Corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF) is a neuropeptide and mediating component of neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral processes associated with the stress response. The two receptor subtypes identified in the mammalian brain, CRF receptor subtype 1 (CRF1) and CRF2, are suggested to differentially modulate these processes. Manipulation of these receptors with selective CRF compounds and transgenic models has revealed, in most studies, a clear potentiation of the stress response through central activation of CRF1. However, pharmacological activation of CRF restricted to CRF1 has been limited by the availability of selective peptidic compounds. Recently, a highly selective CRF1 agonist, cortagine, has been developed. It was synthesized from chimeric intermediate sequences of ovine CRF, sauvagine, and human/rat CRF into a highly soluble peptide with strong affinity for CRF1 (IC50 < 5 nM) and a very low binding preference for CRF2 (IC50 > 500 nM). Affinity for the CRF binding protein (IC50 > 1,000nM) can be abolished by the addition of a glutamate residue on position 21 of the cortagine peptide sequence. Cortagine has recently been tested in a variety of preclinical models of behavior including the elevated‐plus‐maze (EPM), forced swim test (FST), homecage, and rat exposure test (RET). Preliminary characterization in the EPM and FST suggested that this compound elicits anxiogenic and antidepressant‐like effects, respectively. Additional testing in the homecage and RET, which targets various elements of behavior, directs to a more potent anxiogenic profile of cortagine. In this review, we discuss the behavioral findings and the tests used to measure these effects. Finally, we also discuss preliminary findings of autonomic activation obtained by central injection of cortagine that support CRF1 involvement in the modulation of heart rate and heart rate variability.
Keywords: Anxiety, Behavior, Cortagine, Corticotrophin, CRF1 agonist, CRH, Defense, Depression
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Conflict of Interest: The authors have no conflict of interest.
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