This revision of the classification of eukaryotes follows that of Adl et al., 2012 [J. Euk. Microbiol. 59(5)] and retains an emphasis on protists. Changes since have improved the resolution of many nodes in phylogenetic analyses. For some clades even families are being clearly resolved. As we had predicted, environmental sampling in the intervening years has massively increased the genetic information at hand. Consequently, we have discovered novel clades, exciting new genera and uncovered a massive species level diversity beyond the morphological species descriptions. Several clades known from environmental samples only have now found their home. Sampling soils, deeper marine waters and the deep sea will continue to fill us with surprises. The main changes in this revision are the confirmation that eukaryotes form at least two domains, the loss of monophyly in the Excavata, robust support for the Haptista and Cryptista. We provide suggested primer sets for DNA sequences from environmental samples that are effective for each clade. We have provided a guide to trophic functional guilds in an appendix, to facilitate the interpretation of environmental samples, and a standardized taxonomic guide for East Asian users.
Keywords: Algae, amoebae, biodiversity, ciliate, ecology, flagellate, fungus, microbiology, parasite, plankton, protozoa, systematics, taxonomy
THIS revision of the classification of eukaryotes updates that of the International Society of Protistologists (Adl et al. 2012). Since then, there has been a massive increase in DNA sequence information of phylogenetic relevance from environmental samples. We now have a much better sense of the undescribed biodiversity in our environment (De Vargas et al. 2015; Pawlowski et al. 2012). While significant, it still remains a partial estimation as several continents and soils in general are poorly sampled, and the deeper ocean is hard to reach. These new data clarified phylogenetic relationships and the new information is incorporated in this revision.
We assembled the classification according to the principles outlined elsewhere, and we refer the reader to the introductions of both Adl et al. 2005 and 2012 for background information, and to Adl et al. 2007 for a discussion. Briefly, we adopted a hierarchical system without formal rank designations. The hierarchy is represented by indented paragraphs. The nomenclatural priority is given to the oldest name (and its authority) that correctly assembled genera or higher groups together into a clade, except where its composition was substantially modified. In these cases, we have used a newer term and its appropriate authorship. In cases where ranks were created to include a single lower rank, the higher ranks were eliminated as superfluous. In this scheme, monotypic taxa are represented by the genus only. Nested clades represent monophyletic lineages as best we know and para‐ or polyphyletic groups are so indicated.
This system of hierarchical nameless ranks, that ignores endings of clade names, has proved its utility in providing name stability as we reconstructed a new phylogenetic classification during the past 20 years. Clade names in this system do not change when their rank or composition changes, and it is only the authority for the name that changes when each clade description is adjusted (Cantino, 1998 Pleijel and Rouse, 2003). Where a new term is introduced in this classification, it is identified with “Adl et al. 2019” as the authority, or by the submitting author (e.g. Mann in Adl et al., 2019), and they are to be cited as emended in this publication. The descriptions provided are not intended to substitute for formal diagnoses. They are provided primarily for the student and general users to identify common morphological features, such as synapomorphies and apomorphies, within monophyletic lineages.
Figure 1.
Overview of the diversity of protists among eukaryotes. Amoebozoa, Nucletmycea, and Holozoa together form the Amorphea; The Diaphoretickes includes Crypista, Chloroplastida and Embryophyta, Rhodophyceae, Haptista, Rhizaria, Alveolata (Apicomplexa, Dinoflagellata, Ciliata), Stramenopiles and Phaeophyta.
There are two novel components in this revision. First, we have provided trophic assignments for most taxa. This will prove useful in interpreting communities from environmental samples. Second, we informally suggest a phylum rank and classes in most clades to provide a point of reference in the classification hierarchy for the nonspecialist. This became possible, as there has been some stability at this level in the molecular phylogenetic reconstructions. It should be obvious that genera grouped into a clade then represent a family, and families into an order.
This committee of the Society has had the responsibility of arbitrating nomenclature for protists in general. Historically, the task was simpler as most groups fell under one or the other of the two Codes of Nomenclature (algae and some other protists under the “International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants”, and protozoa under the “International Code of Zoological Nomenclature”), and few were described under both Codes. The Society was represented on the relevant committees. Notwithstanding that both Codes are incompatible, some have proposed to provide parallel classifications in each Code, while others proposed to adopt a modern unified code of nomenclature. Since the rearrangement of the classification along monophyletic lineages during the 1990s, many clades now include a mixture of taxa from both Codes. Several taxa, such as diatoms, are described in parallel under both Codes with different names. This situation created and perpetuates anomalies, such as the recent redescription of the dictyostellid amoebae with the botanical Code (Sheikh et al. 2018) for genera that are unarguably in Amoebozoa governed by the Zoological Code. Issues such as these have been thoroughly discussed in the past (Adl et al. 2007; Lahr et al. 2012). It has been the responsibility of this committee to discuss and arbitrate published phylogenetic hypotheses, proposals for new names and name changes. Underlying these discussions are principles of nomenclatural priority in the spirit of the codes of nomenclature.
A classification is unlike a phylogenetic tree in a publication, where the discovery of new clades, branches, or robust nodes ultimately leads to proposing new names. Newly named clades and nodes have their utility in phylogenetic analysis and discussion, but do not need to be formalized in the classification immediately. An overwhelming number of spent names have thus accumulated, with an increasing frequency over the past four decades, most of which are no longer—or never were—in common use. Many of these names were ephemeral, as their monophyly did not stand the test of (time) statistical analysis. The proliferation of these names reflects a methodological error practiced by some. That is to formalize names prematurely and try to reorganize classifications single‐handedly. As we argued before (Adl et al. 2012), this must be done with care, respecting nomenclatural priority, published as a proposal or a phylogenetic hypothesis first, to be verified by the community, and only eventually considered for change in the classification. The task of refereeing and classifying falls on Society committees representing communities of professionals. The very formal and slow process of voting to conserve or reject names through the tradition of the botanical code takes years as it has to proceed through committees and then approved by vote on the floor of the congress at 6‐year intervals. That is, however, too slow for the pace of changes today given the rate at which new information is becoming available.
In contrast to a phylogenetic tree, a classification system belongs to a community of users, and it is generated through discussions of the available evidence, for pragmatic purposes of teaching, curation, organizing data, archiving and communicating with a common language. It is a commonly agreed point of reference. It is not to be reimagined or re‐done at will by one individual. The Linnaean system that we have inherited has detailed codes of nomenclature that guide and regulate how living organisms are named, names changed and classified. The elaborate rules arise from disputes and mistakes made in the past, in part out of respect for each other's work. Instead of providing a long list of rejected and invalid names, we can specify that those not selected in this classification were considered nomina ambigua, nomina perplexa, nomina dubia, nomina nuda or did not have nomenclatural priority and are declared nomina rejicienda.
Another proposed classification of prokaryotes and eukaryotes was published recently (Ruggiero et al. 2015). This effort may be reasonable in their classification of the prokaryotes, but the eukaryote section does not pass standards of modern biology. Specifically, it is their refusal to use monophyly as a guiding principle, but to argue to retain “ancestral (paraphyletic) taxa when it seemed beneficial to do so” instead, even where monophyletic clades are already established. Their insistence on using a hodge‐podge of names that do not have nomenclatural priority, and that poorly describe the taxa included, further reduces its usefulness.
The super‐groups utilized since 2005 (Adl et al. 2005; Simpson and Roger 2004) are revised as follows (Fig. 1):
Eukaryotes now form two Domains called Amorphea and Diaphoretickes, with several additional clades that do not group into a third Domain.
In the Amorphea, the Opisthokonta, Breviatea and Apusomonadida now form a robust clade, as noted earlier (Adl et al. 2012), called Obazoa. Within the Opisthokonta, the Holozoa and Nucletmycea(/Holomycota) are robust clades with improved resolution of the basal sister lineages. In the Holozoa, the sponges and the other animals group together as the Metazoa (Porifera, Placozoa, Ctenophora, Cnidaria, Bilateria). In addition, a sister clade to the Amorphea comprising several genera was recently described as CRuMs (Brown et al. 2018).
There are two sister clades in Opisthokonta, the Holozoa and the Nucletmycea (/Holomycota). They share several characters, including synthesis of extracellular chitin in an exoskeleton, cyst/spore wall or cell wall of filamentous growth and hyphae; the extracellular digestion of substrates with osmotrophic absorption of nutrients; and other cell biosynthetic and metabolic pathways. Genera at the base of each clade are amoeboid and phagotrophic.
The Archaeplastida, Sar and several other clades remain a monophyletic clade under Diaphoretickes. The clade Cryptista comprising the cryptomonads, kathablepharids and Palpitomonas is well recognized and robust, although placement of its node within the Diaphoretickes remains problematic. In some but not all analyses, the clade appears inside the Archaeplastida. This position has always occurred from time to time in some phylogenies with weak support, but there is now stronger support for this association. We are not committed to their inclusion within the Archaeplastida but do note its likelihood. The inclusion of the Cryptista in the Archaeplastida would expand that group without affecting its defining criteria. Questioning the single origin of a plastid within the Archaeplastida is a rare minority opinion. Yet, the possibility of more than one plastid origin must not be ruled‐out until the cryptomonads are robustly positioned.
The new robust support for the Cryptista clade is accompanied by a similarly robust support for a clade comprising the Centroplasthelida and Haptophyta as the Haptista within the Diaphoretickes.
Nodes at the base of the Alveolata are better resolved with additional genera. The placeholder name Protalveolata is no longer required.
The Excavata comprise three clades: the Metamonada, the Discoba, and the Malawimonada. Their mutual relationships, as well as their relationships to other clades of eukaryotes, remain uncertain. We have dropped the supergroup Excavata in favour of the informal Excavates when referring to the “Discoba, Metamonada, Malawimonada”, as Incertae sedis in eukaryotes. The Excavates and several clades and genera fall outside of the two principal domains, but do not cluster together into a third domain.
This classification will serve as a primary starting reference for the taxonomic framework developed by UniEuk (unieuk.org; Berney et al. 2017), the Society supported, consensus‐driven, community‐based and expert‐driven international initiative to maintain a universal taxonomy for, at least, microbial eukaryotes. A specific aim of the UniEuk project is to apply one taxonomic framework to all genetic data in the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) repositories, which includes DDBJ (ddbj.nig.ac.jp), GenBank (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) and ENA (ebi.ac.uk/ena) databases. The system's broad use and preservation will be ensured by a direct implementation of the UniEuk taxonomic framework into the ENA (European Nucleotide Archive) at EMBL‐EBI ( http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena). The project will capture our collective knowledge on eukaryotic diversity, evolution, and ecology via three main modules (EukRef, EukBank and EukMap). EukRef (eukref.org; del Campo et al. 2018) uses a standardized, open‐source bioinformatics pipeline to generate homogenous, high‐quality curation of sequences (primarily 18S rDNA) available in INSDC databases. EukRef is fully operational; outputs include (on a lineage‐by‐lineage basis) taxonomically curated sequences, sequence alignments, phylogenetic trees and metadata. EukBank is a public repository of (primarily V4 18S rDNA) high‐throughput metabarcoding data sets, centralized at ENA, with standardized protocols for submitting data sets and metadata. EukMap (eukmap.unieuk.org) is an editable, user‐friendly representation of the UniEuk taxonomy in the form of a publicly navigable tree, where each node/taxon is associated with contextual data (taxonomic and ecological information, links to representative images, etc.). It will be operational by 2019 and will allow registered community members to directly interact with and inform the taxonomic framework, and to flag taxonomy issues requiring revision. As a whole, the UniEuk system will represent a community hub to centralize, standardize, and promote global knowledge on eukaryotic diversity, taxonomy and ecology.
Clarification of terms for trophic functional groups
Several terms were clarified to correct misuse of terminology in publications. In 2005, these were: eukaryote, prokaryote, algae, zoosporic fungi, protozoa, zooplankton, phytoplankton, cyst, spore and cilium. In 2012, they were related to the cytoskeleton and motility: lobopodia, lamellipodia, filopodia, granuloreticulopodia, reticulopodia, axopodia, centriole, centrosome, microtubular organizing centre (MTOC), basal body, kinetosome, kinetid and mastigont. In this revision, they pertain to trophic functional groups.
In addition to descriptions of morphology that accompany specimen, which is critical for understanding cell function and interpreting phylogenetic trees, improved descriptions of site and food preferences are required for an ecological interpretation of the role in the community and ecosystem. Often species lack sufficient description of the collection site or feeding habit.
To compare environmental DNA data sets, adequate metadata is necessary to select appropriate samples for comparison. The same issue exists when trying to re‐isolate a species or to verify the type specimen. Therefore, it is important that the environment and habitat is sufficiently described. Merely stating marine, terrestrial or soil is grossly inadequate. The soil, for example, is heterogeneous horizontally at the sub‐millimetre to regional scales. It is also stratified through the profile, and across the diameter of each ped. Whether a soil or aquatic sample, solution chemistry and site physical parameters contribute to define the niche space.
Because we care about nomenclature and the exact meaning of words and of names of things, especially species and their groupings into nodes and stems on phylogenetic trees, it is equally important to care for how we describe sampling sites and feeding habits. There are two parts to describing the feeding habit: what is eaten and how it is eaten.
