GF diameter |
8 μm (Augustin et al., 2017) |
GF length |
400 μm (Phelan et al., 1996; Smith et al., 1996) |
Distance of contact with TTMn from proximal end |
400 μm (distal end of the GF) |
Distance of contact with PSI from proximal end |
360 μm (King and Wyman, 1980; Phelan et al., 1996) |
TTMn diameter |
6 μm (King and Wyman, 1980) |
TTMn axon length |
50 μm (Godenschwege et al., 2002b) |
TTMn medial dendrite length |
60 μm (Godenschwege et al., 2002b) |
TTMn lateral dendrite length |
30 μm (Godenschwege et al., 2002b) |
Distance of input from GF from medial dendrite proximal end |
12 μm (Godenschwege et al., 2002a,b) |
PSI diameter |
4.5 μm (King and Wyman, 1980) |
PSI axon length |
90 μm (Phelan et al., 1996; Egger et al., 1997) |
PSI dendrite length |
170 μm (estimated) |
Distance of input from GF from PSI axon proximal end |
45 μm (Egger et al., 1997; Blagburn et al., 1999) |
Distance of contact with DLMn from PSI axon proximal end |
76.5 μm (Egger et al., 1997) |
DLMn dendrite and axon proximal diameter |
2 μm (King and Wyman, 1980) |
DLMn axon distal diameter |
4 μm (King and Wyman, 1980) |
DLMn axon length |
50 μm (Sun and Wyman, 1997) |
DLMn dendrite length |
100 μm (Sun and Wyman, 1997) |
Distance of input from PSI from axon proximal end |
12.5 μm (Egger et al., 1997) |
Physiological parameters |
Leak conductance |
0.03 mS/cm2 (estimated) |
Specific membrane capacitance |
1 μF/cm2 (estimated) |
Specific axial resistance |
35.4 Ω/cm (estimated) |
Maximal transient voltage-gated sodium conductance (ḡNat) |
300 mS/cm2 (Günay et al., 2015) |
Maximal persistent voltage-gated sodium conductance (ḡNap) |
0.11 mS/cm2 (Günay et al., 2015) |
Maximal voltage-gated potassium conductance (ḡK) |
10 mS/cm2 (estimated) |
Gap junctions conductance (ggap, young fly) |
135 μS (estimated) |
Gap junctions conductance (ggap, old fly) |
34.5 μS (estimated) |
Chemical synapse rise τ |
0.1 ms (standard value) |
Chemical synapse decay τ |
1 ms (standard value) |
Chemical synapse reversal potential |
0 (standard value) |
Chemical synapse delay |
0.15 ms (estimated) |
Chemical synapse peak conductance |
80 μS (estimated) |
Neuromuscular junction delay |
0.35 ms (see Materials and Methods) |
Leak reversal potential |
–85 mV (Günay et al., 2015) |
Sodium reversal potential |
65 mV (Günay et al., 2015) |
Potassium reversal potential |
–74 mV (Günay et al., 2015) |