Data sharing is crucial to the advancement of science because it facilitates collaboration, transparency, reproducibility, criticism, and re-analysis. Publishers are well-positioned to promote sharing of research data by implementing data sharing policies. While there is an increasing trend toward requiring data sharing, not all journals mandate that data be shared at the time of publication. In this study, we extended previous work to analyze the data sharing policies of 447 journals across several scientific disciplines, including biology, clinical sciences, mathematics, physics, and social sciences. Our results showed that only a small percentage of journals require data sharing as a condition of publication, and that this varies across disciplines and Impact Factors. Both Impact Factor and discipline are associated the presence of a data sharing policy. Our results suggest that journals with higher Impact Factors are more likely to have data sharing policies; use shared data in peer review; require deposit of specific data types into publicly available data banks; and refer to reproducibility as a rationale for sharing data. Biological science journals are more likely than social science and mathematics journals to require data sharing.
Sharing research results, data, and other intellectual products is an established and essential part of the scientific ethos (Resnik 1998). The eminent sociologist of science Robert Merton described a norm, known as communalism, which obliges scientists to share the results of research. Communalism holds that the findings of science belong to the research community because they are the products of collaboration (Merton 1973). Collaboration, in turn, promotes scientific progress by allowing researchers to pool their resources and work toward common goals (Fischer and Zigmond 2010).
Data sharing also plays a key role in enabling researchers to evaluate, re-analyze and reproduce each other’s work (Fischer and Zigmond 2010, Bauchner et al. 2016). Recently, scientists and others have raised concerns about the reproducibility of published research (Arrowsmith 2001, Ioannidis 2005, Prinz et al. 2011, McNutt 2014, Open Science Collaboration 2015, Begley and Ioannidis 2015, Baker 2016). In response, funding agencies, professional societies, and journals have developed or refined policies to promote transparency, including the creation of data sharing policies (Collins and Tabak 2014, McNutt 2014, Vasilevsky et al. 2017, Stuart et al. 2018). These policies encourage or require researchers to share the information needed to reproduce research results, such as supporting data, protocols, study designs, methods, and computer code (Kaye et al. 2009, Stuart et al. 2018, NIH 2014, NIH 2017, Holdren 2012). Although most scientists agree with the importance of data sharing, several barriers and practical and ethical challenges are sometimes raised. These include issues such as protecting human subjects, concerns about “scooping,” intellectual property considerations, proprietary information, and national security issues. In addition, the time and costs associated with sharing data can be significant (Resnik 2009, Stodden et al. 2013, Shamoo and Resnik 2015, Longo and Draze, 2016, Stuart et al. 2018, LeClere 2010, Savage and Vickers 2009).
Journals play an important role in promoting data sharing. (Stodden et al. 2013, Vasilevsky et al. 2017, Piwowar et al. 2008, McCain 1995, Barbui 2016). Stodden et al. (2013) developed and tested a framework for classifying the data and computer code sharing policies in computational and mathematical biology, statistics and probability, and multidisciplinary science journals for the years 2011 and 2012. Their results showed that 38% of journals they evaluated had a data sharing policy and 22% had a computer code sharing policy. A journal’s Impact Factor (IF) was significantly associated with having a policy; journals with higher IFs were more likely to have data sharing policies or impose significant requirements on data sharing (Stodden et al. 2013). Vasilevsky et al. (2017) refined Stodden et al.’s coding framework to evaluate additional aspects of data sharing requirements and expanded the subject scope and number of evaluated journals. They found that 11.9% of journals required authors to share data in order to publish in the journal, 9.1% required authors to share data but did state whether sharing would impact the journal’s publication decision, 23.3% encouraged or addressed data sharing, 9.1% mentioned data sharing indirectly, 14.8% of journals addressed protein, proteomic, and/or genomic data sharing, and 31.8% did not mention data sharing (Vasilevsky et al. 2017). Like Stodden et al. (2013), the authors also found that having a data sharing policy was significantly associated with the journal’s IF. The Stodden et al. (2013) and Vasilevsky et al. (2017) studies focused on biomedical or computational journals. Moreover, Vasilevsky et al.’s study was limited to journals in the top quartile by IF or publication volume.