Species that release enzymes extracellularly to digest substrates in their habitat, are generally called saprotrophic or lysotrophic, and contribute to the decomposition of organic matter. One incredible resource is FunGuild (Nguyen et al. 2016, ( https://github.com/UMNFuN/FUNGuild) to determine substrate utilization for saprotrophic fungi. Probably all eukaryotes are capable of osmotrophy, the acquisition of soluble nutrients through the cell membrane. For example, plants obtain their carbon for photosynthesis from the air, as well as some oxygen—however, they rely on osmotrophy through the roots to obtain all the other elements they need. Osmotrophy occurs through the ciliary pit, by pinocytosis, by diffusion, and by various membrane transport proteins. Some species have no alternative form of acquiring energy, are very poor at decomposing substrates and are strict osmotrophs relying on dissolved nutrients. Detritus eaters ingest particles derived from cells and tissues, decomposing organic matter, starch granules, plant or animal debris, or wood (microchip) fragments.
Species that eat other species are called consumers, and there are a variety of terms to describe the functional groups. Some acquire suspended particles in the solution and accumulate the particles by filtration into an oral region or cytostome (not filter‐feeders, as they do not feed on filters). The size of particles filtered out of the liquid depend on the current generated, and the structure of the feeding apparatus (Fenchel 1986), and it is a good idea to specify what size prey are ingested. The remaining consumers fall into two categories, the grazers and predators. Grazers, like a cow in a field of grasses, browse and ingest from surfaces covered with potential food items (e.g. an amoeba on a lawn of bacteria, or on soil particle surfaces). Predators pursue scarce prey according to optimal foraging theory, typically handle one prey at a time, and it is mathematically distinct (e.g. a Jakoba ingesting one bacterium). Species gather bacteria by filtration prior to phagocytosis, or directly by phagocytosis; it is best to specify “bacteria by filtration” or “bacteria by phagocytosis”. A popular term bacterivore has the unintended implication of voraciously devouring (voracitas L.) which is a false description of how many bacteria eaters acquire their prey, and an incomplete description. Use it, but be aware that some readers and reviewers will be more discriminating. In contrast, the more appropriate term –trophy (trophe Gr.), to eat for food and nourishment, sounds more awkward in English. For species that ingest unicellular protists by phagotrophy, the correct term is cytotrophy. Bacterium (Ehrenberg 1838) has been the word used to refer to a prokaryotic cell, while cell (Dutrochet 1824; Schleiden 1838; Schwann 1839) has been used since to refer to a eukaryotic cell. Mixotrophy refers to photosynthetic species that also ingest food by phagocytosis, and heterotrophs that retain prey plastids and symbionts.
There are two distinct mechanisms to feed on algal filaments (cellulosic cell wall) or fungal hyphae (chitinous cell wall). One mechanism is to slurp the filaments like noodles and ingest them, and the other is to penetrate through the cell wall. Those that puncture through phagocytose cytoplasm, and some species even penetrate inside to ingest cytoplasm along the tube or in the spore. It is best to distinguish between the cell wall material to digest and the mechanism of ingestion. Thus, we have mycotrophy or phycotrophy, by either swallowing (devoratis L.) or by penetrating (penetrando L.).
In microbial food webs, there are also consumers of consumers, typically by predation, that are equivalent above‐ground or in aquatic systems to carnivores (meat eaters), or other functional groups. Although 2° consumers, 3° consumers, and so on exist in microbial food webs, it is hardly correct to refer to carnivores in food webs where there is no meat.
Another poorly crafted term one encounters, albeit rarely, is eukaryovory. Although there are famous examples of eukaryovory (Saint‐Exupéry 1943), eukaryotes eating eukaryotes can include parasitism, as intracellular or extracellular parasites, on hosts that are protists or multicellular, with various grades of host specificity, and it is a poor substitute for cytotrophy.
We have summarized the higher level classification of eukaryotes in Table 1, with an estimate of the known number of genera, and providing informal phylum and class designations to help orient the student and users along the hierarchy, or nodes on a phylogenetic tree. The revised classification of eukaryotes is presented in Table 2, and genera that have not been studied enough to place in the classification are listed in Table 3 as incertae sedis Eukarya. Table 4 provides recommended primers for analysing DNA from environmental samples, noting that the choice of primers and depth of sequencing are important sources of variation between studies. Appendix S1 provides additional supporting literature that we considered important to understand the changes. Appendix S2 provides more detail about the trophic functional assignments across protists, by noting exceptions at the genus level. Appendix S3 provides a standardized guide to East Asian users for the new terminology.
Table 1.
Higher ranks of the eukaryotes suggesting the position of Linnaean ranks, and the number of known genera
Incertae sedis: Microhelliela maris, Ancoracysta twista, Rappemonads, Telonemia, Picozoa |
G = genus; F = family; O = order; C = class; P = phylum; K = kingdom.
The state of the classification in online databases are too poor to evaluate or work with this clade.
Table 2.
Classification of the higher ranks of the protists and multicellular organisms. The authority to whom the taxon name is attributed appears immediately after the taxon name. For purposes of nomenclature and stability of names in the classification, we have tried to retain the oldest term that correctly described the grouping, emended if necessary; in the square bracket following are inappropriate and incorrect names used in the literature, or that do not have nomenclatural priority. If the taxon name has been emended herein, the authority is indicated and the reference is to this manuscript (“emend. Adl et al. 2019”). Selected references to the literature since 2012 can be found in Appendix S1. Citations in the notes to this table can be found in the LITERATURE CITED. Named clades are monophyletic as best as we can determine; if paraphyly or polyphyly is suspected, it is indicated by P; robust clades recovered in phylogenetic analysis that do not have morphological diagnosis are indicated by R (ribo‐group); monotypic genera with only one described species are indicated by M; MTOC, microtubular organizing centre. * Denotes genera lacking DNA sequence information or known to require taxonomic revision
AMORPHEA Adl et al. 2012 |
The least inclusive clade containing Homo sapiens Linnaeus 1758, Neurospora crassa Shear and Dodge 1927 (both Opisthokonta), and Dictyostelium discoideum Raper 1935 (Amoebozoa). This is a node‐based definition in which all of the specifiers are extant; it is intended to apply to a crown clade; qualifying clause—the name does not apply if any of the following fall within the specified clade—Arabidopsis thaliana (Linnaeus) Heynhold 1842 (Archaeplastida), Tetrahymena thermophila Nanney and McCoy 1976 (Alveolata), Thalassiosira pseudonana Hasle and Hiemdal 1970 (Stramenopiles), Bigelowiella natans Moestrup and Sengco 2001 (Rhizaria), Euglena gracilis Klebs 1883 (Excavata) and Emiliania huxleyi (Lohmann) Hay and Mohler 1967 (Haptophyta). |
Incertae sedis Amorphea: Obazoa Brown et al. 2013 (R) |
Obazoa is a clade that is robustly recovered in phylogenetic trees and consists of the Opisthokonta and two other clades, Apusomonadida and Breviatea. It is the least inclusive clade containing Homo sapiens Linnaeus 1758 (Opisthokonta), Neurospora crassa Shear & Dodge 1927 (Opisthokonta), Pygsuia biforma Brown et al. 2013 (Breviatea) and Thecamonas trahens Larsen & Patterson 1990 (Apusomonadida). |
Table 3.
Genera incertae sedis in eukaryotes, with uncertain affiliation within protists
Acinetactis |
Actinastrum |
Actinocoma |
Actinolophus |
Adinomonas |
Aletium |
Amphimonas |
Amylophagus |
Anaeramoeba |
Aphelidiopsis |
Asterocaelum |
Asthmatos |
Aurospora |
Barbetia |
Belaria |
Belonocystis |
Bertarellia |
Bertramia |
Bodopsis |
Boekelovia |
Branchipocola |
Camptoptyche |
Chalarodora |
Cibdelia |
Cichkovia |
Cinetidomyxa |
Cingula |
Cladomonas |
Clathrella |
Codonoeca |
Coelosporidium a |
Copromonas |
Cyanomastix |
Cyclomonas |
Cytamoeba |
Dallingeria |
Dictyomyxa |
Dimastigamoeba |
Dinemula |
Dinoasteromonas |
Diplocalium |
Diplomita |
Diplophysalis |
Diploselmis |
Dobellina |
Ducelleria |
Ectobiella |
Elaeorhanis |
Embryocola |
Endamoeba |
Endemosarca |
Endobiella |
Endomonas |
Endospora |
Enteromyxa |
Eperythrocytozoon |
Errera |
Fromentella |
Gymnococcus |
Gymnophrydium |
Haematotractidium |
Hartmannina |
Heliobodo |
Heliomonas |
Hermisenella |
Heterogromia |
Hillea |
Hyalodaktylethra |
Immanoplasma b |
Isoselmis |
Janickina |
Kamera |
Lagenidiopsis |
Liegeosia |
Luffisphaera c |
Lymphocytozoon |
Lymphosporidium |
Macappella |
Magosphaera |
Malpighiella |
Martineziella |
Megamoebomyxa |
Meringosphaera |
Microcometes |
Monochrysis |
Monodus |
Mononema |
Myrmicisporidium |
Naupliicola |
Nephrodinium |
Neurosporidium |
Orbulinella |
Ovicola |
Palisporomonas |
Pansporella |
Paradinemula |
Paraluffisphaera |
Paramonas |
Paraplasma |
Parastasia |
Parastasiella |
Peliainia |
Peltomonas |
Petasaria |
Phagodinium |
Phanerobia |
Phloxamoeba |
Phyllomitus |
Phyllomonas |
Physcosporidium |
Piridium |
Pleuophrys |
Pleuromastix |
Protenterospora |
Protomonas |
Pseudoactiniscus |
Pseudosporopsis |
Rhizomonas |
Rhynchodinium |
Rigidomastix |
Schewiakoffia |
Sergentella |
Serpentoplasma |
Sphaerasuctans |
Spongastericus |
Spongocyclia |
Stephanomonas |
Strobilomonas |
Tetradimorpha |
Tetragonidium |
Thaulirens |
Topsentella |
Toshiba |
Trichonema |
Urbanella |
Probably a junior synonym of Nephridiophaga, a Zygomycete.
Immanoplasma Neumann 1909 (see Kar 1990).
Belonocystis (Amoebozoa incertae sedis) and Luffisphaera maybe the same genus.
Table 4.
