Figure 3: Lhx2 is essential for the formation of OR compartments and the assembly and stability of Greek Island hubs.
a, Pairwise views of HiC contacts between OR clusters located on different chromosomes in control (top), early Lhx2 KO (middle), and late Lhx2 KO (bottom) OSNs. A HiC hotspot between interacting Greek Islands in control mOSNs (arrowhead) is absent in both early and late Lhx2 KO cells. In addition, a strong reduction in the surrounding OR-OR contacts is observed in the early Lhx2 KO. b, Pairwise heatmap of Greek Island contacts reveals reduced HiC contacts across the full set of Greek Islands. c, Contacts made by each OR cluster (n=67) to OR clusters located in trans, expressed as fraction of the total HiC contacts, in mOSNs versus INPs, early, or late Lhx2 KO cells. Dashed line is a linear fit. d, same as c, but for trans contacts between Greek Islands (n=59). All panels present pooled data from 2 independent biological replicates that yielded similar results when analyzed separately.