Previous studies have identified several transmembrane segments (TMs), including TM1, TM3, TM6, TM9, TM11, and TM12, as pore-lining segments in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), but the role of TM5 in pore construction remains controversial. In this study, we employed substituted cysteine accessibility methodology (SCAM) to screen the entire TM5 defined by the original topology model and its cytoplasmic extension in a Cysless background. We found six positions (A299, R303, N306, S307, F310, and F311) where engineered cysteines react to intracellular 2-sulfonatoethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSES−). Quantification of the modification rate of engineered cysteines in the presence or absence of ATP suggests that these six residues are accessible in both the open and closed states. Whole-cell experiments with external MTSES− identified only two positive positions (L323 and A326), resulting in a segment containing 11 consecutive amino acids, where substituted cysteines respond to neither internal nor external MTSES−, a unique feature not seen previously in CFTR’s pore-lining segments. The observation that these positions are inaccessible to channel-permeant thiol-specific reagent [Au(CN)2]− suggests that this segment of TM5 between F311 and L323 is concealed from the pore by other TMs and/or lipid bilayers. In addition, our data support the idea that the positively charged arginine at position 303 poses a pure electrostatic action in determining the single-channel current amplitude of CFTR and the effect of an open-channel blocker glibencalmide. Collectively, we conclude that the cytoplasmic portion of CFTR’s TM5 lines the pore. Our functional data are remarkably consistent with predicted structural arrangements of TM5 in some homology models of CFTR.
Graphical Abstract
Members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) protein superfamily enact the active movement of a broad range of cargos across the cell membrane against their electrochemical gradients through a translocation pathway embedded in their transmembrane domains (TMDs), whereas the conformational changes in the TMDs during a transport cycle are fueled by the free energy from ATP hydrolysis in the nucleotide binding domains (NBDs).1,2 However, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a bona fide member of this superfamily, functions as a tightly regulated anion-selective ion channel, which is found mainly in the apical membrane of a host of epithelial cells.3 Dysfunction of CFTR, resulting from loss-of-function mutations of the CFTR gene, causes the lethal recessively inherited disease cystic fibrosis.4
In addition to the basic architecture of the two TMD/NBD complexes seen in all ABC proteins, CFTR has a unique disordered regulatory domain (RD); its phosphorylation is a prerequisite for its activity.5–8 It is now generally accepted that opening and closing (gating) of phosphorylated CFTR are controlled by the ATP-induced dimerization and hydrolysis-triggered partial separation, respectively, of CFTR’s two NBDs, although how strictly these molecular motions are coupled
remains debatable.9,10 Unlike NBDs that are evolutionarily conserved among ABC proteins, little sequence homology in TMDs makes it very difficult to predict their three-dimensional structure based on homology modeling that utilizes the crystal structures of ABC transporters11–15 as templates. Nonetheless, several CFTR homology models have been developed.16–20 It is perhaps not surprising that these structural models of CFTR all exhibit a 2-fold symmetry in their TMDs that is observed in the crystal structures of those ABC transporters. Recent studies using substituted cysteine accessibility methodology (SCAM) on CFTR’s TMDs indeed support the idea that the aqueous pore is formed by some of the putative 12 transmembrane segments (TMs). These include TM1,21 TM3,22 TM6,23,24 TM9,16,25 TM11,26 and TM12.27,28 Furthermore, the reactivity patterns of the engineered cysteines in several TMs corroborate the predicted secondary structure of α-helix for TM1,21 TM3,22 TM6,23 and TM12.28 Also interestingly, state-dependent reactivity of the engineered cysteines in TM1, TM6, and TM12 endorses the “degraded transporter” hypothesis: CFTR evolves from a primordial ABC exporter with its cytoplasmic gate degenerated (ref 28, but cf. ref 29).
Although aforementioned studies suggest a 2-fold symmetry in CFTR’s TMDs that is in agreement with the prediction based on the degraded transporter hypothesis, a recent paper reported experimental results contradicting this symmetry. First, by cysteine scanning nine positions in TM7 (F870–L878) of CFTR’s TMD2, Wang et al.30 concluded that this TM does not contribute to pore formation despite the fact that the corresponding TM (i.e., TM1) in TMD1 has been shown unequivocally to be part of the pore.21,31 Second, by scanning six positions (F315–L320) in TM5 of TMD1 and seven residues (I1109–T1115) in its equivalent TM in TMD2 (i.e., TM11), they also concluded that the “central part” of TM11 but not of TM5 lines the pore.30 The pore-lining role of TM11 is supported by previous work,26 and those SCAM data on TM7 are also consistent with our observations using SCAM to probe a more extended region of TM7 (I860C to V880C) (Figure S1 of the Supporting Information). Moreover, it has been shown that several positively charged residues, including K95 in TM1,32–34 R303 in TM5,35,36 and R352 in TM6,23,35,37–39 play critical roles in anion permeation by
electrostatically attracting chloride ions to the internal entryway of CFTR’s pore. Thus, it seems counterintuitive that both TM1 and TM6 line the pore but R303-containing TM5 does not.
