Polycomb repression is critical for metazoan development. Equally important but less studied is the Trithorax system, which safeguards Polycomb target genes from the repression in cells where they have to remain active. It was proposed that the Trithorax system acts via methylation of histone H3 at lysine 4 and lysine 36 (H3K36), thereby inhibiting histone methyltransferase activity of the Polycomb complexes. Here we test this hypothesis by asking whether the Trithorax group protein Ash1 requires H3K36 methylation to counteract Polycomb repression. We show that Ash1 is the only Drosophila H3K36‐specific methyltransferase necessary to prevent excessive Polycomb repression of homeotic genes. Unexpectedly, our experiments reveal no correlation between the extent of H3K36 methylation and the resistance to Polycomb repression. Furthermore, we find that complete substitution of the zygotic histone H3 with a variant in which lysine 36 is replaced by arginine does not cause excessive repression of homeotic genes. Our results suggest that the model, where the Trithorax group proteins methylate histone H3 to inhibit the histone methyltransferase activity of the Polycomb complexes, needs revision.
Keywords: Ash1, Drosophila, H3K36 methylation, Polycomb, Trithorax
Subject Categories: Chromatin, Epigenetics, Genomics & Functional Genomics
Polycomb repression is essential to maintain cell type specific gene expression programmes in a wide range of multicellular animals including Drosophila, mice and humans 1, 2, 3. It is potent and once established tends to repress target genes for many cell generations. Polycomb proteins, the building blocks of the repressive system, are ubiquitous but the set of genes they repress varies between different cell types. For example, homeotic selector (HOX) genes of the bithorax complex are repressed by Polycomb in the anterior half of the fly body but remain transcriptionally active in the posterior half 4, 5. The genetic evidence indicates that Trithorax (Trx) and Absent, small or homeotic discs 1 (Ash1) proteins are critical to safeguard Drosophila Polycomb target genes from erroneous repression in cells where they have to remain active 6, 7, 8. Importantly, neither Trx nor Ash1 are responsible for transcriptional activation of the Polycomb target genes, which is done by appropriate enhancers and associated transcription factors. Instead, the two, in some way, specifically antagonize Polycomb repression 9, 10.
Polycomb proteins act as multisubunit complexes that affect chromatin organization in multiple ways, which includes posttranslational modification of histone proteins 2, 11, 12. Of those, tri‐methylation of lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) by Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) is essential for repression 13. In vitro experiments indicate that the catalytic activity of PRC2 is inhibited by prior methylation of histone H3 tail at lysine 4 (K4) and lysine 36 (K36) 14, 15, 16. Trx and Ash1 both have SET domains that can methylate H3K4 and H3K36, respectively 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. From this, it was proposed that Trx and Ash1 counteract Polycomb repression by inhibiting PRC2 catalytic activity via H3K4 and H3K36 methylation 14, 15, 16.
The model provides a simple mechanistic explanation of the antagonism between Trx/Ash1 and Polycomb repression. However, several observations do not easily fit to the model. First, there are other Drosophila histone methyltransferases, Set1 and Trr 21, 22, 23 that can methylate H3K4 and two histone methyltransferases NSD and Set2 24, 25 that can methylate H3K36. Why these are not redundant with Trx and Ash1 is unclear. Second, methylated H3K4 or H3K36 have to be present on the same H3 tail to inhibit PRC2 activity 15. Therefore, nucleosomes have to be extensively methylated by Trx and Ash1 to block Polycomb repression efficiently. However, recent quantitative mass spectrometry study indicates that in Drosophila cells only a very small fraction of histone H3 is methylated at K36 (H3K36me1 = 2.5% of total, H3K36me2 = 0.5% of total and H3K36me3 = 1.5% of total) 26. Since these modifications are widely spread over the Drosophila genome 27, their density at any given site is expected to be very low. Third, transgenic experiments of Hödl and Basler 28 indicate that flies in which all zygotic histone H3 molecules carry arginine or alanine instead of lysine 4 (K4) have no ectopic repression of HOX or other developmental genes. The latter cannot be ascribed to the redundancy with Ash1‐mediated H3K36 methylation as individual loss‐of‐function mutations in trx and ash1 both cause stochastic loss of HOX gene expression 6, 7, 8, 9. Finally, chromatin immunoprecipitation studies in Drosophila embryos and cultured cells indicate that, when Polycomb‐regulated genes are transcriptionally active, they often lose PRC2 binding 29, 30, 31. The loss of methyltransferase would automatically cause the loss of H3K27me3 leaving no need to invoke special mechanisms to inhibit catalytic activity of PRC2.
HOX genes specify anterior–posterior axis of multicellular animals. In Drosophila, the HOX genes are grouped in two clusters: the Antennapedia complex that encompasses genes responsible for the identity of the segments that form the head and the anterior thorax 32 and the bithorax complex, which groups genes that specify the third thoracic and all abdominal segments 4. Both clusters are classical targets of Polycomb/Trithorax regulation and changes in their gene expression patterns proved to be one of the best readouts to detect defects in the Polycomb or Trithorax functions 6, 33, 34, 35, 36. For example, in mutants lacking any of the core Polycomb proteins, the expression of the HOX genes is not confined to appropriate segments, which leads to transformations of multiple segments towards the more posterior neighbours 6, 33, 34, 35. On the other hand, impaired trx or ash1 function causes stochastic loss of HOX gene expression and partial transformation of corresponding segments towards the anterior fate 6, 36.