Recommended primers for environmental samples
Supergroup or highest rank | Clades | Primer pair codes | Sequence length (bp) | Forward primer (5′→3′) | Reverse primer (5′→3′) |
Amorphea | Apusomonadida1 | 18S, EK‐42F & APU‐1R | 1,500‐2,200 | CTCAARGAYTAAGCCATGCA | CTTCCTTTGGTTAAAACAC |
Amoebozoa | Tubulinea, Discosea, Variosea | 18S, RibA & RibB | Entire SSU molecule, variable | ACCTGGTTGATCCTDCCAGT | TGATCCATCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC |
Tubulinea, Discosea, Variosea | 18S, RibA & S20R | ~1,800 | ACCTGGTTGATCCTDCCAGT | GACGGGCGGTGTGTACAA | |
Nearly all clades | Cox‐I, LCO1490 & HCO2198 (modified Folmer primers) | ~660 | GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG | TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA | |
Arcellinida | 1st step, Euk 82F & Euk 1498 R, 2nd step, cloning | Variable | GAAACTGCGAATGGCTC | CYGCAGGTTCACCTA C | |
Opisthokonta | Choanoflagellata2 | 18S, 42F & 1510R | ~1,750 | CTCAARGAYTAAGCCATGCA | CCTTCYGCAGGTTCACCTAC |
Porifera3 | Demospongiae, Homoscleromorpha: | Cox‐I (Folmer primers), LCO1490 & HCO2198 | 658 | GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG | TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA |
28S, C1 & D2, universal primers | 800–900 | ACCCGCTGAATTTAAGCAT | TCCGTGTTTCAAGACGGG | ||
28S D3–D5, Por28S‐830F & Por28S‐1520R | 650‐660 | CATCCGACCCGTCTTGAA | GCTAGTTGATTCGGCAGGTG | ||
Calcarea: | 28S C‐region, C2 & D2, or C2'modified & D2 | 430–470 | GAAAAGAACTTTGRARAGAGAGT or GAAA AGCACTTTGAAAAGAGA | TCCGTGTTTCAAGACGGG | |
Hexactinellida: | 28S D3‐D5, NL4F & NL4R | 900–1,000 | GACCCGAAAGATGGTG AACTA | ACCTTGGAGACCTGATGCG | |
16S partial primers, 16S1fw & 16SH modified | 500 | TCGACTGTTTACCAAAAACATAGC | YRTAATTCAACATCGAGGTC | ||
Fungi | Chytridiomycota4 , 5 , 6 , 7 | 18S, NS1 & NS4 | ~950–1,100 | ||
28S, LROR & LR5 | ~800‐950 | AACTAAGAACGGCCATGCAC | |||
EF‐1a,* 983F & EF1aZ‐1R | ~1,150 | GAACGGCCATGCACCACCACC | |||
EF‐1a‐like,** 983F & EFL‐RS2R | −~550–590 | GTTCTTGTGTTAATCTCAC | |||
Fungi8 , 9 | ITS (See citation 9, Table S1) | Variable | |||
Haptista | Haptophyta10 , 11 | 1F & 1528R (or EukA & EukB) | 1,800 | AACCTGGTTGATCCTGCCAGT | TGATCCTTCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC |
1F & Pavlova‐V4F2R | 593 | See 1F above | GTGAAATTCTTAGACCCACGGA | ||
Centroplasthelida12 | Helio1979R | Variable | CACACTTACWAGGAYTTCCTCGTTSAAGACG | ||
Cryptista13 , 14 | 18S‐0024F & 18S‐1757R | Variable | CTGGTTGATCCTGCCAGTAGT | CAGGTTCACCTACGGAAACCT | |
18S‐33F & 18S‐1768R | 1,700‐1,800 | CCT GCC AGT AGT CAT AYG CTT | TGA TCC TTC YGC AGG TTC ACC | ||
Assulinidae17 | 1st step, COI: Eucox1F & Euglycox1R | Variable | GAYATGGCKTTNCCAAGATTAAA | AGCACCCATTGAHAAAACRTAATG | |
2nd step, Assucox 1F & Assucox 1R | Variable | AAYATGAGRGCYAGRGG | 5¢‐CGTAATGAAARTGWCCYACC | ||
Amphitremida | 1st step, Euk 82F & Euk 1498 R, 2nd step, cloning | Variable | GAAACTGCGAATGGCTC | CYGCAGGTTCACCTAC | |
Diat_rbcL_708F (mixture of 3 primers) & two reverse primers R3_1 & R3_2 | 312 (amplicon 263) | 1: AGGTGAAGTAAAAGGTTCWTACTTAAA, and 2: AGGTGAAGTTAAAGGTTCWTAYTTAAA and 3: AGGTGAAACTAAAGGTTCWTACTTAAA | 1: CCTTCTAATTTACCWACWACTG, and 2: CCTTCTAATTTACCWACAACAG | ||
Alveolata | Ciliophora20 | 18S V4, | Variable | ||
Syndiniales | 18S V4, 528F & UnonMet | Variable | |||
Cyphoderiidae25 | Cox‐I, Eucox1F & Euglycox1R | Variable | GAYATGGCKTTNCCAAGATTAAA | AGCACCCATTGAHAAAACRTAATG | |
Foraminifera26 | 18S, 14F1 & s17 | 300‐400 | AAGGGCACCACAAGAACGC | CGGTCACGTTCGTTGC | |
Excavates | Fornicata27 | EukA & EukB* | Variable | ||
Parabasalia | 16SI & 16S RR (or EukA & B) | Variable | TACTTGGTTGATCCTGCC | TCACCTACCGTTACCTTG | |
Jakobida | EukA ‐ EukB | Variable | |||
Heterolobosea | ITS1‐5.8S & ITS2, JITS‐F & JITS‐R, (or EukA & EukB) | Variable | GTCTTCGTAGGTGAACCTGC | CCGCTTACTGATATGCTTAA | |
Preaxostyla: Oxymonadida | Mon‐F & Mon‐R | Variable | GAAGTCATATGCTGTCTCAA, | TCACCTACGGAAACCTT | |
Preaxostyla: Paratrimastigida, Trimastigida | EukA & EukB | 1,800–3,100 | CTGGTTGATCCTGCCAG | TGATCCTTCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC | |
Euglenida Heterotrophs28 | See citation | Varies with the primer pairs | |||
Euglenophyceae28 | See citation | Varies with the primer pair | |||
Protist, general* , 27 | General Medlin primers | EukA‐F & EukB‐R | Variable | CTGGTTGATCCTGCCAG | TGATCCTTCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC |
Protist general21 | General Stoeck primers | See citation | Variable |
Selective amplification of species, some clades missed.
Chytridiomycota except Spizellomycetales.
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Revisions to the Classification, Nomenclature, and Diversity of Eukaryotes by Sina M. Adl, David Bass, Christopher E. Lane, Julius Lukeš, Conrad L. Schoch, Alexey Smirnov, Sabine Agatha, Cedric Berney, Matthew W. Brown, Fabien Burki, Paco Cárdenas, Ivan Čepička, Ludmila Chistyakova, Javier del Campo, Micah Dunthorn, Bente Edvardsen, Yana Eglit, Laure Guillou, Vladimír Hampl, Aaron A. Heiss, Mona Hoppenrath, Timothy Y. James, Anna Karnkowska, Sergey Karpov, Eunsoo Kim, Martin Kolisko, Alexander Kudryavtsev, Daniel J. G. Lahr, Enrique Lara, Line Le Gall, Denis H. Lynn, David G. Mann, Ramon Massana i Molera, Edward A. D. Mitchell, Christine Morrow, Jong Soo Park, Jan W. Pawlowski, Martha J. Powell, Daniel J. Richter, Sonja Rueckert, Lora Shadwick, Satoshi Shimano, Frederick W. Spiegel, Guifré Torruella i Cortes, Noha Youssef, Vasily Zlatogursky, Qianqian Zhang.
Appendix S1. Supplementary references.
Appendix S2. Functional group assignments.
Appendix S3. Translation guide for East Asian users.
Appendix S1. Selected Literature mostly since 2012.
Berney, C., Geisen, S., Van Wichelen, J., Nitsche, F., Vanormelingen, P., Bonkowski, M. & Bass, D. 2015. Expansion of the “reticulosphere”: diversity of novel branching and network‐forming amoebae helps to define Variosea (Amoebozoa). Protist, 166, 271–295.
Brown, M. W., Sharpe, S. C., Silberman, J. D., Heiss, A. A., Lang, B. F., Simpson, A. G. B. & Roger, A. J. 2013. Phylogenomics demonstrates that breviate flagellates are related to opisthokonts and apusomonads. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 280:1769.
Cavalier‐Smith, T., Chao, E., E., & Lewis, R. 2016. 187‐Gene phylogeny of protozoan phylum Amoebozoa reveals a new class (Cutosea) of deep‐branching, ultrastructurally unique, enveloped marine Lobosa and clarifies amoeba evolution. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 99: 275–296.
Hamann, E., Gruber‐Vodicka, H., Kleiner, M., Tegetmeyer, H. E., Riedel, D., Littmann, S., Chen, J., Milucka, J., Viehweger, B., Becker, K. W., Dong, X., Stairs, C. W., Hinrichs, K.‐U., Brown, M. W., Roger, A. J. & Strous, M. 2016. Environmental Breviatea harbor mutualistic Acrobacter epibionts. Nature, 534:254–258.
Heiss, A. A., Lee, W. J., Ishida, K. & Simpson, A. G. B. 2015. Cultivation and characterisation of new species of apusomonads (the sister group to opisthokonts), including close relatives of Thecamonas (Chelonemonas n. gen.). J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 62:637‐649.
Kang, S., Tice, A.K., Spiegel, F. W., Silberman, J. D., Pánek, T., Čepička, I., Kostka, M., Kosakyan, A., Alcântara, D. M., Roger, A. J., Shadwick, L. L., Smirnov, A., Kudryavstev, A., Lahr, D. J., & Brown, M. W. 2017. Between a pod and a hard test: the deep evolution of amoebae. Mol Biol Evol msx162. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msx162.
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Schaap, P., Winckler, T., Nelson, M., Alvarez‐Curto, E., Elgie, B., Hagiwara, H., Cavender, J., Milano‐Curto, A., Rozen, D. E., Dingermann, T., Mutzel, R. & Baldauf, S. 2006. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of morphology in the social amoebas. Science, 314: 661‐663.
Spiegel, F. W., Shadwick, L. L., Ndiritu, G. G., Brown, M. W., Aguilar, M., & Shadwick, J. D. L. 2017. Protosteloid Amoeboazoa (Protosteliids, Protosporangiida, Cavostellida, Schizoplasmodiida, Fractoviteliida, and sporcarpic members of Vanellida, Centramoebida, and Pellitida). In: Archibald, J. M.,Simpson, A. G. B., and Slamovits, C., eds. Handbook of the Protists (Second Edition of the Handbook of Protoctista by Margulis et al.) Springer Reference Works (e‐book) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32669-6_12-1
Sheikh, S., MatsThulin Cavender, J.C., Escalante, R., Kawakami, S.I., Lado, C., Landolt, J.C., Nanjundiah, V., Queller, D.C., Strassmann, J.E., Spiegel, F.W., Stephenson, S.L., Vadell, S.M., & Baldauf, S.L. 2018. A new classification of the dictyostelids. Protist 169: 1‐28.
Wilkinson, D. M. & Mitchell, E. A. D. 2010. Testate amoebae and nutrient cycling with particular reference to soils. Geomicrobiol J., 27(6):520‐533. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490451 003702925.
Walker, G., Zadrobílková, E., Čepička., I. (2017) Archamoebae In: Archibald, J. M.,Simpson, A. G. B., & Slamovits, C., eds. Handbook of the Protists (Second Edition of the Handbook of Protoctista by Margulis et al.) Springer Reference Works (e‐book) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28149-0_11
Berney, C., Geisen, S., Van Wichelen, J., Nitsche, F., Vanormelingen, P., Bonkowski, M. & Bass, D. 2015. Expansion of the “reticulosphere”: diversity of novel branching and network‐forming amoebae helps to define Variosea (Amoebozoa). Protist, 166, 271–295.
Cavalier‐Smith, T., Chao, E., E., & Lewis, R. 2016. 187‐Gene phylogeny of protozoan phylum Amoebozoa reveals a new class (Cutosea) of deep‐branching, ultrastructurally unique, enveloped marine Lobosa and clarifies amoeba evolution. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 99: 275–296.
Kang, S., Tice, A.K., Spiegel, F. W., Silberman, J. D., Pánek, T., Čepička, I., Kostka, M., Kosakyan, A., Alcântara, D. M., Roger, A. J., Shadwick, L. L., Smirnov, A., Kudryavstev, A., Lahr, D. J. & Brown, M. W. 2017. Between a pod and a hard test: the deep evolution of amoebae. Mol Biol Evol msx162. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msx162.
Pánek, T, Zadrobílková, Walker, G., Brown, M. W., Gentekaki, E., Hroudrová, M., Kang, S. Roger, A. J., Tice, A. K., Vlček, Č., & Čepička, I. 2016. First multigene analysis of Archamoebae (Amoebozoa: Conosa) robustly reveals its phylogeny and shows that Entamoebidae represents a deep lineage of the group. Molec. Phylogenet. Evol., 98:41‐51.
Schaap, P., Winckler, T., Nelson, M., Alvarez‐Curto, E., Elgie, B., Hagiwara, H., Cavender, J., Milano‐Curto, A., Rozen, D. E., Dingermann, T., Mutzel, R. & Baldauf, S. 2006. Molecular phylogeny and evolution of morphology in the social amoebas. Science, 314: 661‐663.
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Appendix S2. Trophic functional groups across protist diversity.
Trophic functional group assignments facilitate interpretation of community structure and food web assembly from DNA sequence information identification of “operational taxonomic unit” (OTU). Here we tried to provide details of trends in eating habits of non‐parasitic protists. Many genera have never been cultured so their feeding preferences are unknown. For definition of terms, please refer to the main text, page 6.
Across protists, in most cases it is safe to assume that species within a genus are most likely to have the same trophic function, with rare exceptions. However, it is not the case in some taxa, where there can be considerable variation between species within a genus. That is the case, for example, in Dinoflagellata, Arcellinida, and Euglyphida.
In the Amoebozoa, genera can be assumed to ingest bacteria by phagocytosis with the following exceptions: Amphizonella (Corycida) and Dermamoeba also ingest Cyanobacteria; the Euamoebida genera Amoeba, Cashia, Chaos, Polychaos, Trichamoeba and Deuteramoeba are also cytotrophic; amoebae of the genera Polychaos and Pseudothecamoeba ingest diatoms. Some species or genera have a preference for heterotrophic bacteria over of photosynthetic ones, or even discriminate against Cyanobacteria such as Copromyxa and Copromyxella. In Protosteliida, Protostelium spp. prefer yeasts but some will also eat bacteria, and several can eat coccoid green algae, except P. nocturnum which only eats bacteria; they can be cannibalistic in culture as can Cavosteliida and some Protosporangiidae. In Schizoplasmodiidae, all do best in culture on a mixture of yeast and bacteria, though some will survive on bacteria alone; when they eat yeasts, they puncture the cell wall and ingest only the protoplast. Multicilia (Holomastigida) is cytotrophic on other amoebae. Dictyostelia are primarily bacterivorous but they will eat yeasts in culture, and can also be cannibalistic in culture; zygotes are cannibalistic exclusively. Myxogastria ciliated stage is bacterivorous, their plasmodia are omnivorous and often cannibalistic when they first form. The Entamoebae are mostly commensal or parasitic and can eat bacteria by phagotrophy. A few strains of Sappinia and Acanthamoeba can be parasitic. Some Archamoebae, Tricholimax, Thecamoeba, Korotnevella, Gocevia, Paragocevia, Leptomyxa and Mayorella species are omnivores. There are some diatom specialists as in Difflugia and Phryganella. The ability to feed on yeast might be more widespread than reported. Similarly, in their habitat some soil amoebae probably ingest small Cercozoa such as Glissomonads. In the Arcellinida, at least species of Nebela and Cryptodifflugia are known to prey on nematodes. The tendency to cannibalism amongst some amoebae may be due to crowding in culture.
In Arcellinida certain species of Cucurbitella, Difflugia, Heleopera, Hyalosphenia and Netzelia form symbiosis with Trebouxiophyta species and can be considered mixotrophic.