Given the practical and ethical challenges related to data sharing discussed above, one would expect there to be some diversity in data sharing norms, attitudes, and policies across different areas of science, and evidence from the published literature provides support for this hypothesis (Kaye et al. 2009, Sorrano et al. 2015, Stuart et al. 2018). In a survey of almost 8,000 researchers, Stuart et al. (2018) found that attitudes towards data sharing varied across disciplines such as biological, clinical, and physical sciences. The goal of our research was to build upon this prior work to examine the relationships between the presence and characteristics of data sharing policies in various journal subject categories and by Journal IF. We hypothesized that Journal IF and type of science would affect the presence and characteristics of data sharing policies. Towards this end, we examined a large sample of journals from varied scientific disciplines with a wide range of IFs.
We drew our sample from the 2016 edition of Thompson-Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports, which included 13,401 journals. Unlike Vasilevsky et al. (2017), we did not limit our sample to high IF journals. To ensure that our sample contained journals from a variety of disciplines, we drew a stratified random sample of journals. For our stratification, we categorized the journals listed in Journal Citation Reports as belonging to the following disciplines:
Biological sciences (2263 journals); i.e. journals that publish research in biology, biotechnology, bioengineering, ecology, agriculture.
Clinical sciences (4132 journals), i.e. journals that aim to publish clinical research or have a substantial proportion of articles that report the results of clinical research; includes medical journals and social science journals with a clinical focus.
Mathematical sciences (1280 journals), i.e. mathematics, statistics, and computer science; also includes mathematically oriented journals in biology, physics, and social science.
Physical science (2709 journals), including engineering; excluding bioengineering.
Social sciences (2953 journals), including humanities.
Multidisciplinary science journals (64 journals), e.g. Science, Nature, etc. Note: this classification was made by Journal Citation Reports.
We initially grouped journals according to these different categories based on the names and descriptions found in Journal Citation Reports and then reclassified some of the journals during the coding process. We eliminated multidisciplinary science journals to facilitate more consistent disciplinary comparisons. Using the website Random.org, we drew a random sample of 125 journals form each journal category and eliminated 19 journals because they were review journals or duplications. Additionally, we removed 13 journals because they were not in English (8), were books (3) or did not post their policies on the internet (2). That left us with 593 journals to code from five different areas of science. Ultimately, we coded only 447 journals due to limited resources. The breakdown was: 18.1% biological sciences, 18.8% clinical sciences, 21.7% mathematical sciences, 19.9% physical sciences, and 21.5% social sciences. The mean IF was 2.0, with a range of 0.13 to 29.5 and a standard deviation of 2.60. 88.1% of journals were available by subscription and 11.9% were open access (See Table 1).
Table 1:
Journal Summary Data
Journal Categories | Count | Percent (%) |
Biological Sciences | 81 | 18.1 |
Clinical Sciences | 84 | 18.8 |
Mathematical Sciences | 97 | 21.7 |
Physical Sciences | 89 | 19.9 |
Social Sciences |
96 |
21.5 |
Total | 447 | |
Impact Factor* | ||
Mean 2.0; Median: 1.44; Range: 0.13 to 29.5; Standard Deviation: 2.60 | ||
*445 journals; 2 had no Impact Factor available | ||
Journal access | Count | Percent (%) |
Open access | 394 | 11.9 |
Subscription | 53 | 88.1 |
The coders (RL and MM) worked independently. Each reviewed the data sharing policies documented on journal websites and coded the policies based on a framework adapted from Stodden et al. (2013) and Vasilevsky et al. (2017). The coders limited their evaluations to information the journals conveyed authors, and did not consider external sources, such as links to additional web pages, unless the journals instructed authors to review this information to comply with a journal’s data sharing policy. The coders resolved any conflicts after inter-rater agreement was statistically assessed. The coders were able to resolve their disagreements by rereading the policies and consulting with a third party, DR. The average agreement was 86.8% and agreement was 90% or above for 13 of 24 variables assessed. (Inter-rater agreement data analyses are available upon request.)