In this study, we examined the role of TM5 in CFTR’s pore construction with SCAM that covers the entire TM5 (S308–K329) and its cytoplasmic extension (L295–S307) in a Cysless background. By applying the negatively charged thiol-specific 2-sulfonatoethyl MTS (MTSES−) from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane, we identified six positive hits, A299C, R303C, N306C, S307C, F310C, and F311C. The modification rates are somewhat higher in the absence of ATP than in the presence of ATP for cysteines placed at all these positions, implying that this segment of TM5 is slightly more accessible when the channel is in the closed state. Two MTSES−-reactive positions, C323 and C326, were identified in the whole-cell configuration, when the reagent was applied from the extracellular side. The 11 positions between F311 and L323 were all negative to MTSES− applied from either side of the cell membrane. Cysteines introduced into these 11 positions were also insensitive to the channel-permeant, thiol-reactive [Au(CN)2]− applied from intracellular side, suggesting that these 11 residues long enough to span at least three helical turns are not exposed to the aqueous pathway. We therefore conclude that TM5 does contribute to CFTR’s pore in a way that distinguishes itself from other TMs. Our results will be discussed in the context of several homology models of CFTR.
Mutagenesis, Cell Culture, and Transient Expression.
All experiments were performed in a Cysless CFTR construct reported previously.23 Cysteine, one at a time, was then engineered into each position in originally defined TM5 (S308–K329) and its cytoplasmic extension (L295–S307) using the QuikChange XL kit (Agilent Technologies). All mutations were confirmed by DNA sequencing (DNA core; University of Missouri—Columbia).
Before transfection, the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were grown at 37 °C in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum. Together with peGFP-C3 (Takara Bio Inc.) encoding green fluorescent protein, the cDNA constructs of CFTR were cotransfected into CHO cells, using PolyFect transfection reagent (QIAGEN) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The transfected cells were transferred onto sterile glass chips in 35 mm tissue culture dishes and incubated at 27 °C for 2–7 days before electrophysiological experiments were performed. The majority of our experiments require recordings of macroscopic CFTR currents. However, some mutations such as G314C display trafficking defects that prohibit an efficient membrane expression. We thus routinely incubated transfected cells at 27 °C for 2–7 days for CFTR channels to effectively move to the plasma membrane before electrophysiological experiments were performed. The majority of the CFTR constructs used in this study generated macroscopic CFTR chloride currents.
For experiments in excised inside-out patches, micropipettes made of borosilicate capillary glass were pulled with a two-stage vertical puller (Narishige) and then firepolished with a homemade microforge to reach a pipet resistance of 2–5 MΩ when the pipettes were filled with a pipet solution containing 140 mM NMDG-Cl, 2 mM MgCl2, 5 mM CaCl2, and 10 mM HEPES, adjusted to pH 7.4 with NMDG. Glass chips with transfected cells grown on were placed into a chamber on the stage of an inverted microscope (Olympus) and continuously perfused with a bath solution containing 145 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, 5 mM glucose, 5 mM HEPES, and 20 mM sucrose, adjusted to pH 7.4 with NaOH. Immediately after patches with seal resistances of >40 GΩ had been excised, the perfusion solution was switched to a standard perfusate containing 150 mM NMDG-Cl, 10 mM EGTA, 10 mM HEPES, 8 mM Tris, and 2 mM MgCl2, adjusted to pH 7.4 with NMDG. Experiments were conducted at room temperature (22–24 °C). Current signals at a −50 mV holding potential (unless specified otherwise) were acquired with a patch-clamp amplifier (EPC9, HEKA), filtered at 100 Hz digitized online at 500 Hz with Pulse software (version 8.53, HEKA), and captured onto a hard disk. Fast solution exchange was achieved with a commercial solution exchange system (SF-77B Perfusion Fast-Step, Warner Instruments).
Micropipettes used in whole-cell experiments were created as described above to yield a resistance of 1.5–2.5 MΩ when the micropipettes were filled with whole-cell pipet solution containing 10 mM EGTA, 10 mM HEPES, 20 mM TEACl, 10 mM MgATP, 2 mM MgCl2, 85 mM aspartate, 16 mM pyruvate, and 5.8 mM glucose, with pH adjusted to 7.4 using CsOH. During whole-cell experiments, cells were perfused with the same bath solution as the one used for inside-out recordings before patch excision. Experiments were conducted at room temperature (22–24 °C). Whole-cell currents were recorded with a 200 ms voltage ramp of ±100 mV applied every 5 s. The signals were acquired with a patch-clamp amplifier (EPC9, HEKA), filtered at 1 kHz with an eight-pole Bessel filter (LPF-8, Warner Instruments), digitized online at 2 kHz with Pulse software (version 8.53, HEKA), and captured onto a hard disk.
Reagents and Cysteine Modification.