Free‐living basal genera of Holozoa and Nucletmycea are amoeboid, phagotrophic on bacteria. Parasitic ones, including Microsporidia, are intracellular parasites. The Choanoflagellata feed on bacteria by filtration through the collar. The Fungi are saprotrophic on external substrate, obtaining their nutrient by osmotrophy through a chitinous cell wall. Lichenous fungi are capable of photosynthesis. Mycorrhizal fungi receive most or all of their organic molecules from the host plant. Many Fungi are parasitic (see table 2). For details of substrate preference the reader is referred to FUNGuild (Nguyen et al., 2016, https://github.com/UMNFuN/FUNGuild).
In the Archaeplastida, ignoring the Embryophyta, all Chloroplastida are photosynthetic with chl a, b, with the exception of Helicosporidium (insect gut parasite), Polytomella, Polytoma, Prototheca which have 2° lost photosynthesis and are strictly osmotrophic. Among the Rhodophyceae, some Cyanidiales are facultative heterotrophs. Amongs the red algae certain species in several genera have lost photosynthesis and are parasites of other red algae. For example: Gracilariophila oryzoides, Harveyella mirabilis, Choreocolax polysiphoniae, Janczewskia gardneri, Faucheocolax attenuata, Bostrychiocolax australis, Dawsoniocolax bostrychiae, Coccotylus hartzii, Epulo multipedes (see Blouin and Lane, 2012, Table S1). Nearly all of the parasitic genera end with the term “colax” to indicate the lifestyle. Most parasites are sister species with the hosts, and many of these genera need to be merged with the genus of their hosts, as they were described separately. This is in progress but obviously correcting the taxonomy is a slow process.
The Cryptista ingest bacteria prey by phagocytosis, and the photosynthetic ones are mixotrophic. In Haptophyta, Coccolithales are autotrophic, while genera without scales can be mixotrophic or heterotrophic on bacteria, with or without haptonema contributing to bacteria capture. The Centroplasthelida are typically cytotrophic.
In the Apicomplexa, all species are historically treated as parasites. Recent observation suggest some may be endobionts as commensals or at least not as parasites, especially among some invertebrate hosts. However, there are no free‐living species known. The presence of a relic plastid genome in the Apicomplexa, and apicoplast in some, provides useful metabolic targets for drug treatment development. In contrast, both Dinoflagellata and Ciliophora provide a wide diversity of trophic functional groups.
The Dinoflagellata functional assignments vary between closely related genera, and are shown in Appendix 2, Table 2.1.
The Ciliophora are to be assumed to ingest bacteria by filtration except as noted below. Some genera of Karyorelictea (eg. Kentrophoridae) can be considered grazers as they live on sand surfaces covered in bacteria, and often harbour symbiotic bacteria. We discriminate between surface‐feeding and water‐column filtration feeding. Surface‐feeding ciliophores spend most of their time gathering food particles from surfaces rather than by swimming in a volume of water. Thus clearing rates are calculated by surface area rather than volume of liquid. Most ciliophores (with exceptions noted in table 2.2) ingest bacteria, and many also ingest small protists (labelled omnivorous), while others can ingest larger protists by predation. Many omnivores can also ingest some detritus if the cytostome permits. In Ciliophora one should not assume that a small cell or a small cytostome implies a bacteria diet. There are parasites, histophagous species, endocommensals, and epibionts. The Stichotrichida contain species that can ingest larger protists and even small ciliophores for example in some species of Oxytrichidae. The Litostomatea are redoubtable predatory cytotrophs, and some can ingest prey larger than themselves. Entodiniomorphida are often (or typically) commensals in rumen. Among the Colpodea a small number of genera are cytotrophic, for example Bursaria (and maybe other Bursariomorphida). In the Nassulida, Nassula is phycotrophic by swallowing and can ingest cyanobacteria filaments. In the Prorodontida several genera, eg. Coleps, are attracted to dead or wounded invertebrates to the leaking tissues. The Astomatia can be found as symbionts in Oligochaetae gut. Some Tetrahymenida genera are parasitic or histophagous. The Suctoria (Phyllopharyngea) use specialised tentacles to capture and manipulate prey, typically other ciliophores or small invertebrates; they are cytotrophic predators and 3° consumers as predators of invertebrates. The Rhynchodia (Phyllopharyngea) are parasites of bivalves. Among the Scuticociliatia the Philasterida contain cytotrophic genera, for example Uronema. See Appendix table 2.2 for more details.
Also in the Alveolates, the colpodellids, Colponema, Acavomonas, and Oxyrrhis are cytotrophic predators, while the Perkinsidae are parasitic as trophozoites.
Stramenopiles in the Ochrophyta are almost all photosynthetic. The Actinophryidae are cytotrophic. The Opalinata, Bicosoecida, and Placidida are phagotrophic on bacteria, with the exception of the Proteromonada and Blastocystis (osmotrophic) which are intestinal commensals or parasites. The Hyphochytriales and Peronosporomycetes are saprotrophs, but the latter contains numerous plant parasites. The Pirsoniales are parasites on diatoms.
Rhizaria. The Cercomonadida, Paracercomonadida, and Glissomonadida can be assumed to be phagotrophic predators on bacteria, with the notable exception of the Viridiraptoridae which are phycotrophic (mycotrophy not known) by penetration. The Vampyrellida are mycotrophic or phycotrophic. The Euglyphida show some variation, although most are phagotrophic on bacteria. Observations indicate that the larger the cell the more likely it is to be cytotrophic; in fact the larger species cannot survive on bacteria alone. Many Hyalospheniidae need to prey at least partly on Euglyphida and use the scales to build their own test. Symbiosis occurs between Trebouxiophyta (photosynthetic) with several genera of Rhizaria. This implicates at least some species of Placocista (Euglyphida), Amphitrema and Archerella (Labyrinthulomycetes). Chlorarachnea are photosynthetic but some species are mixotrophic on bacteria. In the Endomyxa, the Phytomyxea are plant root parasites, while the Ascetosporea are parasites of invertebrates.
The Foraminifera are primarily bacteria eaters, but can ingest detritus, other protists, and larger forms can prey on small invertebrates.
Among the Discoba (Excavates) Heterolobosea graze bacteria by phagocytosis, except Stephanopogon and Creneis which are cytotrophic. Some strains of Naegleria fowleri can cause primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, penetrating through the nose. The Jakobida and Tsukubomonas are predatory on bacteria which are ingested by phagocytosis. The Diplonema are cytotrophic by phagocytosis and have an important role in aphotic marine waters; some species are parasitic or symbiotic with animals. Among the Euglenida (Discoba) the Aphagea (Rhabdomonas, Gyropaigne, Menoidium, Parmidium and Rhabdospira), Astasia and Distigma are osmotrophic; Euglenophyceae (except Rapaza) are photosynthetic with chl a, b in plastids, or secondarily osmotrophic, and Rapaza is cytotrophic; the Peranemids, Anisonemids, Pleotiids, and Petalomonadida are phagotrophic. Certain clades graze on bacteria by phagotrophy or are cytotrophic predators. Among the Kinetoplastea (Discoba) all except the Trypanosomatida are predatory phagotrophs on bacteria. The Trypanosomatida are animal blood and tissue parasites, except Phytomonas which lives in plant latex vessels, and all are transferred by insect vectors.
The Metamonada (Fornicata, Parabasalia, and Preaxostyla Excavates) are predatory or grazers on bacteria, ingested by phagocytosis. The Preaxostyla are endosymbiont detritivores that phagocytose wood microchips, and acquire many nutrients by osmotrophy from syntrophic bacteria; some genera may also ingest bacteria by phagocytosis. Giardia (Diplomonadida) are osmotrophic gut parasites. Several genera have species that can be parasitic in humans and other animals.
Human parasites. For protists that are human parasites, see Adl and Matheson (2019) in ASM‐Manual of Clinical Microbiology chapter 132 (Taxonomy and Classification of Human Eukaryotic Parasites), 12th edn.
Definitions. We further provide descriptions and clarifications for symbisois, microbiome, holobiont, intra‐ cellular and extracellular locations, that relate to interactions between organisms.
Symbiosis is a sustained relationship between at least two individuals (same or different species), living in direct contact or close enough one to the other, during part or the whole live cycle of the two partners. This interaction is transmitted either vertically (from one generation to the other) or horizontally (acquired de novo at each generation). Symbiosis is the antonym of transitory interactions (predatory). A symbiosis can be beneficial for both partners (mutualism) or at the other extreme, deleterious for one of these partners (parasite or parasitoid). In general, the larger species of this association is called the host, the smallest one is the symbiont. Examples of symbiosis: photosymbiosis (corals and Symbiodinium, kleptoplast), mycorrhizae, lichens, parasitism and hyperparasitism (parasite of parasite). Some specialist predators may also be considered as symbionts (example: Helcion living exclusively on laminarian). A virus is a parasitic symbiont.
The microbiome is a microbial community living in, on or at the close vicinity of an individual. Examples: gut community, biosphere of phytoplanktonic cells, microbes living on the skin/cuticule of metazoan, in the rhizopshere, microbes living in specialized tissues, or part of the cell. Unicellular symbionts are part of the microbiome of their host.
Holobiont. Ecoevolutionary concept considering an individual together with its microbiome as the true unit on which evolutionary processes will act.
Intracellular (endocellular) versus extracellular. Intracellular symbionts are those where the parasite cytoplasm and nucleus enter inside the host and reside inside the host cell. In some extracellular symbionts, part of the cytoplasm (including the mitochondrion) may penetrate inside the host cell, but never the parasite nucleus. Endobionts penetrate the host tissue between cells, or inside a matrix, but do not reside inside host cells. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic endobionts.
Appendix 2, Table 2.1. Trophic Functional Assignments for Dinoflagellates where known
L = photosynthetic, M = mixotrophic (photosynthesis and phagotrophy), B = phagotrophic on bacteria, C = cytotrophic (phagotrophic on protists), H = heterotrophic. In general, few dinoflagellates nutritional strategy is really investigated, documented, and understood. For most of the taxa we can only indirectly judge and it is more or less a guess. Some genera are difficult to assign because some species are mixotrophic, and for other species we do not know whether they feed in addition to phototrophy. In Amphidinium s.s. for example we have pure heterotrophic but also photosynthetic and mixotrophic species. For these genera there is species level variation in trophic functions. Heterotrophic taxa are the species that have to feed on something, because they are not photosynthetic but we do not know what they feed on (only food bodies or vacuoles are visible but the content cannot be identified and the feeding process has not been recorded).
