The NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) is the primary archive of next-generation sequencing datasets. SRA makes metadata and raw sequencing data available to the research community to encourage reproducibility and to provide avenues for testing novel hypotheses on publicly available data. However, methods to programmatically access this data are limited. We introduce the Python package, pysradb, which provides a collection of command line methods to query and download metadata and data from SRA, utilizing the curated metadata database available through the SRAdb project. We demonstrate the utility of pysradb on multiple use cases for searching and downloading SRA datasets. It is available freely at https://github.com/saketkc/pysradb.
Keywords: bioinformatics, metadata, SRA, NGS, NCBI, GEO
Several projects have made efforts to analyze and publish summaries of DNA- 1 and RNA-seq 2, 3 datasets. Obtaining metadata and raw data from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) 4 is often the first step towards re-analyzing public next-generation sequencing datasets in order to compare them to private data or test a novel hypothesis. The NCBI SRA toolkit 5 provides utility methods to download raw sequencing data, while the metadata can be obtained by querying the website or through the Entrez efetch command line utility 6. Most workflows analyzing public data rely on first searching for relevant keywords in the metadata either through the command line utility or the website, gathering relevant sample(s) of interest and then downloading these. A more streamlined workflow can enable the performance of all these steps at once.
In order to make querying both metadata and data more precise and robust, the SRAdb 7 project provides a frequently updated SQLite database containing all the metadata parsed from SRA. SRAdb tracks the five main data objects in SRA’s metadata: submission, study, sample, experiment and run. These are mapped to five different relational database tables that are made available in the SQLite file. The metadata semantics in the file remain as they are on SRA. The accompanying package, SRAdb 8, made available in the R programming language 9, provides a convenient framework to handle metadata queries and raw data downloads by utilizing the SQLite database. Though powerful, SRAdb requires the end user to be familiar with the R programming language and does not provide a command-line interface for querying or downloading operations.
The pysradb package 10 builds upon the principles of SRAdb, providing a simple and user-friendly commandline interface for querying metadata and downloading datasets from SRA. It obviates the need for the user to be familiar with any programming language for querying and downloading datasets from SRA. Additionally, it provides utility functions that will further help a user perform more granular queries, which are often required when dealing with multiple datasets on a large scale. By enabling both metadata search and download operations at the command-line, pysradb aims to bridge the gap in seamlessly retrieving public sequencing datasets and the associated metadata.
pysradb 10 is written in Python 11 and is currently developed on GitHub under the open-source BSD 3-Clause License. To simplify the installation procedure for the end-user, it is also available for download through PyPI and bioconda 12.
pysradb 10 is implemented in Python and uses pandas 13 for data frame based operations. Since downloading datasets can often take a long time, pysradb displays progress for long haul tasks using tqdm 14. The metadata information is read in the form of an SQLite 15 database, made available by SRAdb 7.
Each sub-command of pysradb contains a self-contained help string that describes its purpose and usage example. The help text can be accessed by passing the ‘–help’ flag. There is also additional documentation available for the sub-commands on the project’s website. We also provide example Jupyter 16 notebooks that demonstrate the functionality of the Python API.
pysradb’s development primarily occurred on GitHub and the code is tested continuously using Travis CI webhook. This monitors all incoming pull requests and commits to the master branch. The testing happens on Python version 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS virtual machine, while testing webhooks on the bioconda channel provide additional testing on Mac-based systems. Nevertheless, pysradb should run on most Unix derivatives.
pysradb 10 can be run on either Linux- or Mac-based operating systems. It supports Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7. Requiring just two additional dependencies, pysradb can be easily installed using either a pip- or conda-based package manager via the bioconda 12 channel.
An earlier version of this article can be found on bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/578500
Use cases
pysradb 10 provides a chain of sub-commands for retrieving metadata, converting one accession to other and downloading. Each sub-command is designed to perform a single operation by default, while additional operations can be performed by passing additional flags. In the following section we demonstrate some of the use cases of these sub-commands.
pysradb uses SRAmetadb.sqlite, a SQLite file produced and made available by SRAdb 7 project. The file itself can be downloaded using pysradb as:
$ pysradb srametadb
The SRAmetadb.sqlite file is required for all other operations supported by pysradb. This file is required for all the sub-commands to function. By default, pysradb assumes that the file is located in the current working directory. Alternatively, it can supplied using the ‘–db path/to/SRAmetadb.sqlite’ argument. The SRAmetadb.sqlite is available at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/starbuck1/sradb/SRAmetadb.sqlite.gz or alternatively at https://gbnci-abcc.ncifcrf.gov/backup/SRAmetadb.sqlite.gz. The examples here were run using SRAmetadb.sqlite with schema version 1.0 and creation timestamp 2019-01-25 00:38:19.