MTS reagents [MTSES−, MTSET+, and MTSEA+ (Toronto Research Chemicals Inc.)] were prepared as 100 mM stock solutions in ddH2O and stored at −70 °C. A single aliquot of the stock solution was thawed immediately before use and diluted into the perfusion solution with or without 2 mM ATP (Sigma-Aldrich) to test the modification on cysteines in the presence of ATP (Figure 1) or in the absence of ATP (Figure 4), for experiments in inside-out patches. In the whole-cell configuration, the stock was thawed and diluted into the bath solution containing 10 μM forskolin (Figure 2). K[Au(CN)2] (Sigma-Aldrich) was prepared as 10 mM stock solutions and stored at 4 °C in a dry and sealed dark box to prevent degradation. During the experiment, K[Au(CN)2] was protected from light by wrapping the perfusion tubes with aluminum foil. PPi and glibenclamide were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. GlyH-101 was provided by the Chemical Compound Distribution Program sponsored by Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics.
Figure 1.
Cysteine scanning of TM5 in CFTR with intracellularly applied MTSES−. (A) Representative current trace recorded at −50 mV in an inside-out membrane patch containing R303C-CFTR channels. The dashed line represents the baseline. Application of a saturating concentration of ATP elicited chloride currents (downward deflections). The ATP-induced CFTR current was reduced by intracellular MTSES− treatment. The decrease in current was not restored by the removal of MTSES−, indicating that the decrease in current was likely due to a covalent modification of C303 by MTSES−. (B) Representative recording of Y304C-CFTR channels using an experimental protocol similar to that described for panel A. The ATP-induced current was not altered upon intracellular MTSES− treatment, suggesting that the cysteine placed at position 304 is not accessible to intracellular MTSES−. (C) Summary of the percent decrease in macroscopic mean currents after intracellular application of MTSES− for each cysteine-substituted channel (from cytoplasmic side L295C to extracellular side K329C). Asterisks mark the positions selected for SCAM studies by Wang et al.30 The dotted lines mark the membrane boundaries depicted in the originally defined CFTR topology. n = 3–9. Data points in this and all subsequent figures are presented as means ± SEM.
Figure 4.
Quantitative assessments of modification rates by intracellular MTSES− in the absence and presence of ATP. (A) Representative result showing how the modification rate for intracellular MTSES− in the absence of ATP was estimated (see Experimental Procedures and Results for details). The dashed line represents the baseline current level. (B) Summary of MTSES− modification rates in the absence and presence of ATP at all six positive positions. n = 3–9.
Figure 2.
Cysteine scanning of CFTR TM5 with extracellularly applied MTSES− in the whole-cell configuration. (A) Representative recording of whole-cell currents from F316C-CFTR channels. The dashed line represents the zero current level. A voltage ramp ranging from −100 to 100 mV was applied every 5 s. After the currents were fully activated by forskolin, 1 mM MTSES− was applied extracellularly for several minutes until a steady state was reached. MTSES− was subsequently washed out. The final baseline conductance was obtained with 20 μM CFTR blocker GlyH-101 to abolish all residual CFTR currents. (B) Representative recording of whole-cell patch currents of A326C-CFTR channels using a protocol similar to that described for panel A. The CFTR current induced by forskolin decreased upon the application of extracellular MTSES−. (C) Summary of the percentage decrease in macroscopic mean currents after the extracellular application of MTSES− for each cysteine-substituted channel (from cytoplasmic side F315C to extracellular side K329C). n = 3 or 4.
To measure the modification rate of MTSES− in the absence of ATP, we first applied 32 IU/mL PKA (Sigma-Aldrich) and 2 mM ATP to fully phosphorylate CFTR. Phosphorylated CFTR channels were subsequently opened with ATP for 3 s followed by a 13 s washout to determine the control peak mean current. The channels were then opened with ATP for 3 s followed by an 8 s washout; in the absence of ATP, MTSES− was applied for 3 s followed by a 2 s washout. This process was repeated 12 or 24 times depending on the time required for the modification to reach completion. The peak mean current amplitudes were plotted against cumulative application times of MTSES−. This relationship was fitted with a single-exponential function to obtain the modification rate of MTSES− in the absence of ATP. To prevent the thiol group of engineered cysteine from undergoing spontaneous oxidation,40,41 we routinely added 2.67 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) (Sigma-Aldrich) to the perfusion solution containing 32 IU/mL PKA and 2 mM ATP in the inside-out experiments, and 5 mM DTT to the bath solution containing forskolin in the whole-cell configuration.
Data Analysis.
The single-channel current amplitude was estimated by Gaussian fitting of the all-point amplitude histogram with the multipeak fitting package in Igor Pro (WaveMetrics). For the modification of MTSES−, the apparent second-order reaction rate constant was calculated as 1/(τ[MTSES−]), where τ was measured by fitting the current decay phase upon the addition of MTSES− with a single-exponential function and [MTSES−] represents the working concentration of MTSES−. All results are presented as means ± the standard error of the mean (SEM); n is the number of experiments. A Student’s unpaired t test (two-tailed) was performed with Minitab16.2. p < 0.05 was considered significant. Figures of homology models were prepared with PyMOL (version 1.3, Schrödinger).
Reactivity of Substituted Cysteines in TM5 to Intracellular and Extracellular MTSES−.