•Alveolata |
••Dinoflagellata |
•••Noctilucales |
Abedinium H , Cachonodinium H , Craspedotella H , Cymbodinium H , Kofoidinium C , Leptodiscus H , Noctiluca M C , Petalodinium H , Pomatodinium H , Scaphodinium H , Spatulodinium M H. |
•••Dinophyceae |
••••Gymnodiniphycidae |
•••••Gymnodinium |
Barrufeta M C , Dissodinium L M C , Erythropsidinium C , Greuetodinium C?, Gymnodinium L M , Lepidodinium L , Nematodinium M C , Nusuttodinium M C , Pellucidodinium C , Polykrikos C M , Proterythropsis C , Warnowia C. |
•••••Amphidinium L M C. |
••••• Gyrodinium C. |
•••••Kareniaceae |
Brachidinium M , Karenia M B C , Karlodinium M B C , Takayama M C. |
•••••Ceratoperidiniaceae |
Ceratoperidinium L, Kirithra L. |
•••••Torodiniales |
Kapelodinium C , Torodinium M |
•••••Levanderina |
Levanderina M C. |
•••••Margalefidinium |
Margalefidinium M C |
•••••Cochlodinium |
Cochlodinium strangulatum M? |
•••••Ptychodiscales |
Achradina B , Amphitolus, Balechina H C?, Ptychodiscus L , Sclerodinium. |
•••••Borghiellaceae. |
Baldinia M C , Borghiella L. |
•••••Tovelliaceae. |
Bernardinium, Esopotrodinium M C , Jadwigia L , Tovellia L M. |
•••••Suessiaceae |
Ansanella L , Asulcocephalium L , Biecheleria M C , Biecheleriopsis L M , Leiocephalium L , Pelagodinium L , Polarella L , Prosoaulax M C , Protodinium, Symbiodinium L M B , Yihiella L M. |
••••Peridiniphycidae |
•••••Gonyaulacales |
Alexandrium L M C , Amylax L M C , Ceratium L M C , Ceratocorys L , Coolia L , Fukuyoa L , Fragilidium |
L M C , Gambierdiscus L M , Goniodoma L , Gonyaulax L M C , Lingulodinium L M C , Ostreopsis L M, |
Pentaplacodinium L , Peridiniella L , Protoceratium L M, Pyrocystis L , Pyrodinium L , Pyrophacus L , Tripos L M C. |
•••••Peridiniales |
Amphidiniopsis H C?, Archaeperidinium C , Blastodinium M, Diplopelta C , Diplopsalis C , Diplopsalopsis C , Herdmania H C?, Niea C , Oblea C , Palatinus L , Parvodinium L , Peridinium L , Peridiniopsis L C , Preperidinium C , Protoperidinium C , Qia C , Vulcanodinium L. |
•••••Thoracosphaeraceae |
Aduncodinium C , Amyloodinium, Apocalathium, Blastodinium, Chimonodinium, Cryptoperidiniopsis M C , Duboscquodinium C , Ensiculifera L , Leonella, Luciella C , Naiadinium L M?, Paulsenella C , Pentapharsodinium L , Pfiesteria M C , Scrippsiella L M C , Stoeckeria C , Theleodinium L M?, Thoracosphaera L , Tintinnophagus C , Tyrannodinium C. |
•••••Podolampadaceae |
Blepharocysta C?, Gaarderiella, Heterobractum, Lissodinium, Mysticella, Podolampas M C. |
•••••Kryptoperidiniaceae |
Blixaea L M, Durinskia L M, Galeidinium L M, Kryptoperidinium L M, Unruhdinium L. |
•••••Heterocapsaceae |
Heterocapsa L M C. |
•••••Amphidomataceae |
Amphidoma L , Azadinium L. |
•••••Oxytoxaceae. |
Corythodinium M C?, Oxytoxum L M? |
•••••Centrodiniaceae |
Centrodinium L |
••••Dinophysales |
Amphisolenia L M, Citharistes M B , Dinofurcula H , Dinophysis M C , Histioneis M B , Latifascia H , Metadinophysis L , Metaphalacroma H , Ornithocercus M B , Oxyphysis C , Parahistioneis M B , Phalacroma (M) C , Pseudophalacroma H , Sinophysis H M? B , Triposolenia M. |
••••Prorocentrales |
Mesoporus L , Prorocentrum L M C. |
•••Incertae sedis Dinoflagellata: |
e.g., Adenoides L , Akashiwo M C , Amphidiniella L M, Ankistrodinium C , Apicoporus M C , Bispinodinium L M, Bysmatrum L M C , Cabra H C?, Cladopyxis, Crypthecodinium C , Cucumeridinium H , Dactylodinium L M, Dicroerisma H , Gloeodinium, Grammatodinium L M, Gynogonadinium, Gyrodiniellum C , Halostylodinium L , Heterodinium L?, Moestrupia L , Paragymnodinium M C , Phytodinium, Pileidinium L , Plagiodinium L , Planodinium H C?, Pseudadenoides L , Pseudothecadinium L , Pyramidodinium L , Roscoffia H C?, Rhinodinium H C?, Sabulodinium H , Sphaerodinium L , Spiniferodinium L M, Testudodinium L M, Thecadinium L M, Thecadiniopsis L , Togula L. |
•••Incertae sedis Dinoflagellata [Blastodiniales Chatton 1906, no longer valid]. Amyloodinium*, Apodinium*, Cachonella, Crepidoodinium M, Haplozoon, Oodinium M, Piscinodinium M, Protoodinium M . *ectoparasites |
Appendix 2, Table 2.2. Trophic functional assignments in CILIOPPHORES
All genera feed on bacteria by filtration (B) except where noted. Omnivorous genera (O) ingest small protists in addition to bacteria. Those that are labelled cytrophic (C) need to ingest protists for growth, in addition to bacteria that are co‐ingested. Many omnivores can occasionally ingest detritus (D). Those that feed on fungi (F) do so by digesting a small hole, while those that feed on other filaments (f) (Cyanobacteria and algae) do so by swallowing. Predators (P) are distinguished from those that obtain their food particles by filtration (the default state in ciliophores) or by grazing where noted. Histophagous genera (P*) are distinguished from parasites (X) and commensals (*). Osmotrophic (S) genera feed extensively, or exclusively, by pinocytosis and other membrane transport mechanisms.
•Alveolata |
••Ciliophora |
•••Postodesmatophora |
••••Karyorelictea |
•••••Kentrophoridae(Kentrophoros) B |
•••••Loxodida |
••••••Cryptopharyngidae (Cryptopharynx) O C |
••••••Loxodidae (Loxodes) O C |
•••••Geleiidae (Geleia) O C |
••••Heterotrichea |
•••••Blepharismidae (Blepharisma) B |
•••••Climacostomidae (Climacostomum) O |
•••••Condylostomatidae (Chattonidium, Condylostoma) B |
•••••Fabreidae (Fabrea) B |
•••••Gruberiidae (Gruberia) B |
•••••Coliphorina |
••••••Folliculinidae (Folliculina) B |
••••••Maristentoridae (Maristentor) O |
•••••Peritromidae (Peritromus) B |
•••••Spirostomidae (Anigsteinia, Spirostomum) B |
•••••Stentoridae (Stentor) O or C or P |
•••Intramacronucleata |
••••SAL |
Incertae sedis SAL: Mesodiniidae (Mesodinium) Incertae sedis SAL: Phacodinium |
••••• Spirotrichea |
••••••Euplotia |
•••••••Euplotida |
••••••••Aspidiscidae (Aspidisca) O |
••••••••Certesiidae (Certesia) O |
••••••••Euplotidae (Euplotes) O |
••••••••Gastrocirrhidae (Gastrocirrhus) O |
••••••••Uronychidae (Diophrys, Uronychia) O |
•••••••Discocephalida |
••••••••Discocephalidae(Discocephalus, Prodiscocephalus, Paradiscocephalus) O |
••••••••Pseudoamphisiellidae (Leptoamphisiella, Pseudoamphisiella) O |
••••••Perilemmaphora |
•••••••Hypotrichia |
••••••••Stichotrichida |
•••••••••Amphisiellidae (Amphisiella, Bistichella) O |
•••••••••Atractosidae (Atractos) O |
•••••••••Epiclintidae (Epiclintes) O |
•••••••••Gonostomatidae (Cotterillia, Gonostomum) O |
•••••••••Halteriidae (Halteria, Meseres) O |
•••••••••Holostichidae (Holosticha, Uncinata) O |
•••••••••Kahliellidae (Deviata, Kahliella) O |
••••••••• Keronidae (Kerona) O |
•••••••••Oxytrichidae (Cyrtohymena, Gastrostyla, Oxytricha, Stylonychia) O |
•••••••••Parabirojimidae (Parabirojimia, Tunicothrix) O |
•••••••••Plagiotomidae (Plagiotoma) O |
•••••••••Psammomitridae (Psammomitra) O |
•••••••••Pseudoamphisiellidae (Pseudoamphisiella) O |
•••••••••Psilotrichidae (Psilotricha, Urospinula) O |
•••••••••Schmidingerotrichidae (Schmidingerothrix) O |
•••••••••Spirofilidae (Spirofilopsis, Strongylidium) O |
•••••••••Trachelostylidae (Trachelostyla) O |
•••••••••Uroleptidae (Paruroleptus, Uroleptus) O |
••••••••Urostylida |
•••••••••Bergeriellidae (Bergeriella, Neourostylopsis) O |
•••••••••Hemicycliostylidae (Hemicycliostyla, Australothrix) O |
•••••••••Pseudokeronopsidae (Apoholosticha, Pseudokeronopsis) O |
•••••••••Pseudourostylidae (Pseudourostyla) O |
•••••••••Urostylidae (Bakuella, Diaxonella, Urostyla) O C |
•••••••Oligotrichea |
••••••••Oligotrichida |
•••••••••Cyrtostrombidiidae (Cyrtostrombidium) O |
•••••••••Pelagostrombidiidae (Pelagostrombidium) O |
•••••••••Strombidiidae (Strombidium) O |
•••••••••Tontoniidae (Laboea, Tontonia) O |
••••••••Choreotrichida |
•••••••••Strobilidiina |
••••••••••Leegaardiellidae (Leegaardiella) O |
••••••••••Lohmanniellidae (Lohmanniella) O |
••••••••••Strobilidiidae (Strobilidium) O |
••••••••••Strombidinopsidae (Strombidinopsis) O |
•••••••••Tintinnina (particle size ingested is determined by the lorica diameter) |
••••••••••Ascampbelliellidae (Ascampbelliella) O |
••••••••••Cyttarocylididae (Cyttarocylis) O |
••••••••••Dictyocystidae (Dictyocysta) O |
••••••••••Epiplocylididae (Epiplocylis) O |
••••••••••Eutintinnidae (Dartintinnus, Eutintinnus) O |
••••••••••Favellidae (Favella) O |
••••••••••Nolaclusiliidae (Nolaclusilis) O |
••••••••••Petalotrichidae (Petalotricha) O |
••••••••••Ptychocylididae (Cymatocylis, Ptychocylis) O |
••••••••••Rhabdonellidae (Metacylis, Rhabdonella, Schmidingerella O |
••••••••••Stenosemellidae (Stenosemella) O |
••••••••••Tintinnidae (Amphorellopsis, Salpingacantha, Salpingella, Tintinnus) O |
••••••••••Tintinnidiidae (Tintinnidium) O |
••••••••••Undellidae (Undella) O |
••••••••••Xystonellidae (Dadayiella, Parafavella, Xystonella) O |
•••••• Licnophoridae (Licnophora, Prolicnophora) O |
••••••Kiitrichidae (Caryotricha, Kiitricha) O |
•••••Lamellicorticata |
••••••Armophorea |
Incertae sedis Armophorea: Mylestomatidae (Mylestoma) O |
•••••••Metopida anaerobic‐aerotolerant |
••••••••Metopidae (Metopus) O |
••••••••Apometopidae (Cirranter, Urostomides) O |
••••••••Tropidoatractidae (Palmarella, Tropidoatractus) O |
•••••••Clevelandellida anaerobic, gut * |
••••••••Clevelandellidae (Clevelandella) O |
••••••••Inferostomatidae (Inferostoma) O |
••••••••Neonyctotheridae (Neonyctotherus) O |
••••••••Nyctotheridae (Nyctotherus) O |
••••••••Sicuophoridae (Sicuophora) O |
•••••••Caenomorphidae (Caenomorha) O |
•••••••Odontostomatida |
••••••••Discomorphellidae (Discomorphella) B |
••••••••Epalxellidae (Epalxella, Saprodinium) B |
•••••• Litostomatea |
•••••••Rhynchostomatia |
••••••••Dileptida |
•••••••••Dileptidae (Apodileptus, Dileptus, Pseudomonilicaryon) P |
•••••••••Dimacrocaryonidae (Dimacrocaryon, Monomacrocaryon, Rimaleptus) P |
••••••••Tracheliidae (Trachelius) O P |
•••••••Haptoria |
••••••••Lacrymariidae (Lacrymaria) P |
••••••••Haptorida |
•••••••••Enchelyodonidae (Enchelyodon, Fuscheria) P |
•••••••••Homalozoonidae (Homalozoon) P |
•••••••••Pleuroplitidae (Pleuroplites) P |
••••••••Didiniidae (Didinium, Monodinium) P |
••••••••Pleurostomatida |
•••••••••Amphileptidae (Amphileptus) P |
•••••••••Litonotidae (Litonotus) P |
•••••••••Kentrophyllidae (Kentrophyllum, Epiphyllum) P |
••••••••Spathidiida |
•••••••••Acropisthiidae (Acropisthium, Chaenea) P |
•••••••••Actinobolinidae (Actinobolina) P |
•••••••••Apertospathulidae (Apertospathula) P |
•••••••••Enchelyidae (Enchelys) P |
•••••••••Pseudoholophryidae (Pseudoholophrya) P |
•••••••••Spathidiidae (Spathidium) P |
•••••••••Trachelophyllidae (Trachelophyllum) P |
•••••••Helicoprorodontidae (Helicoprorodon) P |
•••••••Trichostomatia (anaerobic endosymbiont in vertebrates) |
••••••••Vestibuliferida (anaerobic endosymbiont in fish) |
•••••••••Balantidiidae (Balantidium, some X, Neobalantidium) B |
•••••••••Buetschliidae (Buetschlia) B |