Here we investigated whether Ash1 counteracts Polycomb repression by methylating K36 on histone H3. Unlike the Trx protein, which binds Polycomb target genes both when they are repressed and when they are transcriptionally active 31, 37, Ash1 is a hallmark of the de‐repressed state 31, 38, 39. Using a combination of genetic and biochemical approaches, we, for the first time, showed that Ash1 is the only Drosophila H3K36‐specific methyltransferase required to prevent excessive Polycomb repression of the HOX genes. Surprisingly, our experiments demonstrated that complete substitution of the zygotic histone H3 with a variant in which lysine 36 is replaced by arginine does not lead to ectopic repression of homeotic genes. Altogether, our results suggest that the model, where the Trithorax group proteins methylate histone H3 to inhibit the histone methyltransferase activity of PRC2, may need to be reconsidered.
If Ash1 counteracts Polycomb repression by methylating H3K36, other H3K36‐specific histone methyltransferases may also contribute to the process. To address this question, we examined stochastic loss of the homeotic gene expression in flies with mutations in the ash1, NSD and Set2 genes. As previously reported 7, 8, 40, 41, flies with combinations of mutant ash1 alleles lose expression of the bithorax complex genes and display transformations of thoracic and abdominal segments. The ash1 22 allele is a point mutation that converts Gln 129 into a stop codon (Fig 1A, 8). The truncated open reading frame of ash1 22 encodes for a short non‐functional polypeptide that lacks all conserved domains. The ash1 21 allele is a substitution of Glu 1365 to Lys within the Associated With SET (AWS) domain (Fig 1A, 8). The ash1 22/ash1 21 heterozygotes develop to pharate adult stage and about 12% survive as adults. The mutant adult flies show haltere to wing and third leg towards second leg transformations, characteristic of partial loss of the Ubx gene expression (Fig 1B and C). In addition, they show transformations of the 5th and 6th abdominal segments towards more anterior fate (Fig 1B and C), which reflect partial loss of the Abd‐B gene expression. The ash1 Df(3L)Exel9011 allele (hereafter referred to ash1 9011) is a large deletion that removes the entire ash1 and several other genes 42. Nearly all ash1 22/ash1 9011 animals die at early pupal stage before the adult cuticle is formed. The single ash1 22/ash1 9011 male with the adult cuticle developed enough to examine its morphology showed clear posterior to anterior transformations of the third thoracic and abdominal segments.
No loss‐of‐function alleles for the NSD gene have been described to date. Therefore, we used CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated mutagenesis 43 to replace the entire NSD open reading frame with a DsRed transgene driven by a synthetic eye‐specific 3xP3 promoter (Fig EV1). Flies homozygous for resulted NSD ds46 allele are viable, fertile and show no homeotic transformations (Fig 1C). Both Ash1 and NSD were said to di‐methylate H3K36 24, 44. Nevertheless, the NSD ds46 allele does not reduce the viability or enhance the homeotic transformations of ash1 mutants (Fig 1C). These observations indicate that NSD is not required to counteract Polycomb repression of the homeotic genes.
The reported mutation of the Drosophila Set2 gene (Set2 1) removes the N‐terminal half of its open reading frame, which includes the catalytic SET domain 25. Most of the Set2 1 homozygous flies die during metamorphosis. The lethality can be complemented by a transgenic copy of the Set2 genomic region, which indicates that the mutant chromosome does not contain second site lethal mutations 25. In our hands, from 300 Set2 1 homozygous larvae picked at the first instar and grown separately from their heterozygous siblings, 221 formed pupal cases but only five males and three females formed some chitin structures, including one male with fully developed adult cuticle (Appendix Fig S1). None of the cuticle structures showed signs of homeotic transformations suggesting that the Set2 protein is not essential to counteract Polycomb repression of the HOX genes. To test this further, we compared the haltere imaginal discs from the wild‐type, ash1 22/ash1 21 and Set2 1 third instar larvae stained with antibodies against the Ubx protein. Consistent with previous reports, the ash1 22/ash1 21 discs showed clonal patches of cells lacking Ubx immunostaining 9, 40. In contrast, the discs from the wild‐type and the Set2 1 larvae displayed uniform Ubx staining (Fig 1D), supporting the conclusion that Set2 is not required to counteract Polycomb repression of the HOX genes.
To summarize, our observations suggest that, from the three Drosophila H3K36‐specific histone methyltransferases, only Ash1 is critical to prevent the unscheduled Polycomb repression of the homeotic genes.
Ash1 SET domain is required to counteract Polycomb repression
If Ash1 is the only H3K36‐specific methyltransferase critical to counteract Polycomb repression, something in its mode of action must differ from that of NSD and Set2. Ash1 may be specifically targeted to Polycomb‐regulated genes, it may methylate some non‐histone substrates, or it could have functions unrelated to methyltransferase activity.