The coding framework consisted of the following categories:
Data sharing policy (note: categories are not mutually exclusive)
Data sharing required as condition of publication
Data sharing required but no explicit statement regarding effect on publication/editorial
Data sharing explicitly encouraged/addressed but not required
Shared data will be used in peer review
Data sharing mentioned indirectly
Only protein, proteomic, and/or genomic data sharing addressed
Only sharing of computer code addressed
No mention of data sharing
Specific types of data sharing
Sharing of protein, proteomic, genetic, or genomic data sharing required with deposit to specific data banks
Sharing of computer codes or models with deposit to data banks
Sharing of clinical trial data with deposit to data banks
Recommended sharing method
Public online repository
Journal hosted
By reader request to authors
Multiple methods equally recommended
If data is journal hosted
Journal will host regardless of size
Journal has data hosting file/s size limit
Issues concerning copyright/licensing of data
Explicitly stated or mentioned
No mention
Data archival/retention policy
Explicitly stated
No mention
Reproducibility or analogous concepts noted as purpose of data policy
Explicitly stated
No mention
The coders also confirmed the original classification of the journal’s subject category (i.e. biological, clinical, etc.) made during the stratification process. This judgment was based on carefully reading the journal’s aims and scope. 8 journals were re-classified based on inspection of their aims and scope and the type of articles published. Each journal’s IF and access model (open access or subscription) were also recorded. We used the statistical software R (version 3.5.0) in our data analyses. Logistic regression models (Table 2) were used to assess the association between IF, discipline, and the presence and type of data sharing policy. We included both IF (continuous variable) and discipline (categorical variable) as predictors and each data sharing policy as the response variable in turn in the model. To ensure reasonable sample sizes we only performed logistic regression on the policies with >20 “Yes” responses. Likelihood ratio tests were performed to evaluate the global association of type of science.
Table 2:
Results of logistic regressions
Data sharing policy (Binary dependent variable) | Variable1 | OR (95% CI) | P (Wald test) | P (Likelihood Ratio Test of Type of Science) |
Data sharing required but no explicit statement regarding effect on publication/editorial decision-making | Impact Factor | 1.04 (0.95, 1.15) | 0.4 | |
Type of Science: C | 0.70 (0.28, 1.70) | 0.4 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.17 (0.05, 0.63) | 0.0077 | ||
Type of Science: P | 0.46 (0.17, 1.22) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.12 (0.03, 0.53) | 0.0055 | 0.0024 | |
Data sharing explicitly encouraged/addressed but not required | Impact Factor | 1.07 (0.99, 1.17) | 0.1 | |
Type of Science: C | 1.06 (0.57, 1.99) | 0.8 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.85 (0.46, 1.57) | 0.6 | ||
Type of Science: P | 1.13 (0.61, 2.08) | 0.7 | ||
Type of Science: S | 1.04 (0.57, 1.91) | 0.9 | 0.9 | |
Shared data will be used in peer review | Impact Factor | 1.17 (1.06, 1.28) | 0.001 | |
Type of Science: C | 0.88 (0.19, 4.01) | 0.9 | ||
Type of Science: M | 1.00 (0.23, 4.40) | 1 | ||
Type of Science: P | 1.93 (0.51, 7.35) | 0.3 | ||
Type of Science: S | 1.36 (0.33, 5.60) | 0.7 | 0.8 | |
Data sharing mentioned indirectly | Impact Factor | 1.01 (0.86, 1.19) | 0.9 | |
Type of Science: C | 5.08 (0.58, 44.57) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: M | 7.26 (0.89, 59.53) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: P | 2.84 (0.29, 27.87) | 0.4 | ||
Type of Science: S | 6.37 (0.76, 53.12) | 0.1 | 0.1 | |
No mentioning of data sharing | Impact Factor | 0.76 (0.65, 0.89) | 0.0005 | |
Type of Science: C | 1.21 (0.62, 2.34) | 0.6 | ||
Type of Science: M | 1.74 (0.94, 3.24) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: P | 1.60 (0.85, 3.01) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: S | 1.55 (0.83, 2.88) | 0.2 | 0.4 | |
Protein, proteomic, genetic, or genomic data sharing required with deposit to specific data banks | Impact Factor | 1.20 (1.05, 1.37) | 0.0074 | |
Type of Science: C | 0.46 (0.21, 1.01) | 0.05 | ||
Type of Science: M | -- | 1 | ||
Type of Science: P | 0.15 (0.05, 0.44) | 0.0005 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.09 (0.03, 0.33) | 0.0002 | 7.8× 10−10 | |