•••••••••Paraisotrichidae (Paraisotrichia) B |
•••••••••Protocaviellidae (Protocaviella) B |
•••••••••Protohalliidae (Protohallia) B |
•••••••••Pycnotrichidae (Pycnothrix, perhaps Buxtonella) B |
•••••••Isoendo |
••••••••Isotrichidae (Dasytricha, Isotricha) (anaerobic gut * in ungulate ruminants) B |
••••••••Entodiniomorphida |
•••••••••Blepharocorythina (anaerobic gut * in mammals) |
••••••••••Blepharocorythidae (Blepharocorys) B |
••••••••••Parentodiniidae (Parentodinium) B |
••••••••••Pseudoentodiniidae (Pseudoentodinium) B |
•••••••••Entodiniomorphina |
••••••••••Cycloposthiidae (Cycloposthium) B |
••••••••••Gilchristidae (Gilchristia) B |
••••••••••Ophryoscolecidae (Entodinium, Ophryoscolex, Polyplastron) B |
••••••••••Polydiniellidae (Polydiniella) B |
••••••••••Rhinozetidae (Rhinozeta) B |
••••••••••Spirodiniidae (Spirodinium) B |
••••••••••Telamodiniidae (Telamodinium) B |
••••••••••Troglodytellidae (Troglodytella) B |
••••••••Macropodiniida (anaerobic gut * in fore‐stomach of marsupial macropodids and vombatids) |
••••••••••Amylovoracidae (Amylovorax) B |
••••••••••Macropodiniidae (Macropodinium) B |
••••••••••Polycostidae (Polycosta) B |
Incertae sedis CON‐threeP: Askenasia, Cyclotrichiidae, Paraspathidium, |
Pseudotrachelocercidae, Discotrichidae. B |
••••• Phyllopharyngea |
••••••Synhymeniida f, cyanobacteria |
•••••••Nassulopsidae (Nassulopsis) f |
•••••••Orthodonellidae (Orthodonella, Zosterodasys) f |
•••••••Scaphidiodontidae (Chilodontopsis, Scaphidiodon) f |
•••••••Synhymeniidae (Synhymenia) f |
••••••Subkinetalia |
•••••••Cyrtophoria |
••••••••Chlamydodontida |
•••••••••Chilodonellidae (Chilodonella) O C |
•••••••••Chitonellidae (Chitonella) O C |
•••••••••Chlamydodontidae (Chlamydodon) O C |
•••••••••Gastronautidae (Gastronauta) O C |
•••••••••Kryoprorodontidae (Gymnozoum) O C |
•••••••••Lynchellidae (Chlamydonella, Lynchella) O C |
••••••••Dysteriida |
•••••••••Dysteriidae (Dysteria, Trochilia) O C |
•••••••••Hartmannulidae Hartmannula) O C |
•••••••••Kyaroikeidae (Kyaroikeus) O C |
•••••••••Plesiotrichopidae (Plesiotrichopus) O C |
•••••••••Chonotrichia |
••••••••••Exogemmida ? |
•••••••••••Chilodochonidae (Chilodochona) |
•••••••••••Filichonidae (Filichona) |
•••••••••••Helichonidae (Heliochona) |
•••••••••••Lobochonidae (Lobochona) |
•••••••••••Phyllochonidae (Phyllochona) |
•••••••••••Spirochonidae (Spirochona) |
••••••••••Cryptogemmida ? |
•••••••••••Actinichonidae (Actinichona) |
•••••••••••Echinichonidae (Echinichona) |
•••••••••••Inversochonidae (Inversochona) |
•••••••••••Isochonidae (Isochona) |
•••••••••••Isochonopsidae (Isochonopsis) |
•••••••••••Stylochonidae (Stylochona) |
•••••••Rhynchodia |
••••••••Hypocomidae (Hypocoma) S, X in marine invertebrates |
••••••••Rhynchodida |
•••••••••Ancistrocomidae (Ancistrocoma) C or X in marine invertebrates |
•••••••••Sphenophryidae (Sphenophrya) C or X in marine invertebrates |
•••••••Suctoria (P larger species can capture small invertebrates) |
••••••••Exogenida |
•••••••••Allantosomatidae (Allantosoma) C P |
•••••••••Dentacinetidae (Dentacineta) C P |
•••••••••Dendrosomididae (Dendrosomides) C P |
•••••••••Ephelotidae (Ephelota) C P |
•••••••••Lecanophryidae (Lecanophrya) C P |
•••••••••Metacinetidae (Metacineta) C P |
•••••••••Manuelophryidae (Manuelophrya) C P |
•••••••••Ophryodendridae (Ophryodendron) C P |
•••••••••Paracinetidae (Paracineta) C P |
•••••••••Phalacrocleptidae (Phalacrocleptes) |
•••••••••Podophryidae (Podophrya) C P |
•••••••••Praethecacinetidae (Praethecacineta) C P |
•••••••••Rhabdophryidae (Rhabdophrya) C P |
•••••••••Severonidae (Severonis) C P |
•••••••••Spelaeophryidae (Spelaeophrya) C P |
•••••••••Tachyblastonidae (Tachyblaston) C P |
•••••••••Thecacinetidae (Thecacineta) C P |
••••••••Endogenida |
•••••••••Acinetidae (Acineta) C P |
•••••••••Acinetopsidae (Acinetopsis) C P |
•••••••••Choanophryidae (Choanophrya) C P |
•••••••••Corynophryidae (Corynophrya) C P |
•••••••••Dactylostomatidae (Dactylostoma) C P |
•••••••••Dendrosomatidae (Dendrosoma) C P |
•••••••••Endosphaeridae (Endosphaera) C P |
•••••••••Erastophryidae (Erastophrya) C P |
•••••••••Pseudogemmidae (Pseudogemma) C P |
•••••••••Rhynchetidae (Rhyncheta) C P |
•••••••••Solenophryidae (Solenophrya) C P |
•••••••••Tokophryidae (Tokophrya) C P |
•••••••••Trichophryidae (Trichophrya) C P |
••••••••Evaginogenida |
•••••••••Cometodendridae (Cometodendron) C P |
•••••••••Cyathodiniidae (Cyathodinium) C P |
•••••••••Dendrocometidae (Dendrocometes) C P |
•••••••••Discophryidae (Discophrya) C P |
•••••••••Enchelyomorphidae (Enchelyomorpha) C P |
•••••••••Heliophryidae (Heliophrya) C P |
•••••••••Periacinetidae (Periacineta) C P |
•••••••••Prodiscophryidae (Prodiscophrya) C P |
•••••••••Rhynchophryidae (Rhynchophrya) C P |
•••••••••Stylocometidae (Stylocometes) C P |
•••••••••Trypanococcidae (Trypanococcus) C P |
••••• Colpodea |
••••••Bursariomorphida |
•••••••Bryometopidae (Bryometopus, Thylakidium) P |
•••••••Bursaridiidae (Bursaridium, Paracondylostoma) P |
•••••••Bursariidae (Bursaria) P |
••••••Colpodida (smaller species <20 µm are probably ingesting primarily bacteria) |
Incertae sedis Colpodida: Bardeliellidae, Hausmanniellidae, Ilsiellidae, Marynidae, Pseudochlamydonellidae. O |
•••••••Bryophryina |
••••••••Bryophryidae (Bryophrya) O |
••••••••Sandmanniellidae (Sandmanniella) O |
•••••••Colpodina |
••••••••Colpodidae (Colpoda) O |
••••••••Grandoriidae (Grandoria) O |
••••••••Tillinidae (Tillina) O |
••••••• Grossglockneriidae (Grossglockneria, Pseudoplatyophrya) F |
••••••Cyrtolophosidida |
•••••••Cyrtolophosididae (Cyrtolophosis) O |
•••••••Kreyellidae (Kreyella) O |
••••••Platyophryida (C ingest small green algae) |
•••••••Ottowphryidae (Ottowphrya, Platyophryides) C |
•••••••Platyophryidae (Platyophrya) C |
•••••••Sagittariidae (Sagittaria) C |
•••••••Sorogenidae (Sorogena) C |
•••••••Woodruffiidae (Etoschophrya, Rostrophrya, Woodruffia) C |
••••• Nassophorea |
••••••Colpodidiidae (Colpodidium) B |
••••••Nassulida (f, cyanobacteria) |
•••••••Furgasoniidae (Furgasonia, Wolfkosia) f |
•••••••Nassulidae (Nassula, Obertrumia) f |
••••••Microthoracida |
•••••••Microthoracidae (Drepanomonas, Microthorax) f |
•••••••Leptopharyngidae (Pseudomicrothorax, Leptopharynx B) f |
••••• Prostomatea |
•••••• Apsiktratidae (Apsikrata) O |
••••••Prorodontida |
•••••••Balanionidae (Balanion) C D |
•••••••Cryptocaryonidae (Cryptocaryon) C D |
•••••••Colepidae (Coleps, Plagiopogon) C D |
•••••••Holophryidae (Holophrya) C D |
•••••••Lagynidae (Lagynus) C D |
•••••••Metacystidae (Metacystis, Vasicola) C D |
•••••••Placidae (Placus) C D |
•••••••Plagiocampidae (Plagiocampa) C D |
•••••••Prorodontidae (Prorodon) C D |
•••••••Urotrichidae (Urotricha) C D |
••••• Plagiopylea |
••••••Plagiopylida |
•••••••Epalxellidae (Epalxella) B |
•••••••Plagiopylidae (Plagiopyla) B |
•••••••Sonderiidae (Sonderia) B |
•••••••Trimyemidae (Trimyema) B |
••••• Oligohymenophorea |
••••••Apostomatia |
•••••••Apostomatida |
••••••••Colliniidae (Collinia, Metacollinia) S |
••••••••Cyrtocaryidae (Cyrtocaryum) S |
••••••••Foettingeriidae (Foettingeria) S |
••••••••Pseudocolliniidae (Fusiforma, Pseudocollinia) S |
•••••••Astomatophorida |
••••••••Opalinopsidae (Opalinopsis) S |
•••••••Pilisuctorida |
••••••••Conidophryidae (Conidophrys) S |
••••••Astomatia |
•••••••Anoplophryidae 910 (Anoplophrya) S |
•••••••Buetschliellidae (Buetschliella) S |
•••••••Clausilocolidae (Clausilocola) S |
•••••••Contophryidae (Contophyra) S |
•••••••Haptophryidae (Haptophrya) S |
•••••••Hoplitophryidae (Hoplitophrya) S |
•••••••Intoshellinidae (Intoshellina) S |
•••••••Maupasellidae (Maupasella) S |
•••••••Radiophryidae (Radiophrya) S |
••••••Hymenostomatia |
•••••••Tetrahymenida (verify each species life cycle, macrostome stage is C) |
Incertae sedis Tetrahymenida: Trichospiridae (Trichospira) B P* |
••••••••Curimostomatidae (Curimostoma) B P* |
••••••••Glaucomidae (Glaucoma) B P* |
••••••••Spirozonidae (Spirozona) B P* |
••••••••Tetrahymenidae (Tetrahymena) B P* |
••••••••Turaniellidae (Colpidium, Dexiostoma, Turaniella) B P* |
•••••••Ophryoglenida |
••••••••Ichthyophthiriidae (Ichthyophthirius) P* P |
••••••••Ophryoglenidae (Ophryoglena) P* P |
••••••Peniculia |
•••••••Peniculida |
••••••••Clathrostomatidae (Clathrostoma) O |
••••••••Frontoniidae (Disematostoma, Frontonia) O |
••••••••Lembadionidae (Lembadion) O |
••••••••Maritujidae (Marituja) O |
••••••••Neobursaridiidae (Neobursaridium) O |
••••••••Parameciidae (Paramecium) O |
••••••••Paranassulidae (Paranassula) O |
••••••••Stokesiidae (Stokesia) O |
•••••••Urocentridae (Urocentrum) O |
••••••Peritrichia |
•••••••Sessilida |
••••••••Astylozoidae (Astylozoon, Hastatella) O |
••••••••Ellobiophryidae (Ellobiophrya) O |
••••••••Epistylididae (Epistylis) O |
••••••••Lagenophryidae (Lagenophrys) O |
••••••••Operculariidae (Opercularia) O |
••••••••Rovinjellidae (Rovinjella) O |
••••••••Scyphidiidae Kahl, 133 (Scyphidia) O |
••••••••Termitophryidae (Termitophrya) O |
••••••••Usconophryidae (Usconophrys) O |
••••••••Vaginicolidae (Cothurnia, Pyxicola, Thuricola, Vaginicola) O |
••••••••Vorticellidae (Carchesium, Vorticella) O |
••••••••Zoothamniidae (Haplocaulus, Zoothamnium) O |
•••••••Mobilida |
••••••••Polycyclidae (Polycycla) O |
••••••••Trichodinidae (Trichodina) O |
••••••••Trichodinopsidae (Trichodinopsis) O |
••••••••Urceolariidae (Leiotrocha, Urceolaria) O |
••••••Scuticociliatia |
•••••••Philasterida |
••••••••Cohnilembidae (Cohnilembus) O |
••••••••Cryptochilidae (Cryptochilum.) O |
••••••••Entodiscidae (Entodiscus) O |
••••••••Entorhipidiidae (Entorhipidium) O |
••••••••Orchitophryidae (Orchitophrya) O |
••••••••Paralembidae (Anophrys, Paralembus) O |
••••••••Parauronematidae (Parauronema) O |
••••••••Philasteridae (Kahlilembus, Philaster) O |
••••••••Pseudocohnilembidae (Pseudocohnilembus) O |
••••••••Schizocaryidae (Schizocaryum) O |
••••••••Thigmophryidae (Thigmophrya) O |
••••••••Thyrophylacidae (Thyrophylax) O |
••••••••Uronematidae (Uronema) C |
••••••••Urozonidae (Urozona) O |
•••••••Pleuronematida |
••••••••Calyptotrichidae (Calyptotricha) O |
••••••••Conchophthiridae (Conchophthirus) O |
••••••••Ctedoctematidae (Ctedoctema) O |
•••••••• Cyclidiidae (Cristigera, Cyclidium) O |
••••••••Dragescoidae (Dragescoa) O |
••••••••Eurystomatellidae (Eurystomatella) O |
••••••••Histiobalantiidae (Histiobalantium) O |
••••••••Peniculistomatidae (Peniculistoma) O |
••••••••Pleuronematidae (Pleuronema) O |
••••••••Thigmocomidae (Thigmocoma) O |
•••••••Thigmotrichida |
••••••••Ancistridae (Ancistrum) B |
••••••••Hemispeiridae (Hemispeira) B |
••••••••Hysterocinetidae (Hysterocineta) B |
••••••••Paraptychostomidae (Paraptychostomum) B |
•••••••Loxocephalida |
••••••••Cinetochilidae (Cinetochilum, Sathrophilus) B |
••••••••Loxocephalidae (Cardiostomatella, Dexiotricha, Loxocephalus) B |
Appendix 3. Table 3.1.
