Figure 9. Schematic of delay-dependent and delay-independent relationships in the OFC model.
The boxes show how the various frequency-domain and submovement-triggered average (SmTA) relationships are explained by the OFC model. Top row, from left to right: Broad spectrum motor noise drives intrinsic dynamics resulting in a delay-independent LFP cross-spectral resonance. The delayed motor command is combined with the original motor noise leading to delay-dependent comb filtering, evident in LFP-Cursor coherence and Cursor power spectrum. Bottom row, from left to right: submovements can arise from a positive noise peak at time-zero, or as a correction to a preceding negative noise trough. Due to intrinsic dynamics, LFPs trace consistent cyclical trajectories locked to submovements. SmTA of LFPs contains potentials associated with noise peak/troughs after feedback delay. SmTA of cursor velocity combines noise with delayed feedback corrections to yield a central submovement flanked by symmetrical troughs.