Sharing of computer codes or models with deposit | Impact Factor | 1.09 (1.00, 1.18) | 0.0439 | |
Type of Science: C | 1.77 (0.86, 3.66) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.85 (0.39, 1.84) | 0.7 | ||
Type of Science: P | 1.00 (0.46, 2.16) | 1 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.81 (0.37, 1.77) | 0.6 | 0.2 | |
Recommended sharing method: Public online repository | Impact Factor | 1.24 (1.10, 1.41) | 0.0008 | |
Type of Science: C | 0.64 (0.34, 1.20) | 0.2 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.54 (0.29, 1.00) | 0.05 | ||
Type of Science: P | 0.72 (0.39, 1.34) | 0.3 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.67 (0.37, 1.23) | 0.2 | 0.4 | |
Recommended sharing method: Multiple methods recommended | Impact Factor | 1.04 (0.94, 1.15) | 0.4 | |
Type of Science: C | 1.58 (0.58, 4.30) | 0.4 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.11 (0.01, 0.94) | 0.044 | ||
Type of Science: P | 0.93 (0.31, 2.78) | 0.9 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.73 (0.23, 2.28) | 0.6 | 0.02 | |
Recommended sharing method: Unspecified | Impact Factor | 0.75 (0.59, 0.83) | 0.00003 | |
Type of Science: C | 1.26 (0.65, 2.43) | 0.5 | ||
Type of Science: M | 1.51 (0.82, 2.81) | 0.2 | ||
Type of Science: P | 1.42 (0.75, 2.66) | 0.3 | ||
Type of Science: S | 1.41 (0.76, 2.62) | 0.3 | 0.7 | |
Reproducibility or analogous concepts noted as purpose of data policy | Impact Factor | 1.26 (1.11, 1.42) | 0.0002 | |
Type of Science: C | 1.31 (0.66, 2.61) | 0.4 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.76 (0.37, 1.55) | 0.5 | ||
Type of Science: P | 0.65 (0.31, 1.36) | 0.3 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.64 (0.31, 1.34) | 0.2 | 0.2 | |
Journal access: Open Access | Impact Factor | 0.84 (0.66, 1.06) | 0.1 | |
Type of Science: C | 0.82 (0.34, 1.95) | 0.6 | ||
Type of Science: M | 0.45 (0.18, 1.11) | 0.1 | ||
Type of Science: P | 0.80 (0.35, 1.84) | 0.6 | ||
Type of Science: S | 0.24 (0.08, 0.70) | 0.0093 | 0.04 |
Journal categories: C = clinical sciences, M = mathematical sciences, P = physical sciences, S = social sciences. The reference category is B: biological sciences.
Of the 447 journals evaluated, only 12 journals (2.7%) required data sharing as a condition of publication, and 35 (7.8%) required data sharing but did not explicitly state the effect on publication. A total of 181(40.5%) encouraged or addressed data sharing but did not require it, 25 (5.6%) stated that shared data would be evaluated during peer review, and24 (5.4%) indirectly mentioned data sharing, while 12 (2.7%) only addressed proteomic and/or genomic data sharing; 7 (1.6%) only addressed computer code sharing. 43.6% of the journals (195) did not mention data sharing at all (Figure 1). Note: scoring for each category was not mutually exclusive.
Figure 1: Type of Data Sharing Policy.
Each bar shows the percentage of all journals for each data sharing mark. Each journal was coded with a data sharing mark by two independent curators. The categories were not mutually exclusive.
A significantly higher percentage of biological science journals (27.2%) addressed proteomic and/or genomic data sharing, as compared to 16.7% of clinical science journals, 5.6% of physical science journals, 3.1% of social science journals, and 0.0% of mathematical science journals. A somewhat higher percentage of biological science journals also addressed sharing of computer codes (19.8%), as compared to 19.1% of physical science journals, 16.5% of mathematical science journals, 15.6% of social science journals, and 3.1% of clinical science journals. And a slightly higher percentage of biological science journals (4.9%) addressed sharing of clinical trial data, as compared to 4.8% of clinical science journals, 2.2% of physical science journals, 1.0% of social science journals, and 0.0% of mathematical science journals. See Table 2 for comparisons of data sharing policies based on type of science.
With respect to specific types of data sharing, such as the mention of specific repositories, we found that a small percentage of journals required data deposits into public repositories. A total of 44 (9.8%) of journals required the deposit of protein, proteomic, genetic, or genomic data into specific data banks, and 90 (20.1%) journals required sharing of computer codes or models with deposit into data banks.. A small number of journals, 11 (2.1%) required deposit of clinical trial data into clinical data banks (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Specific Types of Data Sharing.