Protist names and common names for East Asian translations
Higher level ranks and supergroups | Phylum | Important sub‐divisions in Chinese characters | Common name translation |
Amoebozoa | Tubulinea | Corycida (皮殼葉状根足綱) 皮壳管状根足纲 | Leathery‐shell amoebae |
Echinamoebida (多針葉状根足綱) 多针管状根足纲 | Amoebae with spiny pseudopodia | ||
Elardia (三組葉状根足綱) 三组管状根足纲 | Amoeboid group including three groups (Euamoebida, Leptomyxida, Arcellinida) | ||
Arcellinida (有殼葉状變形綱) 有壳管状根足纲 | Testate amoebae partially enclosed in a simple shell | ||
Evosea | Variosea (多圓錐型 根足綱) 多圆锥型根足纲 | Amoebae with many conical‐shaped pseudopodia | |
Eumycetozoa (眞菌根足綱) 真粘菌根足纲 | Genuine (mushroom) slime mold amoebae | ||
Cutosea (眞皮根足綱) 真皮根足纲 | Amoebae with a discrete skin | ||
Archamoebea (原始根足綱) 古变形纲 | Ancient (first) amoebae | ||
Discosea | Stygamoebida (細片根足綱) 细片根足纲 | Amoebae with pseudopodia resembling tooth‐pick or splinters | |
Centramoebia (中心體根足綱) 中心体根足纲 | Centrosome‐bearing amoebae | ||
Incertae sedis Holozoa | Filasterea (星狀絲足綱) 星状丝足纲 | Rounded amoebae with pseudopodia like fingers | |
Ichtyosporea (孢子型魚病根足綱) 孢子型鱼病根足纲 | Fish pathogenic amoebae forming a spore | ||
Choanoflagellata (立襟鞭毛綱) 领鞭毛纲 | Flagellates with a collar‐like ring | ||
Porifera | Demospongiae (普通海綿綱) 普通海绵纲 | Common sponges | |
Homoslceromorpha (同骨海綿綱) 同骨海绵纲 | Sponge with undifferentiated cytoskeleton | ||
Calcarea (石灰海綿綱) 石灰海绵纲 | Chalk sponges | ||
Hexactinellida (玻璃海綿綱) 玻璃海绵纲 | Glass sponges | ||
Nucletmycea | Opisthosporidia | Aphelidea (藻寄生性根足綱) 藻寄生性根足纲 | Amoeboid endobiotic parasitoids of algae |
Microsporidia (原始寄生性擬菌綱) 原始寄生拟菌纲 | Primitive fungus‐like parasite | ||
Blastocladiales(厚壁囊菌綱) 厚壁囊菌纲 | Fungi having a thick‐walled resting spore | ||
Neocallimastigaceae (新多鞭毛菌綱) 新美鞭菌纲 | New fungi having many/pretty flagella | ||
Chytridiomycota (壺狀菌綱) 壶菌纲 | Fungi resembling a broken‐cracked egg | ||
Mucoromycota (粘液菌綱) 粘液菌纲 | Mucoid or sugar fungi | ||
Zoopagomycota (動物生菌綱) 捕虫霉纲 | Fungi growing on animals, Fungi able to catch bugs | ||
Taphrinomycotina (外囊菌綱) 外囊菌纲 | Fungi having an outer ascus | ||
Saccharomycetales (酵母菌綱) 酵母菌纲 | Fungi associated with fermentation | ||
Pezizomycotina (周鉢菌綱) 盘菌纲 | (Bowl‐shaped fungi), plate‐shaped fungi | ||
Agaricomycotina (擔子菌綱) 担子菌纲 | Fungi forming a sterigma | ||
Pucciniomycotina (銹菌綱) 柄锈菌纲 | Fungi with stem and is associated with rust disease | ||
Ustilaginomycotina (黑穗菌綱) 黑穗菌纲 | Fungi associated with smut disease | ||
Wallemiomycotina (無子實體菌綱) 无子实体菌纲 | Fungi without palisade of basidia | ||
Rhodophyceae | Proteorhodophytina (原始紅藻綱) 原始红藻纲 | Primitive red algae | |
Eurhodophytina (眞正紅藻綱) 真红藻纲 | Genuine red alage, which have two phases or three phases | ||
Chloroplastida | Chlorophyta (綠藻綱) 绿藻纲 | Green algae | |
Charophyta (輪藻綱) 轮藻纲 | Wheel‐shaped green algae | ||
Bigyra | Nanomonadea (矮小鞭毛綱) 微小鞭毛纲 | Tiny brown flagellates | |
Opalinata (皮下共生鞭毛綱) 蛙片虫纲 | Animal endobionts; Flagellates mostly found in frog, with a flat shape like a slice | ||
Placidida (小突起鞭毛綱) 小突起鞭毛纲 | Flagellate having a papilla | ||
Bicosoecida (毫髮鞭毛綱) 毫发鞭毛纲 | Flagellates having tiny flagellar hairs | ||
Labyrinthulomycetes (網形鞭毛綱) 网丝鞭毛纲 | Gliding flagellates producing a network of filaments | ||
Pseudophyllomitidae (非附着鞭毛綱) 无附着鞭毛纲 | Flagellates lacking the two adhering flagella | ||
Gyrista | Developea (後固着鞭毛綱) 后附鞭毛纲 | Flagellates with adhering posterior flagellum | |
Hyphochytriales (菌絲體鞭毛綱) 菌丝体鞭毛纲 | Flagellates having hypha‐like structures | ||
Peronosporomycetes (植物病原體擬菌綱) 植病拟菌纲 | Fungus‐like plant pathogens | ||
Pirsoniales (硅藻寄生綱) 硅藻寄生纲 | Diatom parasites | ||
Actinophryidae (太陽綱) 太阳纲 | Sunlight (or star light)‐shaped protozoa | ||
Chrysophyceae (黃褐藻綱) 金藻纲 | Golden brown algae | ||
Eustigmatales (眞眼點褐藻綱) 真眼点褐藻纲 | Brown algae with a big eye spot | ||
Phaeophyceae (大褐藻綱) 褐藻纲 | The large brown algae | ||
Phaeothamniophyceae (黃赤藻綱) 褐枝藻纲 | Yellow‐red algae with branches | ||
Raphidophyceae (針鞭毛藻綱) 针胞藻纲 | Algae with needle shaped flagellum | ||
Xanthophyceae (黃綠藻綱) 黄绿藻纲 | Yellow‐green algae | ||
Bolidomonas (迅游泳藻綱) 迅游藻纲 | Diatom‐like algae with rapid swimming | ||
Diatomeae | Diatomeae (硅褐藻綱) 硅褐藻纲 | Brown algae like glass box with lid | |
Dictyochophyceae (硅質鞭毛藻綱) 硅鞭藻纲 | Algae producing a siliceous skeleton | ||
Pelagophyceae (浮生褐藻綱) 浮生褐藻纲 | Filamentous brown algae living in the sea; brown algae living a planktonic habitat | ||
Pinguiophyceae (脂褐藻綱) 脂褐藻纲 | Brown algae containing (a high concentration of) fatty acids | ||
Incertae sedis Alveolata | Colpodellida (捕食性鞭毛綱) 捕食鞭毛纲 | Predatory flagellates | |
Dinoflagellata | Syndiniales (共生性渦鞭毛藻綱) 共生涡鞭藻纲 | Parasitic dinoflagellates, symbiotic dinoflagellates | |
Noctilucales (夜光藻綱) 夜光藻纲 | Algae with bioluminescence | ||
Dinophyceae (渦鞭毛藻綱) 涡鞭藻纲 | Algae with spiraling motility, algal flagellates with a spiral or girdle groove | ||
Apicomplexa | Aconoidasida (無圓錐頂端複合體綱) 无圆锥体顶复纲 | Apicomplexa lacking a conoid | |
Conoidasida (圓錐頂端複合體綱) 圆锥体顶复纲 | Apicomplexa possessing a conoid | ||
Ciliophora | Karyorelictea (核殘跡纖毛綱) 核残迹纤毛纲 | Ciliophores having relict of parents’ macronulei | |
Heterotrichea (異毛纖毛綱) 异毛纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with different length of flagella | ||
Spirotrichea (型 旋纖毛綱) 旋唇纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with spiraling adoral zone of membranelles | ||
Armophorea (鬪帽纖毛綱) 盔帽纤毛纲 | Ciliophores having the appearance of military helmets | ||
Litostomatea (裂口纖毛綱) 裂口纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with a cytostome with oral dome | ||
Phyllopharyngea (葉咽纖毛綱) 叶咽纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with a leaf‐shaped cytopharynx | ||
Colpodea (腎形纖毛綱) 肾形纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with a kidney shape | ||
Prostomatea (前口纖毛綱) 前口纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with cytostome at the anterior pole | ||
Plagiopylea (斜毛纖毛綱) 斜毛纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with oblique slit flagella | ||
Oligohymenophorea (貧膜纖毛綱) 寡膜纤毛纲 | Ciliophores with a small paroral membrane | ||
Nassophorea (篮口纖毛綱) 篮口纤毛纲 | Ciliophores showing a basket‐shaped oral structure | ||
Cercozoa | Silicofilosea (硅質絲狀根足綱) 硅质丝足纲 | Filose amoebae covered by siliceous or glass scales, vase‐shaped shell | |
Foraminifera | Monothalamea (單房室有孔綱) 单房室有孔纲 | Foraminiferans with single chamber test | |
Tubothalamea (管狀有孔綱) 管状有孔纲 | Foraminiferans with tubular chamber test | ||
Lagenida (單層有孔綱) 瓶状有孔纲 | Foraminiferans with monolamellar test | ||
Radiolaria | Acantharia (放射棘綱) 等辐骨纲 | Protozoa with axopods and filopodia; protist with radiated spicula of same length | |
Polycystinea (多孔囊綱) 多孔纲 | Protozoa (with a sac) covered by many pores | ||
Metamonada | Fornicata (拱門形纖維綱) 拱形纤维纲 | Protozoa with an arched B‐fiber | |
Parabasalia (副基体綱) 副基体纲 | Protozoa with one or more parabasal apparatus | ||
Preaxostyla (二重纖維綱) 二重纤维纲 | Protozoa with I‐fiber with double‐cross matrix | ||
Discoba | Jakobida (單背翼綱) 单背翼纲 | Protozoa with a single dorsal vane in the posterior flagellum | |
Heterolobosea (噴出形根足綱) 异叶足纲 | Amoebae with eruptive pseudopodia; amoebae with differentiated leaf‐shaped pseudopodia | ||
Euglenozoa | Kinetoplastid (運動核質鞭毛類) 动质体纲 | Protozoa with kinetoplast | |
Euglenid (軟豆鞭毛類) 软豆鞭毛类 | Yellow‐green flagellates | ||
Haptophyta | Prymnesiophyceae (碳酸鑛物化藻綱) 碳酸质鳞片藻纲 | Algae with CO2‐mineralized scales | |
Coccolithophorid (圓石藻類) 颗石藻类 | Haptophyte with calcareous (chalk) scales | ||
Centroplasthelida | Pterocystida (無外骨格鞭毛綱) 无外骨骼鞭毛纲 | Protozoa without any exoskeletal elements | |
Panacanthocystida (石鱗鞭毛綱) 石鳞鞭毛纲 | Protozoa with siliceous scales or with organic spicules | ||
Cryptista | Cryptophyceae (隱鞭毛藻型) 隐藻纲 | New algae with prominent ejectisomes; cryptic algae |
After the first author, D. Bass, C.E Lane, J. Lukeš, C. L. Schoch and A. Smirnov have contributed equally and are to be considered second authors; subsequent authors are listed alphabetically and are to be considered third authors.
We were saddened and hurt by the untimely loss of two dear colleagues, D.H. Lynn and J. Clamp, both ciliatologists.
Research support was provided as follows: SMA by NSERC 249889‐2007; DB by NERC NE/H009426/1 and NE/H000887/1; MWB by NSF 1456054; FB by a Fellowship from Science for Life Laboratory and VR/2017‐04563; PC by EU‐Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through the SponGES project 679849 (This document reflects only the authors’ view and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises (EASME) is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains); IC by CSF 18‐18699S; BE by RCN TaxMArc 268286/GMR; LG by ANR HAPAR (ANR‐14‐CE02‐0007); VH MK JL by ERDF; MEYS with ERC 771592 CZ 1.05/1.1.00/02.0109 BIOCEV; SK by RSF 16‐14‐10302; MK by CSF GA18‐28103S; CEL by NSF 1541510 and NIH‐AI124092; EL by CAM: 2017‐T1/AMB‐5210; and by grant 2017‐T1/AMB‐5210 from the program "Atracción de talentos" from the Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte, Comunidad de Madrid; JL by ERC CZ LL1601 and OPVVV 16_019/0000759; MP by NSF DEB‐1455611; DJR by the Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral programme of the Government of Catalonia's Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge; CLS by the intramural research program of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health; AS by RSF 17‐14‐01391 and RFBR 16‐04‐01454 NY by NSF DEB 1557102; VZ by RFBR 16‐34‐60102 mol‐a‐dk; UniEuk and EukRef by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
We thank numerous colleagues who were consulted ad hoc throughout this process. In addition, we specifically thank Alexander Ereskovsky (CNRS, Station marine d'Endoume, Marseille, France) for help with the sponges; and Iñaki Ruiz‐Trillo (ICREA ‐ Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, CSIC‐Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) with the Holozoa; David S. Hibbett (Biology Department, Clark University, Worcester, MA USA, and Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA) with the Holomycota; Isabelle Florent (Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités, Paris, France) with Apicomplexa; Shauna Murray (Climate Change Cluster, University of Technology Sydney, Australia), Albert Reñé (Dept. Biologia Marina i Oceanografia, Institut de Ciències del Mar, CMIMA (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain) and Nicolas Chomérat (IFREMER, ODE/UL/LER Bretagne Occidentale, Concarneau, France) for dinoflagellate primers and barcoding; Urban Tillmann (Alfred Wegener Institut, Helmholz‐Zentrum für Polar‐ und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany) and Per Juel Hansen (Marine Biological Section, Dept. of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) for the dinoflagellate literature and functional assignments; William Bourland (Biology, Boise State University) for discussions on ciliates; Alastair Simpson (Dalhousie University) for discussions on higher level ranking and structure; Angela Mele (Philadelphia) for the cover art.
