Fig 5.
Top 10 negative contributors to changes in health adjusted life expectancy at birth (HALE0) in terms of total effect at global level and in 21 regions. Regions are ordered according to HALE0 in 1990, from lowest to highest. All diseases and injuries are at level 3. Alcohol=alcohol use disorders; Animal=animal contact; Anxiety=anxiety disorders; Atrial FF=atrial fibrillation and flutter; Back & neck=low back and neck pain; Brain C=brain and nervous system cancer; Breast C=breast cancer; Cirr alcohol=cirrhosis due to alcohol use; Cirr hep B=cirrhosis due to hepatitis B; Cirr hep C=cirrhosis due to hepatitis C; CMP=cardiomyopathy and myocarditis; Colorect C=colon and rectum cancer; Congenital=congenital anomalies; COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Diarrhoea=diarrhoeal diseases; Endocrine=endocrine, metabolic, blood, and immune disorders; HTN HD=hypertensive heart disease; IHD=ischaemic heart disease; Inflam bowel=inflammatory bowel disease; Intel dis=idiopathic intellectual disability; Kidney C=kidney cancer; Liver C=liver cancer; Lung C=tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer; Mechanic=exposure to mechanical forces; Medical=adverse effects of medical treatment; Nature=exposure to forces of nature; NN sepsis=neonatal sepsis and other neonatal infections; Other cardio=other cardiovascular and circulatory diseases; Other cirr=cirrhosis due to other causes; Other inj=other unintentional injuries; Other NN=other neonatal disorders; Other respira=other chronic respiratory diseases; Pancreatic C=pancreatic cancer; Parkinson=Parkinson’s disease; Skin=skin and subcutaneous diseases; Stroke=cerebrovascular disease; Urinary=urinary diseases and male infertility; Violence=interpersonal violence; War=collective violence and legal intervention