The latter option seems unlikely considering recent reports that Ash1 interacts with Mrg15 and that this interaction enhances the catalytic activity of Ash1 and helps to antagonize Polycomb repression 40, 41. To investigate this option further, we generated transgenic fly strain that expressed the full‐length Ash1 (Ash1‐FL) protein as well as strains that expressed the Ash1 variants lacking either the SET domain (Ash1∆SET) or the PHD domain (Ash1∆PHD), all under control of the Ubi‐p63E promoter 45. The flies carrying either of the transgenic constructs along with a copy of the endogenous wild‐type ash1 are fully viable, fertile and display no homeotic transformations. This indicates that the deletion of the SET or PHD domains, or potential overexpression of the transgenic Ash1 proteins, does not have adverse dominant effects. When introduced into the ash1 22/ash1 9011 background, one or two copies of the transgene expressing full‐length Ash1 restore the viability and yield flies with no homeotic transformations (Fig 2A, Appendix Fig S2). Somewhat surprisingly, the ash1 22/ash1 9011 strain supplemented with two copies of the ash1∆SET or the ash1∆PHD transgene also yields viable adult flies (Appendix Fig S2). These flies, however, have low fitness and no stable stocks could be established. Importantly, all ash1 22/ash1 9011 flies expressing the Ash1∆SET or Ash1∆PHD proteins show homeotic transformations indicating that the expression of HOX genes is still stochastically lost (Fig 2A). Since transgenic Ash1‐FL, Ash1∆SET or Ash1∆PHD are expressed at comparable levels (Fig 2B and C), this argues that the SET and the PHD domains of Ash1 are required to counteract Polycomb repression of the HOX genes.
Western blot analyses showed no major difference in the overall levels of H3K36me1, H3K36me2 and H3K36me3 between the wild‐type and ash1 22/ash1 9011 third instar larvae (Fig 3A and C). However, we noted mild (~ 2‐fold) reduction of H3K36me1, also visible in the ash1 22/ash1 9011, NSD ds46 double mutants but not in the Set2 1 mutants (Fig 3A). Consistent with previous reports, the Set2 1 mutant larvae displayed tenfold reduction in H3K36me3 25 as well as slight loss of H3K36me2 (Fig 3B and C). Neither mutant showed increase in the level of bulk di‐ or tri‐methylated H3K27 (Fig EV2). Altogether, these results suggest that Ash1 is not solely responsible for any of the H3K36 methylation states and that aside from H3K36me3, which is produced predominantly by Set2, all three methylases contribute to the H3K36me1 and H3K36me2 pools.
Although its contribution to the bulk H3K36 methylation is limited, Ash1 may be critical for the appropriate level of H3K36 methylation at de‐repressed Polycomb target genes. To address this question, we assayed the presence of Ash1, H3K36me1 and H3K36me2 at five genomic sites using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation coupled with quantitative PCR (ChIP‐qPCR). Studies in cultured Drosophila cells suggested two modes of Ash1 binding to the genome. The first mode produces numerous weak binding sites biased towards long 5′ introns of transcriptionally active genes 38, 41. The second mode results in few dozens of strongly bound regions many of which represent Polycomb‐regulated genes captured in transcriptionally active state 31, 38, 41. Here we selected three developmental genes no ocelli (noc), homothorax (hth) and extra macrochaetae (emc), which displayed the strong Ash1 binding in multiple cultured cell lines 31, 38. One of the genes, hth, was previously shown to bind Polycomb proteins when transcriptionally inactive 31. We also included the two well‐known Polycomb target genes Su(z)2 and Ubx. Both were shown to bind Ash1 when transcriptionally active 31, 39 and Ubx is one of the genes whose erroneous repression causes some of the homeotic transformations seen in the ash1 mutants. Finally, we assayed an intergenic region on chromosome 3R and the constitutively active TBP‐associated factor 4 (Taf4) gene. Neither of them is known to bind Ash1 31, 38 and, therefore, can serve as negative controls.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and quantitative PCR analysis (ChIP‐qPCR) indicates that, following the Ash1 depletion in the ash1 22/ash1 9011 third instar larvae, H3K36me1 is mildly (~ 2‐fold) reduced at some of the selected genes (Figs 4A and EV3), while the H3K36me2 levels are not measurably affected (Fig 4B). The detected reduction of H3K36me1 is small. Nevertheless, the partial loss of H3K36me1 is completely reversed by the re‐introduction of the transgenes expressing the wild‐type and the PHD‐deficient but not the SET domain‐deficient Ash1 proteins (Fig 4A). This suggests that the partial loss of H3K36me1 from the Ash1‐bound genes is caused by the loss of Ash1 catalytic activity. Importantly, while the Ash1∆SET and Ash1∆PHD proteins are expressed (Fig 2B) and bind the chromatin with comparable efficiency (Fig 4C) and the Ash1∆PHD protein restores the wild‐type levels of H3K36me1 (Fig 4A), the transgenic ash1∆PHD, ash1 22/ash1 9011 flies still have homeotic transformations (Fig 2A). Altogether, our observations indicate that Ash1 mono‐methylates a measurable fraction of the nuclear H3K36 and that Ash1 SET domain is required to counteract Polycomb repression of the HOX genes. Yet, there seems to be no correlation between the levels of methylated H3K36 (bulk or at specific loci) and the extent of the erroneous Polycomb repression.