Consider a case where a user is looking for Ribo-seq 17 public datasets on SRA. These datasets will often have ‘ribosome profiling’ appearing in the abstract or sample description. We can search for such projects using the ‘search’ sub-command:
$ pysradb search ‘"ribosome profiling"’ | head
study_accession | experiment_accession | sample_accession | run_accession |
DRP003075 | DRX019536 | DRS026974 | DRR021383 |
DRP003075 | DRX019537 | DRS026982 | DRR021384 |
DRP003075 | DRX019538 | DRS026979 | DRR021385 |
DRP003075 | DRX019540 | DRS026984 | DRR021387 |
DRP003075 | DRX019541 | DRS026978 | DRR021388 |
DRP003075 | DRX019543 | DRS026980 | DRR021390 |
DRP003075 | DRX019544 | DRS026981 | DRR021391 |
ERP013565 | ERX1264364 | ERS1016056 | ERR1190989 |
The results here list all relevant ‘ribosome profiling’ projects.
Getting metadata for a SRA project
Each SRA project (accession prefix ‘SRP’) on SRA consists of single or multiple experiments (accession prefix ‘SRX’) which are sequenced as single or multiple runs (accession prefix ‘SRR’). Each experiment is carried out on an individual biological sample (accession prefix ‘SRS’).
pysradb metadata can be used to obtain all the experiment, sample, and run accessions associated with a SRA project as:
$ pysradb metadata SRP010679 | head
study_accession | experiment_accession | sample_accession | run_accession |
SRP010679 | SRX118285 | SRS290854 | SRR403882 |
SRP010679 | SRX118286 | SRS290855 | SRR403883 |
SRP010679 | SRX118287 | SRS290856 | SRR403884 |
SRP010679 | SRX118288 | SRS290857 | SRR403885 |
SRP010679 | SRX118289 | SRS290858 | SRR403886 |
SRP010679 | SRX118290 | SRS290859 | SRR403887 |
SRP010679 | SRX118291 | SRS290860 | SRR403888 |
SRP010679 | SRX118292 | SRS290861 | SRR403889 |
SRP010679 | SRX118293 | SRS290862 | SRR403890 |
SRP010679 | SRX118294 | SRS290863 | SRR403891 |
SRP010679 | SRX118295 | SRS290864 | SRR403892 |
SRP010679 | SRX118296 | SRS290865 | SRR403893 |
However, this information by itself is often incomplete. We require detailed metadata associated with each sample to perform any downstream analysis. For example, the assays used for different samples and the corresponding treatment conditions. This can be done by supplying the ‘–desc’ flag:
$ pysradb metadata SRP010679 –desc | head -5
study_accession | experiment_accession | sample_accession | run_accession | sample_attribute |
SRP010679 | SRX118285 | SRS290854 | SRR403882 | source_name: PC3 human
prostate cancer cells || cell line: PC3 || sample type: polyA RNA || treatment: vehicle |
SRP010679 | SRX118286 | SRS290855 | SRR403883 | source_name: PC3 human
prostate cancer cells || cell line: PC3 || sample type: ribosome protected RNA || treatment: vehicle |
SRP010679 | SRX118287 | SRS290856 | SRR403884 | source_name: PC3 human
prostate cancer cells || cell line: PC3 || sample type: polyA RNA || treatment: rapamycin |
SRP010679 | SRX118288 | SRS290857 | SRR403885 | source_name: PC3 human
prostate cancer cells || cell line: PC3 || sample type: ribosome protected RNA || treatment: rapamycin |
This can be further expanded to reveal the data in ‘sample_attribute’ column into separate columns via ‘–expand’ flag. This is most useful for samples that have associated treatment or cell type metadata available.