To investigate the role of TM5 in CFTR’s pore construction, we introduced cysteines, one at a time, into the originally defined TM5 (residues 308–329)2 and its cytoplasmic extension (residues 295–307) in a Cysless background as described previously.21,23,28 Each construct was then studied by assessing the reactivity of the substituted cysteines toward intracellularly applied, negatively charged MTSES−. After inside-out patches containing cysteine-substituted channels were fully activated with 32 IU/mL PKA and 2 mM ATP, 1 mM MTSES− was applied in the presence of ATP for at least 1 min. We then switched the perfusion solution back to one with ATP alone to ensure that the current response is due to a covalent modification of the engineered cysteine by MTSES− and hence is not reversed by a simple removal of the reagent. In a representative recording of R303C-CFTR (Figure 1A), the comparison of the mean current before and after the MTSES− treatment shows an irreversible decrease in the mean current by ~87%. In contrast, Figure 1B shows an experiment in which MTSES− does not affect the ATP-dependent current of Y304C-CFTR channels. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that the cysteine at position 304 was actually modified but without noticeable effects, the simplest explanation for this negative result is that the side chain of cysteine at this position is not exposed to the aqueous environment so as not to be modified by MTSES−.
As seen in the summarized results (Figure 1C), six cysteine-substituted CFTR channels, including A299C, R303C, N306C, S307C, F310C, and F311C, responded to cytoplasmic application of MTSES−. The apparent periodicity of these six reactive positions on TM5 suggests that the innermost part of TM5 and its cytoplasmic extension assume a secondary structure of α-helix as proposed previously.42 Similar inference of an α-helical structure was made for other TMs (e.g., TM1, TM3, TM6, and TM12). Consistent with our previous SCAM studies of TM1, TM6, and TM12,21,23,28 there is a clear accessibility limit in TM5 (position 311), beyond which cytoplasmic application of MTSES− fails to modify the engineered cysteine.
We next employed whole-cell patch-clamp techniques and applied MTSES− from the extracellular side of the membrane to identify positions that are accessible from the external end of the channel. Although R303C-, N306C-, and F310C-CFTR can be readily modified by internal MTSES−, external MTSES− failed to alter whole-cell currents from any of these three constructs (data not shown). Surprisingly, after testing 15 cysteine-substituted constructs (positions 315–329), we identified only two positive hits (residues 323 and 326). Panels A and B of Figure 2 demonstrate representative whole-cell forskolin-activated CFTR currents in response to extracellular applications of MTSES−: while 1 mM MTSES− has little effect on F316C-CFTR, it decreased A326C-CFTR currents by ~50%. GlyH-101, a CFTR inhibitor,43,44 was applied at the end of the experiments to ensure any currents that remained after the application of MTSES− are indeed from CFTR. Figure 2C summarizes these whole-cell experiments with external applications of MTSES−.
Reactivity of Substituted Cysteines in TM5 to Intracellular [Au(CN)2]−.
The results summarized in Figures 1C and 2C reveal a pattern very different from what we have reported for TM1, TM6, and TM12.21,23,28 First, previously identified internal accessibility limits reside relatively close to the middle section of the characterized TMs (e.g., L102 in TM1, S341 in TM6, and M1140 in TM12), whereas F311 in TM5 is located close to the cytoplasmic end. Second, the narrow region of the pore, defined as the segment of TMs between internal and external accessibility limits, spans only approximately two or three amino acids in TM1 and TM6 (i.e., L102–I106 in TM1 and S341–T338 in TM6), but cysteines placed at 11 positions between the internally accessible F311 and the externally accessible L323 do not react to either internal or external MTSES−. One possible interpretation of these surprising observations is that this long stretch of TM5 is buried in the protein core and therefore does not line the pore. However, before this conclusion was reached, we considered another possibility: some of these 11 amino acids may line the pore but are not accessible because of the bulkiness of MTSES−.
To exclude this possibility, we employed a channel-permeant thiol-specific reagent [Au(CN)2]− to test if cysteines placed in any of these positions may react with internally applied [Au(CN)2]−. We reasoned that if some of these positions indeed line the narrow part of the anion permeation pathway, introducing a negatively charged adduct with [Au(CN)2]− should decrease the current. Panels A and B of Figure 3 show representative results for two different constructs, F315C and R303C. In an inside-out patch (Figure 3A), application of 100 μM [Au(CN)2]− after F315C-CFTR channels were opened by ATP caused a decrease in the current, but the current recovered completely once [Au(CN)2]− was removed, indicating a reversible blockade of the channel by [Au(CN)2]− as reported previously.45 In contrast, a similar experimental protocol resulted in a significant decrease in the R303C-CFTR current and a simple washout of [Au(CN)2]− did not restore the current amplitude (Figure 3B); however, a complete recovery was seen upon the addition of 5 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), a commonly used reducing reagent. Figure 3C summarizes all the results at these 11 positions and positions 303 and 310 as positive controls. We thus conclude that these 11 amino acids do not play a role in constructing the pore-lining segment of CFTR.
Figure 3.
