protease inhibitor and phosphatase inhibitor for 30 min at 4°C. Lysates were pre-cleared using 25 μl of Protein A agarose beads (Pierce), incubated with 25 μl of mouse anti-V5 agarose beads (Sigma) and washed with RIPA lysis buffer. Samples were separated during SDS-PAGE and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane using a western blotting transfer system. The membrane was incubated with rabbit anti-V5 (Bethyl Laboratories, 1:5000) and mouse anti-FLAG (Sigma-Aldrich, 1:10,000), secondary antibodies anti-mouse-680 (LI-COR Biosciences, 1:20,000) and anti-rabbit-800 (LI-COR Biosciences, 1:20,000) and then imaged using a Li-Cor Odyssey CLX.

Structural prediction of D. melanogaster α-catenin

The Protein Homology/analogY Recognition Engine V 2.0 (Phyre2), a protein fold recognition server (Kelley et al., 2015), was used to predict the structure of D. melanogaster α-catenin on the basis of experimentally determined structures of mammalian α-catenin. The amino acid sequence of D. melanogaster α-catenin was entered into the server and processed using the ‘Intensive’ format. The predicted structure was visualized with UCSF Chimera (Pettersen et al., 2004).

Supplementary Material

Supplementary information


Some α-catenin constructs were made in the laboratory of Eric Wieschaus (Princeton University, NJ). This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM121537 (K.D.I), the Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates and School of Arts and Sciences of Rutgers University (C.M.) and RIKEN core funding and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research grants 15H04373 and 18H02441 (Y.-C.W).


Competing interests

The authors declare no competing or financial interests.

Author contributions

Conceptualization: K.D.I.; Methodology: H.A., C.M., Y.-C.W.; Validation: H.A.; Investigation: H.A., C.M., C.R., J.Y., E.K.; Resources: Y.-C.W.; Writing - original draft: K.D.I.; Writing - review & editing: Y.-C.W., K.D.I.; Supervision: C.R., K.D.I.; Funding acquisition: K.D.I.


This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM121537 (K.D.I.), a Rutgers University Aresty Undergraduate Research Fellowship (C.M.) and RIKEN core funding and Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research grants 15H04373 and 18H02441 (Y.-C.W.). Deposited in PMC for release after 12 months.

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