Figure 1.
The Jackson Heart Study Cortisol and Diabetes Cohort The total Jackson Heart Study includes 5,306 participants, however, participants were excluded if they had missing data on exposures, outcomes or important covariates yielding a sample in this study of 4,206 subjects. Excluded subjects were from missing data for the following variables: cortisol (n=113), time of cortisol collection (n=17) or cortisol collected after 12pm (n=384), Type II diabetes (T2D) status (n=5), Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) (n=97), Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) (n=387), HOMA-β cell function (n=2), occupation (n=5), education (n=18), smoking status (n=38), alcohol use (n=21), systolic blood pressure (n=6), waist circumference (n=6), and body mass index (n=1).