Loss of zygotic H3K36 methylation does not affect the expression of HOX genes
The unexpected lack of clear anti‐correlation between the amount of methylated H3K36 and the extent of the erroneous Polycomb repression made us wonder whether H3K36 methylation is required to counteract the repression. To address this issue, we turned to the transgenic flies that combine the deletion of the histone gene cluster Df(2L)HisC ED1429 (hereafter ΔHisC) 46 with the BAC‐based transgenic construct carrying twelve copies of the 5 kb histone repeat unit in which H3K36 is mutated to arginine (12x H3K36R) (Fig 5A, 47). The transgene carrying wild‐type histone repeats (12x WT) inserted in the same genomic location was used as a control. The 12x WT transgene fully complements the ΔHisC deletion yielding viable, fertile and morphologically normal flies 47. In contrast, the combination of the homozygous ΔHisC deletion with one copy of the 12x H3K36R transgene is lethal 47. In our hands, when separated from their heterozygous siblings at the first instar larval stage, the ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R animals survive till pharate adult stage with some adults escaping from the pupal case to die shortly after (Fig EV4). Strikingly, the ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R flies display no homeotic transformations (Fig 5B), indicating that zygotic replacement of the histone cluster with the 12x H3K36R transgene does not cause erroneous repression of the HOX genes. The simplest explanation of this finding is that H3K36 methylation is not required to maintain the HOX gene expression. However, more complex alternative explanations are possible. First, the H3K36 methylation by Ash1 may be needed to prevent the erroneous repression by the Polycomb proteins, not as the modification that inhibits the histone methyltransferase activity of PRC2 but as a placeholder, which prevents some other modification of this lysine 36. Replacing this lysine with arginine would automatically prevent such modification and thereby bypass the need for the Ash1‐mediated H3K36 methylation. Second, in addition to the HisC gene cluster, which contains twenty‐three gene copies encoding the H3.2 histone variant, Drosophila has two distinct loci, one on the first and one on the second chromosomes, which encode the variant H3.3 histones (Fig 5A). In the ΔHisC flies, both H3.3 genes remain intact. Conceivably, the Ash1‐mediated methylation of H3.3 is sufficient to counteract Polycomb repression.
If the Ash1‐mediated H3K36 methylation is a placeholder and the K36R replacement bypasses the need to have it, we expect the 12x H3K36R transgene combined with the ΔHisC deletion to suppress some of the adverse effects of the Ash1 loss. For example, such flies would live longer than the ash1 22/ash1 9011 mutants, till pharate adult stage as the ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R flies do. To test this, we recombined the ash1 22 allele with the 12x H3K36R transgenic insertion and introduced the ΔHisC and the ash1 9011 chromosomes (Fig 5A, also see Appendix Figs S3–S5 for details). As illustrated by Appendix Fig S4, the ΔHisC; ash1 22, 12x H3K36R/ash1 9011 flies die at early pupal stage, exactly as the single ash1 22/ash1 9011 mutants, lending no support for the placeholder hypothesis.
The H3.2 histone is produced only during the S phase when it is used to package newly replicated DNA 48. In most cells, H3.2 comprises the bulk of the nuclear histone H3. The variant histone H3.3 is synthesized in smaller quantities but in a replication independent manner. Because of its availability outside the S phase, H3.3 gets incorporated at places where nucleosomes are lost throughout the cell cycle, often within the chromatin of actively transcribed genes, which have higher nucleosome turnover 49, 50. Flies deficient for both H3.3B and H3.3A genes are viable and show no homeotic transformations 51, 52. The latter indicates that H3.3 is not essential to counteract Polycomb repression of the HOX genes and, if H3K36 methylation is important for the process, Ash1 must be able to use H3.2 as a substrate.
To test whether the presence of the wild‐type H3.3 can explain the lack of homeotic transformations in the ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R flies, we generated animals that combined deletions of both H3.3 genes, the ΔHisC deletion and the 12x H3K36R transgene (hereafter ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R (Figs 5A and EV5 and Appendix Figs S6–S10 for detailed description of the crosses). The ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R animals die at the first instar larval stage, which precludes examination of adult cuticles or larval imaginal discs. When we looked at larval denticle bands, which have shapes specific for each abdominal segment, we could see no signs of posterior to anterior homeotic transformations 6. At embryonic stages, the misexpression of the HOX genes is most easily detectable in cells of the segmented embryonic Central Nervous System (CNS). The loss of Abd‐B expression from CNS parasegments 10–12 of the ash1 22 homozygous embryos derived from ash1 22 mutant germ line cells was reported previously 9. It is also readily visible in the ash1 22/ash1 9011 embryos produced by heterozygous mothers (Fig 6A). However, when we immunostained the ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R embryos, we saw no differences in the Abd‐B expression compared to the control embryos heterozygous for ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC chromosome (Fig 6B and C). Consistently, RT–qPCR measurements of the Abd‐B mRNA level in the whole ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R stage 16 embryos showed no difference compared to the heterozygous control or the wild‐type strain (Fig 6D). Altogether, it appears that the replacement of all zygotic H3 with H3K36R does not cause the erroneous repression of the HOX genes.