Effects of channel-permeant thiol-specific reagent [Au(CN)2]− on cysteines introduced into TM5. (A) Continuous current trace recorded from an inside-out membrane patch containing F315C-CFTR channels. The dashed line represents the baseline current level. Application of a saturating concentration of ATP elicited chloride currents following activation of the channels by 32 IU/mL PKA and ATP (not shown). The ATP-induced current is decreased upon the addition of intracellular [Au(CN)2]−, but the current completely recovered after the removal of [Au(CN)2]−. (B) Representative current recording of R303C-CFTR channels under an experimental protocol similar to that described for panel A. The current decrease upon intracellular [Au(CN)2]− treatment was not restored upon the removal of [Au(CN)2]−. However, the application of DTT restored all the current, indicating that the current decrease was due to covalent modification by [Au(CN)2]−. (C) Summary of the percentage decrease in macroscopic mean currents after intracellular application of [Au(CN)2]− for each cysteine-substituted channel (from cytoplasmic side F311C to extracellular side V322C together with F310C and R303C as positive controls). n = 3–5.
State-Dependent Modification of Engineered Cysteines in TM5 by MTSES−.
To further characterize those six positive positions identified by internal applications of MTSES−, we compared the modification rates measured in the presence or absence of ATP (see Experimental Procedures for details). Figure 4A shows a representative experiment in which the modification rate in the absence of ATP was obtained for N306C-CFTR. After the channels were fully activated with PKA and ATP, ATP was applied for 3 s followed by an 8 s washout. As seen in Figure 4A, the first two applications of ATP elicited similar macroscopic current amplitudes. However, the currents induced by subsequent pulses of ATP show a gradual reduction as MTSES− was added in the washout solutions. Fitting the relationship between the relative current amplitude and cumulative washout time with a single-exponential function yields a time constant for calculating the modification rate of N306C in the absence of ATP.
Figure 4B summarizes our results. All six positions are accessible to internal applications of MTSES− regardless of whether the reagent is applied in the presence or absence of ATP. More interestingly, the modification rates in the absence of ATP are 2–4-fold higher than that in the presence of ATP in all six positions (Figure 4B), suggesting that these cysteines are accessible to cytoplasmic MTSES− in both open and closed states. Indeed, as seen in Figure S2 of the Supporting Information, N306C-CFTR can be modified when the channel is locked open by PPi. These results also suggest that the inner vestibule of CFTR’s pore, where these six residues reside, is more accessible in the closed state, a proposition consistent with previous work that shows a wider internal pore entrance in the closed state.28
Effects of Charge Replacement in the Inner Vestibule.
So far, the results shown above with macroscopic recordings allow us to identify overall eight positions (of 35 scanned) at which engineered cysteines react with internal or external MTSES−. Two possibilities lie behind the macroscopic mean current decrease caused by MTSES− modification. One is that the introduced adduct following MTSES− modification changes the single-channel current amplitude through either physically blocking the permeation pathway or electrostatically repulsing the passing chloride ions; the other possibility is that the MTSES− modification changes CFTR gating and hence reduces the open probability. Considering seriously this latter possibility is important in the current study for the following reasons. First, our previous reports have shown clear gating effects by chemical modification of cysteine-substituted CFTR.21,23 Second, unlike what has been observed for TM1 and TM6, the single-channel current amplitude remains very constant in all cysteine-substituted CFTR mutants studied in this report, the only exception being R303C-CFTR (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
Summary of the single-channel current amplitude for WT/Cysless-CFTR and all cysteine-substituted channels. The transmembrane voltage was clamped at −50 mV. The data are shown as means ± SEM (n = 3–18). The only mutant that shows a dramatic difference in the single-channel current amplitude is R303C-CFTR.
We therefore examined the effect of MTSES− modification at the single-channel level. Two representative single-channel recordings and their all-point histograms (Figure 6A) show that before the application of MTSES−, the single-channel current amplitudes of both F310C and A299C-CFTR [−0.45 ± 0.01 pA (n = 10) and −0.49 ± 0.02 pA (n = 9), respectively] are very close to that of WT/Cysless-CFTR [−0.45 ± 0.01 pA (n =5)], but the single-channel current amplitudes were dramatically decreased after the treatment of MTSES−. Similar reductions in the single-channel current amplitude caused by MTSES− treatment were also observed at positions N306C, S307C, and F311C. Figure 6B summarizes these microscopic studies on five cysteine-substituted constructs. The percent decrease in the single-channel current amplitude is close to the percent decrease in the macroscopic mean current, suggesting that even if any possible gating effect of modification is taken into consideration, most of the reduced macroscopic mean current is due to a decrease in the single-channel current amplitude (Figure S3 of the Supporting Information).
Figure 6.
Modification by MTSES− reduces the single-channel current amplitude of each reactive mutant. (A) Single-channel recordings of F310C-and A299C-CFTR showing a significant decrease in the single-channel current amplitude after the treatment with MTSES−. The dashed line represents the closed-state current level. All-point histograms of the corresponding current traces are presented to show the decrease in single-channel current amplitudes by MTSES−. (B) Summary of changes in the single-channel current amplitude before (gray) and after MTSES− modification (red) at five reactive positions (n = 3–18) (the single-channel current amplitude of R303C-CFTR after MTSES− modification is too small to be quantified accurately).
For R303C-CFTR, the only mutant with a reduced single-channel current amplitude [−0.28 ± 0.01 pA (Figure 7A,C)] because of the substitution of a positively charged arginine with a neural cysteine, the modification of negatively charged MTSES− further decreases the single-channel current amplitude to an unresolvable level (trace not presented). However, positively charged MTSET+ or MTSEA+ increases the single-channel current amplitude of R303C-CFTR to a level virtually identical to that of Cysless channels (Figure 7A,C). Thus, at position 303, a previously proposed pure electrostatic effect on chloride conductance seems at work.35,36 Furthermore, in the R303C-CFTR background, when we replaced N306, a position approximately one helical turn external to R303, with an arginine, double mutant N306R/R303C-CFTR shows a single-channel current amplitude of −0.41 ± 0.01 pA (n = 4) higher than that of R303C-CFTR (Figure 7A–C), suggesting that moving the positive charge to a presumably neighboring residue can markedly restore the permeation property of the pore. The single-channel current amplitude of N306R/R303C-CFTR was further enhanced by the application of positively charged MTSET+, supporting the idea that positively charged side chains at this region likely exert a favorable electrostatic attraction for permeating anions. The effect of charge replacement on the single-channel current amplitude of R303C-CFTR is summarized in Figure 7C.
Figure 7.
Effects of charge replacement at position 303. (A) Single-channel recordings demonstrating an increase in the single-channel current amplitude of R303C-CFTR after modification by MTSET+ or MTSEA+. The corresponding all-point histogram is presented to the right of each current trace. (B) Restoration of the single-channel current amplitude for R303C-CFTR by introducing a positively charged residue at position 306 (i.e., control of N306R/R303C-CFTR), and a further increase in the single-channel current amplitude by MTSET+ modification. An all-point histogram for each single-channel trace is also presented. (C) Summary of the single-channel current amplitudes for R303C-CFTR and N306R/R303C-CFTR and those after modification by positively charged MTS reagents (n = 4–11). Asterisks mark statistically significant differences (p <0..05). (D) Representative macroscopic current recording showing an increase in glibenclamide block after MTSET+ modification on R303C-CFTR. The dashed line represents the closed-state current level. (E) Summary of glibenclamide block for WT/Cysless-CFTR, R303C-CFTR and MTSET+-modified R303C-CFTR. Glib refers to glibenclamide. Asterisks mark statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). n = 4–7.
The observation that CFTR’s internal vestibule can accommodate multiple positively charged side chains (Figure 7, and also see ref 34) suggests that this part of the pore is fairly wide. This idea of a large internal vestibule in CFTR’s anion permeation pathway is also supported by the observations that CFTR’s pore can be blocked from the cytoplasmic side of the membrane by the large glibenclamide molecule (MW of 494).46–50 Several previous studies have also established the critical role of an electropositive internal vestibule of CFTR in attracting anionic blockers such as glibenclamide.23,28,50–52 This role of positive electropotential in promoting blockade of the pore by the glibenclamide is again demonstrated by our findings that the R303C mutation significantly reduces blockade of the pore by glibenclamide (Figure 7D), and this reduced block can be restored nearly to the full extent by MTSET+ modification on R303C (Figure 7D,E). Collectively, these results of charge replacement experiments also support the notion that this part of TM5 does contribute to the ion permeation pathway.
The identification of pore-lining residues and the elucidation of relative motions of each TM during gating transitions are critical in shaping our understanding of the structural and functional properties of the CFTR chloride channel. In this study, we focused our efforts on characterizing CFTR’s TM5 (S308–K329) and its cytoplasmic extension (L295–S307) with SCAM. Our investigations identified six positions, i.e., A299, R303, N306, S307, F310, and F311, where the engineered cysteine could be modified by intracellularly applied thiol-specific reagent MTSES−. After MTSES− modification, the single-channel current amplitude is dramatically reduced as expected for an anion channel pore following the placement of a negatively charged adduct. Furthermore, the apparent periodicity of these six positions suggests that this cytoplasmic portion of TM5 assumes an α-helical secondary structure, an observation similar to our previous reports for TM1, TM6, and TM12.21,23,28 Because cysteines introduced at all these positions can be modified both in the presence and in the absence of ATP, we inferred that the side chains of these six residues are exposed to the aqueous pore in both open and closed states. By comparing the modification rates of MTSES−, we found that all six positions exhibit a higher rate of modification in the absence of ATP than in the presence of ATP (Figure 4), suggesting that these residues are more readily accessible when the channel resides in the closed state. If we accept the idea that this segment of TM5 forms part of the internal vestibule of the CFTR pore, this result is not surprising as previous SCAM studies of TM6 and TM12 implicate a widening of CFTR’s internal pore entrance when the gate closes.23,28 Moreover, our data show that the single-channel current amplitude of N306C can be reduced by MTSES− during one locked-opening burst (Figure S2 of the Supporting Information), invalidating the extreme scenario in which this cysteine at position 306 can be modified in only the closed state.
Notwithstanding similarities between TM5 and other TMs mentioned above, this study reveals an unexpected difference: there exists a segment of 11 consecutive amino acids (F312–V322), enough to span three helical turns, where the engineered cysteine fails to respond to internal or external MTSES−. We also found no evidence of any reactivity for the introduced cysteines at these 11 positions to small channelpermeant, thiol-reactive [Au(CN)2]−. This unique feature distinguishes TM5 from other extensively studied TMs, such as TM1,21,34 TM6,16,23 and TM12,16,27,28,53 where the accessibility limits to MTSES− from both sides of membrane are separated only by approximately two or three amino acid residues that are thought to form the narrowest region in the CFTR pore.16 Although we cannot completely rule out other possibilities, the simplest explanation for these results is that this segment of TM5 is not exposed to the pore (also see below). Thus, different TMs may assume different structural roles in crafting the pore of CFTR. In fact, the observation that TM1 in CFTR’s TMD1, but not its corresponding TM in TMD2 (i.e., TM7), contributes to pore lining indicates a significant asymmetry between TMD1 and TMD2 in the construction of the pore30 (Figure S1 of the Supporting Information).
Despite some earlier reports implicating TM5 as a porelining segment,31,35,36,54,55 this TM has not been subjected to SCAM studies extensively until recently. Following cysteine scanning of six positions (F315–L320) in TM5, Wang et al.30 concluded that this fraction of TM5 does not play a role in pore construction. By contrast, in the same report, positive positions, including I1112, T1115, and S1118, were identified in TM11 (equivalent to TM5 in TMD2), suggesting that TM11 does contribute to pore lining, a conclusion supported by an earlier report.26 Of note, the regions in TM5 and TM11 chosen by Wang et al.30 for their SCAM studies were all located close to the “center” of each TM according to the originally defined topology of CFTR’s TMDs.2 The fact that the six positions in TM5 they tested turn out negative is consistent with our study. However, on the basis of our previous SCAM studies of TM1,21 we have noted that some revisions of the amino acid assignment for CFTR’s TM are necessary. In addition, the helical bundles that form the aqueous pore (or substrate translocation pathway) can easily extend beyond the traditionally defined membrane boundaries.15,56–58 We thus expanded our cysteine scanning to include not only the whole putative TM5 defined by the original topological model2 but also positions in the originally defined “intracellular loop”. Our data suggest that this extended segment may not be a disordered loop but instead may assume a secondary structure and line the internal vestibule of CFTR’s pore (also see below).
Among the six residues identified as pore-lining residues in TM5, the positively charged R303 is perhaps the most interesting one and relatively well studied. It was shown that the substitution of this arginine with glutamic acid results in strong outward rectification while wild-type CFTR shows a linear I–V relationship under a symmetrical chloride condition.35 Interestingly, the degree of rectification and the change in single-channel conductance depend on the charge status at position 303, consistent with the idea that the side chain of this residue exerts a pure electrostatic effect on the permeation of chloride through the pore. The same report also shows that a cysteine introduced at position 303 could be modified by either negatively charged MTSES− or positively charged MTSET+. Indeed, some of these results are confirmed by the study presented here in a Cysless background (Figures 1, 3, and 7). Further support for the role of R303 in attracting anions comes from experiments using anionic CFTR pore blockers such as suramin, arachidonic acid, and tetranitroplatinate (Pt[NO]42− It was shown that blockade of CFTR by these reagents was significantly reduced by substitutions of R303 with glutamine or glutamic acid.36,50,55 Thus, the importance of the positive charge at position 303 in the internal vestibule of CFTR’s pore is beyond question. Here, we demonstrate that the R303C mutation in TM5 reduces glibenclamide block and modification by MTSET+ almost completely restores the inhibition of glibenclamide (Figure 7). Taking all the experimental data together, we conclude that R303, as proposed previously,32,35,36,50,55 plays an important role in the pore by attracting anions through a simple electrostatic effect. Then, the observation that this electrostatic role of R303 can be assumed by a positive charge introduced external to position 303 (Figure 7) constitutes another piece of evidence supporting the idea that TM5 lines part of the CFTR pore. Furthermore, the observation that bearing two positive charges at positions 303 and 306 yields an even higher single-channel current amplitude (Figure 7B,C) supports the idea that this part of the internal vestibule should be very spacious to prevent the creation of a strong anion binding trap.
Although the high-resolution structure of the whole CFTR protein has yet to be resolved, several homology models16–20,59,60 have been built on the basis of the crystal structures of ABC exporters.11,13 We next decided to look into these modeled structures with the hope of gaining some structural insights into our experimental results with TM5. Interestingly, in the latest outward-facing homology model reported by Norimatsu et al.,16 the cytoplasmic boundary of TM5 is extended from S308 to A300, which coincides with the cytoplasmic edge in our SCAM study (i.e., A299). However, none of the pore-lining residues identified in this work are exposed to the anion permeation pathway according to this modeled structure. On the other hand, in another outward-facing homology model meant to simulate CFTR’s open state11,19 (Figure 8A), we found four of six positive positions are exposed to the channel pore, the exceptions being F310, which is buried in the protein, and N306, which faces the lipid bilayer. What is perhaps most intriguing to us is that in this modeled structure, the outer portion of TM5 (F312–K329) is concealed from the pore by resting behind the outer halves of TM6 and TM7 and the lipid bilayer. Of note, an early report by Sheppard et al. that mutations at position 324 were without effect on the magnitude of the cAMP-stimulated CFTR current and the anion selectivity of CFTR is consistent with this picture.61 Also strikingly, the cytoplasmic end (F312) of this buried segment in TM5 is identical to the internal accessibility limit identified in this study (Figure 1). A similar consistency between our data and computational predictions is also seen with another channel-like model published more recently17 (Figure 8B).
