Figure 4. Interfacial energies control blister dynamics and interactions between blisters.
(A) Time evolution of the height H (black) and width W (red) of a representative biofilm blister. Inset: schematic representation of a blister; color code as in Figure 3D. (B) Developing profile of a single blister, extracted from side view images at successive time points after delamination. Profiles are shown at 2.5 hr (gray line), 10 hr (gray dotted line) and 17.5 hr (black dashed line) after the onset of delamination. The distance between the red arrows corresponds to W, which, over time, approaches twice the biofilm thickness (2hf). Regions near the blister become flatter as cell mass is pulled into the blister. Agar concentration: 0.4%. (C) Representative merging of adjacent blisters (white arrows) at specified times (top). Cross-section image from a biofilm producing fluorescent mKate2 reveals blister peak-to-peak contact (bottom; designated by the white arrow). Agar concentration: 0.7%. Scale bars: 1 mm (top) and 0.5 mm (bottom). (D) Interfacial energy of the biofilm–air interface γfa, biofilm–liquid interface γfl, and the adhesion energy between the biofilm and the substrate Γ for WT V. cholerae biofilms. Data are represented as mean ± std with n = 3. Inset: schematic of different interfaces. (E) Schematic of blister development in a WT V. cholerae biofilm. White stars and dashed black lines denote interface annihilation events. For panels (D) and (E), the color code is the same as that in Figure 3D.