Three main conclusions could be drawn from the results presented here. First, the examination of homeotic gene expression in ash1, NSD and Set2 mutants suggests that Ash1 is the only Drosophila H3K36‐specific histone methyltransferase critical to counteract Polycomb repression. Second, the transgenic experiments with truncated Ash1 variants indicate that while the SET domain of Ash1, and likely its catalytic activity, are essential for the anti‐Polycomb function, the levels of methylated H3K36 (bulk and at specific loci) are not correlated with the ability to antagonize Polycomb repression. Third, the H3K36R replacement experiments show that the zygotic loss of methylatable H3K36 does not phenocopy the loss of ash1 function. Below we shall discuss one potential caveat of the latter experiments. Although the ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R embryos lack zygotic synthesis of the wild‐type H3, they derive from heterozygous females, which supply histone proteins and mRNAs to the embryo 53. Drosophila development starts with 13 rapid mitotic divisions where nuclei divide within single cytoplasm without cytokinesis. Two hours after fertilization, the first extended interphase (interphase 14) occurs, the zygotic genes start to be transcribed and cell membranes form around embryonic nuclei. Homozygous ΔHisC embryos complete the first 14 cell divisions but cannot progress past the S phase of 15th cycle since maternal histones and their mRNA get degraded during the G2 phase of cycle 14 46, 54. As development continues, most cells of the ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R embryos undergo two more rounds of cell division but the CNS cells, where we assayed the Abd‐B expression, divide five times 55. During each cell division, the pool of maternal histones within chromatin is diluted twofold. Hence, by stage 16 (13–16 h after fertilization) most cells of the embryo have their pools of maternal histones diluted fourfold (22) and, in the CNS, diluted 32‐fold (25). Assuming random incorporation of zygotic and maternal histones in the nucleosome, in the CNS cells of the ΔH3.3B, ΔH3.3A, ΔHisC, 12x H3K36R embryos, only 1 in 32 nucleosomes will have an H3 tail that can be methylated at lysine 36 and only 1 in 1,024 nucleosomes will have both tails that can be methylated at this position. If an H3 tail methylated at K36 can no longer be methylated at K27, could a single nucleosome with one “K27‐unmethylatable” H3 tail placed randomly within 6 kb long stretch of the fully “K27‐methylatable” chromatin prevent Polycomb repression? Although we cannot formally exclude this, it seems highly unlikely. For example, after the DNA replication, every second H3 molecule within H3K27me3 domains of Polycomb‐repressed genes becomes un‐methylated and it takes hours until the H3K27me3 density is fully restored 56. Yet, Polycomb repression endures as cells continue to proliferate.
To summarize, our experiments argue that Ash1 counteracts Polycomb repression in a way that does not involve the direct inhibition of PRC2 activity by prior methylation of H3K36. This surprising conclusion parallels the findings of Hödl and Basler 28 who replaced all zygotic H3K4 with arginine or alanine and saw no ectopic Polycomb repression of HOX and other developmental genes. From this, they concluded that H3K4 methylation is not critical for Trithorax function at developmental genes. Taken together, our results and the results of Hödl and Basler argue that the model where the methylation of H3K4 and/or H3K36 directly inhibits the catalytic activity of PRC2 is a poor fit to explain how the Trithorax group proteins safeguard the expression of the Polycomb‐regulated developmental genes. Not investigated here, the inhibition of Polycomb complexes by methylated H3K4 and H3K36 may still help to antagonize pervasive hit‐and‐run di‐methylation of H3K27 throughout the genome 57, 58.
If Ash1 does not act via H3K36 methylation, how does it antagonize Polycomb repression of developmental genes? Since the SET domain is required for this aspect of Ash1 function, methyltransferase activity is likely to be involved. It is possible that Ash1 methylates histones at positions other than H3K36 although these are probably not H3K4, H3K9 and H4K20 16, 17, 19. More likely, the relevant substrate of Ash1 activity is a non‐histone protein. Conceivably, it is Trithorax or one of the Polycomb group proteins. Exciting times lie ahead as we start to explore these possibilities.
Materials and Methods
Fly strains
To generate the ash1 22 (w/+; ash1 22 ,P{w +mW.hs =FRT(w hs )2A}/TM3, Ser, e,Act‐GFP[+mW]) fly strain, the w;ash1 22 ,P{w +mW.hs =FRT(w hs )2A}/TM6C,Sb 1 ,Tb 1 (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, #24161) flies were re‐balanced over the TM3, Ser, e, Act‐GFP[+mW] balancer. To generate the w 1118 ; Df(3L)Exel9011/TM3,Ser,e,Act‐GFP[+mW] strain, the w 1118 ; Df(3L)Exel9011/TM6B,Tb 1 flies (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, 7945) were re‐balanced over the TM3,Ser,e,Act‐GFP[+mW] balancer. The ash1 21 (y − ,w 1 ; ash1 21/TM3,Ser) 59 strain was re‐balanced over the TM3,Ser,e,Act‐GFP[+mW] balancer. Oregon R flies were used as wild‐type in all experiments unless stated otherwise. To generate histone H3 mutant strains, the fly strains w,ΔHis3.3B (w + ), hsp‐Flp; Df(2L)His3.3A/SM6B,Cy 51, yw; Elav‐Gal4,ΔHisC/CyO;VK33{H3K36Rx12}/TM6B,Tb and w; UAS‐2xYFP,ΔHisC/CyO,Ftz,lacZ; +/+ (gift from Dr. Gregory Matera, 47) were used. Derivation of flies lacking zygotic His3.3 and His3.2 genes is described in Fig EV5, Appendix Figs S6 and S7. Generation of the ash1 22 ,NSDds46/TM3,Ser,GFP together with ash1 9011 ,NSDds46/TM3,Ser,GFP and ash1 21 ,NSDds46/TM3,Ser,GFP fly strains is described in Appendix Figs S11 and S12. Generation of the Elav‐Gal4,ΔHisC/CyO; ash1 22 ,VK33{H3K36Rx12}/TM6B,Tb and UAS‐2xYFP,ΔHisC/CyO; ash1 9011/TM6B,Tb fly strains is described in Appendix Fig S3. The fly strain y,w,rox1[ex6],rox2[ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]/FM7i,ActGFP; nos[4L],sco[rv9R] b[ 1 ]/CyO,ActGFP; +/+ was a gift from Dr. Maria Kim.