The ability of a unicellular organism or a cell type in a multicellular organism to actively change the conformation of the entire cell body by extending and retracting pseudopodia; pseudopodia are used for cell movement over the substratum and/or for feeding.
Monolayer of scales covering the cell adhering to the substratum from the dorsal surface; the ventral surface of the cell remains free. Known in amoebae of the genus Cochliopodium.
Layer of fibrous material covering the cell, adhering to the substratum from the dorsal surface; the ventral surface remains free. Known in amoebae of the genera Gocevia, Paragocevia and Ovalopodium.
Single amoeboid cell differentiates into a usually stalked, subaerial structure that supports one to many propagules termed spores. As defined here, this kind of sporocarp has only ever been observed in Amoebozoa and is potentially synapomorphic for Amoebozoa. Should this prove the case, non‐sporocarpic amoebozoans are the products of reductive evolution.
Amoebae aggregate into a multicellular mass that develops into a multicellular, subaerial fruiting body consisting of either distinct stalk cells and spores or non‐differentiated encysted cells (usually also called spores). Sorocarpic development is found in two lineages of amoebozoans, the Dictyostelia (Eumycetozoa) and in Copromyxa (Tubulinea).
The species Schoutedamoeba minuta described by Van Vichelen et al. (2016) has a hartmannelid morphology (monopodial cells with pronounced frontal hyaline cap) but in SSU tree it shows affinities with Variosea, although with no support. More robust data are necessary to clarify its position among Amoebozoa.
The taxon name Stereomyxa ramosa is used in Tekle et al. (2016) and Tekle and Wood (2017) for an isolate that is a distinct genus named Dracoamoeba (see Tice et al. 2016). To date, no molecular data on a true Stereomyxa are available and thus it remains incertae sedis.
The name Unda is used in Tekle et al. (2016) as well as in Tekle and Wood (2017) for an isolate of Vannella as noted in Cavalier‐Smith et al. (2016) and Kang et al. (2017).
Variable cell projections, smooth in outline, with rounded tips, which participate in the relocation of the main cytoplasmic mass of the cell and include both the granuloplasm and the hyaloplasm (sensu Smirnov 2008).
Schaudinn (1899) reported a complex life cycle in Trichosphaerium (Corycida) that included biciliated stages, which undergo copulation; no further confirmation of this observation has been obtained.
Strain numbers and source data for these isolates are provided by Kang et al. (2017).
The genus Atrichosa by Cavalier‐Smith et al. 2016 is considered here a junior synonym of Trichosphaerium until the opposite is shown. The position of the genera Penardochlamys, Microcorycia, Zonomyxa and Parmulina, which were listed by Meisterfeld (2002) under “Microcoryciidae” is not clear; by their morphological characters they may belong to this lineage as well but this requires demonstration by molecular data.
The SSU rRNA sequence of Trigonopyxis arcula AY848967 is almost identical to Bullinularia indica AY848970, and represents probably a contamination.
This species typically positioned as sister clade of both Sphaerothecina and Difflugina in beta‐tubulin (Lahr et al. 2011), SSU rRNA (Lara et al. 2008) and multigene phylogenies (Lahr et al. 2013), so it is listed here as a separate lineage.
In the most complete version spores from a sporocarp germinate as ciliated‐amoebae, cells that are reversibly amoeboid or ciliated then go on to develop into an obligate amoeboid stage that cannot produce cilia, with the obligate amoeba differentiating into one or more sporocarps. However, some members are always ciliated or obligate amoebae. The kinetid structures of swimming stages are diagrammed in Spiegel et al. (2017), Mikryukov and Mylnikov (1998), Hibberd (1983), and Pánek et al. (2016).
Recent papers with relatively broad taxon sampling, based on SSU phylogeny (Berney et al. 2015) and multigene phylogeny (Kang et al. 2017) suggest grouping of some variosean genera into higher rank clades. However, SSU phylogeny shows little or no statistical support for many of these groupings, while many important variosean taxa are not yet represented in the multigene trees. Therefore, we prefer to be cautious about including certain higher level taxa proposed in these studies at this time. Hence, we list most variosean clades under the similarly high level regardless of the traditional ranks until more robust groups are established.
The genus Planoprotostelium is subsumed into Protostelium (Shadwick et al. 2017).
This is the only group revealed in the paper by Lahr et al. (2011) which we suggest to apply because it is fully supported in a phylogenomic study by Kang et al. (2017) and combines several monotypic lineages; many of them group with each other in SSU trees as well.
Coenonia was seen only once by Van Tieghem (1884) who described but never illustrated it. On the basis of his description, it seems reasonable to conclude it was a dictyostelid.
Many taxa in need of revision because of rampant paraphyly.
The species Mycamoeba gemmipara in Blandenier et al. (2017) groups with Dermamoeba; however. the phylogenetic analysis in this paper uses a limited number of taxa and does not show Dermamoebida as a clade, so we list this genus as a separate branch until it position is better resolved.
Two known species of this genus—J. chaetognathi (Grassi 1881) and J. pigmentifera (Grassi 1881) are not triangular but monopodial in locomotion which may be a consequence of their parasitic life style. No molecular data on this genus are available, so it is left among the Dactylopodida provisionally, basing on the presence of a kinetoplastid intracellular symbiont (PLO), which appeares to have originated only once in the evolution of paramoebids (Sibbald et al. 2017).
This genus may be a junior synonym of Vannella, being a life form of some Vannella species.
These genera group together in some SSU phylogenetic trees, but usually they appear as separate branches in phylogenetic studies. In the phylogenomic study of Kang et al. (2017) they do not form a clade, but this is the only region of the tree that is not fully supported. Taking into account the superficial similarity of the ultrastructure, including the unique shape of the mitochondrial cristae, in these two genera we suggest keeping this assemblage as a potential branch in the tree unless the opposite is proven with increased taxon sampling.
Teretosporea Torruella et al. 2015 (R) is a monophyletic clade consisting of at least Corallochytrium and Ichthyosporea; Pluriformea Hehenberger et al. 2017 (R) is a monophyletic clade consisting of at least Corallochytrium and Syssomonas. These are two competing phylogenetic hypotheses.
Choanomonada was an unfortunate error in spelling that was corrected in an erratum, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 60 (3): 321, published online March 11, 2013.
The clade that comprises the Metazoa and Choanoflagellata is called Choanozoa Brunet and King 2017 [Choanozoa Cavalier‐Smith et al. 1991].
The clade comprising the Porifera, Trichoplax, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Bilateria is called Metazoa, Metazoa Haeckel 1874.
Although monotypic, genetic diversity of isolates indicate there are probably multiple genera, and it is probably a sister clade to Cnidaria (Schierwater and DeSalle 2018; and Srivastava et al. 2008).
Nucletmycea and Holomycota were proposed at about the same period and they are to be considered synonymous, but Nucletmycea has nomenclatural priority having been published first. Since, Holomycota has come into more usage in favour of the symmetry with Holozoa.
There is no agreement on the definition, thus placement, of a clade named Fungi. Variations differ from the historical understanding of Fungi that included social amoebae, now dispersed across protists, and several other clades also dispersed across protists.
Holomycota is the sister lineage to Holozoa and is comprised of Fungi and the group Rotosphaerida containing nucleariids. In this classification, we include Opisthosporidia (Karpov et al. 2014), comprising the endoparasitic lineages Rozellida (Cryptomycota) Aphelida and Microsporidia, in the Fungi, noting that this is an ongoing point of contention. New genomic and transcriptomic data provide modest to poor support for the monophyly of an Opisthosporidia clade (Toruella et al. 2018), but multiple molecular studies nonetheless support the placement of all three lineages at the base of the Fungi (Torruella et al. 2019; Karpov et al. 2017a, 2017b; Letcher et al. 2017; Lopez‐Escardo et al. 2018). A major point of contention has been the fact that Opisthosporidia all have a vegetative phase that is unbounded by a cell wall, unlike most Fungi, and that Aphelida and Rozella have an intracellular (parasitic) phagotrophic feeding mode (Karpov et al. 2014; Powell et al. 2017). On the other hand, all of the Opisthosporidia share with other Fungi a chitinous cell wall at some stage in their life cycle. Recent analysis of an aphelid transcriptome (the lineage that has most retained ancestral characters within opisthosporidians) suggests a genomic composition and metabolism more aligned with the free‐living chytrid fungi with degradative enzymes, than other Opisthosporidia (Toruella et al. 2019). But an alternative interpretation places emphasis on Opisthosporida cell biology which is more similar to other Opisthokonta than to Fungi, because of the phagotrophic nature of their nutrition. Ultimately, additional cell biology and genomic sequencing is needed for these poorly known organisms. Because there is no synapomorphy for the Fungi regardless of whether the Opisthosporidia are included (Richards et al. 2017), determining the constituency of the Fungi will rely on which traits are deemed most relevant (presence of chitinous cell wall or osmoheterotrophy) as both traits have been convergently derived across the eukaryote tree. A similar debate is ongoing about the distinction between Rozellida (Cryptomycota) and Microsporidia (Bass et al. 2018) as some rozellids have a spore structure very similar to Microsporidia but a genomic content less reduced than core microsporidia, and more like other Fungi. The stance taken in this classification is to follow the majority opinion of the mycological community to include Opisthosporidia in the Fungi, noting that this consensus may change with the discovery of new taxa and improved phylogenies.
The placement of Aphelidea in the Opisthosporidia is unstable and may change.
This revision reflects numerous advances in the phylogeny of the diatoms over the last decade. Due to our poor taxon sampling outside of the Mediophyceae and pennate diatoms, and the known and anticipated diversity of all diatoms, many clades appear at a high classification level (and the higher level classification is rather flat). Nomenclature follows the botanical code (ICN). Some of the basal nodes will probably become better resolved in the future, and would permit additional subdivisions. The genera are provided as examples only, and are far from complete lists.
The ordering of the major taxa follows the arrangement of most SSU rRNA phylogenies and recent phylogenomic analyses (e.g. Gentekaki et al., 2014). The current classification contains some polyphyletic or paraphyletic taxa marked by (P) which require further investigations (morphologic and/or genetic). Families are arranged alphabetically, unless phylogeny places a family at a higher hierarchical rank.
A node including a probably monophyletic clade composed of Sainouridae and Thecofilosea is proposed, called Helkesida Cavalier‐Smith 2018 (R).
Ancestral condition probably a gliding heterotrophic cell with two cilia with divergent kinetosomes, and relatively rigid pellicle that helped to define a distinct ventral groove from which filose pseudopods extended, but without the dense extracellular theca of Thecofilosea or internal silica skeleton of Ebriacea and Phaeodaria. Includes Cercozoa with often imbricate silica scales and their closest nonscaly relatives.
Centrohelida Kühn was introduced to include both centrohelids and gymnosphaerids; Febvre‐Chavalier and Febvre (1984) were the first who recognized and named this taxon.
One more genus name—Heteroraphidiophrys, mentioned in Mikrjukov (2002) was never formally introduced and needs to be avoided; the organisms designated needs to be re‐isolated, carefully studied and provided with formal description.
Genera Pseudoraphidiophrys, Pseudoraphidocystis, Pterocystis, Raineriophrys altogether obviously unify a group of closely related organisms which need a careful taxonomic revision involving morphological and molecular data. The genus name Echinocystis sometimes used instead of Raineriophrys is multiply preoccupied and should be avoided.
For more detailed description of the location and nomenclature of SSU rRNA gene expansions in centrohelids see Shishkin et al., 2018.
Separation of this genus from Heterophrys requires further justification.
Cryptista has been used since 1989 with a variety of definitions, and varying in composition and rank. Unless the authority and date is specified, it is uncertain which meaning, or rank, of Cryptista is meant. However, the term has uses in phylogenetic trees and it has been somewhat adopted in the literature, although without precision over its meaning. For nomenclatural stability Cryptista is defined here according to its latest use in phylogenetic trees.
Presently, there is no phylogenetic taxonomy for phagotrophic euglenids as a whole. Traditional systems based on, for example, the presence or absence of conspicuous feeding apparatuses, are artificial. Some possibly monophyletic taxa have been proposed that would cover restricted subsets of the phagotrophic euglenids: for example, the Ploeotiida, including Ploeotia, Entosiphon, Lentomonas, and presumably Keelungia; and the Petalomonadida, including Petalomonas, Notosolenus and Calycimonas, and presumably also taxa such as Sphenomonas. The limited taxon sampling for molecular sequence data is a significant impediment, especially as many traditional genera are probably polyphyletic.
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