Figure 1.
Ferrous ammonium sulfate (FeAS) interfered with the growth of LSKs in the liquid culture system. Lineage−Sca1+c-Kit+(LSK) cells isolated from murine bone marrow (BM) were cultured in αMEM medium containing hematopoietic cytokines (100 ng/mL each) and supplemented with 10% FBS (A,B), 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (C), or 1% FBS (D) in the absence (untreated (AA CTL) or the presence of 10 μM (FeAS 10 μM) or 50 μM (FeAS 50 μM) ferrous ammonium sulfate, or with ammonium sulfate (AS). Total viable cell numbers were determined using an ATP assay. Data shown indicate the mean ± SD of summarized data obtained from three independent experiments (* p < 0.05).