A) Validation of genotypes of E3.5
Eedfl/-, and
Eed-/- female blastocyst embryos.
Eed exon 7 RNA-Seq reads are normalized to total mapped RNA-Seq reads. (
B) Table describing the RNA-Seq genotypes, number of sequenced embryos, average % maternal X-linked gene expression, average number of SNPs per X-linked gene, and the SNP overlapping read coverage threshold. A comprehensive list of expression levels of all informative genes is included in
Supplementary file 2. (
C) Pyrosequencing-based quantification of allelic expression of X-linked genes
Atrx, and
Pgk1 in individual
Eedfl/-, and
Eed-/- female blastocysts. Error bars, standard deviation of data from 3 to 6 independent embryos. The mean allelic expression of all four genes lacks significant difference between each combination of the three genotypes (p>0.05, Welch’s two-sample T-test). Pairwise statistical comparisons for all genes and between all genotypes are included in
Supplementary file 4. (
D) RNA FISH detection of Xist RNA (green), Rnf12 RNA (red), and IF detection of H3K27me3 (white) in representative
Eedfl/fl and
Eedfl/- or
Eed-/- male blastocysts. Nuclei are stained blue with DAPI. Scale bars, 20 µm. Right of each embryo, individual nuclei displaying representative categories of stains. Embryos ranged in size from 56 to 65 nuclei. Bar plot, percentage of nuclei with or without Xist RNA-coating and Rnf12 RNA expression.