Plasmid construction and generation of Ash1 transgenes
The Ubi‐One‐STrEP::Ash1FL, Ubi‐One‐STrEP::Ash1ΔPHD and Ubi‐One‐STrEP::Ash1ΔSET plasmids were generated using Gateway LR reaction (Invitrogen) between the entry vector containing 5′ One‐STrEP‐tag fused with one of the three variants of Ash1 Open Reading Frame (ORF) and a destination vector which contained the mini‐white marker gene, the attB site and the Ubi‐p63E promoter (pWattB‐Ubi‐DEST) upstream of the recombination sites. To generate pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1FL entry vector, Ash1C (404 bp) and Ash1N (391 bp), DNA fragments were amplified from the Pmt‐V5‐HIS‐ASH1 plasmid (gift from Dr. Vincenzo Pirrotta) using the ASH1CN_Cfwd, ASH1CN_Crev, ASH1CN_Nfwd and ASH1CN_Nrev primers. The nucleotide sequences of all PCR primers used to generate the transgenic constructs are listed in Appendix Table S1. pENTR1A no ccDB (w48‐1) (Addgene plasmid #17398) was digested with KpnI and XhoI. The Ash1N and Ash1C fragments were cloned in the linearized vector using InFusion HD (Clontech) to obtain the pENTR1A‐Ash1NC plasmid. To introduce the One‐STrEP‐tag N‐terminally into pENTR1A‐Ash1NC, the plasmid was linearized with KpnI. The One‐STrEP_fwd and One‐STrEP_rev oligos were annealed in a thermocycler using the following program: 95°C 30 s, 72°C 2 min, 37°C 2 min, 25°C 2 min. The linear pENTR1A‐Ash1NC plasmid and the annealed One‐STrEP oligos were used in an InFusion reaction to obtain the pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1NC plasmid. To clone the full‐length Ash1 CDS, the Pmt‐V5‐HIS‐ASH1 plasmid was digested by BglII and the middle fragment of Ash1 CDS (5.9 kb) was extracted from the gel and ligated into pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1NC, linearized with BglII, to obtain pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1. pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1 was sequenced using the primers ASH1_seq2, ASH1_seq3, ASH1_seq4, ASH1_seq5, ASH1_seq6, ASH1_seq7, ASH1_seq8, ASH1_seq10, ASH1_seq11, ash1‐22.2, ash1‐22.R, ASH1CN_Cfwd and ASH1_mE_Fwd to confirm the integrity of the Ash1 ORF and the One‐STrEP‐tag.
To construct pWattB‐DEST destination vector, the pWattB plasmid 60 was linearized with BamHI and the ends of the resulted fragment blunted using T4 DNA Polymerase (Fermentas). The destination cassette (DEST) was retrieved from pLentiX1PuroDEST (694‐6) (Addgene plasmid #17297) by the EcoRV digestion and extraction of the 1.7 kb band from the agarose gel. Linear pWattB and the destination cassette were ligated to obtain pWattB‐DEST.
The Ubi‐p63E promoter was amplified as described by 60 using the Ubi‐1.1 and Ubi‐1.2 primers. The pWattB‐DEST plasmid was linearized with SpeI (right before the destination cassette), and the Ubi‐p63E promoter was cloned in the linear vector using InFusion to generate pWattB‐Ubi‐DEST.
To generate the plasmids for expression of truncated Ash1 variants, the deletions were introduced to the pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1 entry vector and the modified entry cassette was shuffled into pWattB‐Ubi‐DEST using Invitrogen Gateway™ LR Clonase™ II. To construct pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1ΔSET, the two fragments (upstream deltaSET_AB and downstream deltaSET_CD) flanking the SET domain were amplified from pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1 using the primers deltaSET_A, deltaSET_B, deltaSET_C and deltaSET_D. pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1 was digested with BstZ17I and SphI restriction enzymes. The linearized vector (8.7 kb) was extracted from the agarose gel and used in the InFusion reaction together with the fragments deltaSET_AB and deltaSET_CD to obtain pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1ΔSET. The ASH1_seq7 and ASH1_seq8 primers were used to sequence pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1ΔSET.
To generate pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1ΔPHD, the two fragments (upstream deltaPHD_AB and downstream deltaPHD_CD) flanking the PHD domain were amplified from pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1 using the primers deltaPHD_A, deltaPHD_B, deltaPHD_C and deltaPHD_D. pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1 was digested with KpnI and SphI restriction enzymes. The linearized vector (8.9 kb) was extracted from the agarose gel and used in the InFusion reaction together with the fragments deltaPHD_AB and deltaPHD_CD to obtain pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1ΔPHD. The primers ASH1_seq8, ASH1_seq9 and ASH1_seq12 were used to sequence pENTR1A‐One‐STrEP‐Ash1ΔPHD.
