To the Editor,
There was an error in our published article titled “The antioxidant activity of steamed ginger and its protective effects on obesity induced by high-fat diet in C57BL/6J mice”
Nutrition Research and Practice 2018;12(6):503–511;; pISSN 1976-1457 eISSN 2005-6168.
We found out that the final version uploaded in NRP and PMC are different.
Somehow, the PMC version is not the final version of this publication.
The PMC version is the version before final revision.
Also we found out that there is an error in Table 1.
The number 12,323 ± 17.81 supposed to be correctly edited to 7,356.67 ± 80.83.
These errors did not influence the subsequent analyses/statistics at all. Thus, changes for these errors do not impact the conclusions of the paper. The editorial office apologize for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused.