Table 2.
Sample size estimates by study aim
Study aim | Survey | Target population | Sample size | Assumptions |
Study aim 1a* | Face to face survey to measure changes in infant feeding practices | Women 5–7 months pregnant in four districts of MP | 5000 | • 5% change in reported practice of immediate and exclusive breastfeeding • Loss to follow-up of 20% from enrolment to final follow-up visit • Variance inflation factor of 1.25 |
Study aim 1b | Phone survey to measure changes in infant feeding | Postpartum women randomized to Kilkari | 5000 | Descriptive survey; administered to all women enrolled into the study |
Study aim 1c* | Test-retest | Women 5–7 months pregnant in four districts of MP | 168 women to be interviewed twice | • Proportion of positive responses of 0.35 for rater 1 and 0.40 for rater 2 • Adjusting for a 15% loss to follow-up/refusal between the first and second surveys |
Study aim 1* | Phone survey for postpartum women: infant feeding, essential newborn care, RMC during childbirth | Women 1–4 months postpartum in two districts of MP | 880 women interviewed as part of face to face surveys contacted to yield 146 completed face to face and phone survey interviews | • 20% phone survey response rate • Proportion of positive responses of 0.35 for rater 1 and 0.40 for rater 2 |
Study aim 2* | Phone survey for pregnant women: RMC during pregnancy | Women 5–7 months pregnant in four districts of MP | 880 women interviewed as part of face to face surveys contacted to yield 146 completed face to face and phone survey interviews | • 20% phone survey response rate • Proportion of positive responses of 0.35 for rater 1 and 0.40 for rater 2 |
Study aim 2 | MCTS/RCH registration | • FLHWs • Block and district medical officers • Data entry officers |
64 in-depth interviews, 24 focus group discussions, and 24 observations | |
Study aim 4 | User perceptions of Kilkari | • FLHWs: ASHAs, ANMs • Women enrolled to Kilkari and male phone owners |
49 in-depth interviews and six focus group discussions |
*Sample estimates based on kappa of 0.80, alpha of 0.05, margin of error of 0.05%