The Ubi‐One‐STrEP::Ash1FL, Ubi‐One‐STrEP::Ash1ΔPHD and Ubi‐One‐STrEP::Ash1ΔSET constructs produced by corresponding Gateway LR reactions were injected into y 1 M[vas‐int.Dm]ZH‐2A w − ; M[3xP3‐RFP.attP’]ZH‐51C embryos by BestGene Inc.
Generation of the NSD null mutation
Most of the Drosophila NSD Open Reading Frame (ORF) was replaced with the DsRed ORF and placed under control of the 3xP3 promoter, using CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated Homology‐Directed Repair. To this effect, target‐specific gRNAs (1gRNA_NSD_sens, 1gRNA_NSD_asen, 2gRNA_NSD_sens and 2gRNA_NSD_asen) were synthesized as 5′‐phosphorylated oligonucleotides, annealed and ligated into the BbsI site of the pU6‐BbsI‐chiRNA vector 43, Addgene plasmid #45946. DNA of the pU6‐1gRNA_NSD‐chiRNA and pU6‐2gRNA_NSD‐chiRNA plasmids was purified and sequenced before injection. To insert DsRed by Homology‐Directed Repair (HDR), the donor plasmid pHD‐DsRed‐attP‐HDRNSD was used. To generate pHD‐DsRed‐attP‐HDRNSD, the pHD‐DsRed‐attP vector was used to clone homology arms flanking the CRISPR/Cas‐9 cleavage sites. The HA‐1 region was amplified (Phusion polymerase, Thermo Fisher Scientific) with a forward primer HA‐1‐SpeI containing the SpeI site and a reverse primer HA‐1‐PstI containing the PstI site. The HA‐2 region was amplified with a forward primer HA‐2‐NotI containing the NotI site and a reverse primer HA‐2‐EcoRI containing the EcoRI site. The amplified fragments were inserted into the SpeI/PstI sites and the NotI/EcoRI sites of the pHD‐DsRed‐attP vector (Addgene plasmid #51019), respectively, to generate the donor plasmid pHD‐DsRed‐attP‐HDRNSD 43. pDsRed‐attP was a gift from Melissa Harrison, Kate O'Connor‐Giles and Jill Wildonger. The donor plasmid pHD‐DsRed‐attP‐HDRNSD, together with the guide‐RNA‐Plasmids, pU6‐1gRNA_NSD‐chiRNA, and pU6‐2gRNA_NSD‐chiRNA, were co‐injected into embryos of the fly strain y 2 ,cho 2 ,v 1 ; Sp/CyO,P{nos‐Cas9,y+,v+}2A [NIG‐FLY, CAS‐0001] 61, which expresses Cas9 in the germline. Injected flies were balanced and tested for incorporation of DsRed into the NSD locus. Resulting NSD loss‐of‐function mutants were verified by sequencing and RT–PCR using the primers NSD‐Rt‐1f and NSD‐Rt‐1r. The sequences of the oligonucleotide primers are shown in Appendix Table S1.
Imaginal disc fixation and immunostaining
Haltere imaginal discs from the third instar larvae were dissected in cold 1× PBS (137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 2 mM KH2PO4) and fixed for 30 min at room temperature with 4% formaldehyde diluted in 1× PBS. The discs were washed three times for 15 min in 1× PBS, 0.3% Triton X‐100 (PBST) and then incubated for 30 min in the blocking solution (5% normal goat serum in PBST) and overnight at 4°C with the primary antibodies (anti‐H3K18Ac and anti‐Ubx, Appendix Table S2) diluted in the blocking solution. The discs were further washed three times for 15 min in PBST, incubated for 1 h at room temperature with secondary antibodies (Appendix Table S2) diluted in PBST, washed three times for 15 min in PBST and mounted on glass slides in Vectashield mounting media (Vector Laboratories). The mounted discs were imaged with Leica TCS SPE confocal microscope.
Embryo fixation and immunostaining
Fly crosses (Fig EV5) were set up in cages and embryos collected after 24 h. Embryos homozygous for the ΔHisC deletion (YFP+) and the control (YFP−) embryos were selected under the fluorescent stereomicroscope prior to fixation. Embryos were dechorionated for 5 min in 3% bleach. The dechorionated embryos were transferred to a scintillation vial containing 5 ml heptane. 5 ml of the 4% formaldehyde solution diluted in PBS (137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 2 mM KH2PO4) was added to the vial, and it was shaken for 20 min at 350 rpm on the Unimax 2010 shaker (Heidolph). The lower phase (formaldehyde) was removed, and 5 ml of cold methanol was added to the vial. The vial was shaken vigorously for 30 s. The upper phase (heptane) and most of the methanol were removed. Embryos were transferred to a 1.5 ml tube and washed three times for 5 min, in methanol.
Before staining, the embryos were rehydrated in 50% methanol. Then, they were incubated three times for 5 min in 1× PBS, 0.1% Tween‐20 (PBSTW) followed by three times for 15‐min incubation in PBSTW. Next, the embryos were incubated at room temperature for 1 h in the blocking solution (5% normal goat serum in PBST) and then overnight at 4°C in primary antibody diluted in the blocking solution. The embryos were washed four times 15 min in PBSTW, incubated with a secondary antibody diluted in PBSTW and washed again four times 15 min in PBSTW. Then, the embryos were dehydrated by 5‐min incubations in 1 ml of the 30, 50, 70, 95, 100% ethanol solutions. Ethanol was removed, 500 μl of methyl salicylate added, and the embryos incubated overnight at 4°C. After this, the embryos were mounted on a glass slide, covered by 18 × 18 coverslip and imaged with Leica TCS SPE confocal microscope.
