MEDICAL SCIENCES Correction for “A model of human phenylalanine metabolism in normal subjects and in phenylketonuric patients,” by Seymour Kaufman, which was first published March 16, 1999; 10.1073/pnas.96.6.3160 (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:3160–3164).
The editors were contacted by a reader who noted two errors in Eq. 3, on page 3162. First, the term “0.5q” in Eq. 3 should instead appear as “0.51,” matching the Km value for phenylalanine reported on page 3161, right column, first full paragraph, line 18. Second, the fraction
should instead appear as
Thus, the full corrected Eq. 3 should appear as:
These errors do not affect the conclusions of the article.