Each bar shows the percentage of all journals for each specific type of data sharing mark, as indicated below. Each journal was coded with a data sharing mark by two independent curators. The categories were not mutually exclusive.
While many data repositories exist, providing recommendations for data deposition or hosting the data at the journal itself may reduce barriers to data sharing and improve downstream user access. We therefore analyzed the recommended sharing method for each journal. We found that 189 (42.3%) journals recommend data sharing via a public online repository, 19 (4.5%) recommend data sharing through a journal hosted repository, 8 (1.8%) recommend data sharing by a reader request to the authors, 32 (7.2%) recommend multiple methods of sharing data, and 200 (44.7%) did not specify the method of data sharing. Among the 19 journals that offered to host data, 2 journals (10.5%) mentioned they would host the data regardless of the size of the dataset, 2 (10.5%) placed limits on the size of the dataset or number of files, and 15 (78.9%) made no mention of hosting restrictions (Figure 2). Additionally, data can be licensed it ways that facilitate or hinder reuse and attribution by others. Our results showed that only 9 (2%) journals explicitly stated or mentioned issues related to copyright or licensing of data, and 4 (0.9%) explicitly stated a data archiving or retention policy. Finally, a driving factor for data sharing is to facilitate research reproducibility; therefore, we analyzed policies for the mention of reproducibility or analogous concepts as the purpose of data sharing. Our results showed that approximately one quarter of the journals (106 (23.7%)) referred to reproducibility or related concepts as justification for their data sharing policy (Figure 2).
IF was significantly associated with the several aspects of data sharing. Journals with a high IF were more likely to use data in the peer review process with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.17 (95% confidence interval (CI)= (1.06, 1.28)) per unit increase in IF; were less likely to “not mention data sharing policy” (OR=0.76 (0.65, 0.89)); more likely to require deposit of protein, proteomic, genetic, and genomic data into a public data bank (OR=1.2 (1.05, 1.37)) and computer code deposit (OR=1.09 (1, 1.18)); are more likely to recommend sharing on public online repository (OR=1.24 (1.1, 1.41)); less likely to “not recommend a sharing mechanism” (OR=0.75 (0.59, 0.83)); and more likely to mention reproducibility or analogous concepts (OR=1.26 (1.11, 1.42)) (Table 2).
We also observed differences in data sharing policies across five scientific sub-disciplines. For all comparisons we used journals in biological sciences as the reference group, which allowed us to build upon and compare our findings to previous studies. Our results showed that both social science journals and mathematical science journals are less likely than biological science journals to require data sharing (with no impact on the publication decision) (OR=0.12 (0.03, 0.53) and 0.17 (0.05, 0.63), respectively). As for recommended data sharing mechanism, mathematical science journals are less likely to recommend a public online repository (OR=0.54, 95% CI= (0.29, 1)) or recommend multiple methods (OR=0.11, 95% CI= (0.01, 0.94)). Not surprisingly, comparing to journals in biological sciences, journals in clinical sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences from our analysis were less likely to require deposit of protein, proteomic, genetic, and genomic data into a public data bank. The 4 degrees-of-freedom likelihood ratio tests of disciplines showed significant association with several data sharing policy characteristics: data sharing required but no effect on publication described (P=0.0024), required deposit of protein, proteomic, genetic, and genomic data into a public data bank (P=7.8 × 10−10), and multiple methods recommended for data sharing (P=0.02). Discipline is also significantly associated with journal access type (P=0.04) with social science journals being less likely to be open access (OR=0.24 (0.08, 0.7)) (Table 2).
The benefits of data sharing for reproducibility and scientific discovery have been well documented, as highlighted in cases such as the Human Genome Project (https://www.genome.gov/12011238/an-overview-of-the-human-genome-project/) and the Framingham Heart Study (https://www.framinghamheartstudy.org/). As most scientific findings are communicated via published manuscripts, publishers are uniquely positioned to promote and require data sharing as an outcome of research. However, our analysis of a large subset of journals across a range of IFs and scientific sub-disciplines validate and extend previous findings that most journals do not require data sharing alongside publications (Stodden et al 2013, Vasilevsky et al 2017, Piwowar et al 2008, McCain, 1995, Barbui, 2016).