$ pysradb metadata SRP010679 –desc –expand
... [truncated] | ||||
run_accession | cell_line | sample_type | source_name | treatment |
SRR403882 | pc3 | polya rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | vehicle |
SRR403883 | pc3 | ribosome protected rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | vehicle |
SRR403884 | pc3 | polya rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | rapamycin |
SRR403885 | pc3 | ribosome protected rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | rapamycin |
SRR403886 | pc3 | polya rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | pp242 |
SRR403887 | pc3 | ribosome protected rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | pp242 |
SRR403888 | pc3 | polya rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | vehicle |
SRR403889 | pc3 | ribosome protected rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | vehicle |
SRR403890 | pc3 | polya rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | rapamycin |
SRR403891 | pc3 | ribosome protected rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | rapamycin |
SRR403892 | pc3 | polya rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | pp242 |
SRR403893 | pc3 | ribosome protected rna | pc3 human prostate cancer cells | pp242 |
Any SRA project might consist of experiments involving multiple assay types. The assay associated with any project can be obtained by providing –assay flag:
$ pysradb metadata SRP000941 –assay | tr -s ’ ’ | cut -f5 -d ’ ’ | tail -n +2 | sort | uniq -c
999 | Bisulfite-Seq |
768 | ChIP-Seq |
121 | OTHER |
353 | RNA-Seq |
28 | WGS |
Getting SRPs from GSE
The Gene Expression Omnibus database (GEO) 18 is the NCBI data repository for functional genomics data.
It accepts array and sequence-based data from gene profiling experiments. For sequence-based data, the corresponding raw files are deposited to the SRA. GEO assigns a dataset accession (accession prefix ‘GSE’) that is linked to the corresponding accession on the SRA (accession prefix ‘SRP’). It is often necessary to interpolate between the two accessions. gse-to-srp sub-command allows converting GSE to SRP:
$ pysradb gse-to-srp GSE24355 GSE25842
It can be further expanded to obtain the corresponding experiment and run accessions:
$ pysradb gse-to-srp –detailed –expand GSE100007 | head
study_alias | study_accession | experiment_accession | sample_accession | experiment_alias | sample_alias |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916198 | SRS2282390 | GSM2667747 | GSM2667747 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916199 | SRS2282391 | GSM2667748 | GSM2667748 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916200 | SRS2282392 | GSM2667749 | GSM2667749 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916201 | SRS2282393 | GSM2667750 | GSM2667750 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916202 | SRS2282394 | GSM2667751 | GSM2667751 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916203 | SRS2282395 | GSM2667752 | GSM2667752 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916204 | SRS2282396 | GSM2667753 | GSM2667753 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916205 | SRS2282397 | GSM2667754 | GSM2667754 |
GSE100007 | SRP109126 | SRX2916206 | SRS2282400 | GSM2667755 | GSM2667755 |
Getting a list of GEO experiments for a GEO study
Any GEO study (accession prefix ‘GSE’) will involve a collection of experiments (accession prefix ‘GSM’). We can obtain an entire list of experiments corresponding to the study using the gse-to-gsm sub-command from pysradb:
$ pysradb gse-to-gsm GSE41637 | head
However, a list of GSM accessions is not useful if one is performing any downstream analysis, which essentially requires more detailed information about the metadata associated with each experiment. This relevant metadata associated with each sample can be obtained by providing gse-to-gsm additional flags:
$ pysradb gse-to-gsm –desc GSE41637 | head
study_alias | experiment_alias | sample_attribute |
GSE41637 | GSM1020640_1 | source_name: mouse_brain || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: brain |
GSE41637 | GSM1020641_1 | source_name: mouse_colon || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: colon |
GSE41637 | GSM1020642_1 | source_name: mouse_heart || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: heart |
GSE41637 | GSM1020643_1 | source_name: mouse_kidney || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: kidney |
GSE41637 | GSM1020644_1 | source_name: mouse_liver || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: liver |