Figure 8.
Lateral view and extracellular views of two outward-facing structural models of CFTR’s TMDs, which represent the presumed open-channel conformation. The models were built on the basis of the crystal structure of a bacterial ABC transporter Sav1866. (A) Lateral view (left) with a surface representation and its extracellular view (right) with a ribbon representation of the modeled structure of Mornon et al.19 The NBD1-RD (residues 370–850) and NBD2-C terminal (residues 1156–1480) are not shown here. Two TMDs of CFTR were colored wheat. Of note, the lateral view shows that the major portion of red-colored TM5 is located at the periphery of the CFTR protein and hence away from the centrally located pore. Positive hits for intracellular MTSES− are colored green, and two extracellular positive hits, L323 and A326, are colored blue. It is shown in the extracellular view that, while L323 and A326 are away from the pore axis (red solid circle), four of six of the intracellular positive hits (green) are pore-lining residues with their side chains exposed to the permeation pathway. F310 is buried in other TMs, and N306 is pointing to the lipid phase. Positions external to F312 are hidden behind the outer halves of TM6 (cyan) and TM7 (yellow). The cytoplasmic halves of TM6 (marine) and TM7 (orange) bent away from TM5 so that positions starting from F311 on TM5 are exposed to the pore. (B) Lateral view (left) of two TMDs of one outward-facing, “channel-like” CFTR homology model and its lateral view (right) of TMD1 with a ribbon representation developed by Dalton et al.17 TMD2 has been omitted to better view the relative positions of TM5 and other TMs. The dashed line represents the pore axis. Color codes for all residues are the same as in panel A. The observations from both views are similar to those in panel A despite a significant difference in the arrangement of TMs in these two structures.
While the modeled structures discussed above provide some satisfactory explanations for our data, we were somewhat perplexed by the concealment of N306 and F310 from the pore in these models. As the homology models so far examined all represent “open-channel conformations” of CFTR, it remains possible that these two positions may be exposed to the pore in the “closed” state. In the only homology model for CFTR’s “closed-channel conformation” based on the bacterial ABC lipid flippase, MsbA,13,18 we found that all six positive hits identified in our study are well-exposed in the aqueous pore and that the same outer segment of TM5 starting at F312 is obstructed by other TMs from the pore (Figure 9). Despite this surprisingly satisfying match between the modeled structures and our experimental data, we were not able to explain our SCAM results with L323C and A326C, two constructs responding to external MTSES− (Figure 2), as these two positions are part of the outer segment that is protruding to other TMs or membrane lipids. These structural models also fail to provide answers to explain two puzzling results. First, none of the 21 positions tested in TM7 are positive. Second, while F311C reacts to internal MTSES−, [Au(CN)2]− has little effect (Figure 3). Despite these caveats, these modeled structures of CFTR do support a role of TM5 in CFTR’s pore construction, and our studies serve as a reminder that computational and experimental approaches could be fruitfully complementary in our pursuit of a better understanding of the CFTR channel.
Figure 9.
Lateral and cytoplasmic views of an inward-facing structural model representing the presumed closed conformation of CFTR. This model in ref 18 was based on the crystal structure of a bacterial ABC lipid flippase, MsbA. Color codes are the same as in Figure 8. (A) A lateral view with a surface representation shows that the majority of TM5 (red), including two extracellular positive hits, L323 and A326 (blue), is located at the periphery of the CFTR protein. (B) An intracellular view shows that all six positive hits with intracellular MTSES− are located on one face of TM5 where the side chains are exposed to the aqueous environment of the inner vestibule, whereas positions external to F312 (red and blue) are hidden behind other TMs.
Supplementary Material
We thank Cindy Chu and Shenghui Hu for their technical assistance. All experiments were performed in the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center.
This work is supported by Grant R01DK55835 from the National Institutes of Health and a grant (Hwang13P0) from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (to T.-C.H.).
ATP binding cassette
cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
nucleotide binding domain
transmembrane domain
- TM
transmembrane segment
substituted cysteine accessibility methodology
- RD
regulatory domain
2-sulfonatoethyl MTS
2-trimethylaminoethyl MTS
2-aminoethyl MTS hydrochloride
- WT
wild type
- Pt[NO]42−
- PPi
- Glib
Supporting Information
SCAM results on TM7, MTSES− modification on locked open N306C-CFTR, and a comparison of modification ratios on TM5 between macroscopic trace and single-channel current amplitude by MTSES− modification. The Supporting InformaZtion is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00427.
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
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