We found that the presence and quality of data sharing policies varied across journals in various disciplines and IFs. Journals with higher IFs were more likely to have data sharing policies; use shared data in peer review; require deposit of protein, proteomic, genetic, and genomic data into publicly available data banks; recommend deposit of data onto shared repositories; and refer to reproducibility as a rationale for sharing data. Biological science journals in our subset were more likely than social science and mathematics journals to require data sharing (with no effect on publication) and were, unsurprisingly, more likely to require deposit of protein, proteomic, genetic, and genomic data into a public data bank than all other types of journals. Biological science journals are also more likely than mathematics journals to recommend deposit of data into a shared repository.
In comparing our results with the previously published study by Vasilevsky et al. (2017), we note some key differences and similarities. With respect to the journals analyzed, the initial study was limited to the top quartiles by numbers of citable items (published papers) and IF, while this study was not. The previous study sample had a higher mean and median IF compared to the sample analyzed in this study (original study, mean=5.42, median=4.16; current study: mean=2.22, median 1.75). In the previous study, the authors found a correlation between the number of citable items and the presence of a data sharing policy. The mean and median number of citatable items in the previous study’s sample were higher than the journals in this sample (original study, mean=414, median=123; this study, mean=236, median=82). The overall and domain specific result differences between our results and Vasilevsky et al. (2017) can be attributed to sample differences and support both studies’ conclusions related to the influence of IF on the presence of a data sharing policy
The observation that journal IF is associated with data sharing policy development is not without precedent. Alsheikh-Ali et al. (2011) showed that 44 out of 50 (88%) of the highest IF journals had a statement about data sharing in their instructions to authors. Additionally, previous studies have shown that IF is associated with the development of misconduct (Resnik et al. 2010), dual use (Resnik et al. 2011), and retraction (Resnik et al. 2015) policies. IF may affect policy development because journals with higher IFs tend to receive more attention and scrutiny from scientists and the media, so they are more likely to be asked and feel pressure to create policies that address issues in science and the research literature. Journals with higher IFs are also likely to have more resources (e.g. editorial board member, editorial staff, money) that are needed to develop and implement policies.
Associations between discipline and data sharing policies are also to be expected, since different scientific disciplines have different needs and concerns related to data sharing (Stuart et al. 2018, Taichman et al, 2017, Borgman, 2012, Wallis et al 2013, Tenopir et al 2015). Disciplines in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences, for example, rarely publish research in genomics or proteomics, so they have little need for policies requiring the sharing of proteomic or genomic data. While there are increasing demands for clinical data to be shared (Sommer 2010, Taichman et al., 2017), so one might expect that clinical science journals would be more likely to have a data sharing policy, but we did not observe this association.
Reproducibility and reuse should be important in any field of science, so it is somewhat surprising that biological science journals are more likely to refer to this concept in data sharing policies than journals from other types of science, especially since reproducibility problems have emerged in the clinical and social sciences (Collins and Tabal 2014, Open Science Collaboration 2015). However biological and health sciences research has received considerable attention from funders regarding reproducibility issues. It remains to be seen whether journals outside of biology will start to place more emphasis on reproducibility as they deal with problems related to adherence to this important scientific norm.
This study confirms previous reports and extends our understanding of journal data sharing policies into other scientific sub-disciplines. However, this study was still limited to five journal subject categories. Data collection based on further refinement of these categories could yield valuable information. We encourage other researchers to conduct studies of journal data policies that focus on narrower categories of science, such as environmental science, psychological science, pharmaceutical science, etc. This data was also captured during a fixed point in time, but publication requirements and data sharing policies are not static. New policies may be implemented or changed over time, which will affect this analysis. Additionally, the inter-curator agreement was high, but still below 100 %, suggesting that some of the policies were ambiguous and subject to interpretation.
In conclusion, while scientific journals have made considerable progress in the last decade with respect to the implementation of data sharing policies, improvements can still be made. yet. Journals that are interested in promoting transparency, reproducibility, and reuse should consider requiring data sharing via clear and specific policies that facilitate these outcomes.
This research was supported by the Intramural Program of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH). It does not represent the views of the NIEHS, NIH, or U.S. government.
Contributor Information
David B Resnik, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, 111 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA..
Melissa Morales, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Rachel Landrum, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.
Min Shi, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health.
Jessica Minnier, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA.
Nicole A. Vasilevsky, Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute, Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA
Robin E. Champieux, OHSU Library, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA
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