GSE41637 | GSM1020645_1 | source_name: mouse_lung || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: lung |
GSE41637 | GSM1020646_1 | source_name: mouse_skm || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: skeletal muscle |
GSE41637 | GSM1020647_1 | source_name: mouse_spleen || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: spleen |
GSE41637 | GSM1020648_1 | source_name: mouse_testes || strain: DBA/2J || tissue: testes |
The metadata information can then be parsed from the sample_attribute column. To obtain more structured metadata, we can use an additional flag ‘–expand’:
$ pysradb gse-to-gsm –desc –expand GSE41637 | head
study_alias | experiment_alias | source_name | strain | tissue |
GSE41637 | GSM1020640_1 | mouse_brain | dba/2j | brain |
GSE41637 | GSM1020641_1 | mouse_colon | dba/2j | colon |
GSE41637 | GSM1020642_1 | mouse_heart | dba/2j | heart |
GSE41637 | GSM1020643_1 | mouse_kidney | dba/2j | kidney |
GSE41637 | GSM1020644_1 | mouse_liver | dba/2j | liver |
GSE41637 | GSM1020645_1 | mouse_lung | dba/2j | lung |
GSE41637 | GSM1020646_1 | mouse_skm | dba/2j | skeletal muscle |
Getting SRR from GSM
gsm-to-srr allows conversion from GEO experiments (accession prefix ‘GSM’) to SRA runs (accession prefix ‘SRR’):
$ pysradb gsm-to-srr GSM1020640 GSM1020646
experiment_alias | run_accession |
GSM1020640_1 | SRR594393 |
GSM1020646_1 | SRR594399 |
Downloading SRA datasets
pysradb enables seemless downloads from SRA. It organizes the downloaded data following the NCBI hiererachy: ‘SRP => SRX => SRR’ of storing data. Each ‘SRP’ (project) has multiple ‘SRX’ (experiments) and each ‘SRX’ in turn has multiple ‘SRR’ (runs). Multiple projects can be downloaded at once using the download sub-command:
$ pysradb download -p SRP000941 -p SRP010679
download also allows Unix pipes-based inputs. Consider our previous example of the project SRP000941 with different assays. However, we want to be able to download only ‘RNA-seq’ samples. We can do this by subsetting the metadata output for only ‘RNA-seq’ samples:
$ pysradb metadata SRP000941 –assay | grep ‘study|RNA-Seq’ | pysradb download
This will only download the ‘RNA-seq’ samples from the project.
pysradb 10 provides a command-line interface to query metadata and download sequencing datasets from the SRA. It enables seamless retrieval of metadata and conversion between different accessions. pysradb is written in Python 3 and is available on Linux and Mac OS. The source code is hosted on GitHub and licensed under BSD 3-clause license. It is available for installation through PyPI and bioconda.
Data availability
Underlying data
Dataset from DDBJ Sequence Read Archive, Accession number DRP003075: https://identifiers.org/ insdc.sra/DRP003075
Dataset from EMBL-EBI Sequence Read Archive, Accession number ERP013565: https://identifiers. org/insdc.sra/ERP013565
Dataset from Gene Expression Omnibus, Accession number GSE24355: https://identifiers.org/geo/ GSE24355
Dataset from Gene Expression Omnibus, Accession number GSE25842: https://identifiers.org/geo/ GSE25842
Dataset from Gene Expression Omnibus, Accession number GSE100007: https://identifiers.org/ geo/GSE100007 19
Dataset from Gene Expression Omnibus, Accession number GSE41637: https://identifiers.org/geo/ GSE41637 20
Dataset from NCBI Sequence Read Archive, Accession number SRP010679: https://identifiers.org/ insdc.sra/SRP010679 21
Dataset from NCBI Sequence Read Archive, Accession number SRP000941: https://identifiers.org/ insdc.sra/SRP000941 22
Software availability
Software available from: https://pypi.org/project/pysradb/.
Source code available from: https://github.com/saketkc/pysradb.
Archived source code at time of publication: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2579446 10.
License: BSD 3-Clause
Author endorsement
Dr. Luiz O. Penalva confirms that the author has an appropriate level of expertise to conduct this research, and confirms that the submission is of an acceptable scientific standard. Dr. Luiz O. Penalva declares they have no competing interests. Affiliation: UT Health San Antonio, Children’s Cancer Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, 78229, USA
The author thanks Amal Thomas, Meng Zhou, Rishvanth Prabakar, Wenzheng Li, and Xiaojing Ji at the University of Southern California (USC) and Shweta Ramdas at the University of Pennsylvania for helpful discussions and comments on the software and manuscript. The author acknowledges support from the USC Provost Graduate Research Fellowship.
Funding Statement
The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
[version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
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