Western blot
For analysis of the bulk H3K36 methylation, total extracts prepared from hand‐dissected brains, imaginal discs and salivary glands of the third instar larvae were separated on a 15% SDS–PAGE and blotted to PVDF membrane for 60 min at 200 mA. For analysis of Ash1 protein levels, nuclear extracts from whole 3rd instar larvae were separated on a 6% SDS–PAGE and blotted to PVDF membrane for 3 h at 200 mA. The same extracts were separated on a 15% SDS–PAGE and stained with Coomassie to be used as loading control. Primary and secondary antibodies were diluted in 1× PBS with 1% BSA and 0.05% Tween‐20. For the list of antibodies, see Appendix Table S2.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation
Chromatin immunoprecipitation and qPCR analysis were done essentially as described 62 except that crosslinked material was sonicated in 4 ml of 10 mM Tris–HCl pH8.0, 1 mM EDTA pH8.0 with Branson sonicator for 45 min (45 cycles of 20 s ON–40 s OFF, amplitude 40%). Isolated ChIP DNA was re‐suspended in 400 μl of DNase free water, and 4 μl was used for each PCR product. The antibodies used are listed in Appendix Table S2, and ChIP amplicons are listed in Appendix Table S3. The nucleotide sequences of corresponding PCR primers are listed in Appendix Table S1.
Reverse transcription and quantitative PCR
Drosophila embryos were staged and collected is described by 63. For each replicate, 10 embryos were homogenized in TRIzol (SIGMA) and RNA was extracted with chloroform and precipitated with isopropanol using glycogen (Invitrogen) as a carrier. cDNA was synthesized using Random Hexamer primers and RevertAid Minus RT enzyme (Thermo Scientific) according to manufacturer's protocol. Quantitative PCR was performed with Bio‐Rad Real‐Time System CFX Connect using qPCRBIO SyGreen Mix No‐Rox (Pcrbio) and primer pairs Abd‐B_F_ex and Abd‐B_R_ex; RpL32‐ex1.1 and RpL32‐ex1.2. The PCR conditions were as follows: 10 min at 95°C, 40 cycles of 10 s at 95°C, 20 s at 55°C and 30 s at 72°C. The melting curve was recorded at the end of the cycling program. Six dilutions of wild‐type genomic DNA were used as calibration curve to calculate the starting number of template molecules.
Fly cuticle preparation
Flies were boiled in 10% KOH for 10 min and then incubated in distilled water for 30 min. Fly cuticles were dehydrated in 70% ethanol and 99% ethanol for 10 min each. Ethanol was replaced with glycerol and incubated for 30 min. Cuticle were dissected under the stereomicroscope and mounted on glass slide in glycerol.
Single fly genomic DNA preparation
Single flies were placed in 200‐μl PCR tubes containing 50 μl of the homogenization buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA, 25 mM NaCl, 200 μg/ml proteinase K). Flies were crushed with a 200‐μl pipette tip, and the resulting fly lysates were incubated for 30 min at 37°C followed by 2 min at 95°C. 3 μl of the lysate was used for each PCR product.
Embryo genomic DNA extraction
One embryo was placed in a 1.5‐ml tube containing 50 μl of sonication buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA, 25 mM NaCl) and sonicated for three cycles (30 s ON, 30 s OFF) in Bioruptor® Pico (Diagenode). Proteinase K (0.2 μg/μl) was added to the embryo lysate and incubated 30 min at 37°C followed by 2 min at 95°C. 3 μl of the lysate was used for each PCR product.
Author contributions
ED and YBS conceived the project. ED performed all genetic and immunostaining experiments. ED and MS analysed homeotic phenotypes. TGK performed ChIP experiments and characterized the expression of Ash1 transgenes. AG measured bulk methylated histones by Western blot and characterized Abd‐B expression by qPCR. MW generated the NSD null allele under the supervision of GR. ED and YBS wrote the manuscript with inputs from all authors.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Supporting information
We thank Dr. Jan Larsson for critical comments on the manuscript, Dr. Vincenzo Pirrotta for the gift of the Pmt‐V5‐HIS‐ASH1 plasmid and anti‐Ash1 antibodies, Dr. Harald Saumweber for the gift of anti‐BEAF‐32 antibody and Drs. Mitzi Kuroda, Gregory Matera, Leonie Ringrose, Konrad Basler, Maria Kim, Melissa Harrison, Kate O'Connor‐Giles and Jill Wildonger for generous gifts of fly strains and plasmids. This work was supported in part by grants from Swedish Research Council to YBS and grants from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and Kempestiftelserna to EpiCoN (YBS co‐PI). Stocks obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (NIH P40OD018537) were used in this study. The Ubx FP3.38 and Abd‐B 1A2E9, monoclonal antibodies developed by R. White and S. Celniker, respectively, were obtained from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, created by the NICHD of the NIH and maintained at the University of Iowa, Department of Biology, Iowa City, IA 52242.
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